Dr. V. K. Rahmathulla

Research Scientist
Central Silk Board, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Zoology from University of Calicut, India

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Analysis
Plant Biology

Selected Publications

  1. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa and G.S. Vindya, 2013. Impact assessment of need based training programmes in sericulture. J. Sericult. Technol., 3: 73-76.
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  2. Rahmathulla, V.K. and H.M. Suresh, 2013. Influence of temperature and humidity on growth and development of silk gland of a bivoltine silkworm hybrid. Iranian J. Entomol., 3: 24-29.
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  3. Rahmathulla, V.K., C.M.K. Kumar, B.S. Angadi and V. Sivaprasad, 2012. Influence of weather factors on incidence and intensity of microsporidiosis in silkworm (Bombyx mori L.). J. Entomol., 9: 266-273.

  4. Rahmathulla, V.K., 2012. Management of climatic factors for successful silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) crop and higher silk production: A review. Psyche, Vol. 2012. 10.1155/2012/121234.
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  5. Rahmathulla, V.K. and H.M. Suresh, 2012. Seasonal variation in food consumption, assimilation and conversion efficiency of Indian bivoltine hybrid silkworm, Bombyx mori. J. Insect Sci., 12: 1-14.
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  6. Rahmathulla, V.K., P. Das and M. Ramesh, 2011. Effect of folic acid supplementation on nutritional and feed conversion efficiency of mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori Linnaeus 1758). Trop. Zool., 24: 145-157.
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  7. Rahmathulla, V.K., C.M.K. Kumar, A. Manjula and V. Sivaprasad, 2011. Effect of different season on crop performance of parental stock races of bivoltine silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Mun. Entomol. Zool., 6: 886-892.

  8. Rahmathulla, V.K. and C.M.K. Kumar, 2011. Pest incidence of stem girdler beetle, Sthenias grisator (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera ) on mulberry plantation. Insect Environ., 17: 111-112.

  9. Sandhya, C.R., G. Srinivasa, V.K. Rahmathulla and R.K. Rajan, 2010. Factors influencing capital formation in sericulture-an economic analysis. J. Textile Assoc., 71: 11-13.

  10. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa and G.S. Vindhya, 2010. Socio economic characteristic, income and investment pattern of trained and untrained sericulturists: A comparative study. Indian J. Sericult., 49: 96-100.

  11. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa and G.S. Vindhya, 2009. Influence of training elements on knowedge, skill and attitude of sericulture trainees: An analysis. Indian J. Seri., 48: 91-95.

  12. Rahmathulla, V.K., P. Das, M. Ramesh and R.K. Rajan, 2008. Growth rate pattern and economic traits of silkworm, Bombyx mori L under the influence of folic acid administration. J. Applied Sci. Environ. Manage., 11: 81-84.
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  13. Rahmathulla, V.K. and H.M. Suresh, 2008. Feed consumption and conversion efficiency in male and female bivoltine silkworms (Bombyx mori L.): A comparative study. J. Ent. Res. Soc., 10: 59-65.

  14. Srinivasa, G., V.K. Rahmathulla, G.S. Vindhya and R.K. Rajan, 2007. Training programmes in sericulture: Their eevaluation and impact on extension personnel and sericulturists. Indian J. Seri., 46: 26-31.

  15. Srinivasa, G., P. Kumaresan, V.K. Rahmathulla and N.B. Vijayaprakash, 2007. Gap in input use and technology adoption of improved sericultural practices in Karnataka, technical compendium. Proceeings of the State Level Workshop on Sericulture Management, March 15-16, Directorate of Textiles and Handloom, Bhuvaneshwar, Orissa, pp: 33-38.

  16. Rao, D.M.R., J. Kodandaramaiah, M.P. Reddy, R.S. Katiyar and V.K. Rahmathulla, 2007. Effect of VAM fungi and bacterial biofertilisers on mulberry leaf quality and silkworm cocoon characters under semi arid condition. Caspian J. Environ. Sci., 5: 111-117.
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  17. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa, G.S. Vindhya, R.K. Rajan and C.K. Kamble, 2007. Faculty performance and course coverage in sericulture training programme: An analysis. Indian J. Seri., 46: 136-139.

  18. Himantharaj, M.T., V.K. Rahmathulla, G.S. Vindhya, R.K. Rajan and C.K. Kamble, 2007. Studies on weight loss in bivoltine silkworm (Bombyx mori L.), eggs during embryogenesis. Indian J. Ser., 46: 189-191.

  19. Himantharaj, M.T., M. Chowdhury, G.S. Vindhya, V.K. Rahmathulla and R.K. Rajan, 2007. Effect of self mounting on cocoon and post cocoon parameters in silkworm Bombyx mori L. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., 27: 43-50.

  20. Srinivasa, G., V.K. Rahmathulla, M.T. Himantharaj, G.S. Vindhya and R.K. Rajan, 2006. Teaching technical skill in sericulture. MANAGE Extension Res. Rev., 7: 95-100.

