Dr. Mohammad Mursaleen

Aligarh Muslim University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

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Area of Interest:

Fuzzy Metric Spaces
Functional Analysis
Sequence Spaces

Selected Publications

  1. Mursaleen, M., K.J. Ansari and A. Khan, 2017. Approximation by Kantorovich type q-Bernstein-Stancu operators. Complex Anal. Operator Theory, 11: 85-107.
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  2. Mursaleen, M. and T. Khan, 2017. On approximation by Stancu type Jakimovski-Leviatan-Durrmeyer operators. Azerbaijan J. Math., 7: 16-26.
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  3. Herawati, E., Supama and M. Mursaleen, 2017. Local structure of Riesz valued sequence spaces defined by an order-function. Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65: 545-554.
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  4. De Malafosse, B., M. Mursaleen and V. Rakocevic, 2017. The λ+r(μ)-statistical convergence. Ann. Funct. Anal., 8: 1-15.
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  5. Mursaleen, M., T. Khan and M. Nasiruzzaman, 2016. Approximating properties of generalized Dunkl analogue of Szaasz operators. Applied Math. Inform. Sci., 10: 2303-2310.
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  6. Mursaleen, M., M. Nasiruzzaman, A. Khan and K.J. Ansari, 2016. Some approximation results on Bleimann-Butzer-Hahn operators defined by (p, q)-integers. Filomat, 30: 639-648.
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  7. Mursaleen, M., M. Nasiruzzaman and H.M. Srivastava, 2016. Approximation by bicomplex beta operators in compact BC-disks. Math. Methods Applied Sci., 39: 2916-2929.
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  8. Mursaleen, M., K.J. Ansari and M. Nasiuzzaman, 2016. Approximation by q-analogue of Jakimovski-Leviatan operators involving q-Appell polynomials. Iran. J. Sci. Technol. Trans. A: Sci., (In Press). .
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  9. Mursaleen, M., H.M. Srivastava and S.K. Sharma, 2016. Generalized statistically convergent sequences of fuzzy numbers. J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 30: 1511-1518.
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  10. Mursaleen, M., F. Khan and A. Khan, 2016. Approximation by (p, q)-Lorentz polynomials on a compact disk. Complex Anal. Operator Theory, 10: 1725-1740.
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  11. Mursaleen, M., A.M. Sarsenbi and T. Khan, 2016. On (p, q)-analogue of two parametric Stancu-Beta operators. J. Inequalities Applic. 10.1186/s13660-016-1128-7.
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  12. Mursaleen, M., A. Alotaibi and K.J. Ansari, 2016. On a Kantorovich variant of (p, q)-Szasz-Mirakjan operators. J. Funct. Spaces. 10.1155/2016/1035253.
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  13. Mursaleen, M., A. Al-Abied, M. Nasiruzzaman and L. Liu, 2016. Modified (p,q)-Bernstein-Schurer operators and their approximation properties. Cogent Math., (In Press). 10.1080/23311835.2016.1236534.
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  14. Mursaleen, M., A. Aghajani and K. Raj, 2016. Multiplication operators on Cesaro function spaces. Filomat, 30: 1175-1184.
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  15. Mursaleen, M., 2016. Differential equations in classical sequence spaces. Revista Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Naturales Serie A. Matematicas. 10.1007/s13398-016-0301-7.
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  16. Mursaleen, M. and T. Khan, 2016. Some approximation results for the Stancu type q-Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich operators. Commun. Applied Anal., 20: 187-208.
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  17. Mursaleen, M. and T. Khan, 2016. Approximation properties of the generalized q-Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich operators. J. Nonlinear Funct. Anal. .
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  18. Mursaleen, M. and S.M.H. Rizvi, 2016. Solvability of infinite systems of second order differential equations in c0 and ℓ1 by Meir-Keeler condensing operators. Proc. Am. Math. Soc., 144: 4279-4289.
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  19. Mursaleen, M. and K.J. Ansari, 2016. The stability of a generalized affine functional equation in fuzzy normed spaces. Publications de l'Institut Mathematique, 100: 163-181.
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  20. Movahednia, E. and M. Mursaleen, 2016. Stability of a generalized quadratic functional equation in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed space. Filomat, 30: 449-457.
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  21. Kilicman, A., H.M. Srivastava, M. Mursaleen and Z.A. Majid, 2016. Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences. Springer, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-10-0517-6.

