Dr. Syed Ali Mohamed

Associate Professor
Mohamed Sathak College of Arts And Science, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Marine Biotechnology from Alagappa University, India

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Area of Interest:

Molecular Sciences
Marine Biotechnology
Experimental Biology

Selected Publications

  1. Venkatraman, A., M. Moovendhan, K. Chandrasekaran, S. Ramesh and A. Albert et al., 2022. Alcoholic concentrate of microalgal biomass modulates cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and gene expression studied in hepatocellular carcinoma. Biomass Conv. Bioref., Vol. 2022. 10.1007/s13399-022-02786-6.
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  2. Jairaman, C., Z.I. Alehaideb, S.A.M. Yacoob, S.S. Alghamdi and R.S. Suliman, et al., 2022. Rhizophora mucronata Lam. (mangrove) bark extract reduces ethanol-induced liver cell death and oxidative stress in Swiss Albino Mice: in vivo and in silico Studies. Metabolites, Vol. 12. 10.3390/metabo12111021.
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  3. Hymavathi, M., M.S. Ali, T.F. Ibrahim, B.A. Younis, K.I. Osman and K. Mukdasai, 2022. Synchronization of fractional-order uncertain delayed neural networks with an event-triggered communication scheme. Fractal Fract., Vol. 6. 10.3390/fractalfract6110641.
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  4. Alehaideb, Z.I., A. Venkatraman, M. Kokane, S.A. Mohamed and S. Rameshbabu, et al., 2022. Bursatella leachii purple ink secretion concentrate exerts cytotoxic properties against human hepatocarcinoma cell line (HepG2): In vitro and in silico studies. Molecules, Vol. 27. 10.3390/molecules27030826.
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  5. Saranya, R., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha and M. Safia, 2019. Pharmacognosy and radical scavenging potential of different plant parts of Anastatica hierochuntica. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem., 8: 1764-1771.
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  6. Ali, M.S., V. Anuradha, N. Yogananth and S. Krishnakumar, 2019. Heart and liver regeneration in zebrafish using silver nanoparticle synthesized from Turbinaria conoides-in vivo. Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol., 17: 104-109.
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  7. Swetha, S., V. Anuradha, N. Yogananth and M.S. Ali, 2018. GCMS analysis and in vitro enzyme inhibitory effect of different solvent extracts of Garcinia cambogia fruit. World J. Pharm. Res., 7: 1636-1650.

  8. Suganya, V., V. Anuradha and M.S. Ali, 2018. Role of inflammatory markers in tumorogenesis. Int. J. Pharmaceut. Sci. Rev. Res., 19: 122-131.
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  9. Suganaya, V., V. Anuradha, M.S. Ali, P. Sangeetha and P. Bhuvana, 2018. Drug safety evaluation of micro encapsulated astaxanthin for sustained drug release. J. Pharm. Biol. Sci., 13: 71-76.
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  10. Selvi, R., N. Yogananth, M.S. Ali and V. Anuradha, 2018. In vitro antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of crude extract of Solanum nigrum Linn. Int. J. Scient. Res. Rev., 7: 153-163.

  11. Sathyanarayanan, M., M.S. Mubarak, S.M. Rabeek, M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha and N. Yogananth, 2018. Characterization and antibacterial activity of newly synthesized heterocyclic compound. Eur. J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci., 5: 575-580.

  12. Sangeetha, P., V. Suganaya, P. Bhuvana, V. Anuradha and M.S. Ali, 2018. Physicochemical characterization and drug standardization of Nannochloropsis oculata. World J. Pharmaceut. Med. Res., 4: 167-171.
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  13. Kaur, S., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha, V. Suganya, A. Ashashalini and P. Bhuvana, 2018. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of mangroveplant Rhizophora mucronata Lam. (Malpighiales: Rhizophoraceae). Braz. J. Biol. Sci., 5: 417-426.
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  14. Jairaman, C., S.A. M. Yacoob, A. Venkataraman, Y. Nagarajan and A. Mohamed, 2018. Chromatographic analysis of Rhizophora mucronata bark- based on antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential. Eur. J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci., 5: 771-781.

