Dr. Hakan Ulukan

Ankara University, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Wheat Rust Diseases from Ankara University, Turkiye

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Dr. Hakan ULUKAN grew up in Turkey. He completed his Doctorate Thesis (Ph. D) under the advisory of Dr. A. Murat OZGEN, entitled “Relationships between Rust (Puccinia spp.) Resistance in some Wheat (Triticum spp.) species” between 1991 and 1998 years at University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Turkey. Now, he is working as Professor at the same department since 2012 with the branch of Cereals and Edible Pulses Growing and Breeding. He is serving as Editorial Board Member, Editor-In-Chief and also has many national and international referees in many journals. His research interest includes Cereal and Pulses Growing & Breeding, Plant Gene Resources, Plant Domestication, Classical Plant Breeding, Cultivation, Agronomic Practices/Processes, Agronomic Adaptation and Ecology. His prior work experience includes Associate Professor (2005-2012) and Research Assistant (1987-2005) at University of Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Turkey. He published 100 research articles as author/co-author in national and international peer reviewed journals. He actively participated in number of different activities and overseas assignments. He supervised 1 Master Thesis entitled: “The Effect of different Doses of Powder Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Asa) Treatment on Yield and Yield Components in Some Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Cultivars”.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Crop Science
Field Crops

Selected Publications

  1. Ulukan, H., 2020. Wild wheats (Triticum spp.) and relatives in wheat rust diseases (Puccinia spp.) from a wheat breeder’s perspective: A general evaluation. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 23: 121-130.
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  2. Zencirci, N., H. Ulukan, B. Ordu, D. Aslan, H.T. Mutlu and M. Örgeç, 2019. Salt, cold, and drought stress on einkorn and bread wheat during germination. Int. J. Secondary Metabolite, 6: 113-128.
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  3. Ulukan, H., 2018. Clımate change (CC) ımpacts on fıeld crops: A general approach. Ecol. Life Sci., 13: 163-170.

  4. Ulukan, H., 2018. Climate change (CC) impacts on field crops: A general approach. Ecol. Life Sci., 13: 163-170.
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  5. Ulukan, H., 2017. Effects of Atmospheric Components Such as UV Rays and Ozone (O3) on Plants: A General Approach. Proceeding of 28th International Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry, September 27-29, 2017, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Poljoprivredni Fakultet, 672-682.
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  6. Ulukan, H., 2016. Present and Future Effects of CO2 on Various Field Crops: A General Evaluation. Proceeding of VII International Scientific Agricultural Symposium, 6-9 September 2016, JUniversity of East Sarajevo, 220-226.
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  7. Gursoy, M., A. Balkan and H. Ulukan, 2013. [Allelopati in plant production]. U. U. Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, 27: 115-122.
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  8. Ulukan, H., N. Bayraktar, A. Oksel, M. Gursoy and N. Kocak, 2012. Agronomic Importance of First Development of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Under Semi-arid Conditions: II. Seed Imbibition. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 15: 192-197.
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  9. Ulukan, H., N. Bayraktar and N. Kocak, 2012. Agronomic Importance of First Development of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Under Semi-arid Conditions: I. Effect of Powder Humic Acid. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 15: 203-207.
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  10. Gursoy, M., A. Balkan and H. Ulukan, 2012. Ecophysiological responses to stresses in plants: A general approach. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 15: 506-516.
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  11. Gursoy, M. and H. Ulukan, 2012. Effects of global climate change on agriculture. J. Aegean Univ., 2: 439-442.

  12. Ulukan, H., 2011. The Use of Plant Genetic Resources and Biodiversity in Classical plant Breeding. Acta Agric. Scand. Sect B, 61: 97-104.
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  13. Ulukan, H., 2011. Response of Cultivated Plants and Some Preventive Measures against Climate Change. Pak. J. Agric. Biol., 13: 292-296.
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  14. Ulukan, H., 2011. Plant Genetic Resources and Breeding: Current Scenario and Future Prospects. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 13: 447-454.
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  15. Ulukan, H., 2010. Global warming effect on field crops cultivation. J. Harvest Plant Prod. Part, 26: 104-105.

  16. Ulukan, H., 2010. Global Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) and cultivated plants. Ankara Univ. J. Environ. Sci., 2: 71-79.

  17. Ulukan, H., 2009. The evolution of cultivated plant species: Classical plant breeding versus genetic engineering. Plnt Syst. Evolu., 280: 133-142.
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  18. Ulukan, H., 2009. Magnetic field application to seeds. J. Harvest (Plant Prod. Part), 289: 52-53.

  19. Ulukan, H., 2009. General outlook of variations induced by conventional plant breeding and genetic engineering. J. Agric. Fac. Uludağ Univ., 21: 27-40.

  20. Ulukan, H., 2009. Environmental management of field crops: A case study of Turkish agriculture. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 11: 483-494.
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  21. Ulukan, H., 2009. A new alternative for plant breeding, biodiversity and environmental sustainability: Apomictics. J. Biol. Sci., 9: 788-795.
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  22. Ulukan, H., 2008. Reinventing of common wheat (T. aestivum L.)-II. J. Harvest (Plant Prod. Part), 24: 80-81.

  23. Ulukan, H., 2008. Reinventing of common wheat (T. Aestivum L.)-I. J. Harvest (Plant Prod. Part), 24: 92-93.

  24. Ulukan, H., 2008. Effect of soil applied humic acid at different sowing times on some yield components in wheat (Triticum spp.) hybrids. Int. J. Bot., 4: 164-175.
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  25. Ulukan, H., 2008. Bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) as a salad plant. J. Harvest (Plant Production Part), 279: 78-79.