  22. Jleli, M., M. Mursaleen, K. Sadarangani and B. Samet, 2016. A cone measure of noncompactness and some generalizations of Darbo's theorem with applications to functional integral equations. J. Funct. Spaces. 10.1155/2016/9896502.
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  23. Jleli, M., M. Mursaleen and B. Samet, 2016. q-integral equations of fractional orders. Electron. J. Differ. Equat., 17: 1-14.
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  24. Farajzadeh, A.P., M. Mursaleen and A. Shafie, 2016. On mixed vector equilibrium problems. Azerbaijan J. Math., 6: 87-102.
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  25. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2016. Compact matrix operators on a new sequence space related to p spaces. J. Inequalities Applic. 10.1186/s13660-016-1129-6.
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  26. Alotaibi, A. and M. Mursaleen, 2016. Korovkin type approximation theorems via lacunary equistatistical convergence. Filomat (In Press). .
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  27. Shekha, C., B.S. Komal and M. Mursaleen, 2015. Operators on Hilbert spaces of sequences. Thai J. Math., 13: 1-8.
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  28. Mursaleen, M., M. Nasiruzzaman and A. Nurgali, 2015. Some approximation results on Bernstein-Schurer operators defined by (p, q)-integers. J. Inequalities Applic. 10.1186/s13660-015-0767-4.
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  29. Mursaleen, M., K.J. Ansari and A. Khan, 2015. Stability of some positive linear operators on compact disk. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 35: 1492-1500.
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  30. Mursaleen, M., K.J. Ansari and A. Khan, 2015. Some approximation results by (p, q)-analogue of Bernstein-Stancu operators. Applied Mathe. Comput., 264: 392-402.
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  31. Mursaleen, M., K.J. Ansari and A. Khan, 2015. On (p, q)-analogue of Bernstein operators. Applied Math. Comput., 266: 874-882.
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  32. Mursaleen, M., K. Raj and S.K. Sharma, 2015. Some spaces of difference sequences and lacunary statistical convergence in n-normed space defined by sequence of Orlicz functions. Miskolc Math. Notes, 16: 283-304.
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  33. Mursaleen, M., F. Khan and A. Khan, 2015. Approximation properties for modified q-Bernstein-Kantorovich operators. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz., 36: 1178-1197.
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  34. Mursaleen, M., F. Khan and A. Khan, 2015. Approximation properties for King's type modified q-Bernstein-Kantorovich operators. Math. Methods Applied Sci., 38: 5242-5252.
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  35. Mursaleen, M., 2015. Metric Spaces. Real Word Education Publication, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-927151-4-8.

  36. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2015. Korovkin type approximation theorem for functions of two variables via statistical summability (C, 1). Acta Scientiarum-Technol., 37: 237-243.
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  37. Mursaleen, M. and M. Nasiruzzaman, 2015. Some approximation properties of bivariate Bleimann-Butzer-Hahn operators based on (p, q)-integers. Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana. 10.1007/s40574-016-0080-2.
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  38. Mursaleen, M. and M. Nasiruzzaman, 2015. Dunkl generalization of q-parametric Szasz-Mirakjan operators. Int. J. Anal. Applic., Vol. 38. 10.1186/s13660-017-1311-5.
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  39. Mursaleen, M. and K.J. Ansari, 2015. On the stability of some positive linear operators from approximation theory. Bull. Math. Sci., 5: 147-157.
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  40. Mursaleen, M. and K.J. Ansari, 2015. On Chlodowsky variant of Szasz operators by Brenke type polynomials. Applied Math. Comput., 271: 991-1003.
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  41. Mursaleen, M. and K.J. Ansari, 2015. Approximation of q-Stancu-beta operators which preserve x2. Bull. Malaysian Math. Sci. Soc. 10.1007/s40840-015-0146-9.
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  42. Mursaleen, M. and F. Khan, 2015. Approximation by Kantorovich type (p, q)-bernstein-schurer operators. Dynamics Continuous Discrete Impulsive Syst. .
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  43. Mishra, V.N., M. Mursaleen and P. Sharma, 2015. Some approximation properties of Baskakov-Szasz-Stancu operators. Applied Math. Inform. Sci., 9: 3159-3167.
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  44. Kara, E.E., M. Basarir and M. Mursaleen, 2015. Compactness of matrix operators on some sequence spaces derived by Fibonacci numbers. Kragujevac J. Math., 39: 217-230.
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  45. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen, S.K. Sharma and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2015. Sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers defined by a Musielak-Orlicz function. Filomat, 29: 1461-1468.
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  46. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen, B.A.A. Alamri and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2015. Compact operators on some Fibonacci difference sequence spaces. J. Inequalities Applic. 10.1186/s13660-015-0713-5.
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  47. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2015. Some fixed point theorems for Meir-Keeler condensing operators with applications to integral equations. Bull. Belgian Math. Soc.-Simon Stevin, 22: 529-541.
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  48. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2015. Korovkin type approximation theorems for σ-convergence of double sequences. J. Nonlinear Convex Anal., 16: 183-192.