  15. Desiyamani, P., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha, N. Yogananth and H. Sheeba, 2018. Eco toxicity of plant based mosquito larvicidal, repellent and adulticidal activities of Sargassum polycystum extract against dengue and filaria vectors. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 6: 1108-1117.

  16. Chitra, S.R., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha, M. Shantha and N. Yogananth, 2018. Antioxidant activity of polysaccharide from Sargassum sp. IOSR J. Pharm., 8: 24-31.
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  17. Chitra, J., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha and Yogananth, 2018. Screening of phytochemical constituents and anti- bacterial activity of fractionated leaf extract and anti-oxidant capacity of the crude extract of Sesuvium portulacastrum leaf from backwaters of Muthukadu lake, Chennai. Int. J. Environ. Health Technol., 1: 62-66.

  18. Bhuvana, P., V. Anuradha, M.S. Ali, V. Suganya and P. Sangeetha, 2018. Cultivation, Phytochemical screening and quantitative analysis of phytocompounds in Chlorella vulgaris. J. Biosci. Discov., 9: 244-250.

  19. Ashashalini, A., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha, N. Yogananth, V. Suganya and P. Bhuvana, 2018. Cultivation, quantification and pharmacognostic study of methanolic extract of Thalassiosira weissflogii. IOSR J. Pharm., 8: 36-43.
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  20. Anuradha, V., M.S. Ali, N. Yogananth, H. Sheeba, V. Suganya and M. Tamizharasan, 2018. Pharmacological activity of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles from brown algae seaweed Turbinaria conoides. Nanoworld J., 4: 17-22.
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  21. Suganya, V., V. Anuradha, M.S. Ali, P. Sangeetha and P.Bhuvana, 2017. In vitro anti-diabetic activity of microencapsulated and non-encapsulated astaxanthin. Int. J. Curr. Pharmaeut. Res., 9: 90-96.
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  22. Suganya, V., V. Anuradha, M.S. Ali, P. Sangeetha and P. Bhuvana, 2017. Microencapsulation and characterization of astaxanthin prepared using different agents. Res. J. Chem. Sci., 7: 1-10.
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  23. Suganya, V., V. Anuradha, M.S. Ali, P. Sangeetha and P. Bhuvana, 2017. In vitro antioxidant activity of microencapsulated and non-encapsulated astaxanthin. Asian J. Sci. Technol., 8: 6391-6404.
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  24. Suganya, V., V. Anuradha, M.S. Ali, P. Sangeetha and P. Bhuvana, 2017. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of microencapsulated and non-encapsulated astaxanthin. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 10: 186-195.
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  25. Rekha, L., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha, A.T. Mathew and N.Yogananth, 2017. Antigenotoxic effect of Rhizophora mucronata bark extract against Cyclophosphamide induced toxicity. Mater. Sci. Bioprocess Eng. appl., 1: 5-15.
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  26. Mary, X.A., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha and N. Yogananth, 2017. Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of crude extract of Rhizophora mucronata leaves. Int. J. Environ. Health, 16: 22-29.

  27. Desiyamani, P., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha, N.Yogananth and J.Chitra, 2017. Mosquito larvicidal activity of fractionated methanolic extractof Rhizophora mucronata. J. Mosquito Res., 7: 111-114.
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  28. Chitra J., M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha and N. Yogananth, 2017. Quantification of free radical scavenging potential and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract from Rhizophora mucronata Bark. Int. J. Adv. Biotechnol. Res., 8: 463-478.

