Dr. Selvanarayanan Venkatesan
ProfessorAnnamalai University, India
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Entomology from Annamalai Unversity, India
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Selected Publications
- Selvanarayanan, V., 2015. Redesigning Research on Crop Resistance to Insects: Experiences with Tomato. In: New Horizons in Insect Science: Towards Sustainable Pest Management. Chakravarthy, A.K., (Ed.). Springer, India, pp 293-306.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Saravanaraman, M., K. Balaji and V. Selvanarayanan, 2015. Inducing resistance in sesamum accessions against shoot webber and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel through mutation breeding. In: New Horizons in Insect Science: Towards Sustainable Pest Management. Chakravarthy, A.K., (Ed.). Springer, India, pp 283-292.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Karthikeyan, A. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2011. In vitro efficacy of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill and Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) Viegas against selected insect pests of cotton. Recent Res. Sci. Technol., 3: 142-143.
Direct Link | - Suganya, T. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2010. In vitro study on the effect of bhendi varieties on the infectivity of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill to Spodoptera litura Fab. J. Biopesticides, 3: 369-372.
Direct Link | - Mir, S.H. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2010. Biophysical and biochemical basis of resistance in the selected cowpea accessions against insect pests. J. Eco-friendly Agric., 5: 68-69.
- Anand, G.V., V. Selvanarayanan and P. Tholkappian, 2010. Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and bio-inoculants on host plant resistance to Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel on Sesame, Sesamum indicum Linn. J. Biopesticides, 3: 152-154.
Direct Link | - Thirumalai, M., R. Seenivasagan and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Studies on the seasonal incidence of sugarcane internode borer, Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) in Tamil Nadu, India. Recent Res. Sci. Technol., 1: 46-47.
- Thirumalai, M. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Suppression of sugarcane internode borer (Chilo sacchariphagus indicus Kapur) by sequential release of parasitoids. Hexapoda, 16: 114-117.
Direct Link | - Suganya, T. and V.Selvanarayanan, 2009. Varietal variation in tomato vis-a-vis pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. against leaf eating caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fab. Karnataka J. Agric. Sci., 22: 572-575.
Direct Link | - Muthukumaran, N. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. The role of biofertilizers on resistance of tomato to fruitworm. Insect Environ., 15: 142-143.
- Muthukumaran, N. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Induction of resistance in tomato against Helicoverpa armigera using biofertilizers. Recent Res. Sci. Technol., 1: 1-3.
- Muthukumaran, N. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Hairs in tomatoes hinder insects. Agrobios Newsl., 8: 31-32.
- Mir, S.H. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Tritrophic interaction among manorial schedule, fertilizers, resistant varieties and incidence of pests. Bull. Agric. Sci., 6: 117-121.
- Mir, S.H. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Field screening of cowpea accessions for resistance against insect pests. Bull. Agric. Sci., 6: 113-116.
- Mir, S.H. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Biophysical and biochemical factors of resistance in selected cowpea accessions. Bull. Biol. Sci., 7: 147-149.
- Gopalakrishnan, R. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Preliminary evaluation of mutant tomato accessions for resistance against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Genn. (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera). Adv. Biol. Res., 3: 159-161.
- Gopalakrishnan, R. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Determination of lethal dose values for diethyl sulphate and ethyl methane sulphonate induced mutagenesis in insect tolerant tomato accessions. Plant Arch., 9: 763-764.
- Gopalakrishnan, R. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Antixenosis resistance in EMS induced mutant tomato accession against the fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Hexapoda, 16: 126-129.
Direct Link | - Balaji, K. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2009. Evaluation of resistance in sesame germplasm against shoot webber and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis. Indian J. Plant Prot., 37: 35-38.
Direct Link | - Muthukumaran, N. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2007. Resistance in hybrid derivatives of Lycopersicon accessions against leaf caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fab. Insect Sci., 14: 359-365.
- Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Narayanasamy, 2006. Factors of resistance in tomato accessions against the fruit worm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Crop Protection, 25: 1075-1079.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Narayanasamy, 2006. Assessment of tomato germplasm for resistance to fruit borer, Helicoverpa (= Heliothis) armigera Hubner. J. Vegetable Sci., 12: 71-79.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Murugaraj, P., R.M. Nachiapan and V. Selvanarayanan, 2006. Efficacy of Emamectin benzoate (Proclaim 05 SG against tomato fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Pestology, 30: 11-16.
