Dr. Sibel Bayil Oguzkan

Associate Professor
Gaziantep University, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Gaziantep University, Turkiye

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Biochemistry
Molecular Biology

Selected Publications

  1. Oguzkan, S.B., B. Karagul, A. Uzun, O.O. Guler and H.I. Ugras, 2018. Pre-purification of an anticancer drug (Paclitaxel) obtained from nut husks. Int. J. Pharmacol., 14: 76-82.
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  2. Moaket, S., S.B. Oguzkan, I.H. Kilic, B. Selvi and I.D. Karagoz et al., 2017. Biological activity of Iris sari Schott ex Baker in Turkey. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 136-141.
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  3. Karaduman, A., M. Ozaslan, I.H. Kilic, S. Bayil-Oguzkan, B.S. Kurt and N. Erdogan, 2017. Identification by using Maldi-Tof mass spectrometry of lactic acid bacteria isolated from non-commercial yogurts in southern Anatolia, Turkey. Int. Microbiol., 20: 25-30.
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  4. Oguzkan, S.B., S. Ugras, E.S. Aksoy, S. Ulger, S. Uzmez, B. Karagul and H.I. Ugras, 2016. Biological activity analysis of hazelnut nutshell extracts. Int. J. Chem. Nat. Sci., 4: 481-485.
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  5. Ceren, T., B.O. Sibel, O. Mehmet, H.S. Handan and K.I. Didem et al., 2016. MDM2 gen polymorphisms at acute myeloid leukemia patients. J. Clin. Exp. Oncol., Vol. 5, No. 4. 10.4172/2324-9110.1000166.
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  6. Hazar, S., M. Hazar, S. Korkmaz, S. Bayil and A.C. Gurkan, 2011. The effect of graded maximal aerobic exercise on some metabolic hormones, muscle Damage and some metabolic end products in sportsmen. Sci. Res. Essays, 6: 1337-1343.
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  7. Bayil, S., H. Cicek, I.G. Cimenci and M. Hazar, 2008. How Volatile Organic Compunds affect free radical and antioxidant enzyme activity in textile workers. Arh. Hig. Rada Toksikol., 59: 283-287.
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  8. Geyikli, I., S. Bayil, H. Cicek and Z. Erbagci, 2007. Plasma adenosine deaminase activities at chronic urticaria patients. Online J. Euroasian Dermatol., Vol. 1, No. 1. .

  9. Cicek, H., S. Bayil, Y. Zer, A. Celik and I. Geyikli, 2007. Comparison of lipoprotein(a) levels between elderly and middle-aged men with coronary artery disease. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1100: 179-184.
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  10. Bayil, S., A. Celik, H. Cicek, I. Geyikli and M. Tarakcioglu, 2007. Free radical and antioxidant enzyme levels at exposure of volatile organic compounds in workers. Saudi Med. J., 28: 290-291.
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