  29. Bhuvana, P., V. Anuradha, M.S. Ali, V. Suganya and P. Sangeetha, 2017. In vitro antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Chlorella vulgaris. Int. J. Adv. Res., 5: 1465-1474.
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  30. Anuradha,V., P. Shankar, P. Bhuvana M.S. Ali and N. Yogananth, 2017. Terminalia arjuna bark assisted biosynthesis, characterization and bioactivity of metal oxide nanoparticles. J. Cheml. Pharm. Res., .
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  31. Anuradha, V., P. Shankar, P. Bhuvana M.S. Ali and N. Yogananth, 2017. Terminalia arjuna bark assisted biosynthesis, characterizaton and bioactivity of metal oxide nanoparticles. J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 9: 34-46.

  32. Anuradha, V., M.S. Ali, N. Yogananth, R. Rajan and A. Ashshalini, 2017. Marine natural products from marine microbes. Indian J. Applied Microbiol., 20: 97-100.

  33. Ali, M.S., V. Anuradha, V. Sripriya, N. Yogananth and H. Sheeba, 2017. Evaluation of anti-genotoxicity of the Tio2 nanoparticle biosynthesized from Turbinaria conoides. Int. J. Curr. Res., 9: 59085-59091.

  34. Ali, M.S., V. Anuradha, R. Abishek, N. Yogananth and H. Sheeba, 2017. In vitro anticancer activity of green synthesis ruthenium nanoparticle from Dictyota dichotoma marine algae. NanoWorld J., 3: 66-71.

  35. Ali, M.S., V. Anuradha, M. Akila and N.Y. ogananth, 2017. Antigenotoxic effect of TiO2 nanoparticle biosynthesized from Sargassum polycystum-a Marine macroalgae. J. Nanomedicine Res., 10.15406/jnmr.2017.05.00125.
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  36. Ali M.S., V. Anuradha, R. Keerthiga, N. Yogananth and H. Sheeba, 2017. Effect of Couroupita guianensis on xanthine oxidase activity and its potent role in treatment of gout. Asian J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 3: 215-219.

  37. Ahamed, B.J., N.Y. ogananth, M.S. Ali and V.Anuradha, 2017. In vitro milk clotting and anticoagulant properties on the latex of Jatropha Gossypifolia. Hindu J., .
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  38. Yogananth , N., A. Kalidoss., S. Ali and M., Anuradha, 2016. Production of food grade pigments from Pseudomonas aeroginosa. Int. J. Curr. Res. Biol. Med., 1: 14-18.
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  39. Mathew, A.T. M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha and N.Yogananth, 2016. Anigenotoxic evaluation of Rhizhophora mucronatastilt root extract against cyclophosmide induced toxicity. Int J. Newtechnol. sci. Eng., 3: 79-89.

  40. Anuradha,V.,M.S. Ali and N. Yogananthm, 2016. Efficacy of mosquito repellent and adulticidal activities of halophila ovalis extract against filaria vectors. Tropical. Dis.Pub. Health, 10.4172/2329-891X.1000191.
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  41. Yogananth, N., V. Anuradha, M. Yacoob, S. Ali, R. Muthezhilan, A. Chanthru and M.M. Prabu, 2015. Chemical properties of essential oil from MRhizophora muraonata mangrove leaf against malarial mosquito Anopheles stephensi and filarial mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus. Asian Pacific J. Trop. Dis., 5: S67-S72.

  42. Yogananth, N, M.S. Ali, V. Anuradha, T.A. Jothi and A. Chanthuru, 2015. Utilization of diets amended Pergularia daemia plant extract for the control of aflatoxicosis. J. Global Biosci., 4: 1250-1257.

  43. Ali, S.M., V. Anuradha, N. Yogananth, R. Rajathilagam, A. Chanthuru and S.M. Marzook, 2015. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticle by acanthus ilicifolius mangrove plant against armigeressubalbatus and aedesaegypti mosquito larvae. Int. J. Nano Dimension, 6: 197-204.

  44. Ali, M.Y.S. S. Ravikumar, V. Anuradha and N. Yogananath, 2015. Safety And Bio-Efficacy Of Mosquito Control From Marine natural Plant. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, USA, pp: 1-44..