  26. Ulukan, H., 2008. Agronomic adaptation of some field crops: A general approach. J. Agron. Crop Sci., 194: 169-179.
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  27. Ulukan, H., 2008. Humic acid application into field crops cultivation. KSU J. Sci. Eng., 11: 119-128.
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  28. Ulukan, H. and M. Ozgen, 2008. Relationship among leaf (Puccinia recondita Roberge ex Desmaz f. sp. tritici) and yellow (Puccinia striiformis Westendorp. f. sp. tritici) rust resistance and some agro-morphologic traits in wheat hybrids at seedling stage. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 1-16.
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  29. Cosge, B. and H. Ulukan, 2008. Organic agriculture for plant gene resources’ today and future. J. TSE Standard Tech. Econ., 1554: 104-111.

  30. Akcay, N. and H. Ulukan, 2008. Plant ınput usage in animal husbandry and ıts problems. J. Harvest (Livestock Part), 24: 38-44.

  31. Ulukan, H., 2007. A research on heterosis in cultivated (Triticum spp.) x semi-wild wheat. J. Tekirdag Univ. Agric. Fac., 4: 113-119.
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  32. Ulukan, H. and E. Kun, 2007. Effect of between and on row distance of first development, tillering, yield and yield components in wheat cultivars (Triticum sp.). Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 4354-4364.
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  33. Ulukan, H., 2006. Plant gene resources for the rust (Puccinia spp.) diseases resistance. J. Harvest (Plant Production Part), 22: 78-84.

  34. Ulukan., H., 2005. In vitro studies in cereals, journal of republic of Mustafa Kemal University. Hatay, Turkey, 8: 19-31.

  35. Ulukan, H., 2005. Some cereal and leguminous cultivation in our country: (1925-2003). J. Harvest Plant Prod. Part, 21: 76-84.

  36. Ulukan, H., 2005. Effect of foliar fertilizer as seed pre-treatment on yield components in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Agric. Sci., 11: 368-372.
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  37. Cosge, B. and H. Ulukan, 2005. Cultivar and sowing date in our sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivation. J. Graduate School Nat. Applied Sci. Suleyman Demirel Univ., 9: 43-48.

  38. Ulukan, H. and B. Cosge, 2004. Importance of the organic agriculture at the sustainability of plant germplasm resources conservation and usage. J. Farmer Village World, 239: 36-39.

  39. Ozgen, M., M. Yildiz, H. Ulukan and N. Koyuncu, 2004. Association of gliadin protein pattern and rust resistance derived from Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk. in winter Triticum durum Desf. Desf. Breed. Sci., 54: 287-290.
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  40. Ulukan, H., M. Guler and S. Keskin, 2003. A path coefficient analysis some yield and yield components in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 6: 1951-1955.
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  41. Ulukan, H., M. Guler and M.S. Adak, 2002. Effect of zinc fertilization on yield and quality of faba bean (Vicia faba). The Indian J. Agricultural Sci., 72: 742-744.

  42. Guler, M., M.S. Adak and H. Ulukan, 2001. Determining relationships among yield and some yield components using path coefficient analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Eur. J. Agron., 14: 161-166.
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  43. Ulukan, H., 2000. Hybrid vigor and pollination relationship in plants. J. Turk. Cooperative Grass, 4: 28-33.

  44. Ulukan., H. and M. Ozgen, 1999. Relationships between stem rust (puccinia graminis triticiEriks. and Henn.) resistances and morphological traits in some wheat (Triticumspp.) hybrids. Turkish J. Agric. For., 23: 551-558.
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  45. Sayar, T.M., A.M. Birsin, H. Ulukan and M. Ozgen, 1999. Effect of seed size on the tissue culture response of callus from mature embryos of wheat species. Wheat Inform. Serv., 89: 1-6.
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  46. Adak, M.S., H. Ulukan and M. Guler, 1999. Determination of some agronomical traits in Turkish faba bean (Vicia faba L.) lines. Faba Bean Inform. Service, 42: 29-31.

  47. Ulukan, H., 1998. Plant diseases: War have won but combat is still continuing… J. Turk. Cooperation Grass, 2: 92-97.

  48. Ulukan, H., 1994. Wood straw+plastic = wood. J. Harvest Food Agric. Livestock, 10: 42-42.

  49. Ulukan, H., 1994. Red rice (Oryza sativa L.) plant in rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation. J. Harvest Agric. Livestock, 9: 11-13.

  50. Ulukan, H., 1994. Interesting developments from the worl's agriculture. J. Harvest Food Agric. Livestock, 9: 22-23.

  51. Ulukan, H., 1994. Genetic engineering applications in plants. J. Harvest Food Agric. Livestock, 10: 34-40.

  52. Ulukan, H., 1994. From the plant biotechnology. J. Harvest Food Agric. Livestock, 9: 6-13.

  53. Ulukan, H., 1993. Plant propagation with the seed. J. Harvest Agric. Livestock, 9: 39-44.

  54. Ulukan, H., 1993. How can you increase your production level. J. Harvest Agric. Livestock, 9: 27-30.

  55. Ulukan, H., 1993. Finally hybrid wheat is being realized. J. Harvest Food Agric. Livestock, 9: 17-18.

  56. Ulukan, H., 1993. Cool air in the storage. J. Harvest Agric. Livestock, 9: 54-56.

  57. Ulukan, H., 1990. Hormone usage is getting ıncrease in agriculture. J. Sci. Technol., 23: 63-65.