Dr. K. S. Madhava Rao
ProfessorUniversity of Botswana, India
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Statistics from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
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Selected Publications
- Rattihalli, R.N., K.S.M. Rao and M. Raghunath, 2019. Some count-based nonparametric tests for circular symmetry of a bivariate distribution. Commun. Stat.-Simul. Comput., 48: 922-943.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Moseki, K.K. and K.S.M. Rao, 2018. Empirical measures of symmetry of market sentiments. Cogent Econ. Finance, Vol. 6. 10.1080/23322039.2018.1430113.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Moseki, K.K. and K.S.M. Rao, 2017. Analysing stock market data-market sentiment approach and its measures. Cogent Econ. Finance, Vol. 5. 10.1080/23322039.2017.1367147.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and R. Raghunath, 2016. A simple nonparametric test for testing treatment versus control. J. Stat.: Adv. Theory Applic., 16: 133-162.
CrossRef | - Rao, K.S.M. and A. Ramachandran, 2016. A markov approach to exchange rate sentiment analysis of major global currencies. Open J. Stat., 6: 1181-1195.
CrossRef | - Verma, T.S., K.S.M. Rao and K.J. Shibhu, 2015. An assessment of severity of environmental aerosol particles during precipitation. Int. J. Environ., 4: 81-95.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Molebatsi, K. and K.S.M. Rao, 2015. A study of wind speed probability models: A case of Sir Seretse Khama international airport monthly maximums. J. Stat.: Adv. Theory Applic., 13: 77-88.
- Rao, K.S.M., T.S. Verma, Z. Chimidza and K.J. Shibu, 2014. A new method of quantifying aerosol concentrations in atmosphere. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 124: 83-96.
CrossRef | - Rao, K.S.M. and R. Anjana, 2014. Exchange rate market sentiment analysis of major global currencies. Open J. Stat., 4: 49-69.
CrossRef | - Baliyan, S.P., K.S.M. Rao, P.S. Baliyan and M. Mahabile, 2013. The effects of 4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid plant growth regulator on the fruit set, yield and economic benefit of growing tomatoes in high temperatures. Int. J. Agric. Sci. Res., 3: 29-36.
Direct Link | - Baliyan, S.P. and M.S. Rao, 2013. Evaluation of tomato varieties for pest and disease adaptation and productivity in Botswana. Int. J. Agric. Food Res., 2: 20-29.
Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and O. Olabode, 2012. Empirical study of the readiness of public servants on e-government adoption. Int. J. Inform. Syst. Change Manage., 6: 17-37.
- Rao, K.S.M. and M. Raghunath, 2012. A simple nonparametric test for bivariate symmetry about a line. J. Stat. Plan. Inference, 142: 430-444.
CrossRef | - Baliyan, S.P., P.S. Baliyan and K.M. Rao, 2012. Reponse of different combinations of manure and fertilizers to the yield of rape crop. Int. J. Agric. Res. Innov. Technol., 2: 44-47.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Baliyan, S.P., K.S.M. Rao and P.S. Baliyan, 2012. Influence of parental education and income level on students‘ performance in senior secondary school mathematics in Botswana. Global Res. J. Math., 1: 73-94.
- Rao, K.S.M., T.S. Verma and K.J. Shibu, 2011. An investigation of roadside particles and carbon dioxide gas concentration in Gaborone, Botswana: A statistical study. Scholars Res. Library J.-Arch. Phys. Res., 2: 67-83.
- Rao, K.S.M. and K.K. Moseki, 2011. Analysing volatility in equity indices-A Markov approach for Botswana domestic company indices. S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng., 22: 83-98.
Direct Link | - Adeyinka, A.A. and K.S.M. Rao, 2011. Analysis of students‘ opinion on January 2009 Campus strike at the university of Botswana. Int. J. Educ. Admin., 3: 171-188.
- Rao, K.S.M. and K.K. Moseki, 2009. A probabilistic approach to categorise equity index volatility. Manage. Dynamics: J. Southern Afr. Inst. Manage. Sci., 18: 22-34.
Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M., 2002. Restructuring Degree Education-A Pragmatic Credit Based Semester System Model. Association of Mangalore University College Teachers, India, ISBN: 51-432-0561-1.
- Rao, K.S.M., 2002. Proceedings of the State Level Symposium On “ Statisitcs 2000+: A Vision for the New Millennium. M.G.M. College, Udupi, India, ISBN: 51-614-0326-7.
- Achar, K.P., S. Bhagwat, D. Bhat, H. Bhat and K.G. Bhat et al., 2000. Tree Communities and human interface in the Western Ghats, India. J. Indian Inst. Sci., 80: 553-569.
Direct Link | - Bhat, B.R., T. Sri Venkataramana and K.S.M. Rao, 1996. Statistics: A Beginner’s Text, Vol. II. New Age International Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, ISBN: 81-244-0791-9.
- Rao, K.S.M., 1995. Environmental Awareness through Tutorials. Association of Mangalore University College Teachers, India, ISBN: 61-114-0191-3.
- Bhat, B.R., T.S. Venkataramana and K.S.M. Rao, 1995. Statistics: A Beginner’s Text. Vol. 1. New Age International Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, ISBN: 81-224-1004-9.
- Rao, K.S.M., 1990. A one-sample test based on sub-sample median. Commun. Stat. Theory Methods, 19: 4559-4568.
- Mehra, K.L., N.G.N. Prasad and K.S.M. Rao, 1990. A class of nonparametric tests for the oneâ€sample location problem. Aust. J. Stat., 32: 373-392.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Mehra, K.L. and K.S.M. Rao, 1990. On a class of nonparametric tests for the treatment Vs control problem. Commun. Stat.-Theory Methods, 19: 2323-2336.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M., A.P. Gore and N.M. Sahasrabudhe, 1986. A median test for ordered alternatives. Gujarat Stat. Rev., 13: 55-63.
- Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1986. A note on optimality of certain rank tests for ordered alternatives in randomized blocks. Biometrical J., 28: 267-271.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1984. Testing concurrence and parallelism of several sample regressions against ordered alternatives. Stat.: J. Theor. Applied Stat., 15: 43-50.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1984. Testing against ordered alternatives in oneâ€way layout. Biometrical J., 26: 25-32.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1984. Some nonparametric tests for ordered alternatives in randomized block design. J. Indian Stat. Assoc., 22: 71-80.
- Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1984. Sign and Wilcoxon tests for quadratic versus cubic regression. Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigation Operative, 35: 112-122.
- Rao, K.S.M., 1982. Nonparametric tests for homogeneity of scale against ordered alternatives. Ann. Inst. Stat. Math., 34: 327-333.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1982. Nonparametric tests for intercept in linear regression problems. Aust. J. Stat., 24: 42-50.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1982. Distribution-free tests for linearity of regression. Publications Inst. Stat., 27: 61-73.
- Gore, A.P. and K.S.M. Rao, 1982. Nonparametric tests for slope in linear regression problems. Biometrical J., 24: 229-237.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and A.P. Gore, 1981. Distribution-free tests for parallelism and concurrence in two-sample regression problem. J. Stat. Plan. Inference, 5: 281-286.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Rao, K.S.M. and K.S. Acharya, 1975. A Socio-Economic Survey of Alevoor Village. M.G.M. College, Udupi, India, ISBN: 61-211-0211-9.