Dr. Wen-Cheng Liu

National United University, Taiwan

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China

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Dr. Wen-Cheng Liu is currently working as Professor of Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, National United University, Taiwan, and Deputy Director at Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taipei, Taiwan. Dr. Liu completed his M. Eng and PhD from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, He has vast experience in different areas of hydraulic, Hydrology, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Engineering and Science, Numerical Modelling, etc. He has published more than 160 papers national and international peer-reviewed journals from different journals of Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, etc. Dr. Liu won many awards from University, national and international. Dr. Liu has the experience on collaborative research project with USA, UK, Japan. He is editorial board member of four International Journals. He has supervised 5 doctoral students. His area of specialization includes Ecohydraulic, Hydrology, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Modelling, Limnology and Oceanography, Surface Water Modelling.

Area of Interest:

Fluid Mechanics
Environmental Engineering
Numerical Modeling

Selected Publications

  1. Young, C.C., W.C. Liu and W.L. Hsieh, 2015. Predicting the water level fluctuation in an alpine lake using physically based, artificial neural network and time series forecasting models. Math. Probl. Eng. .
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  2. Young, C.C., W.C. Liu and C.E. Chung, 2015. Genetic algorithm and fuzzy neural networks combined with the hydrological modeling system for forecasting watershed runoff discharge. Neural Comput. Applic., (In Press). 10.1007/s00521-015-1832-0.
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  3. Wu, M.C., J.Y. Ho, K.T. Lee, G.F. Lin and W.C. Liu, 2015. Development of real-time rainfall and runoff forecasting techniques. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 63: 14-25.
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  4. Liu, W.C., W.T. Chan and C.C. Young, 2015. Modeling fecal coliform contamination in a tidal Danshuei River estuarine system. Sci. Total Environ., 502: 632-640.
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  5. Liu, W.C., C.E. Chung and C.C. Young, 2015. Forecasting water stage at different lead-time by artificial neural network combined with flash flood routing model. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 63: 26-38.
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  6. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu, M.H. Hsu and C.C. Hwang, 2015. Modeling investigation of suspended sediment transport in a tidal estuary using a three-dimensional model. Applied Math. Modell., 39: 2570-2586.
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  7. Young, C.C. and W.C. Liu, 2014. Prediction and modelling of rainfall-runoff during typhoon events using a physically-based and artificial neural network hybrid model. Hydrol. Sci. J., (In Press). 10.1080/02626667.2014.959446.
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  8. Liu, W.C., C.E. Chung and C.C. Young, 2014. Forecasting runoff discharge at different lead-time using hybrid HEC-HMS and adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system models. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 62: 43-54.
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  9. Liu, W.C. and W.T. Chan, 2014. Assessing the influence of nutrient reduction on water quality using a three-dimensional model: Case study in a tidal estuarine system. Environ. Monit. Assess., 186: 8807-8825.
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  10. Liu, W.C. and W.T. Chan, 2014. Assessing the influence of nonpoint source and discharge changes on water quality in a tidal river estuary using a three-dimensional model. Environments, 1: 157-180.
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  11. Liu, W.C. and H.M. Liu, 2014. Assessing the impacts of sea level rise on salinity intrusion and transport time scales in a Tidal Estuary, Taiwan. Water, 6: 324-344.
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  12. Liu, W.C. and C.E. Chung, 2014. Enhancing the predicting accuracy of the water stage using a physical-based model and an artificial neural network-genetic algorithm in a river system. Water, 6: 1642-1661.
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  13. Liu, H.M. and W.C. Liu, 2014. Numerical investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics and transport time-scales in the Wu River Estuary using three-dimensional model. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 62: 56-72.
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  14. Kimura, N., W.C. Liu, C.Y. Chiu and T.K. Kratz, 2014. Assessing the effects of severe rainstorm-induced mixing on a subtropical, subalpine lake. Environ. Monit. Assess., 186: 3091-3114.
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  15. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and M.H. Hsu, 2014. Modeling assessment of a saltwater intrusion and a transport time scale response to sea-level rise in a tidal estuary. Environ. Fluid Mech., (In Press). 10.1007/s10652-014-9367-y.
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  16. Chen, W.B. and W.C. Liu, 2014. Modeling flood inundation induced by river flow and storm surges over a river basin. Water, 6: 3182-3199.
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  17. Chen, W.B. and W.C. Liu, 2014. Artificial neural network modeling of dissolved oxygen in reservoir. Environ. Monit. Assess., 186: 1203-1217.
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  18. Wu, C.N. and W.C. Liu, 2013. Watershed water quality assessment in the Taipei water management district using multivariate statistical techniques. J. Taiwan Agric. Eng., 59: 29-50.

