Dr. Banikanta Sharma

Associate Professor
Department of Orthopedics, JN Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Highest Degree
M.S. in Orthopedics from Manipur University, India

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Bone Augmentation Techniques
Health Care
Orthopedic Surgery

Selected Publications

  1. Gonmei, L. and C.B. Sharma, 2020. Short term results of ponseti technique in the management of idiopathic clubfoot. Ann. Int. Med. Dent. Res., 6: 6-9.
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  2. Sharma, C.B. and L. Gonmei, 2019. Traditional bone setters and their relevance in the present-day orthopaedic care-A manipur experience. Ann. Int. Med. Dent. Res., 5: 14-17.
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  3. Sharma, B. and S. Waikhom, 2013. Ilizarov treatment of non union tibia with bone loss. J. Evol. Med. Dent. Sci., 2: 7267-7271.
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