Mr. Sonica Rautela

Assistant Professor
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. Student in Marketing Management from Symbiosis International Univeristy, India

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Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Business Administration
Consumer Behavior
Market Efficiency

Selected Publications

  1. Rautela, S., 2017. Growth of patanjali-is it tempest in a tea cup? Indian J. Applied Res., Vol. 7, No. 2. .
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  2. Rautela, S. and T.K. Singhal, 2017. A generic assessment of level of involvement of youngsters with social networking sites. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 10: 1-5.
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  3. Mavale, S. and S. Rautela, 2016. Incremental innovation for sustainable growth in restaurant businesses: Global practices for the growth of local business. Ann. Res. J. Symbiosis Centre Manage. Stud., 4: 80-87.
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