Dr. Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati

Senior Lecturer
Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Human Life Sciences from Otsuma Women University, Tokyo, Japan

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Somatic Cell Count
Health Science

Selected Publications

  1. Prahasti, A.S., J. Hastuti and N.T. Rahmawati, 2019. Hydration status and 60-M sprint in students of Yogyakarta. Pak. J. Nut., 18: 94-100.

  2. Prayudi, A., R.A. Suriyanto and N.T. Rahmawati, 2018. Teeth of Royalty from a burial in Jera Lompo’E, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bull. Int. Assoc. Paleodontol., 12: 23-28.
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  3. Janatin Hastuti, Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati, Rusyad Adi Suriyanto 2018. Anthropometric Indicators for Blood Pressure and the Prevalence of Hypertension in Indonesian College Students Aged 18-25 Years Pak. J. Nutr., 17: 163-170.
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  4. Rahmawati, N.T., J. Hastuti and R.A. Suriyanto, 2017. Relationship between somatotype and age at menarche among adolescent girls in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia. Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 351-358.
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  5. Janatin Hastuti, Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati, Rusyad Adi Suriyanto 2017. Validity of Self-reported Weight, Height and Body Mass Index Among College Students in Indonesia: Consequences for the Assessment of Obesity Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 51-60.
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  6. Hastuti, J., N.T. Rahmawati and R.A. Suriyanto, 2017. Body mass index and weight perception among a sample of college students in Yogyakarta Indonesia. Bangladesh J. Med. Sci., 16: 225-232.
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  7. Salma, S., T. Sudargo and N.T. Rahmawati, 2016. Correlation between body fat percentage (BFP) and basal energy expenditure (BEE) in javanese women aged 40-60 years old in sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pak. J. Nut., 15: 260-263.
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  8. Rahmawati, N.T., J. Hastuti and A.R. Suriyanto, 2016. The physiques of rampasasa pygmy and Yogyakarta children of Indonesia aged 8-13 years old. J. Med. Sci., 47: 85-95.

  9. Rahmawati, N.T., 2016. Relationship between somatotype and blood pressure among 30 -70 years old javanese people in sleman, Yogyakarta Province. Yarsi Med. J., 20: 118-127.
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  10. Rahmawati, N.T. and A.R. Suriyanto, 2015. The malnutrition status of children aged 7-15 years old in Rongkop Gunung Kidul and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Int. Rev. Soc. Sci. Human., 9: 1-8.
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  11. Wijanarko, B., N.T. Rahmawati and T. Sudargo, 2011. Growth patterns on stature and sitting height of urban and rural children in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Majalah Gizi Indonesia, 43: 74-81.

  12. Rahmawati, N.T., J. Hastuti, K. Ashizawa and S. Kato, 2010. Growth of general body size of children in a fishing village in Indonesia. Anthropol. Sci., 118: 49-55.
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  13. Ashizawa, K., N.T. Rahmawati and J. Hastuti, 2009. Body size and shape, and its secular change in Javanese-Indonesian adults. Anthropol. Sci., 117: 165-170.
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  14. Suriyanto, R.A., J. Hastuti, N.T. Rahmawati and J.T. Koesharjono, 2008. Acromiocristalis of pygmi population in rampasasa, Nusa Tenggara Timur Indoenasia. J. Cult. Politic Society, 21: 272-282.

  15. Rahmawati, N.T., J. Hastuti and K. Ashizawa, 2008. Age-related variation on somatotypes of Javanese people in Yogyakarta Province. Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran, 40: 181-188.

  16. Hastuti, J., N.T. Rahmawati, A.S. Suriyanto, K. Koeshardjono and T. Jacob, 2008. Body mass index and predicted percent body fat of Yogyakarta and Flores Pygmy populations. J. Med. YARSI, 16: 73-82.
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  17. Ashizawa, K., N.T. Rahmawati and J. Hastuti 2008. Variation in leg and skinfold growth of children in North- and South-Asia. Jpn. Assoc. Hum. Auxology, 14: 11-23.

  18. Rahmawati, N.T., S. Budiharjo and K. Ashizawa, 2007. Somatotypes of young male athletes and non-athlete students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Anthropol. Sci., 115: 1-7.
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  19. Rahmawati, N.T., J. Hastuti, N. Yevita and K. Ashizawa, 2007. Somatotypes of children in different areas of Indonesia. J. Med. Sci., 39: 177-185.
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  20. Rahmawati, N.T., J. Hastuti and K. Ashizawa, 2004. Growth and somatotype of urban and rural Javanese children in Yogyakarta and Bantul, Indonesia. Anthropol. Sci., 112: 99-108.
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