Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma

Assistant Professor
Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences from Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi, India

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Reproduction
Reproductive Behaviour
Animal Health
Veterinary Medicine

Selected Publications

  1. Singh, M., A. Sharma, P. Kumar, N. Bhardwaj, A. Sharma and I. Bala, 2018. Studies on clinical efficacy of some therapeutic regimens for the management of endometritis in cows. Exp. Anim. Med. Res., 8: 110-112.

  2. Sharma, A., P. Sood and P. Dogra, 2018. Ultrasonographic guided follicular dynamics in Gaddi goats duri ng non-breeding seaso. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 88: 689-693.

  3. Sharma, A., P. Sood and P. Dogra, 2018. Seminal plasma removal improves cryopreserved semen quality in Gaddi bucks. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 39: 25-28.

  4. Sharma, A., P. Sood and P. Dogra, 2018. Ovarian follicular dynamics during the interovulatory interval in Gaddi goats. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 88: 526-529.

  5. Sharma, A., M. Singh, P. Kumar and m.Scholar, 2018. Impact of post-partum uterine infection on reproductive performance of cows. Indian Farmer, 5: 447-451.

  6. Sharma, A., M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2018. Prostaglandin F2α administration on day 8 postpartum leads to early resumption of ovarian cyclic activity in dairy cattle. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 39: 38-40.

  7. Sharma, A., M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2018. Effect of BCS and parity on uterine involution, ovarian rebound and various fertility parameters in postpartum dairy cows. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 88: 526-529.

  8. Akshay, S., S. Madhumeet, K. Pravesh, S. Amit, A.M. Jan, 2018. Pyometra in a Jersey crossbred cow-diagnosis and treatment. Exp. Anim. Med. Res., 8: 97-99.

  9. Sofi, K., M. Singh, R. Kumar and A. Sharma, 2017. Laparoscopic chromopertubation for the evaluation of tubal patency in dairy cattle. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 39: 15-19.
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  10. Singh, M.M., A. Sharma, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2017. Repeat breeding and its treatment in dairy cattle of Himachal Pradesh (India)-a review. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 38: 1-5.

  11. Sharma, A., P. Kumar, A. Sharma, M. Singh and N. Bhardwaj, 2017. Dystocia due to schistosomus reflexus in a jersey crossbred cow. Indian J. Vet. Sci. Biotechnol., 12: 91-92.
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  12. Sharma, A., M. Singh, P. Kumar, A. Sharma, A.M.J. Neelam and P. Sharma, 2017. Postpartum uterine infections in cows and factors affecting it-a review. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 6: 1020-1028.
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  13. Sharma, A., M. Singh, P. Kumar, A. Sharma and I. Bala, 2017. Effect of different treatments on postpartum reproductive performance of dairy cows. Haryana Vet., 56: 207-209.

  14. Sharma, A., M. Singh, P. Kumar, A. Sharma et al., A. Kashyap, 2017. Bacterial isolation, culture sensitivity test, endometrial cytology of postpartum cows and assessment of their reproductive performance. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 6: 519-527.
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  15. Sharma, A., M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2017. Postpartum uterine infections in cows: diagnosis and treatment- An overview. Indian J. Vet. Sci. Biotechnol., 12: 38-44.

  16. Sharma, A., M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2017. Postpartum uterine infections in cows: Diagnosis and Treatment-an overview. Indian J. Vet. Sci. Biotechnol., 12: 38-44.

  17. Sharma, A., M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2017. Incidence of anovulatory follicles (>8mm) in post-partum dairy cows following various treatments. Exp. Anim. Med. Res., 7: 194-196.

  18. Sharma, A., M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2017. Effect of PGF2α and antibiotic administration on uterine involution and occurrence of sub-clinical endometritis followed by evaluation of relationship between body condition score and PMN Cells. Int. J. Livestock Res., 7: 257-261.

