Dr. Sharif M. Shaheen

Daffodil International University, Bangladesh

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering from Shinshu University, Japan

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Area of Interest:

Physical Science Engineering
Material Science
Nano Technology

Selected Publications

  1. Islam, O., A.K. Azad, M.M. Rahman, A.K. Alam and M. Khairuzzaman et al., 2018. Phytochemical profiling and evaluation of antioxidant and antidiabetic activity of methanol extract of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Sci. Res., 4: 24-27.

  2. Azad, A.K., M.M. Rahman, M.J. Uddin, M.S. Hossain and S.M. Shaheen, 2018. G-protein couple receptor mediated transgene expression of a lys-ala-leu-ala repeated peptide embedded with lipid-DNA nanoparticles in dendritic cell. Pharmacol. Online, 1: 209-230.

  3. Fatema, K., A. Rahman, M.A. Muhit and S.M. Shaheen, 2017. Quercetin and vincristine potential of methanolic extract from arjun tree. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Sci. Res., 3: 88-93.

  4. Azad, A.K., O. Islam, M. Khairuzzaman, J. Ferdous and S.M. Shaheen, 2017. Hypoglycemic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of methanol extract of Sida rhombifolia L. leaves on experimental mice. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Sci. Res., 3: 82-87.

  5. Shaheen, S.M., 2016. Treg and Tmem in immunotherapy platform: A twilight of lifelong immunity against cancer and infection for future decade. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Scient. Res., 2: 94-102.

  6. Shaheen, S.M., 2016. Proteosomes and immunoproteosomes in vaccine platform. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Scient. Res., 2: 234-236.
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  7. Shaheen, S.M., 2016. Advances in DNA vaccines for cancer and many other diseases. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Scient. Res., 2: 172-183.

  8. Shaheen, S.M., P. Bakardzhiev, D. Momekova, N.S. Koseva and S. Rangelov, 2015. Preparation of local anti-wart and anti-inflammatory rub of polyglycidol based saturated lipid (DDP-PG) with HPMC containing curcumin. Cancer Immunol. Res., Vol. 3. 10.1158/2326-6074.
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  9. Shaheen, S.M., P. Bakardzhiev, D. Momekova and S. Rangelov, 2015. Preparation of a local anti-wart and anti-inflammatory rub of hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose and polyglycidol based saturated lipid, di-dodecyl oxypropane-2-Polyglycidol containing curcumin as dermal medicament. Int. J. Curr. Res., 7: 21260-21265.

  10. Shaheen, S.M., L. Jahan and R. Ferdaus, 2015. A therapeutic TDS patch of Metformin from a HPMC-PVA blend studied with a biological membrane of fish-swim bladder: An approach for dermal application in NIDDM. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 28: 1619-1624.

  11. Shaheen, S.M., H. Akita and H. Harashima, 2015. Abstract B64: A Lys-Ala-Leu-Ala (KALA) repeated peptide modification in DNA nanoparticles of DOPE/CHEMS, follows GPCR mediated transgene expression in dendritic cell. Cancer Res., Vol. 75. 10.1158/1538-7445.PANCA2014-B64.
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  12. Shaheen, S.M., D. Gromadzki, A. Abdelkader and S. Rangelov, 2015. Graphene/Pectin-NaCl based gel-biosensor for tracing skin cancer and delivery of anticancer drug paclitaxel. Cancer Res., Vol. 75. 10.1158/1538-7445.AM2015-4535.
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  13. Shaheen, S.M., A. Hidetaka, I. Taichi, D. Mudhakir and H. Harashima, 2015. Equations to predict nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptides based on the hydropathy index ratio L. J. Pharm. Drug Del. Tech., 1: 27-34.

  14. Shaheen, S.M., A. Hidetaka and H. Harashima, 2015. A post modification of repeated Lys-Ala-Leu-Ala peptide with DOPE/Cardiolipin lipid based DNA-Protamine nanoparticles prefers high transgene expression in bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDC). L. J. Pharm. Drug Del. Tech., 1: 5-10.

  15. Shaheen, S.M., 2015. Non-fickian transport of pioglitazone from a CMC/PVA/SDS blend patch gel. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Scient. Res., 1: 1-8.