  49. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2015. Application of measures of noncompactness to infinite system of linear equations in sequence spaces. Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 41: 519-527.
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  50. Alotaibi, A. and M. Mursaleen, 2015. Generalized equi-statistical convergence of positive linear operators. J. Comput. Anal. Applic., 19: 770-779.

  51. Aghajani, A., M. Mursaleen and A.S. Haghighi, 2015. Fixed point theorems for Meir-Keeler condensing operators via measure of noncompactness. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 35: 552-566.
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  52. Mursaleen, M., S.K. Sharma, S.A. Mohiuddine and A. Kilicman, 2014. New difference sequence spaces defined by Musielak-Orlicz function. Abstract Applied Anal. .
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  53. Mursaleen, M., F. Khan, A. Khan and A. Kilicman, 2014. Some approximation properties of bivariate q-Stancu-Beta operators. J. Funct. Spaces. .

  54. Mursaleen, M., F. Khan and A. Khan, 2014. Statistical approximation for new positive linear operators of Lagrange type. Applied Math. Comput., 232: 548-558.
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  55. Mursaleen, M., A.H. Ganie and N.A. Sheikh, 2014. New type of generalized difference sequence space of non-absolute type and some matrix transformations. Filomat, 28: 1381-1392.
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  56. Mursaleen, M., A. Alotaibi and S.K. Sharma, 2014. Some new lacunary strong convergent vector-valued sequence spaces. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2014/858504.
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  57. Mursaleen, M., A. Alotaibi and S.K. Sharma, 2014. New classes of generalized seminormed difference sequence spaces. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2014/461081.
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  58. Mursaleen, M., 2014. Applied Summability Methods. Springer International Publishing, New York, ISBN: 978-3-319-04608-2.

  59. Mursaleen, M. and S.K. Sharma, 2014. Spaces of ideal convergent sequences. Scient. World J. 10.1155/2014/134534.
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  60. Mursaleen, M. and S.K. Sharma, 2014. Entire sequence spaces defined on locally convex Hausdorff topological space. Iran. J. Sci. Technol., 38: 105-109.
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  61. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2014. Korovkin-Type Approximation Theorem for Functions of Two Variables Via Statistical Summability (C, 1, 1). In: Analytic Number Theory, Approximation Theory and Special Functions, Milovanovic, G.V. and M.T. Rassias (Eds.)., Springer Science+Business Media, New York, ISBN: 978-1-4939-0257-6, pp: 549-560.

  62. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2014. Convergence Methods for Double Sequences and Applications. Springer, India, ISBN: 978-81-322-1610-0.

  63. Mursaleen, M. and K.J. Ansari, 2014. The Stability of an Affine Type Functional Equation with the Fixed Point Alternative, In: Topics in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Rassias, T. and L. Toth (Eds.), Chapter 24, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp: 557-571.

  64. Mursaleen, M. and F. Basar, 2014. Domain of Cesaro mean of order one in some spaces of double sequences. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 51: 335-356.
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  65. Mursaleen, M. and C. Belen, 2014. On statistical lacunary summability of double sequences. Filomat, 28: 231-239.
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  66. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2014. Hausdorff measure of noncompactness of certain matrix operators on the sequence spaces of generalized means. J. Math. Anal. Applic., 417: 96-111.
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  67. Mohiuddine, S.A., M. Mursaleen and A. Alotaibi, 2014. Compact operators for almost conservative and strongly conservative matrices. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2014/567317.
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  68. Hudzik, H., V. Karakaya, M. Mursaleen and N. Simsek, 2014. Banach-saks type and Gurarii modulus of convexity of some banach sequence spaces. Abstract Applied Anal. .
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  69. Herawati, E., M. Mursaleen, Supama and I.E. Wijayanti, 2014. Order matrix transformations on some Banach lattice valued sequence spaces. Applied Math. Comput., 247: 1122-1128.
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  70. Hazarika, B., S.A. Mohiuddine and M. Mursaleen, 2014. Some inclusion results for lacunary statistical convergence in locally solid Riesz spaces. Iran. J. Sci. Technol.(Sci.), 38: 61-68.
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  71. Banas, J. and M. Mursaleen, 2014. Sequence Spaces and Measures of Noncompactness with Applications to Differential and Integral Equations. Springer, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-322-1885-2.