  19. Sharma, A., M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2017. Administration of PGF2α and antibiotic in dairy cows during early postpartum period and their effect on various fertility parameters. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 6: 3738-3740.
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  20. Sharma, A., M. Singh and P. Kumar, 2017. Successful management of cervico-vaginal and rectal prolapse in swine:A case report. Himachal J. Agric. Res., 43: 75-77.

  21. Sharma, A., A. Sharma, M. Singh, P. Kumar and P. Saini et al., 2017. Successful management of cervico-vaginal prolapse in a Murrah buffalo-a case report. Exp. Anim. Med. Res., 7: 225-226.

  22. Sharma, A., A. Sharma, M. Singh and P. Kumar, 2017. Rare case of an external hydrocephalic kid in a Gaddi goat. Haryana Vet., 56: 238-239.

  23. Amit, S., S. Akshay, S. Madhumeet and K. Pravesh, 2017. Dystocia in Zebu cattle due to Perosomus elumbis-a case report. Exp. Anim. Med. Res., 7: 104-105.

  24. Sharma, M., M.M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2016. Correla tion between semen ev alua tion p arameters and fertility of frozen-tha wed semen of jersey x local hillca ttle crossbred bulls. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 37: 52-54.

  25. Kapse, S., M.M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2016. Dominant follicle diameter at insemination is related to positive pregnancy outcome in dairy cattle. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 38: 56-57.

  26. Sharma, A., P. Kumar, M. Singh and N.K. Vasishta, 2015. Haemato-biochemical and endocrine profiling of north western Himalayan Gaddi s heep during various physiological/reproductive phases. Open vet. J., 5: 103-107.
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  27. Agrawal, J.K., N.K. Vashistha, A. Sharma, R. Sharma, M.M. Singh and P. Kumar, 2015. Histopathological study of naturally occurring pathological conditions of uterus affecting reproduction in small ruminants. Indian J. Vet. Sci. Biotechnol., 11: 19-22.
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  28. Agrawal, J.K., N. Kumar, M.M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2015. Seasonal variations in ovarian follicular growth in sheep and goats of Himachal Pradesh. Ruminant Sci., 4: 33-35.

  29. Sharma, A., P. Kumar, M. Singh and N.K. Vasishta, 2014. Reproductive health status of north western Himalayan Gaddi sheep: An abattoir study. Open vet. J., 4: 103-106.
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  30. Sharma, A., P. Kumar, M. Singh and N. Vasishta, 2014. Retrospective analysis of dystocia in small ruminants. Intas Polivet, 15: 287-289.

  31. Kumar, P., M. Singh, N. Kumar and A. Sharma, 2014. Effect of progesterone supplementation on conception rate following single and double insemination in normal cows. Indian Vet. J., 91: 78-80.

  32. Kumar, P., M. Singh, N. Kumar and A. Sharma, 2014. Clinical management of dystocia due to hydrocephalus fetus in a bitch. Intas Polivet, 15: 359-360.

  33. Kumar, P., A. Sharma, M. Singh, P. Sood and P. Barman, 2014. Dystocia due to a dichephalus monster fetus in a buffalo. Buffalo Bull, 33: 13-15.
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  34. Agrawal, J.K., N. Kumar, M.M. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Kumar, 2014. Occurrence of gross female genital tract abnormalities in sheep. Indian J. Vet. Res., 23: 13-16.

  35. Sharma, A., P. Kumar, M. Singh, N.K. Vasishta and R. Jaswal, 2013. Rare fetal monster in Holstein crossbred cow. Open vet. J., 3: 8-10.
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  36. Kumar, P., A. Sharma, P. Barman, M. Singh, N. Kumar and P. Sood, 2013. Surgical removal of mummified fetus by lower flank laparohysterotomy. Himachal Vet. J., 6: 142-144.

