Dr. Busaba Supawattanabodee

Medicine Vajira Hospital, Thailand

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Statistics from Mahidol University, Thailand

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Cervical Cancer

Selected Publications

  1. Noipayak, P., P. Rawdaree, B. Supawattanabodee and S. Manusirivitthaya, 2017. Factors associated with early age at menarche among Thai adolescents in Bangkok: A cross-sectional study. BMC Women's Health, Vol. 17. 10.1186/s12905-017-0371-5.
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  2. Tangjitgamol, S., N. Kantathavorn, T. Kittisiam, W. Chaowawanit and J. Khunnarong et al., 2016. Prevalence of abnormal cervical cytology and high risk HPV DNA among Bangkok metropolitan women. Asian Pacific J. Cervical Cancer Prevent., 17: 3147-3153.

  3. Noipayak, P., P. Rawdaree, B. Supawattanabodee and S. Manusirivitthaya, 2016. Age at menarche and performance intelligence quotients of adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand: A cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatrics, Vol. 16. 10.1186/s12887-016-0624-8.
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  4. Chaowawanit, W., S. Tangjitgamol, N. Kantathavorn, N. Poolcharoen and T. Kittisiam et al., 2016. Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of metropolitan women towards cervical cancer screening. J. Cervical Cancer Prevent., 17: 945-952.

  5. Supawattanabodee, B., L. Ingsirsawang and S. Tangjitkamol, 2015. Bayesian monitoring for experimental study in women with abnormal uterine bleeding. J. Applied Sci., 15: 1251-1255.
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  6. Supawattanabodee, B. and L. Ingsrisawang, 2015. Bayesian adaptive randomization designs for clinical trial. J. Applied Sci., 15: 374-376.
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  7. Kolkijkovin, V., C. Wisitpongaree, P. Techakasem, C. Pornnoppadol and B. Supawattanabodee, 2015. Computer game addiction: Risk and protective factors in students in Dusit District, Bangkok. Vajira Med. J., 59: 1-33.
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  8. Tangjitgamol, S., K. Katanyoo, M. Laopaiboon, P. Lumbiganon, S. Manusirivithaya and B. Supawattanabodee, 2014. Adjuvant chemotherapy after concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced cervical cancer. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 10.1002/14651858.CD010401.
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  9. Sethasine, S. and B. Supawattanabodee, 2014. Utility of liver stiffness measurement by transient elastrography (Fibroscan) for the diagnosis of cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis. Vajira Med. J., 58: 55-63.
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  10. Katanyoo, K., N. Praditsitthikorn, S. Tangjitgamol, S. Manusirivithaya and B. Supawattanabodee, 2014. Cost-utility analysis of treatments for stage IB cervical cancer. J. Gynecol. Oncol., 25: 97-104.
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  11. Wiriyasirivaj, B. and B. Supawattanabodee, 2011. Development and internal validation of the Vajira Osteoporosis Risk Score Index (VORSI) for postmenopausal osteoporosis screening. Vajira Med. J., 55: 95-109.
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  12. Suppawattanabodee, B. and B. Wiriyasirivaj, 2011. Knowledge and attitudes of school girls' parents towards a prevention of cervical cancer through human papillomavirus vaccinationknowledge and attitudes of school girls' parents towards a prevention of cervical cancer through human Papillomavirus Vaccinat. Vajira Med. J., 53: 187-196.
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  13. Sethasine, S., S. Jesdapatarakul and B. Supawattanabodee, 2011. Relationship between enzyme alanine aminotransferase level and liver histology in chronic hepatitis B. Vajira Med. J., 51: 9-17.

  14. Boonsirichan, R., D. Duangmanee, P. Klaewkasikij, R. Chantanalage, S. Suebklay and B. Supawattanabodee, 2011. Efficacy of hepatitis B vaccination in personnels of BMA medical college and Vajira hospital. Vajira Med. J., 54: 9-18.
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  15. Supawattanabodee, B., A. Manomaipiboon, M. Ngerncham and P. Karuhadej, 2009. The project of school bus safety in Bangkok metropolitan: Accident during transportation to school of student in Bangkok metropolitan area. Vajira Med. J., 52: 257-264.

  16. Supawattanabodee, B., A. Manomaipiboon, M. Ngerncham and P. Karuhadej, 2007. The project of school bus safety in Bangkok metropolitan: Mode of student transportation. Vajira Med. J., 51: 121-128.

  17. Banpamai, O., V. Manusakul and B. Supawattanabodee, 2006. Risk factors of hospital-acquired infection or colonization by Pan-drug resistant Acinetobactor baumannii in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration medical college and Vajira hospital. J. Vajira, 50: 135-144.

  18. Supawattanabodee, B., 2005. Evaluating the quality of data from drug users sources in Bangkok under Capture-Recapture method. Vajira Med. J., 1: 135-143.

  19. Manomaipiboon, A., B. Ngamsirimas, S. Techapongsatorn and B. Supawattanabode, 2004. Estimating the number of drug users in Bangkok 2001. Gastrointestinal complications from ingest Santol seeds. Vajira Med. J., 48: 1-10.

  20. Bohning, D., B. Supawattanabodee, W. Kusolvisitkul and Viwatawongkasem, 2004. Estimating the number of drug users in Bangkok 2001: A capture-recapture approach using repeated entries in one list. Eur. J. Epidimol., 19: 1075-1083.
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