  21. Rahmathulla, V.K., R. Tilak and R.K. Rajan, 2006. Influence of moisture content of mulberry leaf on growth and silk production in Bombyx mori L. Caspian J. Environ. Sci., 4: 25-30.
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  22. Rahmathulla, V.K., R. Devi, R.K. Rajan, G.S. Vindhya and M.T. Himantharaj, 2006. Food ingestion, digestion and conversion pattern of new bivoltine hybrid, silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., 26: 135-141.

  23. Rahmathulla, V.K., P. Nayak, G.S. Vindya, M.T. Himantharaj and R.K. Rajan, 2006. Influence of antibiotic on feed conversion efficiency of mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.). Anim. Biol., 56: 13-22.
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  24. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa, R.G.G. Devi, G.S. Vindhya and M.T. Himantharaj, 2006. Evaluation system in sericulture training programmes. Bull. Ind. Acad. Seri., 8: 37-43.

  25. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa, G.S. Vindhya and R.K. Rajan, 2006. Assessment of sericultural technology training programme: An analysis of sericulture trainees. Indian J. Sericult., 45: 11-14.

  26. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa and R.K. Rajan, 2006. Impact of farmers training on knowledge, yield and income levels of sericulturists: A comparative study. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Extension Management. February 24-25, 2006, CSR and TI,Mysore, pp: 160-.

  27. Srinivasa, G., G.R. Saha, V.K. Rahmathulla and R.K. Rajan, 2005. Information source cionsultaqncy pattern of the sericulturists in Mysore district, Karnataka. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Scenario of Sericulture in India, March 25-26, Tirupati, pp: 37-.

  28. Rajan, R.K., V.K. Rahmathulla, V.P. Gupta and G. Srinivasa, 2005. An anaylysis of evaluation methods and impact of practical training programme in sericulture. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Sericulture Conference, December 15-18, Bangalore, India, pp: 292-295.

  29. Rahmathulla, V.K., H.Z. Haque Rufaie, M.T. Himanthraj, G.S. Vindhya and R.K. Rajan, 2005. Food ingestion, assimilation and conversion efficiency of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Int. J. Ind. Entmon., 11: 1-12.

  30. Rahmathulla, V.K., G.S. Vindhya, K. Jhansilakshmi, V.B. Mathur, R.G. Geethadevi, T. Tsuchiya and K. Kawakami, 2005. Impact of JICA activities on adoption, income generation and investment pattern of sericulturists of South India. Proceedings of the National Conference on Tropical Sericulture, November 5-7, 2005, Mysore, India, pp: 521-523.

  31. Rahmathulla, V.K., G. Srinivasa, G.S. Vindhya, M.T. Himantharaj and R.K. Rajan, 2005. Training effectiveness: An analysis of sericulture trainees. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Scenario of Sericulture in India, March 25-26, 2005, SPMVV, Tirupati, pp: 38-.

  32. Srinivasa, G., R.N. Sarangi, G.S.G. Devi, V.K. Rahmathulla and R.G. Geethadevi, 2004. Factors influencing the cocoon yield and sericultural income. Indian J. Sericult., 43: 42-45.

  33. Rahmathulla, V.K., V.B. Mathur and R.G.G. Devi, 2004. Growth and dietary efficiency of mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) under various nutritional and environmental stress conditions. Philippines J. Sci., 133: 39-43.
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  34. Rahmathulla, V.K., M.T. Himantharaj, G. Srinivasa and R.K. Rajan, 2004. Association of moisture content in mulberry leaf with nutritional parameters of bivoltine silkworm (Bombyx mori L.). Acta Entomol. Sin., 47: 701-704.

  35. Himantharaj, M.T., A.K. Sahoo, J. Kodandaramaiah, V.K. Rahamathulla, G.S. Vindhya and R.K. Rajan, 2004. Effect of shoot thinning on morphological and biochemical parameters in Mulberry (Morus spp.). Sericologia, 44: 523-534.
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  36. Vindya, G.S., P. Kumar, V.K. Rahmathulla, V.B. Mathur and R.G.G. Devi, 2003. Effect of mating duration and repeated mating of males on egg laying capacity and hatchability of bivotine (CSR races) of Bombyx mori. J. Exp. Zool. India, 6: 369-372.

  37. Rahmathulla, V.K., T. Raj, M.T. Himanthraj, G.S. Vindya and R.G.G. Devi, 2003. Effect of feeding different maturity leaves and intermixing of the leaves on commercial characters of bivoltine hybrid silkworm (Bombyx mori L.). Int. J. Ind. Entomol., 6: 15-19.

  38. Rahmathulla, V.K., S.Z. Haque, R.G.G. Devi and G.S. Vindya, 2003. Effect of early and delayed mounting at different maturation level on commercial characters of bivoltine hybrid silkworm (Bombyx mori L.). Bull. Ind. Acad. Ser., 7: 79-82.

