Dr. Nurdan Tuna Gunes

Associate Professor
Ankara University, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Horticulture from Ankara University, Ankara, Turkiye

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Area of Interest:

Food Science and Technology
Fruit Science
Postharvest Physiology
Growth Assessment
Plant Foods

Selected Publications

  1. Akan, S., N.T. Gunes and R. Yanmaz, 2019. Methyl jasmonate and low temperature can help for keeping some physicochemical quality parameters in garlic (Allium sativum L.) cloves. Food Chem., 270: 546-553.
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  2. Güneş, N.T., O. Horzum and N. Bakoğlu, 2017. Consumer perception and expectations for packed fresh fruit specifications of fresh fruit packages and package labels. Fruit Sci., 1: 1-8.

  3. Güneş, N.T., O. Horzum and E. Güneş, 2017. Economic and technical evaluation of fruit sector in Turkey. Balkan Near East. J. Social Sci., 3: 37-49.
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  4. Güneş, N.T., 2017. Fruit Development in Horticultural Crops. In: Postharvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops, Türk, R., N.T. Güneş, M. Erkan and M.A. Koyuncu (Eds.). SOMTAD Yayınları, Ders Kitabı No: 1, Antalya, ISBN: 978-605-67800-0-4, pp: 21-35.

  5. Güneş, N.T. and Ö. Horzum, 2017. Physiological Events in Horticultural Crops. In: Postharvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops, Türk, R., N.T. Güneş, M. Erkan and M.A. Koyuncu, (Eds.). SOMTAD Yayınları, Ders Kitabı No: 1, Antalya, ISBN: 978-605-67800-0-4, pp: 61-83.

  6. Güneş, N.T., O. Horzum and N. Bakoğlu, 2016. Changes in some physico-chemical properties of Cornus mas L. fruit naturally grown in Amasya during shelf life. Bahçe, 1: 680-684.

  7. Özüpek, Ö., N.T. Güneş and N. Bakoğlu, 2013. The situation of fruit export and expectations in Turkey. Tarım Türk Dergisi, 40: 11-15.

  8. Yildirim, O., H. Dumanoğlu, N. Güneş, M. Yildirim, A. Aygün and B. Şan, 2012. Effect of wetted soil area on trunk growth, yield and fruit quality of drip-irrigated sour cherry trees. Turk. J. Agric. For., 36: 439-450.
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  9. Koksal, A.I., N.T. Gunes and B. Belge, 2012. The effect of sampling year and geographical regions on some physical characteristics of hazelnut cultivars grown in Turkey. Acta Horticulturae, 940: 301-308.
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  10. Okay, Y., N.T. Gunes and A.I. Koksal, 2011. Free endogenous growth regulators in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.). Afr. J. Agric. Res., 6: 1161-1169.
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  11. Okay, Y., N.T. Gunes, A.I. Koksal, M. Koroglu and R. Alagoz, 2010. The effects of pruning and fertilization applications on yield and some fruit characteristics of pistachio nuts (Pistacia vera L.). Afr. J. Agric. Res., 5: 3417-3426.
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  12. Gunes, N.T., Y. Okay, A.I. Koksal and M. Koroglu, 2010. The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on yield, some fruit characteristics, hormon concentrations and alternate bearing in pistachio. Turk. J. Agric. For., 34: 33-43.
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  13. Gunes, N.T., E.S. Poyrazoglu and H. Dumanoglu, 2010. Preliminary results on some constitutional changes in 1-Mcp treated quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) fruit during cold storage period. Acta Hortic., 858: 229-234.
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  14. Gunes, N.T., A.I. Koksal, N. Artık and E. Poyrazoglu, 2010. Biochemical content of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cultivars from west black sea region of Turkey. Europ. J. Hort. Sci., 75: 77-84.
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  15. Gunes, N.T., 2010. Effect of 1-MCP and different ecological conditions on postharvest quality of 'Esme' quince fruit during long term storage. Acta Hortic., 877: 387-394.
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  16. Okay, Y., N.T. Günes, A.I. Köksal, M. Köroğlu and R. Alagöz, 2009. The effect of different fertilization and irrigation treatments on yield and some nut characteristics in pistachio. Acta Horticulturae, 912: 163-170.
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  17. Okay, Y., K. Demir and N. Tuna-Gunes, 2009. Global climate change and horticultural production. Proceedings of 1st International Congress on Global Climate Changes and Agriculture, May 28-30, Tekirdag, Turkey, pp: 275-281.

