Dr. Darda Efendi

Associate Professor
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Horticultural Science from University of Florida, Florida, USA

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Selected Publications

  1. Rudiyanto, , A. Purwito, D. Efendi and T.M. Ermayanti, 2021. Growth response of four accessions of Moringa oleifera linn shoots cultured on various basic media. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Vol. 741. 10.1088/1755-1315/741/1/012054.
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  2. Efendi, D., R. Budiarto, R. Poerwanto, E. Santosa and A. Agusta, 2021. Relationship among agroclimatic variables, soil and leaves nutrient status with the yield and main composition of kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) leaves essential oil. Metabolites, Vol. 11. 10.3390/metabo11050260.
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  3. Budiarto, R., R. Poerwanto, E. Santosa, D. Efendi and A. Agusta, 2021. Short communication: Allometric model to estimate bifoliate leaf area and weight of Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix). Biodiversitas J. Biol. Diversity, 22: 2815-2820.
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  4. Budiarto, R., R. Poerwanto, E. Santosa and D. Efendi, 2021. Morphological evaluation and determination keys of 21 citrus genotypes at seedling stage. Biodiversitas J. Biol. Diversity, 22: 1570-1579.
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  5. Sari, L., M. Susetio, D. Efendi, A. Wulansari and T.M. Ermayanti, 2020. Growth evaluation of taro cv. bentul (ColocAsia esculenta L.) diploid and tetraploid in the greenhouse in response to different soil water content for selection of drought tolerant plants. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Vol. 439. 10.1088/1755-1315/439/1/012049.
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  6. Sari, H.P., D. Efendi, W.B. Suwarno and D.D. Matra, 2020. Mining and characterization of genomic-based microsatellite markers in duku (Lansium domesticum). IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Vol. 457. 10.1088/1755-1315/457/1/012083.
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  7. Rahayu, R.S., R. Poerwanto, D. Efendi and W.D. Widodo, 2020. Appropriate duration of drought stress for madura tangerine flower induction. J. Hortikultura Indonesia, 11: 82-90.
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  8. Wardani, F.F., D. Efendi, D. Dinarti and J.R. Witono, 2019. Cryopreservation of papaya seeds cv. Sukma, Callina, and Caliso: Effect of loading treatment and immersion time in plant vitrification solution-2. Nusantara Biosci., 11: 71-78.
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  9. Effendy, J., D.R. LaBonte and D. Efendi, 2019. Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones encoding a novel subfamily sporamin B in sweet potato. Biodiversitas J. Bio. Diversity, Vol. 20. 10.13057/biodiv/d201036.
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  10. Budiarto, R., R. Poerwanto, E. Santosa, D. Efendi and A. Agusta, 2019. Agronomical and physiological characters of kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) seedling under artificial shading and pruning. Emir. J. Food Agric., 31: 222-230.
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  11. Riyadi, I., D. Efendi, B.S. Purwoko and D. Santoso, 2018. Somatic embryogenesis of sago palm (Metroxylon sagu rottb.) through suspension culture technique. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Vol. 183. 10.1088/1755-1315/183/1/012007.
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  12. HERVANI, D., D. EFENDI, M.R. SUHARTANTO and B.S. PURWOKO, 2018. The preservation of somatic embryos of papaya derived from papaya lateral shoots after being stored in cryopreservation to maintain plant genetic information in the future. Biodiversitas J. Bio. Diversity, 19: 724-729.
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  13. Efendi, D., D. Sukma and R. Pusparani, 2017. Induction and proliferation of durian (Durio zibethinus) embryonic culture in media supplemented with auxin and cytokinin. Acta Horti., 10.17660/actahortic.2017.1186.3.
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