  72. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen, H. Dutta and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2014. On the ulam stability of cauchy functional equation in IFN-spaces. Applied Math. Inform. Sci., 8: 1135-1143.
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  73. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and S.K. Sharma, 2014. Double sequence spaces over n-normed spaces defined by a sequence of Orlicz functions. J. Ineq. Applic. 10.1186/1029-242X-2014-216.
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  74. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and K. Raj, 2014. Double sequence spaces by means of orlicz functions. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2014/260326.
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  75. Alotaib, A. and M. Mursaleen, 2014. Statistical convergence in random paranormed space. J. Comput. Anal. Applic., 17: 297-304.

  76. Aghajani, A., R. Allahyari and M. Mursaleen, 2014. A generalization of Darbo's theorem with application to the solvability of systems of integral equations. J. Comput. Applied Math., 260: 68-77.
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  77. Mursaleen, M., S.K. Sharma and A. Kilicman, 2013. Sequence spaces defined by Musielak-Orlicz function over-normed spaces. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2013/364743.
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  78. Mursaleen, M., S.A. Mohiuddine, Q.D. Lohani and M.F. Khan, 2013. Nonlinear operators on fuzzy 2-normed spaces and Frechet derivative. J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 25: 1043-1051.
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  79. Mursaleen, M., F. Khan, A. Khan and A. Kilicman, 2013. Some approximation results for generalized Kantorovich-type operators. J. Ineq. Applic. 10.1186/1029-242X-2013-585.
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  80. Mursaleen, M., A. Khan, H.M. Srivastava and K.S. Nisar, 2013. Operators constructed by means of q-Lagrange polynomials and a-statistical approximation. Applied Math. Comput., 219: 6911-6918.
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  81. Mursaleen, M., 2013. Application of measure of noncompactness to infinite system of differential equations. Canadian Math. Bull., 56: 388-394.

  82. Mursaleen, M. and R. Ahmad, 2013. Korovkin type aproximation theorem through statistical lacunary summability. Iran. J. Sci. Technol., 37: 99-102.
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  83. Mursaleen, M. and K.J. Ansari, 2013. Stability results in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces for a cubic functional equation. Appl. Math., 7: 1677-1684.
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  84. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2013. Applications of Hausdorff measure of noncompactness in the spaces of generalized means. Math. Ineq. Applic., 16: 207-220.

  85. Mursaleen, M. and A. Khan, 2013. Statistical approximation properties of modified q-Stancu-Beta operators. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 36: 683-690.

  86. Mursaleen, M. and A. Khan, 2013. Generalized-bernstein-schurer operators and some approximation theorems. J. Funct. Spaces Applic. 10.1155/2013/719834.
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  87. Mursaleen, M. and A. Alotaibi, 2013. Korovkin type approximation theorem for statistical a-summability of double sequences. J. Comput. Anal. Applic., 15: 1036-1045.

  88. Mohiuddine, S.A., A. Alotaibi and M. Mursaleen, 2013. Statistical convergence through de la Vallee-Poussin mean in locally solid Riesz spaces. Adv. Difference Equations. 10.1186/1687-1847-2013-66.
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  89. Mohiuddine, S.A., A. Alotaibi and M. Mursaleen, 2013. A new variant of statistical convergence. J. Ineq. Applic. 10.1186/1029-242X-2013-309.
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  90. Kumar, V. and M. Mursaleen, 2013. On ideal analogue of asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalence of sequences. Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 36: 109-119.
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  91. Et, M., M. Mursaleen and M. Isik, 2013. On a class of fuzzy sets defined by Orlicz functions. Filomat, 27: 789-796.