  18. Dumanoglu, H., N.T. Gunes, A. Aygun and B. San, A.E. Akpinar and M. Bakir, 2009. Analysis of clonal variations in cultivated quince (Cydonia oblonga Kalecik) based on fruit characteristics and SSR markers. New Zealand J. Crop Hortic. Sci., 37: 113-120.
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  19. Demir, K., Y. Okay and N. Tuna-Gunes, 2009. Physiological effects of greenhouse, greenhouse effect and temperature in plant production and precautions to be taken. Proceedings of 1st International Congress on Global Climate Changes and Agriculture, May 28-30, Tekirdag, Turkey, pp: 282-287.

  20. Köksal, A.İ. and N.T. Güneş, 2008. A functional fruit: Pomegranate. Nar. Popüler Bilim, 168: 26-29.

  21. Koksal, A.I. and N.T. Gunes, 2008. Descriptors for Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). Bioversity International, FAO-Ciheam, Italy, Pages: 55.

  22. Gunes, N.T., 2008. Ripening regulation during storage in quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) fruit. Acta Hortic., 796: 191-196.
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  23. Gunes, N.T. and A.I. Koksal, 2007. Relationships between some fruit characteristics and sensory evaluation in quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) fruits. Acta Hortic., 741: 125-133.
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  24. Koksal, A.I., N. Artik, A. Simsek and N. Gunes, 2006. Nutrient composition of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) varieties cultivated in Turkey. Food Chem., 99: 509-515.
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  25. Gunes, N.T., 2006. Frost hardiness of some Turkish apricot cultivars during the bloom period. Hortsci., 41: 310-312.

  26. Gunes, N.T. and A. Aygun and B. San, 2006. Postharvest heat treatments for enhanced fruit quality during storage of early ripening European pear. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci., 71: 135-142.
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  27. Dumanoğlu, H., N.T. Güneş, V. Erdoğan, A. Aygün and B. Şan, 2006. Clonal selection of a winter-type European pear cultivar 'ankara' (Pyrus communis L.). Turk. J. Agric. For., 30: 355-363.
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  28. Güneş, N.T., 2005. Global partnership for sustainable and safe agricultural production: EUREPGAP. Standard Ekonomik ve Teknik Dergi, 524: 72-81.

  29. Gunes, N.T. and H. Dumanoglu, 2005. Some fruit attributes of quince (Cydonia oblonga) based on genotypes during the pre-harvest period. New Zealand J. Crop Hortic. Sci., 33: 211-217.
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  30. Gunes, N.T. and A.I. Koksal, 2005. Ethylene biosynthesis of quince during storage. Acta Hortic., 682: 177-184.
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  31. Gunes, N.T., 2003. Changes in ethylene production during preharvest period in quince (Cydonia vulgaris L.) and the use of ethylene production to predict harvest maturity. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci., 68: 212-221.
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  32. Köksal, A.İ., O. Yıldırım, H. Dumanoğlu, A. Kadayıfçı and N. Güneş, 2000. Water consumption of apple trees in different irrigation methods. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 6: 22-29.

  33. Koksal, A.I., H. Dumanoglu and N.T. Gunes, 1999. The effects of different amino acid chelate foliar fertilizers on yield, fruit quality, shoot growth and Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn content of leaves in williams pear cultivar (Pyrus communis L.). Turk. J. Agric. For., 23: 651-658.
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  34. Dumanoğlu, H., A. Aygün, A. Alay, N.T. Güneş and M.T. Özkaya, 1999. Effects of timing, IBA and putrescine on rooting and shooting in Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pall., softwood cuttings. Turk. J. Agric. For., 23: 559-566.
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  35. Koksal, A.I., H. Dumanoglu and N. Tuna, 1994. The effect of semperfresh on the storage of williams pear and starkspur golden delicious apple cultivar. Acta Hortic., 368: 793-801.
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  36. Ayfer, M. and N. Tuna, 1993. Meyve agaclarının budanması. Bahce Sera Dergisi, 4: 171-189.

  37. Ayfer, M. and N. Tuna, 1991. Pruning of fruit orchards. Bahçe Sera Dergisi, 3: 15-21.