Dr. Sayyada Khatoon

Principal Scientist
National Botanical Research Institute, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India

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Dr. Sayyada Khatoon is currently working as Principal Scientist at Pharmacognosy & Ethnopharmacology Division, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow, India. She received her PhD degree in Botany and her specialization is in Pharmacognosy & Chemotaxonomy from AMU, Aligarh, India. She have more than 25 years experience in the field of medicinal plant research and worked on quality evaluation of herbal drugs/products; standardized more than 250 herbal drugs/ products; also engaged for the development of Pharmacopoeial standards and monographs of herbal drugs. She published (2) books, (60) Research papers (Total I.F. 42.52), Monographs in Books/Pharmacopoeias (138), Chapters in Books/Proceedings (08), Popular Articles in various National & International Journals (20). She also attended several national and international seminars/ conferences etc. and more than 60 abstracts have been published in the souvenirs. She organized training programs on quality evaluation of herbal drugs/products; conducted awareness programs among the rural masses and educating them about the importance of medicinal plants and indigenous knowledge for their health care needs; Guided 3 Ph.D. students, 1 MD (Ayurveda) and several M.Pharm. students for their thesis work. Developed some novel herbal formulations and filed the patents from which 19 patents have been awarded from India & Abroad. She is life member of UPAS, SEB, ISEB, ISP, Kaul Science Foundation and International Society for Herbal Medicine. She is also involved in different projects related to her field which are in process now-a-days.

Area of Interest:

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Natural Product

Selected Publications

  1. Sayyada, K., S. Harsh and A.K. Goel, 2011. Use of HPTLC to establish the chemotype of a parasitic plant, Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn. f.) etting. (Loranthaceae), Growing on different substrates. J. Planar Chromatogr., 24: 60-65.

  2. Mansi, G., B. Deepa, M.P. Madan, K.O. Sanjeev, K. Sayyada, R. Subha and A.K.S. Rawat, 2011. Standardization of ashwagandhadi lehya: An important ayurvedic formulation of Withania somnifera. Indian J. Trad. Knowl., 10: 594-598.

  3. Singh, M., S. Khatoon, S. Singh, V. Kumar, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2010. Antimicrobial screening of ethnobotanically important stem bark of medicinal plants. Pharma. Res., 2: 256-259.

  4. Sayyada, K. and A.K. Goel, 2010. A brief review on ethno-medicines used in cognitive and brain disorders. Ethnobotany, 22: 55-66.

  5. Khatoon, S., H. Singh, K. Singh and A.K. Goelm, 2010. TLC evaluation and quantification of phenolic compounds in different parts of Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn.f.) etting. J. Planar Chromatogr., 23: 104-107.

  6. Anshu, R., R. Vartika, K. Sayyada, R. Subha, R.A.K. Singh and M. Shanta, 2010. Evaluation of ayurvedic compound formulations III-laghugangadhar churna. Indian J. Trad. Knowl., 9: 576-580.

  7. Singh, N., S. Khatoon, N. Srivastava, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2009. Qualitative and quantitative standardization of Myrica esculenta Buch.-Ham. stem bark through HPTLC. J. Planar Chromatogr., 22: 287-291.

  8. Neena, S., S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat, V. Rai and S. Mehrotra, 2009. Chromatographic estimation of p-coumaric acid and triacontanol in an ayurvedic root drug patala (Stereospermum suaveolens Roxb.). J. Chromatogr. Sci., 47: 936-939.

  9. Khatoon, S., N. Singh, S. Kumar, N. Srivastava, A. Rathi and S. Mehrotra, 2009. Authentication and quality evaluation of an important ayurvedic drug-Ashoka Bark. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 68: 393-400.

  10. Arya, K.R., P. Dubey and S. Khatoon, 2009. Development of quality control parameters of ingredients of a folk remedy for piles and their comparative chemo profiling with homeopathic drugs. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 68: 385-392.

  11. Rathi, A., N. Srivastava, S. Khatoon and A.K.S. Rawat, 2008. Validation of high performance thin layer chromatography method for quantitative determination of strychnine and brucine of Strychnos Nux vomica in ayurveda and homeopathy drugs. Chromatographia, 67: 607-613.

  12. Rastogi, S., S. Khatoon, M.P. Madan, A. Rathi, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2008. Evaluation of ayurvedic compound formulations 2-Palasabijadi curna. Indian J. Trad. Knowl., 7: 384-388.

  13. Khatoon, S., N. Singh, N. Srivastava, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2008. Chemical evaluation of seven Terminalia species and quantification of important polyphenols using HPTLC. J. Planar Chromatogr., 21: 167-171.

  14. Khatoon, S., A.K. Agnihotri, N. Singh, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2008. Comparative pharmacognostic evaluation of Althaea officinalis and Alcea rosea root. Hamdard Med., 51: 56-62.