  16. Shaheen, S.M. and K. Hasan, 2015. Kanamycin potential of papaya fruit stem exudate in E. coli. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res., 1: 16-19.

  17. Miura, N., S.M. Shaheen, H. Akita, T. Nakamura and H. Harashima, 2015. A KALA-modified lipid nanoparticle containing CpG-free plasmid DNA as a potential DNA vaccine carrier for antigen presentation and as an immune-stimulative adjuvant. Nucleic Acids Res., 43: 1317-1331.
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  18. Akita, H., S. Ishii, N. Miura, S.M. Shaheen and Y. Hayashi et al., 2013. A DNA microarray-based analysis of immune-stimulatory and transcriptional responses of dendritic cells to KALA-modified nanoparticles. Biomaterials, 34: 8979-8990.
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  19. Shaheen, S.M., H. Akita, T. Nakamura, S. Takayama and S. Futaki et al., 2011. KALA-modified multi-layered nanoparticles as gene carriers for MHC class-I mediated antigen presentation for a DNA vaccine. Biomaterials, 32: 6342-6350.
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  20. Shaheen, S.M., H. Akita, A. Yamashita, R. Katoono and N. Yui et al., 2011. Quantitative analysis of condensation/decondensation status of pDNA in the nuclear sub-domains by QD-FRET. Nucleic Acids Res., 39: e48-e48.

  21. Islam, M.A., M. Khan, M.S. Hossain, A.K. Alam and M.I.I. Wahed et al., 2011. Antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects of different fractions of Coccinia cordifolia L. on normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 24: 331-338.

  22. Hasan, M.K., M.A. Rahman, S.M. Shahin and M.A.U. Islam, 2010. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a rosiglitazone maleate-loaded HPMC-PVA blend patch. Bangladesh Pharm. J., 13: 60-63.
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  23. Shaheen, S.M., H. Akita, A. Yamashita, R. Katoono and N. Yui et al., 2009. A novel technique to quantify condensation/decondensation status in the nuclear sub-domains by QD-FRET. Drug Delivery Syst., 24: 123-125.

  24. Khan, M.R.I., M.A. Islam, M.S. Hossain, M. Asadujjaman and M.I.I. Wahed et al., 2009. Antidiabetic effects of the different fractions of ethanolic extracts of Ocimum sanctum in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats. J. Sci. Res., 2: 158-168.
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  25. Islam, M.A., M.A. Akhtar, M.R. Islam, M.S. Hossain and M.K. Alam et al., 2009. Antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects of different fractions of Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) on normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. J. Sci. Res., 1: 334-344.
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  26. Amran, S., M. Ahmed, S.M. Shaheen, S.N. Morshed and J.A. Khandakar et al., 2007. Short communication: A study on the packaging information of essential drug products used at union and thana health complex level in Bangladesh. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 20: 327-332.
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  27. Akhtar, A., M. Rashid, M.I. Ibne Wahed, M.R. Islam and S.M. Shaheen et al., 2007. Comparison of long-term antihyperglycemic and hypolipidemic effects between Coccinia cordifolia (Linn.) and Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) in Alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci., 2: 29-34.
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  28. Shaheen, S.M., M.N. Hossen, M. Ahmed and M.S. Amran, 2006. Green tea in health care: A natural medicine, a natural drink. J. Applied Sci. Res., 2: 306-309.

  29. Shaheen, S.M., M.N. Hossen, K.M. Islam, M. Ahmed, M.S. Amran and M. Rashid, 2006. Effect of bio-adhesive polymers like HPMC, gelatin, Na-CMC and xanthan gum on theophylline release from respective tablets. Int. J. Pharmacol., 2: 504-508.
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  30. Shaheen, S.M., F.R.S. Ahmed, M.N. Hossen, M. Ahmed, M.S. Amran and M. Anwar-UL-Islam, 2006. Liposome as a carrier for advanced drug delivery. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 9: 1181-1191.
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  31. Shaheen, S.M. and K. Yamaura, 2006. In vitro parameters evaluation of theophylline release from the hydrogels of a-PVA/NaCl/H2O system. Int. J. Pharmacol., 2: 286-292.
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  32. Shaheen, S.M., K.M. Abdul, A. Maruf and A.K.M. Motahar Hossain, 2005. Application of a few waxy materials on the release of naproxen from polyethylene glycol based suppositories. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 8: 1685-1689.
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  33. Shaheen, S.M., 2005. Accelerated stability study of metronidazole infusion 100 ml. TAJ: J. Teachers Assoc., 18: 118-121.
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  34. Molla, M.A.K., S.M. Shaheen, M. Rashid, M. Ahmed and A.K.M.M. Hossain, 2005. Rate controlled release of naproxen from HPMC based sustained release dosage form: I. Microcapsule compressed tablet and matrices. D.U. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 15-21.

