Dr. C. Sathya

Lab Assistant
Alagappa University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Zoology from Bharathidasan University, India

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Area of Interest:

Molecular Sciences
Molecular Techniques
Microbial Isolation

Selected Publications

  1. Jeevalaksluni, A., C. Sathya and P. Mwugaian, 2017. Effect of chicory and inulin growth petfotmance, semm biochemical analysis and intestinal microbial population in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Int. J. Adv. Res., 5: 699-707.

  2. Sathya, C. and P. Mwugaian, 2015. Qualitative and quantitative comparison of desi chicken, broiler chicken and Japanese quail egg. Int. J. Curr. Biotechnol., 3: 6-11.

  3. Sathya, C. and P. Mwugaian, 2015. Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotic and Curculigo orchioides rhizome powder on egg quality parameters and biochemical composition of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Int. J. Adv. Pharm. Biol. Chem., 4: 162-170.