Dr. Theerawit Poeikhampha

Assistant Professor
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Science from Kasetsart University, Thailand

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Production
Animal Physiology
Animal Nutrition
Animal Agriculture

Selected Publications

  1. Sritiawthai, E., S. Sakulthai, J. Sakdee, C. Bunchasak, C. Kaewtapee and T. Poeikhampha, 2013. Effect of protein level and dietary energy on production, intestinal morphology and carcass yield of meat duck during starter phase of 14 days. J. Applied Sci., 13: 315-320.
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  2. Lampromsuk, P., C. Bunchasak, C. Kaewtapee, S. Sawanon and T. Poeikhampha, 2012. Effect of supplementing acidifiers and organic zinc in diet on growth performances and gut conditions of pigs. J. Applied Sci., 12: 553-560.
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  3. Poeikhampha, T. and C. Bunchasak, 2011. Comparative effects of sodium gluconate, mannan oligosaccharide and potassium diformate on growth performances and small intestinal morphology of nursery pigs. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 24: 844-850.
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  4. Poeikhampha, T. and C. Bunchasak, 2011. A dietary sodium gluconate supplement improves growth performance and prebiotic activity in the small intestine of nursery pigs grown under tropical conditions. Anim. Prod. Sci., 51: 702-707.
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