  39. Rahmathulla, V.K., S.Z. Haque and R.G.G. Devi, 2003. Comparative study of commercial characters of cocoon produced by ripe and unripe bivoltine larvae (Bombyx mori L.) mounted at different maturation levels. Int. J. Ind. Entomol., 7: 79-82.

  40. Rahmathulla, V.K., R.G.G. Devi, G. Srinivasa and R.K. Rajan, 2003. Assessment of training needs of trained sericulture extension workers of South India. Proceedings of the National Conference on Tropical Sericulture, November 5-7, 2003, Mysore, India, pp: 544-555.

  41. Rahmathulla, V.K., R.G.G. Devi and G. Sreenivasa, 2003. Evaluation of bivoltine training programme for extension workers of south India. Indian J. Sericult., 42: 137-141.

  42. Rahmathulla, V.K., P. Nayak, G.S. Vindya, M.T. Himantharaj and R.K. Rajan, 2003. Effect of antibiotic (norfloxacin) administration on commercial characters of new bivoltine and cross breed hybrid silkworm (Bombyx mori L). Int. J. Ind. Entomol., 7: 191-195.

  43. Rahmathulla, V.K., P. Kumerasan and R.G.G. Devi, 2003. Impact of quality attributes on mulberry cocoon prices in Karnataka. Indian J. Agric. Econ., 58: 273-278.

  44. Rahmathulla, V.K., G.S. Vindya, G. Sreenivasa and R.G. Geethadevi, 2003. Evaluation of the consumption and nutritional efficiency in three new bivoltine hybrids (CSR series) silkworm Bombyx mori L. J. Exp. Zool. India, 6: 157-161.

  45. Rahmathulla, V.K., 2003. Growth and development of silk gland in mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) fed with different maturity leaves. Insect Environ., 9: 92-93.

  46. Mogili, T., R. Balakrishna, A. Sarkar and V.K. Rahmathulla, 2003. Identification of mulberry genotype suitable for young age silkworm rearing. Proceedings of National Conference on Tropical Sericulture, Nov. 5-7, Mysore, India. pp:1-3.

  47. Rahmathulla,V.K., R.G.G. Devi, C.C. Choudhary and G.S. Vindya, 2002. An evaluation of sericultural technology training programme and technologies: Trainees approach. Proceedings of the National Conference on Strategies for Sericulture Research and Development, November 16-18, 2000, Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, India. -.

  48. Rahmathulla, V.K., R.G.G. Devi, V.B. Mathur and G.S. Vindya, 2002. Impact of practical bivoltine training programme in sericulture: An analysis. Proceedings of National Conference on Strategies for Sericulture Research and Development, November 16-18, 2002, Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, India, pp: 483-486.

  49. Rahmathulla, V.K., M.T. Himanthraj, G. Sreenivasa, R.G.G. Devi and G. Vindya, 2002. Problems and prospectus of sericulture in India. Farmers Forum, 2: 24-27.

  50. Rahmathulla, V.K., H.M. Suresh, V.B. Mathur and R.G.G. Devi, 2002. Feed conversion efficiency of elite bivoltine CSR hybrids silkworm Bombyx mori L. reared under different environmental conditions. Sericologia, 42: 197-203.

  51. Rahmathulla, V.K. and R.G.G. Devi, 2002. New technologies in sericulture for rural development. Rural India, 65: 91-96.

  52. Rahmathulla, V.K. and G. Sreenivasa, 2002. Sericulture and rural development. Rural Banker, 32: 19-23.

  53. Mathur, V.B., V.K. Rahmathulla and O.V. Bhaskar, 2002. Consumption and conversion efficiency of food in new elite bivoltine hybrid silkworm, Bombyx mori L. under restricted feeding levels. Int. J. Ind. Entomol., 5: 213-216.

  54. Mathur, V.B., H.K. Ravi and V.K. Rahmathulla, 2002. Effect of shootlets feeding during youn age silkworm, Bombyx mori L. and its impact on cocoon production. Bull. Ind. Acad. Ser., 6: 86-89.

  55. Mathur, V.B., A. Rahman, R.G. Geethadevi and V.K. Rahmathulla, 2002. Influence of environmental factors on spinning larvae and its impact on cocoon and reeling characters. Advances in sericulture research. Proceedings of the National Conference on Strategies for Sericulture Research and Development, November 16-18, 2000, Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, India, pp: 2-.

  56. Rahmathulla, V.K. and R.G.G. Devi, 2001. Nutritional efficiency of Bivoltine silkworm (Bombyx mori L.). Insect Environ., 6: 171-172.

  57. Rahmathulla, V.K. and R.G.G. Devi, 2000. Sericulture an apt venture for rural development. Agric. Today, 3: 46-48.

  58. Rahmathulla, V.K., C.C. Choudhary and R.G.G. Devi, 1999. Effective planning in sericulture. Indian Textile J., 9: 66-69.

  59. Rahmathulla, V.K., 1999. Production of quality silk in India. Textile Ind. Trade J., 37: 56-58.