  45. Ali, A., A.M., M.S. Ali, P.P. Vijaya, N. Yogananth and M.M. Prabu, 2015. Green Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Ocimum sanctum against mosquito vectors for malaria and dengue. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Nanotechnol., 7: 2666-2670.

  46. Yuvarani, T., V.Anuradha, N. Yogananth, M.S. Ali and R. Kartik, 2014. Molecular modelling and structure analysis of s-ribosyl homocysteinase from Aeromonas hydrophila. Biosci.Biotechnol. Res. Asia, 11: 363-368.

  47. Vijaya, P.P., B. Rekha, A.T. Mathew, M.S. Ali and N. Yogananth et al., 2014. Antigenotoxic effect of green-synthesised silver nanoparticles from Ocimum sanctum leaf extract against cyclophosphamide induced genotoxicity in human lymphocytes-in vitro. Appl. Nanosci., 4: 415-420.
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  48. Ramanathan, S., P.P. Vijaya, N. Yogananth, V. Anuradha and M.S. Ali, 2014. In vitro screening for anti-inflammatory activity of Basella alba and Alternanthera sesssilis-impartent edible green leaves. Int. J. Compr. Res. Biol. Sci., 1: 27-30.

  49. Ramanathan, S, P.P.Vijaya, N. Yogananth and M.S. Ali, 2014. In vitro evaluation and diabetic potential of Gymnema sylvestre and Dregea volubilis a medicinally important Asclepiadceae plant. Int.J. Comprehensive Res. Biol. Sci., 1: 9-12.

  50. Priyanka, A., N. Yogananth , M.S. Ali and V. Anuradha, 2014. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of Solanum torvum Sw: An ethnomedicinal plant. Int. J. Comprehensive Res. Biol. Sci., 1: 6-12.

  51. Lucious, S., E.S. Reddy, V. Anuradha, N. Yogananth and M.Y. Syed et al., 2014. Decolorization of acid dyes by b.cereus and p.aeruginosa isolated from effluent of dyeing industry. Int. J. Pure Appl. Biosci., 2: 23-29.
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  52. Anuradha,V., N. Yogananth, M.S. Ali and K. Gopi, 2014. Molecular docking studies of nitrocefin and it’s analogs with PBP2A of S. aureus. Biosci. Biotechnol. Res. Asia 11: 143-147.

  53. Anuradha, V., N.Yogananth and M.S. Ali, 2014. Identification of Potential drug target in Treponema pallidum subsp. Pallidum through metabolic pathway analysis. Int. J. Comprehensive Res. Biol. Sci., 1: 44-47.

  54. Ali, M.S., S. Ravikumar, J.M. Beula, V. Anuradha and N. Yogananth, 2014. Insecticidal compounds from Rhizophoraceae mangrove plants for the management of dengue vector Aedes aegypti. J. Vector Borne Dis., 51: 106-114.
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  55. Albert, O.O.O., M.S. Ali, N. Yogananth, V. Anuradha, M. Ferosekhan and M.M. Prabu, 2014. Safety and efficacy of essential oil from Curcuma longa against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi mosquito vectors. Int. J. Compr. Res. Biol. Sci., 1: 36-43.

  56. Vijaya, P.P., M.S. Ali, R.S. Saranya, N.Yogananth, V. Anuradha and P.K. Parveen, 2013. Antimicrobial activity and characterization of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles from Anisochilus carnosus. Int. J. Nano Dimension, 3: 255-262.
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  57. Lucious, S., E.S. Reddy, V. Anuradha, P.P. Vijaya and M.S. Ali et al., 2013. Heavy metal tolerance and antibiotic sensitivity of bacterial strains isolated from tannery effluent. Asian J. Exp. Biol. Sci., 4: 597-606.
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  58. Ali, M.Y.S., V. Anuradha, S. Sirajudeen, P. Vijaya and N. Yogananth et al., 2013. Mosquito larvicidal properties of volatile oil from salt marsh mangrove plant of Sesuvium portulacastrum against Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti. J. Coastal Life Med., 1: 65-70.
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  59. Ali, M.Y.S., S. Ravikumar and J.M. Beula, 2013. Mosquito larvicidal activity of seaweeds extracts against Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. Asian Pacific J. Trop Dis., 3: 196-201.
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  60. Ali, M.S., S. Ravikumar, V. Saravanan, V. Anuradha and N. Valliammal, 2013. Antibacterial activity of medicinal herbs plants against urinary tract infection pathogens. Asian J. Exp Biol Sci., 4: 388-392.