  92. Edely, O.H., M. Mursaleen and A. Khan, 2013. Approximation for periodic functions via weighted statistical convergence. Applied Math. Comput., 219: 8231-8236.
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  93. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2013. Statistical approximation for periodic functions of two variables. J. Funct. Spaces Applic. 10.1155/2013/491768.
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  94. Alotaibi, A. and M. Mursaleen, 2013. Generalized statistical convergence of difference sequences. Adv. Differ. Equat. 10.1186/1687-1847-2013-212.
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  95. Alotaibi, A. and M. Mursaleen, 2013. Applications of Hankel and regular matrices in Fourier series. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2013/947492.
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  96. Alghamdi, M.A., M. Mursaleen and A. Alotaibi, 2013. Logarithmic density and logarithmic statistical convergence. Adv. Differ. Equat. 10.1186/1687-1847-2013-227.
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  97. Alghamdi, M.A. and M. Mursaleen, 2013. Hankel matrix transformation of the Walsh-Fourier series. Applied Math. Comput., 224: 278-282.
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  98. Alghamdi, M.A. and M. Mursaleen, 2013. λ-Statistical convergence in paranormed space. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2013/264520.
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  99. Srivastava, H.M., M. Mursaleen and A. Khan, 2012. Generalized equi-statistical convergence of positive linear operators and associated approximation theorems. Math. Comput. Mod., 55: 2040-2051.
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  100. Mursaleen, M., V. Karakaya, M. Erturk and F. Gursoy, 2012. Weighted statistical convergence and its application to Korovkin type approximation theorem. Applied Math. Comput., 218: 9132-9137.
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  101. Mursaleen, M., S.A. Mohiuddine and R.P. Agarwal, 2012. Coupled fixed point theorems for α-ψ-contractive type mappings in partially ordered metric spaces. Fixed Point Theory Applic. 10.1186/1687-1812-2012-228.
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  102. Mursaleen, M., A. Alotaibi and M.A. Alghamdi, 2012. I-summability and I-approximation through invariant mean. J. Comput. Anal. Applied., 14: 1049-1058.

  103. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2012. Some matrix transformations of convex and paranormed sequence spaces into the spaces of invariant means. J. Funct. Spaces Applic. 10.1155/2012/612671.
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  104. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2012. Korovkin Type Approximation Theorem for Almost and Statistical Convergence. In: Nonlinear Analysis, (Volume 68 of the Series Springer Optimization and Its Applications), Pardalos, P.M., P.G. Georgiev and H.M. Srivastava (Eds.).,) Springer Science+Business Media, LLC., New York, ISBN: 978-1-4614-3497-9, pp: 487-494.

  105. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2012. Banach limit and some new spaces of double sequences. Turk. J. Math., 36: 121-130.

  106. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2012. Applications of measures of noncompactness to the infinite system of differential equations in Rp spaces. Nonlinear Anal. Theory Method Applic., 75: 2111-2115.
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  107. Mursaleen, M. and S. Mohiuddine, 2012. On ideal convergence in probabilistic normed spaces. Math. Slovaca, 62: 49-62.
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  108. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2012. On the spaces of λ-convergent and bounded sequences. Thai J. Math., 8: 311-329.
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  109. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2012. Compactness of matrix operators on some new difference sequence spaces. Linear Algebra Appli., 436: 41-52.
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  110. Mursaleen, M. and A. Latif, 2012. Applications of measure of noncompactness in matrix operators on some sequence spaces. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2012/378250.
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  111. Mursaleen, M. and A. Alotaibi, 2012. Korovkin type approximation theorem for functions of two variables through statistical A-summability. Adv. Difference Equations. 10.1186/1687-1847-2012-65.
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  112. Mursaleen, M. and A. Alotaibi, 2012. Infinite system of differential equations in some spaces. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2012/863483.
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  113. Mohiuddine, S.A., A. Alotaibi and M. Mursaleen, 2012. Statistical convergence of double sequences in locally solid Riesz spaces. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2012/719729.
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  114. Belen, C., M. Mursaleen and M. Yildirim, 2012. Statistical A-summability of double sequences and a Korovkin type approximation theorem. Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 49: 851-861.
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  115. Alotaibi, A., M. Mursaleen and M.A. Alghamdi, 2012. Invariant and absolute invariant means of double sequences. J. Function Spaces. 10.1155/2012/465364.
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  116. Alotaibi, A. and M. Mursaleen, 2012. A-statistical summability of fourier series and walsh-fourier series. Applied Math. Inf. Sci, 6: 535-538.
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  117. Alghamdi, M.A., A. Alotaibi, Q.M.D. Lohani and M. Mursaleen, 2012. Statistical limit superior and limit inferior in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. J. Inequalities Applic. 10.1186/1029-242X-2012-96.
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  118. Ahmad, R. and M. Mursaleen, 2012. System of generalized H -resolvent equations with corresonding system of gener-alized variational inclusions. Hacettepe J. Math. Stat., 41: 33-45.

