Dr. Chun Ying Huang

Assistant Professor
Ching Yun University, Taiwan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

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Area of Interest:

Industrial Engineering

Selected Publications

  1. Chung, S.H., C.Y. Huang and A.H.I. Lee, 2008. Heuristic algorithms to solve the capacity allocation problem in photolithography area (CAPPA). OR Spectrum, 30: 431-452.
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  2. Chung, S.H., A.H.I. Lee, C.Y. Huang and C.C. Chuang, 2008. Capacity pricing mechanism for wafer fabrication. Comp. Ind. Eng., 55: 647-662.
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  3. Lee, A.H.I., S.H. Chung and C.Y. Huang, 2007. Minimizing the Total Completion Time for the TFT-Array Factory Scheduling Problem (TAFSP). In: Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2007, Gervasi, O. and M. Gavrilova (Eds.). Vol. 4705, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-74468-9, pp: 767-778.
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  4. Chung, S.H., C.Y. Huang and A.H.I. Lee, 2006. Using Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Solve the Capacity Allocation Problem for Photolithography Area. In: Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2006, Gavrilova, M. and O. Gervasi (Eds.). Vol. 3982, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-34075-1, pp: 610-620.
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  5. Chung, S.H., C.Y. Huang and A.H.I. Lee, 2006. Capacity allocation model for photolithography workstation with the constraints of process window and machine dedication. Prod. Plann. Control, 17: 678-688.
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  6. Chung, S.H. and C.Y. Huang, 2003. The design of rapid production planning mechanism for the product mix changing in a wafer fabrication. J. Chinese Inst. Ind. Eng., 20: 169-176.
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