Dr. Manpal Sridhar

Principal Scientist
National Institute of Animal Nutrition, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from National Institute of Animal Nutrition, India

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Nutrition
Animal Biodiversity

Selected Publications

  1. Lalpanmawia, H., A.V. Elangovan, M. Sridhar, D. Shet, S. Ajith and D.T. Pal, 2014. Efficacy of phytase on growth performance, nutrient utilization and bone mineralization in broiler chicken. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 192: 81-89.
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  2. Sridhar, M., S. Senani and R. Bhatta, 2011. Production of proteases and lignolytic enzymes during solid state fermentation (SSF) of finger millet straw (Eleusine coracana). Indian J. Anim. Sci., 81: 723-729.

  3. Samanta, A.K., P. Khandekar, S. Senani, A.P. Kolte, M. Sridhar and N. Jaypal, 2011. Effective nutritional management of livestock during drought. Agrovet Buzz., 4: 50-55.
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  4. Fernandez, R., M. Sridhar and N. Sridhar, 2011. Effect of lactic acid bacteria administered orally on growth performance of Penaeus indicus (H. Milne Edwards) Juveniles. Res. J. Microbiol., 6: 466-479.
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  5. Sridhar, N., H. Prasanth, M. Sridhar and M.R. Raghunath, 2010. Nutritional efficacy of Spirulina platensis in enhancing growth and survival in the peninsular carp fry Labeo fimbriatus (bloch). Indian J. Anim. Nutr., 27: 314-321.
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  6. Sridhar, M., D. Kumar, S. Anandan, C.S. Prasad and K.T. Sampath, 2010. Morphological and molecular characterization of polycentric rumen fungi belonging to the genus Orpinomyces isolated from Indian cattle and buffaloes. Res. J. Microbiol., 5: 581-594.
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  7. Sridhar, M. and M.C. Shekar, 2010. Evaluation of fermented mantis shrimp incorporated in Feed on growth performance of P. indicus post larvae. Adv. Applied Res., 2: 100-113.

  8. Sridhar, M. and D. Kumar, 2010. Production of fibrolytic enzymes in repeat-batch culture using immobilized zoospores of anaerobic rumen fungi. Indian J. Biotechnol., 9: 87-95.
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  9. Manpal, S. and S. Senani, 2010. Methods for improving the nutritional values of crop residues for enhancing ruminant productivity. Agrovet Buzz., 3: 50-52.

  10. Elangovan, A.V., N.K.S. Gowda and M. Sridhar, 2010. Poultry in Rural Livestock Farming.. NAIP-livelihood, National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Adugodi, Bangalore-560030, pp: 7-16.

  11. Gowda, N.K.S., D.T. Pal, S.R. Bellur, U. Bharadwaj and M. Sridhar et al., 2009. Evaluation of castor (Ricinus communis) seed cake in the total mixed ration for sheep. J. Sci. Food Agric., 89: 216-220.
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  12. Sridhar, M., N. Sridhar and M. Chandrashekar, 2008. Bacterial biomass as feed for rearing of Penaeus indicusm (H. Milne Edwards) larvae. Indian J. Anim. Nutr., 5: 25-30.

  13. Samanta, A.K., S. Senani, A. Kolte, M. Sridhar and S.B.N. Rao, 2008. Importance of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes in Ruminant's diet. Indian J. Dairy Biosci., 19: 52-54.

  14. Sridhar, M., D. Kumar, S. Anandan, C.S. Prasad and K.T. Sampath, 2007. Occurrence and prevalence of Cyllamyces genus-A putative anaerobic gut fungus, in Indian cattle and buffaloes. Curr. Sci., 92: 1356-1358.
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  15. Paulraj, R., C. Gopal, M.S. Chandge, M. Sridhar, D.C.V. Easterson and M. Vijaykumaran, 2007. Nutrition and Feeds. In: Physiology of Marine white Shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus. Diwan, A.D. and M.J. Modayil, (Eds.)., Narendra Publishing House, Delhi, India, pp: 128-164.
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  16. Sridhar, M., N. Sridhar, P.A.W. Robertson and B. Austin, 2006. Role of gut probionts in enhancing growth and disease resistance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) fingerlings. Asian Fisher. Sci., 19: 1-13.
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  17. Bhatta, R., V. Kumar, M. Sridhar and K. Singh, 2006. Energy expenditure in crossbred cattle fed Paddy straw of different form, Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 17: 1755-1760.
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  18. Manpal, S., N. Sridhar and M. Chandrasekhar, 2004. Bioconversion and Nutritional upgradation of Fishery wastes for effective utilization as Aquafeed. AquaTimes, 1: 24-28.