  119. Mursaleen, M., V. Karakaya, H. Polat and N. Simsek, 2011. Measure of noncompactness of matrix operators on some difference sequence spaces of weighted means. Comput. Math. Applic., 62: 814-820.
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  120. Mursaleen, M., V. Karakaya and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2011. Schauder basis, separability and approximation property in intuitionistic fuzzy normed space. Abstract Applied Anal. 10.1155/2010/131868.
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  121. Mursaleen, M., 2011. On a-invariant mean and a-almost convergence. Anal. Math., 37: 173-180.
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  122. Mursaleen, M. and Q.D. Lohani, 2011. Statistical limit superior and limit inferior in probabilistic normed spaces. Filomat, 25: 55-67.

  123. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2011. The hausdorff measure of noncompactness of matrix operators on some BK spaces. Opera. Matrices, 5: 473-486.

  124. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2011. On some new sequence spaces of non-absolute type related to the spaces Rp and R∞II. Math. Commun., 16: 383-398.
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  125. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2011. On some new sequence spaces of non-absolute type related to the spaces Rp and R∞ I. Filomat, 25: 33-51.

  126. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2011. On some imbedding relations between certain sequence spaces. Ukrainian Math. J., 63: 564-579.
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  127. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2011. On generalized means and some related sequence spaces. Comput. Math. Applic., 61: 988-999.
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  128. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2011. On σ-conservative matrices and compact operators on the space Vσ. Applied Math. Lett., 24: 1554-1560.
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  129. Mursaleen, M. and A. Alotaibi, 2011. Statistical summability and approximation by de la Vallee-Poussin mean. Applied Math. Lett., 24: 320-324.
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  130. Mursaleen, M. and A. Alotaibi, 2011. Statistical lacunary summability and a Korovkin type approximation theorem. Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara, 57: 373-381.
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  131. Mursaleen, M. and A. Alotaibi, 2011. On I-convergence in random 2-normed spaces. Math. Slovaca, 61: 933-940.

  132. Malkowsky, E. and M. Mursaleen, 2011. Compact matrix operators between the spaces m (ϕ), n (ϕ) and ℓp. Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 48: 1093-1103.
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  133. Kumar, V. and M. Mursaleen, 2011. On (λ, μ)-statistical convergence of double sequences on intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. Filomat, 25: 109-120.
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  134. Anastassiou, G.A., M. Mursaleen and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2011. Some approximation theorems for functions of two variables through almost convergence of double sequences. J. Comput. Anal. Applic., 13: 37-46.

  135. Altinok, H. and M. Mursaleen, 2011. ∆-statistical boundedness for sequences of fuzzy numbers. Taiwanese J. Math., 15: 2081-2093.
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  136. Mursaleen, M., S.A. Mohiuddine and O.H.H. Edely, 2010. On ideal convergence of double sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. Comput. Math. Applic., 59: 603-611.

  137. Mursaleen, M., C. Cakan, S.A. Mohiuddine and E. Savas, 2010. Generalized statistical convergence and statistical core of double sequences. Acta Mathematica Sinica English Ser., 26: 2131 -2144.
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  138. Mursaleen, M., 2010. Some approximation theorems through Cesaro summability. J. Adv. Res. Dynamical Control Syst., 2: 53-58.

  139. Mursaleen, M., 2010. On statistical convergence in random 2-normed spaces. Acta Sci. Math.(Szeged), 76: 101-109.

  140. Mursaleen, M., 2010. Almost Convergence and Some Related Methods. In: Modern Methods in Analysis and its Applications, Mursaleen, M. (Ed.)., Chapter 1, Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, pp: 1-10.

  141. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2010. Some new double sequence spaces of invariant means. Glasnik Matematicki, 45: 139-153.
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  142. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2010. Some inequalities on sublinear functionals related to the invariant mean for double sequences. Math. Ineq. Applic., 139: 157-163.

  143. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2010. On ideal convergence of double sequences in probabilistic normed spaces. Math. Rep., 12: 359-371.

  144. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2010. On σ-conservative and boundedly σ-conservative four-dimensional matrices. Comput. Math. Applic., 59: 880-885.
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  145. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2010. Invariant mean and some core theorems for double sequences. Taiwanese J. Math., 14: 21-33.
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  146. Mursaleen, M. and N.A. Sheikh, 2010. Some Sequence Spaces of Invariant Means and Matrix Transformations. In: Modern Methods in Analysis and its Applications, Mursaleen, M. (Ed.)., Chapter 3, Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, pp: 21-26.