  19. Liu, W.C. and W.B. Chen, 2013. Modeling hydrothermal, suspended solids transport and residence time in a deep reservoir. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 10: 251-260.
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  20. Fan, K.T. and W.C. Liu, 2013. Inundation modeling and analysis of improvement strategies in the Cishan Creek Basin under climate change. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 61: 49-62.
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  21. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and M.H. Hsu, 2013. Modeling evaluation of tidal stream energy and the impacts of energy extraction on hydrodynamics in the Taiwan Strait. Energies, 6: 2191-2203.
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  22. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and M.H. Hsu, 2013. Modeling assessment of tidal current energy at Kinmen Island, Taiwan. Renew. Energy, 50: 1073-1082.
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  23. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and L.T. Huang, 2013. The influences of weir construction on salt water intrusion and water quality in a tidal estuary-assessment with modeling study. Environ. Monit. Assess., 185: 8169-8184.
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  24. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and C.Y. Wu, 2013. Coupling of a one-dimensional river routing model and a three-dimensional ocean model to predict overbank flows in a complex river-ocean system. Applied Math. Modell., 37: 6163-6176.
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  25. Chang, C.E. and W.C. Liu, 2013. Modeling runoff discharge in the Kaoping River catchment under climate change. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 61: 41-59.
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  26. Wu, E.M.Y., S.L. Kuo and W.C. Liu, 2012. Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic model for water quality analyses and time series investigation in reservoir watersheds. Environ. Eng. Sci., 29: 227-237.
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  27. Wang, J.X. and W.C. Liu, 2012. Prediction of tidal level at the coast using artificial neural network. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 60: 48-59.
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  28. Liu, W.C., W.B. Chen and Y.P. Chang, 2012. Modeling the transport and distribution of lead in tidal Keelung River estuary. Environ. Earth Sci., 65: 39-47.
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  29. Liu, W.C., W.B. Chen and C.Y. Chiu, 2012. Numerical modeling of hydrodynamic and hydrothermal characteristics in subtropical alpine lake. Applied Math. Modell., 36: 2094-2109.
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  30. Liu, W.C. and W.C. Huang, 2012. Modeling the transport and distribution of fecal coliform in a tidal estuary. Sci. Total Environ., 431: 1-8.
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  31. Liu, W.C. and W.B. Chen, 2012. Prediction of water temperature in a subtropical subalpine lake using an artificial neural network and three-dimensional circulation models. Comput. Geosci., 45: 13-25.
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  32. Liu, W.C. and W.B. Chen, 2012. Monitoring sediment oxygen demand for assessment of dissolved oxygen distribution in river. Environ. Monit. Assess., 184: 5589-5599.
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  33. Kimura, N., W.C. Liu, C.Y. Chiu, T.K. Kratz and W.B. Chen, 2012. Real-time observation and prediction of physical processes in a typhoon-affected lake. Paddy Water Environ., 10: 17-30.
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  34. Kimura, N., W.C. Liu, C.Y. Chiu and T. Kratz, 2012. The influences of typhoon-induced mixing in a shallow lake. Lakes Reservoirs: Res. Manage., 17: 171-183.
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  35. Hsieh, L.S., J.H. Jang, C.P. Tung and W.C. Liu, 2012. Runoff peak under climate change and associated management in Taiwan. J. Chin. Inst. Civil Hydraul. Eng., 24: 245-252.