  19. Ajitha, S., M. Sridhar, N. Sridhar, I.S.B. Singh and V. Varghese, 2004. Probiotic effects of lactic acid bacteria against Vibrio alginolyticus in Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) Indicus (H.Milne Edwards). Asian Fish. Sci., 17: 71-80.
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  20. Nair, R.J. and M. Sridhar, 2003. Optimum ration size and feeding frequency in post larvae of Penaeus indicus (H. Milne Edwards). Indian J. Fish., 45: 67-73.

  21. Manpal, S. and N. Sridhar, 2003. Feed additives in aquaculture. AquaTimes, 1: 39-45.

  22. Manpal S. and R. Paulraj, 2003. Efficacy of gut probionts in enhancing growth in Penaeus indicus post larvae. In: Aquaculture Medicine, Singh, I.S.B., S.S. Pai, R. Philip, A. Mohandas, (Eds.)., Centre for Fish Disease Diagnosis and Management, CUSAT, Kochi, India, pp: 117-122.

  23. Srinath, K., M. Sridhar, P.N.R. Kartha and A.N. Mohanan, 2000. Group farming for sustainable aqaculture. Ocean Costal Manage., 43: 557-571.
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  24. Sridhar, M., P. Vijayagopal and R. Paulraj, 1999. A preliminary study of the effect of mantis shrimp as an ingredient in Penaeus indicus post larval diets. J. Aquacult. Tropics, 14: 269-276.
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  25. Sanhotra, M.K. and S. Pereira, 1996. A nutritional evaluation of some imported and indigenous shrimp feeds. Fish. Technol., 33: 28-35.

  26. Sanhotra, M., H.S. Kushwah, A.K. Pal and I.C. Dutta, 1996. Effect of Endosulphan upon Phosphomonesterases and Transaminase activity in rat erythrocytes. Indian Vet. J., 73: 833-834.

  27. Sanhotra, M., H.S. Kushwah, A.K. Pal and I.C. Dutta, 1996. Role of dietary protein against invivo exposure of endosulphan on lipid pattern of rat erythrocytes. Indian Vet. Med. J., 20: 295-298.

  28. Srinath, K., A.N. Mohanan, K. Psallni and M. Sridhar, 1995. Action research for rural empowerment in chellanam fishing village. Mar. Fish. Inf. Ser. Tech. Extesion Ser., 132: 2-6.
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  29. Sridhar, M., R.J. Nair and N. Sridhar, 1995. Trypsin activity as a function of variation in shrimp Penaeus indicus indicus (Crustacea/Athropoda). Indian. J. Marine Sci., 24: 110-112.
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  30. Sridhar, M., 1995. Towards practical shrimp feed formulations. Fish. World, 2: 24-27.

  31. Sanhotra, M.K. and M.P. Mohamed, 1995. Significance of farm made feeds in the Indian context. Fishing Chimes, 15: 45-46.
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  32. Sanhotra, M., P. Vijaygopal, V. Suresh and K. Srinath, 1995. Feed formulations for P. indicus. Fish. World, 2: 26-27.

  33. Sridhar, M., 1994. Technical and exonimic considerations for shrimp feed production at south chellanam, ernakulam district-II. field trains and on-farm training on feed preparation. Mar. Fish. Inf. Ser. Tech. Extension Ser., 132: 15-18.
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  34. Sridhar, M., 1994. Technical and Economic considerations for shrimp feed production at south Chellanam, erankulam district-1 background information. Mar. Fish. Inf. Ser. Tech. Extension Ser., 132: 12-14.
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  35. Rekha, J.N. and M. Sridhar, 1994. Role of ration size and feeding frequency in shrimp culture. Fishing Chimes, 13: 46-47.
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  36. Mathew, K., J.G.S.D. Selvaraj, T.S. Namoi, M. Verghes and N. Sridhar et al., 1994. Studies on the infestation of an isopod crustacean Cirolano fluviaitilis in cochin backwaters. Mar. Fish. Inf. Serv. Tech. Extension Ser., 131: 1-10.
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  37. Krishna, S., A.M. Mohanan, K.P. Salini, M. Sanhotra and A. Kanakkan, 1994. A note on the extension of prawn culture technology to women in a coastal village. Mar. Fish. Inf. Ser. Tech. Extension Ser., 126: 12-13.
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  38. Manpal, S., P. Vijaygopal, V. Suresh and K. Srinath, 1993. Field trails with compounded feed developed for P. Indicus. Marine Fish. Inf. Serv., Tech. Extension Ser., 123: 12-15.
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  39. Manpal, S., 1993. Precipitated silica for improvement of high fat feed pellets. Fishing Chemes, 13: 28-29.