  147. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2010. On some new difference sequence spaces of non-absolute type. Math. Comput. Modell., 52: 603-617.
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  148. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2010. Compactness by the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness. Nonlinear Anal.: Theory Methods Applic., 73: 2541-2557.
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  149. Mursaleen, M. and A.K. Noman, 2010. Applications of the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness in some sequence spaces of weighted means. Comput. Math. Applic., 60: 1245-1258.
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  150. Colak, R., Y. Altın and M. Mursaleen, 2010. On some sets of difference sequences of fuzzy numbers. Soft Comput., 15: 787-793.
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  151. Altin, Y., M. Mursaleen and H. Altinok, 2010. Statistical summability (C, 1) for sequences of fuzzy real numbers and a Tauberian theorem. J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 21: 379-384.
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  152. Zeltser, M., M. Mursaleen and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. On almost conservative matrix methods for double sequence spaces. Publicationes Math. Debrecen, 75: 387-399.

  153. Mursaleen, M., Q.D. Lohani and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. Intuitionistic fuzzy 2-metric space and its completion. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 42: 1258-1265.
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  154. Mursaleen, M., A.M. Jarrah and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. Almost convergence through the generalized de la Vallee-Poussin mean. Iran. J. Sci. Technol., 33: 169-177.
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  155. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. Statistical convergence of double sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 41: 2414-2421.
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  156. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. On stability of a cubic functional equation in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 42: 2997-3005.
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  157. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. On lacunary statistical convergence with respect to the intuitionistic fuzzy normed space. J. Comput. Applied Math., 233: 142-149.
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  158. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. Nonlinear operators between intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces and Frechet derivative. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 42: 1010-1015.
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  159. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2009. Almost bounded variation of double sequences and some four dimensional summability matrices. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 75: 495-508.

  160. Mursaleen, M. and Q.D. Lohani, 2009. Intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed space and some related concepts. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 42: 224-234.
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  161. Mursaleen, M. and Q.D. Lohani, 2009. Baire's and Cantor's theorems in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-metric spaces. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 42: 2254-2259.
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  162. Mursaleen, M. and O.H. Edely, 2009. On the invariant mean and statistical convergence. Applied Math. Lett., 22: 1700-1704.
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  163. Mursaleen, 2009. Some matrix transformations on sequence spaces of invariant means. Hacettepe J. Math. Stat., 38: 259-264.

  164. Gokhan, A., R. Colak and M. Mursaleen, 2009. 2009. Some matrix transformations and generalized core of double sequences. Math. Comput. Modell., 49: 1721-1731.
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  165. Gokhan, A., M. Et and M. Mursaleen, 2009. Almost lacunary statistical and strongly almost lacunary convergence of sequences of fuzzy numbers. Math. Comput. Modell., 49: 548-555.
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  166. Edely, O.H. and M. Mursaleen, 2009. On statistical A-summability. Math. Comput. Modell., 49: 672-680.
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  167. Mursaleen, M., A. Alotaibi and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2008. Some inequalities on statistical summability (C, 1). J. Math. Inequal, 2: 239-245.
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  168. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2008. Regularly σ-conservative and σ-coercive four dimensional matrices. Comput. Math. Applic., 56: 1580-1586.
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  169. Basar, F., B. Altay and M. Mursaleen, 2008. Some generalizations of the space bvp of p-bounded variation sequences. Nonlinear Anal.: Theory Methods Applic., 68: 273-287.
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  170. Mursaleen, M., R. Colak and M. Et, 2007. Some geometric inequalities in a new Banach sequence space. J. Inequal. Applic., Vol. 2007. 10.1155/2007/86757.
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  171. Mursaleen, M. and S.A. Mohiuddine, 2007. Double σ-multiplicative matrices. J. Math. Anal. Applic, 327: 991-996.
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  172. Mursaleen, M., F. Basar and B. Altay, 2006. On the Euler sequence spaces which include the spaces ℓp and ℓ∞ II. Nonl. Anal. Theory Meth. Applic., 65: 707-717.
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  173. Edely, O.H.H. and M. Mursaleen, 2006. Tauberian theorems for statistically convergent double sequences. Inform. Sci., 176: 875-886.
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  174. Cakan,C., B.Altay and M.Mursaleen, 2006. The σσ-convergence and σσ-core of double sequences. Mathe. Lett., 19: 1122-1128.
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  175. Altay, B., F. Basar and M. Mursaleen, 2006. On the Euler sequence spaces which include the spaces ℓp and ℓ∞ I. Inform. Sci., 176: 1450-1462.
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  176. Mursaleen, M. and V.A. Khan, 2005. Generalized Cesaro vector-valued sequence space and matrix transformations. Inform. Sci., 173: 11-21.
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  177. Mursaleen, M. and Qamaruddin, 2005. Some Generalized Difference Sequence Spaces and their Kothe-Toeplitz Duals. In: Sequences Summability and Fourier Analysis, Rath, D. and S. Nanda (Eds.)., Chapter 6, Narosa Publishing House, India, pp: 54-61.