  61. Ali, M.S., S. Ravikumar and J.M. Beula, 2013. Larvicidal potential of seagrass extracts against dengue vector Aedes aegypti (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae). Int. J. Pharm. Bio. Sci., 4: 62-67.

  62. Vijaya, P.P., R. Aishwaryalakshmi, N. Yogananth and M.S. Ali, 2012. Isolation, purification and characterization of oxygen insensitive azoreductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Biodegradation of Azo dye-methyl red. J. Adv. Laboratory Res. Biol., 3: 310-315.

  63. Gnanadesigan, M., M. Anand, S. Ravikumar, M. Maruthupandy, M.S. Ali, V. Vijayakumar and A.K. Kumaraguru, 2012. Antibacterial potential of biosynthesised silver nanoparticles using Avicennia marina mangrove plant. Applied Nanosci., 2: 143-147.
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  64. Ali, M.S., S. Ravikumar and J.M. Beula, 2012. Spatial and temporal distribution of mosquito larvicidal compounds in mangroves. Asian Pacific J. Trop. Dis., 2: 401-404.
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  65. Ali, M.S., S. Ravikumar and J.M. Beula, 2012. Bioactivity of seagrass against the dengue fever mosquito Aedes aegypti larvae. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 2: 570-573.
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  66. Surendran, A., S. J. Vennison, S. Ravikumar and M.S. Ali, 2011. Optimization of Alkaline Protease production Bacillus sphaericus SBS4 by soil bacterium. J. Pharm. Res., 4: 1517-1519.
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  67. Ravikumar, S., S. Abideen, M. Syed Ali, M. Babu Selvam 2011. In vitro human sperm immobilizing activity of marine halophytes. J. Pharma. Res., 4: 1291-1293.
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  68. Ravikumar, S., M.S. Ali, P. Anandh, M.A. Khan and M. Dhinakaraj, 2011. Antibacterial activity of Cymodocea serrulata root extract against chosen poultry pathogens. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 4: 98-100.

  69. Ravikumar, S., M.S. Ali, A. Ramu and M. Ferosekhan, 2011. Antibacterial activity of chosen mangrove plants against bacterial specified pathogen. World Appl. Sci. J., 14: 1198-1202.

  70. Ravikumar, S., M. Syed Ali, V. Saravanan and M. Venkatesan, 2011. Termicidal activity of seaweed extracts against Glyptotermes sp. J. Curr. Res., 3: 304-307.

  71. Ravikumar, S., M. Syed Ali and N. Valliammal, 2011. Biofertilizer effect of halophilic azospirilium on the growth of Jatropha Curcas L seedlings. Ann. Biol. Res., 2: 153-157.

  72. Beula, J.M., S. Ravikumar and M.S. Ali, 2011. Mosquito larvicidal efficacy of seaweed extracts against dengue vector of Aedes aegypti. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 1: S143-S146.
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  73. Ravikumar, S., M. Gnanadesigan, M.S. Ali and V. Vijayakumar, 2010. Structural elucidation of Bioactive Compounds. In: Marine Pharmacology, Ravikumar, S. and K. Kathiresan,(Eds.)., School of Marine Sciences, Alagappa University, Thondi campus, pp: 194-215..

  74. Nazar, S., S. Ravikumar, G.P. Williams, M. Syed Ali and P. Suganthi, 2009. Screening of Indian coastal plant extracts for larvicidal activity of Culex quinquefasciatus. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 2: 24-27.
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