  35. Islam, M.I., S.M. Shaheen, M.A. Basher and M. Rashid, 2005. Preparation of egg albumen based salbutamol (EA) microspheres: III. Effect of the stirring speed on the release kinetics of salbutamol sulfate microspheres. J. Bio Sci., 13: 27-31.

  36. Hossain, M.B., M. Rashid, M. Ahmed, S.M. Shaheen and A.K.M. Motahar Hossain, 2005. Release kinetics studies of Ibuprofen from sustained release microcapsules. D.U. J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 45-49.

  37. Shaheen, S.M., M. Rashid, M. Anwar ul Islam and Reza Ul Jalil, 2004. Heating and chemical denaturation of egg albumin matrix and its effect on the release kinetics of theophylline from tablets. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 7: 1488-1492.
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  38. Shaheen, S.M., K. Takezoe and K. Yamaura, 2004. Effect of binder additives on terbutaline hydrogels of a‐PVA/NaCl/H2O system in drug delivery: I. Effect of gelatin and soluble starch. Bio-Med. Mater. Eng., 14: 371-382.
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  39. Shaheen, S.M. and K. Yamaura, 2003. Mass transfer from theophylline hydrogels of a-PVA/H2O and a-PVA/NaCl/H2O system on heating. Polym. Adv. Technol., 14: 686-693.

  40. Shaheen, S.M. and K. Yamaura, 2002. Properties of hydrogels of atactic poly (vinyl alcohol)/NaCl/H2O system and their application to drug release. Polym. Int., 51: 1390-1397.

  41. Shaheen, S.M. and K. Yamaura, 2002. Preparation of theophylline hydrogels of atactic poly (vinyl alcohol)/NaCl/H2O system for drug delivery system. J. Controlled Release, 81: 367-377.
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  42. Dai, L., K. Ukai, S.M. Shaheen and K. Yamaura, 2002. Gelation of a new hydrogel system of atactic‐poly (vinyl alcohol)/NaCl/H2O. Polymer Int., 51: 715-720.
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  43. Shaheen, S.M., M.R. Huq, M.S. Khan and M.A. Gafur, 2000. Accelerated stability study of gentamicin sulphate injection. Teachers Assoc. J., 13: 110-113.

  44. Ahmed, M., R. Jalil, M. Islam and S.M. Shaheen, 2000. Preparation and stability study of diclofenac sodium suppositories. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 3: 1755-1757.

  45. Hossain, A.K.M.M., R. Jalil, M.A. Islam and S.M. Shaheen, 1999. Effect of polymeric additives on the release kinetics of ibuprofen from their matrix tablets. Rajshahi Univ. Stud., 27: 35-39.

  46. Rashid, M., S.M. Shaheen, R. Jalil and M.A. Islam, 1998. Release kinetics of salbutamol sulfate from HPMC based sustained release matrix: I effect of cetyl alcohol and bees wax. Pak. J. Pharm., 15: 57-63.

  47. Ahmed, M., R. Jalil, M.A. Islam and S.M. Shaheen, 1998. Release kinetics of diclofenac sodium from preparatory glycerol mono stearate suppositories. Rajshahi Univ. Stud., 26: 27-39.

  48. Shaheen, S.M., M. Rashid, R. Jalil and M.A. Islam, 1996. Effect of egg albumin concentration on the release kinetics of theophylline from egg albumin matrix tablets. J. Bio-Sci., 4: 129-139.

  49. Rashid, M., S.M. Shaheen, R. Jalil and M.A. Islam, 1996. Effect of lactose on the release of salbutamol sulfate from hydrophobic matrices. J. Bio-Sci., 4: 143-149.