Mr. Budati Anil Kumar

Assistant Professor
Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. Student in Wireless Communication from Gitam University, India

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Area of Interest:

Communication Networks
Wireless Commuincation
Cognitive Radio

Selected Publications

  1. Kumar, B.A. and P.T. Rao, 2013. Interference elimination in wireless networks using chi-square random variable. Int. J. Adv. Res. Electron. Electr. Instrum. Eng., 2: 3129-3137.
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  2. Budati, A.K. and K. Rambabu, 2013. Advanced Security System using PIR. Int. J. Eng. Sci. Res., 3: 2187-2193.

  3. Budati, A.K. and P.V. Naganjaneyulu, 2012. APA designed for echo cancellation in wireless networks. J. Curr. Eng. Res., 2: 7-12.
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