Dr. Yuvraj Patil
Postdoctoral ResearcherNorth Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA
Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
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Selected Publications
- Patil, Y., H. Butenschön and R. Misra, 2022. Tetracyanobutadiene bridged pushâ€pull chromophores: Development of new generation optoelectronic materials. Chem. Rec., 10.1002/tcr.202200208.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Guo, Z., Y. Patil, A. Shinohara, K. Nagura, M. Yoshida and T. Nakanishi, 2022. Organic molecular and polymeric electrets toward soft electronics. Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 7: 537-552.
Direct Link | - Khan, F., Y. Jang, Y. Patil, R. Misra and F. D'Souza, 2021. Photoinduced charge separation prompted intervalence charge transfer in a bis(thienyl)diketopyrrolopyrrole bridged donorâ€TCBD pushâ€pull system. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60: 20518-20527.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Pinjari, D., A.Z. Alsaleh, Y. Patil, R. Misra and F. D'Souza, 2020. Interfacing highâ€energy chargeâ€transfer states to a nearâ€IR sensitizer for efficient electron transfer upon nearâ€IR irradiation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59: 23697-23705.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Patil, Y. and R. Misra, 2020. Metal functionalized diketopyrrolopyrroles: A promising class of materials for optoelectronic applications. Chem. Rec., 20: 596-603.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Patila, Y. and R. Misra, 2019. Rational molecular design towards NIR absorption: Efficient diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives for organic solar cells and photothermal therapy. J. Mater. Chem. C, 7: 13020-13031.
Direct Link | - Patil, Y. and R. Misra, 2018. Small molecule based non-fullerene acceptors: A comparative study. Chem. Rec., 18: 1350-1364.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Patil, Y. and R. Misra, 2018. Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based and tetracyano-bridged small molecules for bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. Chem. Asian J., 13: 220-229.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Patil, Y., R. Misra, R. Singhalb and G.D. Sharma, 2017. Ferrocene-diketopyrrolopyrrole based non-fullerene acceptors for bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. A, 5: 13625-13633.
Direct Link | - Patil, Y., R. Misra, M.L. Keshtovb and G.D. Sharma, 2017. Small molecule carbazole-based diketopyrrolopyrroles with tetracyanobutadiene acceptor unit as a non-fullerene acceptor for bulk heterojunction organic solar cells.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 5: 3311-3319.
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