Dr. Nimisha Srivastava

Assistant Professor II
Amity Institute of Pharmacy, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from Amity Institute of Pharmacy, India

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Novel Drug Delivery System
Solubility Enhancement
Herbal Drugs Standardization

Selected Publications

  1. Nimisha, D.A. Rizvi, Z. Fatima, Neema and C.D. Kaur, 2017. Antipsoriatic and anti-inflammatory studies of Berberis aristata extract loaded nanovesicular gels. Pharm. Magaz., 13: S587-S594.
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  2. Fatima, Z., 2017. Formulation and performance evaluation of Berberis aristata extract loaded ethosomal gel. Asian J. Pharm., 11: 175-183.
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  3. Vishwakarma, A., M.S. Nimisha, R. Srivastava and D. Srivastava, 2016. Preparation and evaluation of self emulsifying drug delivery system of rosuvastatin calcium. Int. J. Pharm Bio Sci., 7: 117-137.
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  4. Nimisha, Z. Fatima and C.D. Kaur, 2016. A review on potential of novel vesicular carriers for carrying herbal drugs in the treatment of dermatological disorders. J. Atoms Mol., 6: 987-1003.
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  5. Nimisha, K. Srivastava and A.K. Singh, 2015. Formulation and evaluation of Seabuckthorn leaf extract loaded ethosomal gel. Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res., 8: 316-320.
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  6. Srivastava, S., D. Srivastava, Nimisha and V. Prajapat, 2014. Liquisolid technique for enhancement of dissolution properties of lornoxicam. Indo Global J. Pharm. Sci., 4: 81-90.
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  7. Nimisha, N., P. Pal and D. Srivastava, 2014. Formulation and evaluation of meclizine hydro chloride mouth dissolving tablets: An attempt to enhance patent compliance. Asian J. Pharm., 6: 307-311.
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  8. Nimisha and S.M.D. Vallamsetti, 2014. Formulation and evaluation of floating beads of famotidine. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 24: 192-198.

  9. Nahid, T. and Nimisha, 2014. Comparative evaluation of superdisintegrant and sublimation method for formulation of pantoprazole sodium sesquehydrate mouth dissolving tablets. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 3: 1605-1617.

  10. Saxena, S. and Nimisha, 2013. In situ parentral drug therapy. Int. J. Humanities Eng. Pharm., 1: 55-57.

  11. Namita and Nimisha, 2013. Formulation and evaluation of herbal shampoo having antimicrobial potential. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 5: 708-712.
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  12. Namita and Nimisha, 2013. Development and evaluation of herbal cosmeceutical for skin care. Int. J. Pharm. Bio, 4: 86-92.

  13. Chaturvedi, P., K. khan, D. Srivastava and Nimisha, 2013. Chronopharma ceutical drug delivery of lornoxicam for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Int. J. Adv. Pharm. Res., 4: 1585-1592.

  14. Vishwakarma, A.K., O.P. Maurya and D. Srivastava, 2012. Formulation and evaluation of transdermal patch containing turmeric oil. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 4: 358-361.

  15. Srivastava, D., N.K. Verma, Nimisha and W. Ahmed, 2012. Development of lornoxicam transdermal patch: Effect of natural penetration enhancers. PHARMBIT, 23-24: 74-78.

  16. Nimisha, G. Prakash, D. Srivastava and Pushplata, 2012. Formulation and evaluation of isoflavone tablet using natural gum as release modifier. PHARMBIT,, 24: 22-27.

  17. Chaurasia, T., D. Singh and D. Srivastava, 2012. A Review on nanosuspensionspromising drug delivery strategy. Curr. Pharm. Res., 3: 764-776.
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  18. Batra, N. and Nimisha, 2012. Nutraceuticals the natural foord products let food be your medicine. Int. J. Hum. Eng. Pharm., 1: 41-44.

  19. Srivastava, S. and Nimisha, 2011. Formulation and evaluation of mouth dissolving tablets of loratidine. PHARMBIT, 22: 147-153.

  20. Dakhara, S.L. and C.C. Anajwala, 2010. Polyelectrolyte complex: A pharmaceutical review. Syst. Rev. Pharm., 1: 121-127.
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  21. Nimisha, 2009. Nutraceuticals and their role in health care. Heritage Amruth, 5: 46-47.

  22. Nimisha, M. Bajpaei and A. Bhattacharya, 2008. Formulation and evaluation of bioadhesive microspheres of tizanidineHCl for nasal drug delivery. Indian Pharm., 6: 71-77.