Dr. Satya Syamala Sundari Narina
Research Associate-Plant EcologyVirginia State University, USA
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Olericulture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India
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Selected Publications
- Narina, S.S., B.E. Scheffler, L.A. Ballard, S.E. Simpson, R. Buyyarapu, R.K. Kottapalli and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2015. Informative established sequence traits in tepary bean Phaseolus acutifolius A. gray for drought stress. J. Agric. Stud., 4: 55-72.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., S.C. Phatak, and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2014. Chlorophyll fluorescence to evaluate pigeonpea breeding lines and mungbean for drought tolerance. J. Agric. Sci., 6: 1-9.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., J.J. Burke, S. Jacob, A.A. Hamama, and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2014. TeparyBean: A native resource for drought tolerance. Int. J. Plant Anim. Environ. Sci., 5: 25-35.
- Narina, S.S., H.L. Bhardwaj, A.A. Hamama, S.S. Pathak and X. Yixiang, 2014. Seed protein and starch qualities of drought tolerant pigeonpea and tepary bean. J. Agric.Sci., 6: 1-13.
- Xu, Y., E.N. Sismour, S.S. Narina, D. Dean, H.L. Bhardwaj and Z. Li, 2013. Composition and properties of starches from Virginiaâ€grown kabuli chickpea Cicer arietinum L. cultivars. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol., 48: 539-547.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., P.L. Montegue, A. Robert, and A.I. Mohamed, 2013. Development of microsatellite markers for anthracnose resistance in greater yam Dioscorea alata L. from expressed sequence tags of heterologous crop species. J. Root Crops, 38: 64-69.
Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., A.A. Hamama and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2013. Fatty acid composition of flax sprouts. J. Agric. Sci., 5: 75-79.
Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., Y. Xu, A.A. Hamama, S.C. Phatak and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2012. Effect of cultivar and planting time on resistant starch accumulation in pigeonpea grown in Virginia. ISRN Agron. 10.5402/2012/576471.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., T. Andebrhan, A.I. Mohamed, and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2012. Functional classification of ESTs from vernonia Vernonia galamensis L. cDNA library. Ind. Crops Prod., 36: 370-375.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., A.A. Hamama and H.L. Bhardwaj, 2012. Nutritional and mineral composition of flax sprouts. J. Agric. Sci., 4: 60-65.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Bhardwaj, H.L., A.A. Hamama, S.S. Narina and J. Parry, 2012. Effect of consumption of ground wholeseed flax on human blood traits. J. Agric. Sci., 4: 106-111.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., R. Buyyarapu, K.R. Kottapalli, A.M. Sartie, M.I Ali, A. Robert and B.E. Scheffler, 2011. Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for marker development in yam Dioscorea alata L. BMC genomics, 12:100. 10.1186/1471-2164-12-100.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., C.A. d’Orgeix and B.L. Sayre, 2011. Optimization of PCR conditions to amplify microsatellite loci in the bunchgrass lizard Sceloporus slevini genomic DNA. BMC Res. Notes, 4:26. 10.1186/1756-0500-4-26.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., I.A. Mohamed, A. Robert and R.H. Mignouna, 2009. A standardized RNA isolation protocol for yam Dioscoreaalata L. cDNA library construction. Virginia J. Sci., 60: 171-180.
Direct Link | - Narina, S.S., N.S.S. Sundari, N. Pal and N. Singh, 2003. Line × tester analysis of combining ability in onion Allium cepa L. Indian J. Hortic., 60:357. .
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