Mr. Kurniawan

Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension, Bogor Regency, Indonesia

Highest Degree
M.Sc. in Aquaculture Science from Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Water Quality Management
Aquatic Conservation
Fish Breeding

Selected Publications

  1. Radona, D., A.H. Kristan, K. Kurniawan, Suparman, E. Taufansyah and D.D. Laksono, 2020. A preliminary study of Osteochilus spilurus (Bleeker 1851) domestication: Sex identification and bio-reproductive characters. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 15: 35-41.
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  2. Kurniawan, K., R. Wheeler, L.M. Dann and J.G. Mitchell, 2020. Investigating the effects of urban input on the abundance and diversity of potential bio-floc forming bacteria in the River Murray, South Australia. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 10.1088/1755-1315/521/1/012015.
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  3. Prakoso, V.A. and Kurniawan, 2020. Oxygen consumption of barred loach Nemacheilus fasciatus (Valenciennes, 1846) on different temperatures. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 10.1088/1755-1315/457/1/012065.
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  4. Iswantari, A., K. Kurniawan, B. Priadi, V.A. Prakoso and A.H. Kristanto, 2019. Konsumsi Oksigen Ikan Uceng Nemacheilus fasciatus (Valenciennes, 1846) pada Kondisi Padat Tebar yang Berbeda. Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia 4: 79-87.
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  5. Prakoso, V.A., and K. Kurniawan, 2017. Compensatory growth of Oreochromis niloticus selected strain from bogor, west java. Indonesian Agric. J., .
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  6. Prakoso, V.A., H. Firmanto and K. Kurniawan, 2017. Pemanfaatan limbah produksi kakao untuk pakan benih ikan nila (oreochromis niloticus). J. Sains Nat., 10.31938/jsn.v4i2.84.
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  7. Prakoso, V.A. and K. Kurniawan, 2017. Compensatory Growth of Oreochromis Niloticus Selected Strain from Bogor, West Java. Indonesian Aquacul. J., 12: 53-58.
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