Mr. Sopha Gina Aliya

Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Agriculture Science from Massey University, New Zealand

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences

Selected Publications

  1. Sopha, G.A., C. Hermanto, H. Kerckhoffs, J.A. Heyes and J. Hanly, 2022. Response of selected chemical properties of extremely acidic soils on the application of limes, rice husk biochar and zeolite. J. Degraded Min. Land Manage., 10: 4011-4017.
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  2. Sopha, G.A., A.M. Efendi and L. Liferdi, 2020. Enhancing organic tomato yield and quality by liquid organic fertilizer. J. Agron., 19: 106-112.
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  3. Sopha, G.A., M. Syakir, W. Setiawati and N. Sumarni, 2017. Teknik penanaman benih bawang merah asal true shallot seed di lahan suboptimal. J. Hortikult., 27: 35-44.
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  4. Sopha, G.A. and R.S. Basuki, 2017. Optimasi bahan penutup benih dalam budidaya tanam langsung true shallot seed (TSS). J. Galung Trop., 6: 154-161.
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  5. Sopha, G.A., W.D. Widodo, R. Poerwanto and E.R. Palupi, 2014. Photoperiod and gibberellins effect on True shallot seed formation. AAB Bioflux, 6: 70-76.
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  6. Sopha, G.A. and T.S. Uhan, 2013. Application of liquid organic fertilizer from city waste on reduce urea application on Chinese mustard (Brassica juncea L) cultivation. AAB Bioflux, 5: 39-44.

  7. Sopha, G.A. and N. Sumarni, 2013. Effect of dolomite, horse manure and NPK application on plant growth and yield of cauliflower and its residue effect on snap bean cultivation. AAB Bioflux, 5: 39-44.