Dr. Mulunda Mwanza

Senior Lecturer
North West University, South Africa

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from University of Johannesburg, South Africa

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Dr. Mulunda Mwanza is working as Head of Department in Animal Health Mafikeng Campus, and Clinician Veterinary Clinician and Surgeon at De Beagle Animal Health Centre, North West University South Africa. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He has earned experience in Toxicology, Food Residues and Mycotoxicology with particular interest in Veterinary Toxicology, Public Health (food safety), and Epidemiology of Food Contamination. His area of research interest related to Mycotoxins and Immune System, Combined Effect of Mycotoxins and their Cytotoxicity, Epidemiology of Animal Diseases and Zoonosis (Brucellosis, Tuberculosis). His working experience includes, worked at Veterinary University Vienna/ Austria, Crestview Veterinary Clinic, Alberton, Johannesburg, Company PDSA Soweto, University of Kaposvar (Hungary), and University of Lubumbashi. He is member of South African Veterinary Council, South African Toxicology Society, International Society of Animal Hygiene and Husbandry, and International Society of Toxicology. He is reviewer in the African Journal of Biotechnology. He is also supervising number of MSc, and PhD students in his active supervision. He also received number of grants for his research work. He has 22 publications in journals and 5 proceedings.

Area of Interest:

Food Science and Technology
Food Agriculture
Food Chemistry
Food Safety
Food Analysis

Selected Publications

  1. Mwanza, M., M.F. Nombulelo, L. Ngoma and M. Mefane, 2013. Preliminary study on the validation of a traditional method of estimating parity in cow using horns growth rings. Life Sci. J., 10: 1042-1047.

  2. Mulunda, M., B. Dzoma, M. Nyirenda and F. Bakunzi, 2013. Dog aflatoxicosis outbreak in South Africa: A possible multi-mycotoxins aetiology. J. South Afr. Vet. Associat., Vol. 84. 10.4102/jsava.v84i1.133.
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  3. Bakunzi, F.R., L.E. Motsei, M. Nyirenda, R.V. Ndou and M. Mwanza, 2013. The effects of two strategic anthelmintic treatments on goat performance under extensive management in a semi-arid area of South Africa. Life Sci. J., 10: 1195-1197.
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  4. Phoku, J.Z., M.F. Dutton, P.B. Njobeh, M. Mwanza, M.A. Egbuta and C.A. Chilaka, 2012. Fusarium infection of maize and maize-based products and exposure of a rural population to fumonisin B1 in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Food Addit. Contam.: Part A, 29: 1743-1751.
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  5. Dutton, M.F., M. Mwanza, S. de Kock and L.D. Khilosia, 2012. Mycotoxins in South African foods: A case study on aflatoxin M1 in milk. Mycotoxin Res., 28: 17-23.
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  6. Chilaka, C.A., S. De Kock, J.Z. Phoku, M. Mwanza, M.A. Egbuta and M.F. Dutton, 2012. Fungal and mycotoxin contamination of South African commercial maize. J. Food Agric. Environ., 10: 296-303.
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  7. Bakunzi, F., L. Motsei, M. Nyirenda, R. Ndou, B. Dzoma and M. Mwanza, 2012. The effect of dicalcium phosphate supplement in summer and winter seasons as reflected on bone and blood phosphorus, calcium and magnesium levels in range breeding beef cattle. J. Agric. Biodivers. Res., 1: 60-64.

  8. Stoev, S.D., D. Gundasheva, I. Zarkov, T. Mircheva and D. Zapryanova et al., 2011. Experimental mycotoxic nephropathy in pigs provoked by a mouldy diet containing ochratoxin and fumonisinB1. Exp. Toxicol. Pathol., 64: 733-741.

  9. Reiter, E.V., M.F. Dutton, M. Mwanza, A. Agus and D. Prawano et al., 2011. Quality control of sampling for aflatoxins in animal feeding stuffs: Application of the Eurachem/CITAC guidelines. Analyst, 136: 4059-4069.

  10. Makun, H.A., M.F. Dutton, P.B. Njobeh, M. Mwanza and A.Y. Kabiru, 2011. Natural multi-occurrence of mycotoxins in rice from Niger State, Nigeria. Mycotoxin Res., 27: 97-104.
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  11. Makun, H.A., M.F. Dutton, M. Mwanza and B.P. Njobeh, 2010. Cytotoxicity and mycotoxins of the culture material of Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg (CABI-IMI 392668) isolated from rice in Niger State, Nigeria. Mycotoxin Res., 25: 233-238.

  12. Mwanza, M., L. Kametler, A. Bonais, V. Rajli, M. Kovacs and M.F. Dutton, 2009. The cytotoxic effect of fumonisin B1 and ochratoxin A on human and pig lymphocytes using Methyl Thiazol Tetrazolium (MTT) assay. Mycotoxin Res., 25: 233-238.