Dr. Umesh Singh

Research Scientist
Central Institute for Research on Cattle, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Breeding and Genetics from Himachal Pradesh Agricultural, University, India

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Dr. Umesh Singh is currently working as Principal Scientist at Central Institute for Research on Cattle, India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Animal Breeding and Genetics from Himachal Pradesh Agricultural, University, India. His main area of interest related to Animal and Veterinary Sciences, and Molecular Sciences. His main area of expertise includes Genetics, Marker Assisted Selection, Genomics, Animal Breeding, Biotechnology, Genomic Selection, Reproductive Genetics, Semen Quality Biomarker, and Biostatistics. He has 78 publications in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Genetics
Poultry Science
Animal Biotechnology
Animal Breeding

Selected Publications

  1. Singh, U., R. Deb, R.R. Alyethodi, R. Alex and S. Kumar et al., 2014. Molecular markers and their applications in cattle genetic research: A review. Biomarkers Genomic Med., 6: 49-58.
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  2. Kumar, S., U. Singh, I. Ganguly, R. Deb and R. Singh et al., 2014. Protamine 3 expressions in crossbred bull spermatozoa may not be a prognostic marker for differentiating good and poor quality semen. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 13: 1999-2003.
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  3. Deb, R., U. Singh, S. Kumar, A. Kumar and R. Singh et al., 2014. Genotypic to expression profiling of bovine calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha-2/delta subunit 1 gene, and their association with bovine mastitis among frieswal (HFX Sahiwal) crossbred cattle of indian origin. Anim. Biotechnol., 25: 128-138.
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  4. Deb, R., B. Sajjanar, U. Singh, S. Kumar and R. Singh et al., 2014. Effect of heat stress on the expression profile of Hsp90 among Sahiwal (Bos indicus) and Frieswal (Bos indicus × Bos taurus) breed of cattle: A comparative study. Gene, 536: 435-440.
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  5. Arun, K., K. Sushil, S. Umesh and B.K. Beniwal, 2014. Factors affecting herd life and total calf production in frieswal cows. Indian J. Anim. Res., 48: 159-161.
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  6. Singh, U., S. Kumar, R. Deb, S. Mann and A. Sharma, 2013. Genotypic profiling of coding region of leptin gene and their association studies on reproductive and milk production traits in Sahiwal and Frieswal cattle of India. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 12: 6140-6146.
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  7. Kumar, D., K.S. Risam, R.S. Bhatt and U. Singh, 2013. Reproductive performance of different breeds of broiler rabbits under sub-temperate climatic conditions. World Rabbit Sci., 21: 169-173.
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  8. Indrajit, G., K. Sushil, G.K. Gaur, S. Umesh and K. Arun et al., 2013. DGAT1 polymorphism K232A in Sahiwal (Indian Zebu) and frieswal (Holstein friesian × Sahiwal crossbred) cattle. Indian J. Anim. Res., 47: 360-363.
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  9. Ganguly, I., S. Kumar, G.K. Gaur, U. Singh and A. Kumar et al., 2013. Status of β-casein (CSN2) polymorphism in frieswal (HF × Sahiwal crossbred) cattle. Int. J. Biotechnol. Bio eng. Res., 4: 249-256.
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  10. Ganguly, I., G.K. Gaur, U. Singh, S. Kumar and S. Kumar et al., 2013. Beta-casein (CSN2) polymorphism in Ongole (Indian zebu) and Frieswal (HF × Sahiwal crossbred) cattle. Indian J. Biotechnol., 12: 195-198.
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  11. Ganguly, I., G.K. Gaur, S. Kumar, D.K. Mandal and M. Kumar et al., 2013. Differential expression of protamine 1 and 2 genes in mature spermatozoa of normal and motility impaired semen producing crossbred Frieswal (HF × Sahiwal) bulls. Res. Vet. Sci., 94: 256-262.
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  12. Deb, R., U. Singh, S. Kumar, S. Tyagi and A. Sharma et al., 2013. Characterization and evaluation of BL41 microsatellite marker associated with milk fat and protein percentage among frieswal (HF × Sahiwal ) cattle of Indian origin. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., 1: 77-79.
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  13. Deb, R., U. Singh, S. Kumar, A. Kumar, S. Mann, R. Singh and A. Sharma, 2013. TIR domain of bovine TLR4 gene among Frieswal crossbred Cattle: An early marker for mastitis resistant. Ind. J. Anim. Sci. .

  14. Deb, R., S. Kumar, U. Singh, S. Tyagi and D.K. Mandal et al., 2013. Evaluation of three bovine Y specific microsatellite loci as an alternative biomarkers for semen quality traits in crossbred bull. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 142: 121-125.
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  15. Deb, R., B. Sajjanar, U. Singh, S. Kumar and M.P. Brahmane et al., 2013. Promoter variants at AP2 box region of Hsp70.1 affect thermal stress response and milk production traits in Frieswal cross bred cattle. Gene, 532: 230-235.
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  16. Deb, R., A. Kumar, S. Chakraborty, A.K. Verma and R. Tiwari et al., 2013. Trends in diagnosis and control of bovine mastitis: A review. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 16: 1653-1661.
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  17. Alex, R., U. Singh, R.R. Alyethodi and R. Deb, 2013. A review on draught animal research in india; constraints and future thrust areas. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., 1: 178-182.
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  18. Kumar, A., U. Singh, S. Kumar, B.K. Beniwal and S. Kumar, 2012. Influence of season and lactation order on reproductive efficiency of Frieswal cows. Vet. Pract., 13: 248-249.
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  19. Deb, R., S. Chakraborty and U. Singh, 2012. Molecular markers and their application in livestock genomic research. J. Vet. Sci. Technol., Vol. 3, No. 5. 10.4172/2157-7579.1000e108.
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  20. Kumar, A., U. Singh, A.S. Khanna and R.P. Singh, 2009. Genetic and non genetic variability in selective value of Hariana cows. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 79: 388-391.
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  21. Kumar, D., U. Singh, R.S. Bhatt and K.S. Risam, 2005. Reproductive efficiency of female german angora rabbits under indian sub-temperate climatic conditions. World Rabbit Sci., 13: 113-122.
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  22. Bhatt, R.S., S.R. Sharma, U. Singh, D. Kumar and V. Bhasin, 2002. Effect of different seasons on the performance of Grey Giant rabbits under sub-temperate Himalayan conditions. Asian-Australasian J. Anim. Sci., 15: 812-820.
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  23. Umesh, S. and N.K. Manuja, 2000. Correlation studies of quantitative and qualitative traits of exotic and their crosses with Gaddi sheep in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Veterinary J., 77: 28-31.
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  24. Singh, U., R.K. Gupta, M. Singh and B.S. Gurung, 2000. Reproduction and production performance of Aseel, an indigenous breed of chicken. Indian J. Poult. Sci., 35: 202-204.
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  25. Mohan, S., S. Umesh and B.S. Ourung, 2000. Evaluation of egg weight and its various measurement attributes in indigenous Aseel breed of chicken. Indian J. Poult. Sci., 35: 312-314.
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  26. Gupta, R.K., M. Singh, U. Singh and B.S. Gurung, 2000. Feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of Aseel chicken. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 70: 1170-1171.
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  27. Singh, M., U. Singh, R.K. Gupta, B.S. Gurung, 2000. Poultry farmers and rearing systems in the breeding tract of Aseel fowl. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 70: 1183-1184.
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  28. Umesh, S. and N.K. Manuja, 1995. Inheritance of wool quality traits in native (Gaddi) exotic (Rambouillet and Merino) and crossbred sheep. Indian J. Small Ruminants, 1: 1-4.
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