  15. Rai, V., S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2007. Disruption of elements uptake due to excess chromium in Indian medicinal plants. Biol. Trace Element Res., 120: 127-132.
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  16. Upadhye, S., S. Khatoon and S. Mehrotra, 2006. Seasonal variation studies and pharmacognostic evaluation of Alstonia scholaris R.Br. bark. Nat. Prod. Sci., 12: 241-246.
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  17. Srivastava, M., S. Srivastava, S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat, S. Mehrotra and P. Pushpangadan, 2006. Pharmacognostical evaluation of Cassia angustifolia seeds. Pharm. Biol., 44: 202-207.
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  18. Khatoon, S., V. Rai, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2006. Comparative pharmacognostic studies of three Phyllanthus species. J. Ethnopharmacol., 104: 79-86.
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  19. Khatoon, S., A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2006. Commercial crude herbal drugs and their quality. Indian J. Dev. Res. Soc. Action, 2: 247-258.

  20. Rai, V., S. Khatoon, S.S. Bisht and S. Mehrotra, 2005. Effect of cadmium on growth, ultramorphology of leaf and secondary metabolites of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. and Thonn. Chemosphere, 61: 1644-1650.
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  21. Rai, V., M. Agarwal, A.K. Agnihotri, S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2005. Pharmcogonostical evaluation of Leucas aspera link. Nat. Prod. Sci., 11: 109-114.

  22. Rai, V., A.K. Agnihotri, S. Khatoon, A.K. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2005. Chromium in some herbal drugs. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 74: 464-469.
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  23. Khatoon, S., M. Srivastava, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2005. HPTLC method for chemical standardization of Sida species and estimation of the alkaloid ephedrine. J. Planar Chromatography Modern TLC, 18: 364-367.
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  24. Khatoon, S., M. Srivastava, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2005. HPTLC method for chemical standardization of Sida species and estimation of the alkaloid ephedrine. J. Planar Chromatogr., 18: 364-367.

  25. Subha, R., K. Sayyada, V. Rai, A.K. Agnihottri, A.K.S. Rawat and M. Shanta, 2004. Evaluation of Ayurvedic compound formulations 1-Naraca Curna. Ind. J. Tradi. Knowl, 4: 185-189.

  26. Kumar, A.A., K. Sayyada, A. Manisha, R.A.K. Singh, M. Shanta and P. Palpu, 2004. Pharmacognostical evaluation of gymnema sylvestre. R. Br. Nat. Prod. Sci., 10: 168-172.

  27. Sayyada, K., B.N. Mehrotra and B.N. Mehrotra, 2003. Pharmacognostic evaluation of Ratanjot-Arnebia nobilis Rich. f. Nat. Prod. Sci., 9: 286-290.

  28. Rathi, A., C.V. Rao, S. Khatoon and S. Mehrotra, 2003. Ethnopharmacological evaluation of Peristrophe bicalyculata Nees for anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. Nat. Prod. Sci., 9: 195-199.
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  29. Govindarajan, R., A.K. Agnihotri, A.K.S. Rawat, K. Sayyada and S. Mehrotra, 2003. Pharmacognostic evaluation of an antioxidant plant-Acorus calamus Linn. Nat. Prod. Sci., 9: 264-269.
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  30. Srivastava, S.K., M. Chaubey, S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2002. Pharmacognostic evaluation of Coleus forskohlii. Pharma. Biol., 40: 129-134.
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  31. Kumar, S.S., M. Chaubey, K. Sayyada, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2002. Pharmacosnostical evaluation of Butea monosperma kuntze. Nat. Prod. Sci., 8: 83-89.

  32. Srivastava, S.K., S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat, S. Mehrotra and P. Pushpangadan, 2001. Pharmacognostic evaluation of the root of Berberis aristata DC. Nat. Prod. Sci., 7: 102-106.

  33. Rai, V., P. Kakkar, S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2001. A preliminary study of heavy metal accumulation in some herbal drugs. Pharm. Biol., 39: 384-387.

  34. Rai, V., M. Agarwal, S. Khatoon, A.K.S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra, 2001. Estimation of Co and Mn in some medicinal plants. Bull. Environ. Contamin. Toxicol., 66: 427-432.
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  35. Khatoon, S. and S. Mehrotra, 2000. Pharmacognostical study of Japanese drug Nan-Shikon root of Arnebia euchsoma (Royle): Johnston growing in India. Nat. Med., 51: 171-177.
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  36. Khatoon, S. and S. Mehrotra, 1996. Naturally occurring naphthaquinones from some boraginaceous taxa-A chemical review. Nat. Prod. Sci., 2: 75-85.

  37. Khatoon, S., S. Mehrotra, V.K. Bajpai and B.N. Mehrotra, 1994. Ultramorphology of some boraginaceous taxa used as Ratanjot. Feddes Repertorium, 105: 61-71.
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  38. Khatoon, S., S. Mehrotra, U. Shome and B.N. Mehrotra, 1993. Analysis of commercial Ratanjot by TLC fluorescence fingerprinting. Int. J. Pharmacognosy, 31: 269-277.
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