  36. Cheng, W.Y., C.Y. Wu, W.C. Liu and C.Y. Chiu, 2012. Using water quality variables to establish light attenuation model in subtropical subalpine Yuan-Yang Lake. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 60: 63-73.
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  37. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and M.H. Hsu, 2012. Predicting typhoon-induced storm surge tide with a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model and artificial neural network. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12: 3799-3809.
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  38. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and M.H. Hsu, 2012. Computational investigation of typhoon-induced storm surges along the coast of Taiwan. Nat. Hazards, 64: 1161-1185.
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  39. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and M.H. Hsu, 2012. Comparison of ANN approach with 2D and 3D hydrodynamic models for simulating estuary water stage. Adv. Eng. Software, 45: 69-79.
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  40. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and L.T. Huang, 2012. Measurement of sediment oxygen demand for modeling the dissolved oxygen distribution in a subalpine lake. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 7: 5036-5048.
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  41. Tsai, J.W., T.K. Kratz, P.C. Hanson, N. Kimura and W.C. Liu et al., 2011. Metabolic changes and the resistance and resilience of a subtropical heterotrophic lake to typhoon disturbance. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 68: 768-780.
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  42. Liu, W.C., W.B. Chen and M.H. Hsu, 2011. Using a three-dimensional particle-tracking model to estimate the residence time and age of water in a tidal estuary. Comput. Geosci., 37: 1148-1161.
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  43. Liu, W.C., W.B. Chen and M.H. Hsu, 2011. Influences of discharge reductions on salt water intrusion and residual circulation in Danshuei River. J. Mar. Sci. Technol., 19: 596-606.
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  44. Liu, W.C., H.L. Yu and C.E. Chung, 2011. Assessment of water quality in a subtropical alpine lake using multivariate statistical techniques and geostatistical mapping: A case study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 8: 1126-1140.
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  45. Liu, W.C., 2011. Water quality simulation and prediction of pollutant abatement in stream and estuary-Pozi Creek as a study case. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 59: 43-62.
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  46. Liu, W.C. and C.Y. Wu, 2011. Flash flood routing modeling for levee-breaks and overbank flows due to typhoon events in a complicated river system. Nat. Hazards, 58: 1057-1076.
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  47. Liu, W.C. and C.E. Chung, 2011. Assessment of water quality of subalpine lake using multivariate statistical analysis. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 59: 75-86.
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  48. Kimura, N., W.C. Liu, C.H. Wu, A.J. Bechle, W.B. Chen and W.C. Huang, 2011. Flow measurement with multi-instrumentation in a tidal-affected river. Water Environ. J., 25: 563-572.
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  49. Huang, W.C. and W.C. Liu, 2011. Measurement of landslide using close-range photogrammetry: Case-study at Huoyen Shan, Miao-Li. J. Taiwan Agric. Eng., 57: 1-15.
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  50. Huang, L.T., W.C. Liu, B.C. Syu, B.J. Wang and R.T. Jhang, 2011. Investigating the effects of replacing natural aggregates with waste tiles on engineering characteristics of asphalt concrete. J. Taiwan Agric. Eng., 57: 68-83.

  51. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu and M.H. Hsu, 2011. Water quality modeling in a tidal estuarine system using a three-dimensional model. Environ. Eng. Sci., 28: 443-459.
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  52. Bechle, A.J., C.H. Wu, W.C. Liu and N. Kimura, 2011. Development and application of an automated river-estuary discharge imaging system. J. Hydraul. Eng., 138: 327-339.
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  53. Liu, W.C., W.Z. Huang and A.Y. Yang, 2010. Characterization of suspended solids and heavy metal distributions during first flush in highway runoff. J. Environ. Sci. Eng., 4: 44-50.
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  54. Liu, W.C., W.B. Chen, M.H. Hsu and J.C. Fu, 2010. Dynamic routing modeling for flash flood forecast in river system. Nat. Hazards, 52: 519-537.
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  55. Liu, W.C., W.B. Chen and M.H. Hsu, 2010. Different turbulence models for stratified flow and salinity. Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. Maritime Eng., 163: 117-133.
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  56. Liu, W.C., W.B. Chen and M.H. Hsu, 2010. Application of different turbulence closure model to investigate residual current and salinity in an estuary. J. Coastal Ocean Eng., 10: 1-24.
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  57. Liu, W.C., R.S. Wu, E.M.Y. Wu, Y.P. Chang and W.B. Chen, 2010. Using water quality variables to predict light attenuation coefficient: Case study in Shihmen Reservoir. Paddy Water Environ., 8: 267-275.
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  58. Liu, W.C. and C.Y. Wu, 2010. Using one-dimensional unsteady routing model to evaluate levee-break and overtopping flows under extreme storm events in Danshuei River system. J. Taiwan Water Conserv., 58: 47-66.
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  59. Hwang, J.S., R. Kumar, C.W. Hsieh, A.Y. Kuo and S. Souissi et al., 2010. Patterns of zooplankton distribution along the marine, estuarine and riverine portions of the Danshuei ecosystem in Northern Taiwan. Zool. Stud., 49: 335-352.
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  60. Hsieh, P.H., M.Y. Wu, S.K. Ciou and W.C. Liu, 2010. Optimal best management practice placement strategies for nonpoint source pollution management in the Fei-Tsui reservoir watershed. Environ. Eng. Sci., 27: 441-449.
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  61. Hsieh, H.L., L.F. Fan, C.P. Chen, J.T. Wu and W.C. Liu, 2010. Effects of semidiurnal tidal circulation on the distribution of holo- and meroplankton in a subtropical estuary. J. Plankton Res., 32: 829-841.
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  62. Etemad-Shahidi, A., A. Shahkolahi and W.C. Liu, 2010. Modeling of hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment processes in an estuarine system: Study case in Danshui river. Environ. Model. Assess., 15: 261-271.
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  63. Chen, W.B., W.C. Liu, N. Kimura and M.H. Hsu, 2010. Particle release transport in Danshuei River estuarine system and adjacent coastal ocean: A modeling assessment. Environ. Monit. Assess., 168: 407-428.
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