Ms. Fery Lusviana Widiany

Senior Lecturer
Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Medical and Health Sciences from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

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Senior lecturer at Department of Nutrition, Universitas Respati Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Area of Interest:

Clinical Nutrition
Health Nutrition
Food Biotechnology and Nutrition
Human Nutrition

Selected Publications

  1. Widiany, F.L., M. Sja’bani, S. Susetyowati and E. Huriyati, 2022. Provision of Local food-based formula using Pila ampullacea, tempeh, and Moringa oleifera leaves to the acceptability and nutrition intake in hemodialysis patients. Indonesian J. Nutr., 10: 95-102.
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  2. Widiany, F.L., M. Sja’bani, Susetyowati, M. Soesatyo and L.A. Lestari et al., 2022. Potential benefits of Pila ampullacea, tempeh, Moringa oleifera leaves as nutritional support for hemodialysis. Curr. Nutr. Food Sci., 18: 706-714.
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  3. Saputri, N.A.I., A. Wijanarka and F.L. Widiany, 2022. Mixing variations of okra flour and garut flour to physical properties, antioxidant activity and macronutrient content of pinch cake. Jurnal Teknologi Pangan, 15: 100-110.
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  4. Widiany, F.L., M. Sja bani, Susetyowati and E. Huriyati, 2021. The organoleptic quality of liquid food formula made from snail (Pila ampullacea), tempeh, and moringa leaves. Potravinarstvo Slovak J. Food Sci., 15: 961-969.
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  5. Widiany, F.L. and A.T. Astuti, 2021. Catfish (Clarias sp.) as an animal protein source to improve serum albumin levels of hemodialysis patients. J. Gizi Indonesia ( Indonesian J. Nutr.), 9: 128-135.
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  6. Pratiwi, N.D., A. Wijanarka and F.L. Widiany, 2021. Physical properties, organoleptic properties and dietary fiber contents of pinch cake with the mixing of Okra and Garut. Profood, 7: 785-794.
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  7. Hayati, D.M., F.L. Widiany and F. Nofiartika, 2021. Nutritional status based on the dialysis malnutrition score (DMS) with hemodialysis patients’ quality of life. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 18: 28-37.
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  8. Widiany, F.L. and A.T. Astuti, 2020. The change of haemoglobin levels in hemodialysis patient with the provision of nutritional support. J. Nut., 21: 98-103.
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  9. Hapsari, P.R., R. Pangastuti and F.L. Widiany, 2020. Effect of modification of nutrition counseling by using diet message sticker on food waste of inpatients. J. Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian J. Nutr. Dietetics), Vol. 7. 10.21927/ijnd.2019.7(2).58-64.
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  10. Agustiana A., W. Waluyo and F.L. Widiany, 2020. Sifat organoleptik dan kadar serat pangan mie basah dengan penambahan tepung okra hijau (abelmuschus esculentum l.). Jurnal Gizi 9: 131-141.
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  11. Widiany, F.L., 2019. Nutritional content of food containing various mixtures of eel (Monopterus albus) flour and tempeh flour as supporting nutrients for hemodialysis patients. Pak. J. Nutr., 18: 900-905.
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  12. Widiany, F.L., 2019. Glycemic index of nuggets made from eel flour (Monopterus albus) and tempeh flour for nutritional support for diabetic hemodialysis patients. Ilmu Gizi Indonesia, 3: 35-44.
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  13. Widiany, F.L. and Y. Afriani, 2019. Nutritional monitoring with SMS reminder is effective to increase the dietary compliance of hemodialysis patients. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 15: 89-94.
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  14. Tangahu, R.H.P., F.L. Widiany and A.T. Astuti, 2019. Provision of catfish (Clarias sp.) abon to nutritional status of hemodialysis patients based on subjective global assessment. Singapore J. Sci. Res., 9: 149-153.
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  15. Suhada, R.I., A. Fitriani and F.L. Widiany, 2019. Effectiveness of spinach To levels of hemoglobin of adolescent in junior high school 3 Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Jurnal Pangan dan Gizi, 9: 16-26.
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  16. Anakonda S., F.L. Widiany and I. Inayah, 2019. Hubungan aktivitas olahraga dengan kadar kolesterol pasien penyakit jantung koroner. Ilmu Gizi Indonesia 2: 125-132.
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  17. Widiany, F.L., Y. Afriani and A. Rohman, 2018. The effectiveness of nutritional monitoring by short message service reminder to albumin level of hemodialysis patients. J. Nutr. Sci. Dietet., Vol. 4. .
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  18. Widiany, F.L., 2017. Factors affecting compliance diet of hemodialysis patients. J. Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 14: 72-79.
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  19. Widiany, F.L., 2016. The provision of pean rice formula red effectively increased the power of thank you to diabetes mellitus. Medika Respati J. Ilmiah Kesehatan, 11: 11-18.