Dr. Baskar Ramdas

Research Scientist
Indiana University School of Medicine, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Sri Krishna Devaraya University, India

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Area of Interest:

Pharmacology and Toxicology
Stress Hematopoiesis
Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Selected Publications

  1. Ma, P., R.S. Mali, H. Martin, B. Ramdas, E. Sims and R. Kapur, 2012. Role of Intracellular Tyrosines in Activating Kit-Induced Myeloproliferative Disease. Leukemia, 26: 1499-1506.
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  2. Krishnan, S., R.S. Mali, B. Ramdas, E. Sims, P. Ma, J. Ghosh, V. Munugalavadla, P. Hanneman, J.D. Beane and R. Kapur, 2012. p85β Regulatory Subunit of Class IA PI3 Kinase Negatively Regulates Mast Cell Growth, Maturation, and Leukemogenesis. Blood, 119: 3951-3961.
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  3. Mali, R.S., B. Ramdas, P. Ma, J. Shi, V. Munugalavadla, E. Sims, L. Wei, S. Vemula, S.C. Nabinger, C.B. Goodwin, R.J. Chan, F. Traina, V. Visconte, R.V. Tiu, T.A. Lewis, A.M. Stern, Q. Wen, J.D. Crispino, H.S. Boswell and R. Kapur, 2011. Rho Kinase Regulates The Survival And Transformation Of Cells Bearing Oncogenic Forms of KIT, FLT3, and BCR-ABL. Cancer Cell, 20: 357-369.
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  4. Ma, P., S. Vemula, V. Munugalavadla, J. Chen, E. Sims, J. Borneo, T. Kondo, B. Ramdas, R.S. Mali, S. Li, E. Hashino, C. Takemoto and R. Kapur, 2011. Balanced Interactions between Lyn, the p85α Regulatory Subunit of Class IA Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase, and Ship are Essential for Mast Cell Growth and Maturation. Mol. Cell. Biol., 31: 4052-4062.
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  5. Ma, P., R.S. Mali, V. Munugalavadla, S. Krishnan, B. Ramdas, E. Sims, H. Martin, J. Ghosh, S. Li, R.J. Chan, G. Krystal, A.W. Craig, C. Takemoto and R. Kapur, 2011. The PI3K Pathway Drives the Maturation of Mast Cells Via Microphthalmia Transcription Factor. Blood, 118: 3459-3469.
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  6. Vemula, S., B. Ramdas, P. Hanneman, J. Martin, H.E. Beggs and R. Kapur, 2010. Essential role for focal adhesion kinase in regulating stress hematopoiesis. Blood, 116: 4103-4115.
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  7. Reddy, S.S., P. Ramatholisamma, B. Ramesh, R. Baskar and D. Saralakumari, 2009. Beneficiary Effect of Tinospora Cordifolia Against High-Fructose Diet Induced Abnormalities in Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism in Wistar Rats. Hormone Metab. Res., 41: 741-746.
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  8. Karuna, R., S.S. Reddy, R. Baskar and D. Saralakumari, 2009. Antioxidant Potential of Aqueous Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus in Rats. Indian J. Pharmacol., 41: 64-67.
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  9. Reddy, S.S., R. Karuna, R. Baskar and D. Saralakumari, 2008. Prevention of insulin resistance by ingesting aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum to fructose-fed rats. Horm. Metab. Res., 40: 44-49.
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  10. Orschell, C.M., J. Borneo, V. Munugalavadla, P. Ma, E. Sims, B. Ramdas, M.C. Yoder and R. Kapur, 2008. Deficiency of Src Family Kinases Compromises the Repopulating Ability of Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Exp. Hematol., 36: 655-666.
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  11. Hong, L., B. Ramdas, J. Chen, C. Harris, D.M. Wojchowski and R. Kapur, 2008. KIT Associated Intracellular Tyrosines Play an Essential Role in Epor Co-Signaling. Cell Signal, 20: 1513-1520.
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  12. Baskar, R., L.M. Bhakshu, G.V. Bharathi, S.S. Reddy, R. Karuna, G.K. Reddy and D. Saralakumari, 2006. Antihyperglycemic activity of aqueous root extract of rubia cordifolia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Pharm. Biol., 44: 475-479.
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  13. Shanthi, M., R. Baskar, and D. Saralakumari, 2004. Influence of Cement Dust Pollution of Soil Nitrogen Status. Pollut. Res., 23: 151-156.

  14. Sailaja, Y.R., R. Baskar, C.S. Srinivas Rao and D. Saralakumari, 2004. Membrane lipids and protein-bound carbohydrates status during the maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes in type 2 diabetics. Clin. Chim. Acta, 341: 185-192.
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  15. Sailaja, Y.R., R. Baskar and D. Saralakumari, 2003. The antioxidant status during maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes in type 2 diabetics. Free Radic. Biol. Med., 35: 133-139.
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