- Vijai Anandh, G. and V. Selvanarayanan, 2005. Reaction of sesame germplasm against shoot webber, Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel and phyllody. Indian J. Plant Protection, 33: 35-38.
- Selvanarayanan, V. and N. Muthukumaran, 2005. Insect resistance in tomato accessions and their hybrid derivatives in Tamil Nadu, India. Commun. Agric. Appl. Biol. Sci., 70: 613-624.
PubMed | Direct Link | - Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Narayanasamy, 2004. Antixenosis resistance in tomato against fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Int. J. Trop. Insect Sci., 24: 201-206.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Sivakumar, R., R.M. Nachiappan and V. Selvanarayanan, 2003. Profenofos, a potential insecticide against tomato fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Pestology, 27: 13-16.
- Sivakumar, R., R.M. Nachiappan and V. Selvanarayanan, 2003. Field evaluation of profenofos (Curacron®) against selected pests of okra. Pestology, 27: 7-11.
- Sivakumar, R., R.M. Nachiappan and V. Selvanarayanan, 2003. Field efficacy of profenofos against shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) of egg plant. Pestology, 27: 23-25.
- Santhakumar, J., N.K. Vijayalakshmi, V.J.R. Lakshmi Bai, S. Arivudainambi and V. Selvanarayanan, 2003. Preliminary trials on the antifeedant properties of certain plant extracts against Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (F.). Insect Environ., 8: 184-185.
- Pushpalatha, S., R.M. Nachiappan and V. Selvanarayanan, 2002. Lambda cyhalothrin: An effective insecticide against mango hopper, Amritodus atkinsoni Leth. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Pestology, 26: 35-37.
- Dhakshinamoorthy, G. and V. Selvanaryanan, 2002. Evaluation of certain natural products against pulse beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) infesting stored green gram. Insect Environ., 8: 29-30.
- Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Narayanasamy, 2001. Resistance in indigenous and exotic tomatoes against the fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Insect Environ., 7: 6-7.
- Selvanarayanan, V. and T. Selvamuthukumaran, 2000. Field resistance of sesame cultivars against phyllody disease transmitted by Orosius albicinctus Distant. Sesame Safflower Newslett., 15: 71-74.
- Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Baskaran, 2000. Can the sesame shoot webber and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel be controlled chemically?. Sesame Safflower Newslett., 14: 55-60.
- Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Baskaran, 2000. Biology and spinning behaviour of sesame shoot webber and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel. (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae). Sesame Safflower Newslett., 15: 68-70.
- Arivudainambi, S., V. Selvanarayanan and P. Vikash, 2000. Enhancing the efficacy and persistency of Spodoptera litura (Fab.) nuclear polyhedrosis virus using UV irradiation protectants. Indian J. Exp. Biol., 38: 1175-1176.
PubMed | Direct Link | - Umamaheswari, T., C.S. Bharathi, R. Kanagarajan, S. Arivudainambi and V. Selvanarayanan, 1999. Neem formulations and castor oil: A safe way to manage okra red spider mites. J. Acrol., 14: 77-79.
- Sharmila Bharathi, C., T. Umamaheswari, R. Kanagarajan, S. Arivudainambi and V. Selvanarayanan, 1999. Feeding site preference of okra red spider mites. J. Acrol., 14: 80-81.
- Jose, F., RM. Nachiappan and V. Selvanarayanan, 1999. Seasonal incidence of jasmine eriophyid mite, Aceria jasmini C. (Acari: Eriophyidae) and its influence on the foliar biochemical factors. J. Acrol., 14: 45-46.
- Jose, F., R.M. Nachiappan and V. Selvanarayanan, 1999. Management of jasmine eriophyid mite, Aceria jasmini C. (Acari: Eriophyidae). J. Acrol., 14: 41-44.
- Raveendran, N., V. Selvanarayanan, S. Ganesan and K. Raman, 1998. Bioefficacy of certain botanical formulations against the groundnut leafminer, Aproaerema modicella (Deventer) (Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera). Pestology, 22: 26-28.
- Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Baskaran, 1996. Varietal response of sesame to the shoot webber and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel. (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae). Int. J. Pest Manage., 42: 335-336.
Direct Link | - Selvanarayanan, V. and P. Baskaran, 1996. Efficacy of non-conventional insecticides against the sesame shoot webber and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis Dup. Indian J. Entomol., 58: 326-336.
- Selvanarayanan, V., 1994. Shoot webber and capsule borer in sesame: A menace and means to suppress. Plant Breed. Newslett., 4: 1-2.