  178. Savas, E. and Mursaleen, 2004. On statistically convergent double sequences of fuzzy numbers. Inform. Sci., 162: 183-192.
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  179. Mursaleen, M., O. Edely and A. Mukheimer, 2004. Statistically &sigma:-multiplicative matrices and some inequalities. Math. Slovaca, 54: 281-289.
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  180. Mursaleen, M., 2004. Almost strongly regular matrices and a core theorem for double sequences. J. Math. Anal. Applic., 293: 523-531.

  181. Mursaleen and O.H.H. Edely, 2004. Almost convergence and a core theorem for double sequences. J. Math. Anal. Applic., 293: 532-540.
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  182. Mursaleen, M., 2003. Some geometric properties of a sequence space related to Rp. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 67: 343-347.

  183. Mursaleen, M. and M. Basarir, 2003. On some new sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers. Indian J. Pure Applied Math., 34: 1351-1357.

  184. Mursaleen, M. and E. Savas, 2003. Almost regular matrices for double sequences. Stud. Sci. Math. Hungarica, 40: 205-212.

  185. Mursaleen and O.H.H. Edely, 2003. Statistical convergence of double sequences. J. Math. Anal. Applic., 288: 223-231.
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  186. Coskun, H., C. Cakan and M. Mursaleen, 2003. Statistical and σ-cores. Stud. Math., 154: 29-35.

  187. Mursaleen, M.and O.H.H. Edely, 2002. On some statistical core theorems. Analysis, 22: 266-276.

  188. Mursaleen, M., 2002. Some analogues of Knopp core theorem. Bull. Greek Mathe. Soc., 46: 35-46.

  189. Kananthai, A., M. Mursaleen, W. Sanhan and S. Suantai, 2002. On property (H) and rotundity of difference sequence spaces. J. Nonlinear Convex Anal., 3: 401-410.
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  190. Malkowsky, E. and M. Mursaleen, 2001. Some matrix transformations between the difference sequence spaces Δ∆c0, Δ∆c1 and Δ∆R∞. Filomat, 15: 353-363.

  191. Mursaleen, M., 2000. λ-Statical convergence. Mathe. Solvaca, 50: 111-115.

  192. Malkowsky, E., M. Mursaleen and Qamaruddin, 1999. Generalized Sets of Difference Sequence Spaces, their Duals and Matrix Transformations. In: Sequence Spaces and Applications, Jain, P.K. and E. Malkowsky (Eds.)., Chapter 7, Narosa Publishing House, India, pp: 68-83.

  193. Mursaleen, M., A.K. Gaur and T.A. Chishti, 1997. On some new sequence spaces of invariant means. Acta Math. Hungar., 75: 185-190.

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  195. Ahmad, Z.U., M. Mursaleen and Q.A. Khan, 1996. Generalized almost convergence and Knopp's core theorem. Mathe. Slovaca, 46: 245-253.

  196. Malkowsky, E. and M. Mursaleen, 1995. Matrix transformations between FK-spaces and the sequence spaces m(φ) and n(φ). J. Mathe. Anal. Appl., 196: 659-665.

  197. Ahmad, Z.U., M. Mursaleen and Q.A. Khan, 1995. r-Convex sequences and matrix transformations. Acta Mathe. Hungar., 69: 327-335.

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  199. Mursaleen, M. and Q.A. Khan, 1994. A-summability and Frechet spaces. Indian J. Pure Appl. Mathe., 25: 535-540.

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  202. Mursaleen, M., 1987. A note on FB-convergence. Anal. Mathe., 13: 169-172.
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  203. Choudhary, B. and M. Mursaleen, 1987. On absolute regular summability methods. Indian J. Pure Appl. Mathe., 18: 823-829.

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  206. Mursaleen, M., 1983. On some new invariant matrix methods of summability. Quart. J. Mathe. Oxford, 34: 77-86.

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