  37. Kumar, P., A. Sharma, M. Singh, P. Sood and J. Agarwal, 2013. Dystocia due to emphysematous fetus and fetal maldisposition in a buffalo. Buffalo Bull., 32: 160-161.
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  38. Khan, S., M. Singh, P. Kumar, A. Sharma and P. Barman, 2013. Dystocia due to uterine torsion in a buffalo-a clinicopathological study. Himachal Vet. J., 6: 114-120.

  39. Sharma, A., M. Singh, N. Kumar and P. Kumar, 2012. Effect of Gonadotropin releasing hormone administration after first or subsequent postpartum estrus on conception rate in normal jersey and crossbred cows. Indian Vet. J., 89: 25-27.

  40. Kumar, P., M. Singh, N. Kumar and A. Kumar, 2012. Effect of progesterone supplementation on conception rate following single and double insemination in repeat breeder cows. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 82: 856-858.

  41. Sood, P., P. Kumar, A. Sharma, P. Barman and N. Kumar, 2011. Successful management of dystocia due to incomplete abortion in a buffalo. Buffalo Bull., 30: 226-227.
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  42. Sharma, A., N.K. Vasishta, M. Singh and P. Kumar, 2011. Effect of timed insemination and gonadotropin releasing hormone administration on conception in pre-synchronized repeat breeder cows. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 81: 938-940.

  43. Pravesh, K., K. Amit, B. Purabi, S. Madhumeet and R. Nishant, 2011. Post partum uterine prolapse in a non-descriptive cow. Indian J. Field Vet., 7: 74-75.
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  44. Kumar, P., R. Kumar, A. Sharma, P. Barman and M. Singh, 2011. A rare case of external hydrocephalus fetus in jersey crossbred cow. Indian J. Field Vet., 6: 57-58.

  45. Kumar, P., A. Sharma, N. Vasishta, S. Khan and P. Barman, 2011. Dystocia due to relative oversized fetus and fetal maldisposition in a Buffalo. Vet. World, 4: 569-570.

  46. Kumar, P., A. Sharma and N. Deep, 2011. Successful management of post partum cervico-vaginal prolapse in a hilly cow. Intas Polivet, 12: 34-35.
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  47. Sharma, A., P. Kumar, P. Barman and N. Kumar, 2010. Dystocia due to fetal ascitis in jersey crossbred cow. Indian J. Field Vet., 6: 27-28.

  48. Kumar, P., N. Kumar, A. Sharma, M. Singh and P. Barman, 2010. Treatment of bovine fetal mummification with diethyl stilbesterol. Indian J. Field Vet., 6: 39-40.
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  49. Kumar, P., A. Sharma, P. Barman and M. Singh, 2010. Dystocia due to secondary uterine inertia in a german shepherd BITCH. Indian J. Field Veterinarians, 5: 35-36.
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  50. Barman, P., N. Kumar, A. Sharma, M. Singh and P. Kumar, 2010. A rare case of schistosomus reflexus in a gaddi doe. Indian J. Field Vet., 6: 37-38.
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  51. Sharma, A., S. Sharma and N.K. Vasishta, 2010. A diprosopus buffalo neonate: A case report. Buffalo Bull., 29: 62-64.
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  52. Sharma, A., M. Singh, N.K. Vasishta and V.K. Gandotra, 2006. Effect of GnRH administration on plasma progesterone profile of normal cyclic cows. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 76: 377-379.

  53. Sharma, A., M. Singh and N.K. Vasishta, 2006. Effect of gonadotrophin releasing hormone administration on conception rate following artificial insemination inrepeat breeder cattle. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 76: 330-332.

  54. Sharma, A., M. Singh and N. Kumar, 2004. Studies on the effect of Gonadotrophin releasing hormone administration on conception rate following artificial insemination in cattle maintained under sub-temperate climate. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 27: 66-68.

  55. Mishra, S., M. Singh, S. Thakur, A. Sharma and N. Kumar, 2004. Managenment of incomplete cervical dilatation in an aborting cow: A case report. Intas Polivet, 5: 154-155.