Dr. Konadaka Sri Rajaravindra

Research Scientist
ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Breeding & Genetic from Indian Veterinary Research Institute, India

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Animal Breeding and Genetics
Poultry Science
Molecular Genetics

Selected Publications

  1. Ramasamy, K.T., M.R. Reddy, K.S.R. Ravindra and R.N. Chatterjee, 2018. Chicken Mx gene polymorphisms in Indian native chicken breeds and white leghorn by real time multiplex allele specific PCR. Indian J. Anim. Res., 56: 649-651.
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  2. Kannaki, T.R., M.R. Reddy, K.S.R. Ravindra and R.N. Chatterjee, 2017. Molecular and functional characterization of Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) in Aseel and White Leghorn chicken. Indian J. Anim. Res., 52: 235-241.
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  3. Kannak, T.R., M.R. Reddy, K.S.R. Ravindra and R.N. Chatterjee, 2017. Genetic diversity analysis of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region in Indian native chicken breeds and pureline chickensusing the LEI0258 microsatellite marker. Indian J. Anim. Res., 51: 998-1001.
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  4. Haunshi, S., A.K. Burramsetty, T.R. Kannaki, K.S.R. Ravindra and R.N. Chatterjee, 2017. Pattern recognition receptor genes expression profiling in indigenous chickens of India and white Leghorn. Poult. Sci., 96: 3052-3057.
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  5. Rajkumar, U., B.L.N. Reddy, K.S. Rajaravindra, M. Niranjan and T.K. Bhattacharya et al., 2010. Effect of naked neck gene on immune competence, serum biochemical and carcass traits in chickens under a tropical climate. Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci., 23: 867-872.
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  6. Rajkumar, U., R.P. Sharma, K.S. Rajaravindra, M. Niranjan, B.L.N. Reddy, T.K. Bhattacharya and R.N. Chatterjee, 2009. Effect of genotype and age on egg quality traits in naked neck chicken under tropical climate from India. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 8: 1151-1155.
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  7. Doiphode, A., K.S. Rajaravindra, D. Das and A. Mitra, 2009. Molecular cloning and characterization of SLC11A1 cDNA in Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica). Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 129: 143-146.
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  8. Rajaravindra, K.S., P.J. Dasn, K. Sukumar, S.K. Ghosh and A. Mitra, 2008. Molecular characterization of novel variants of interferon-tau (IFNT) gene in Garole breed of sheep (Ovis aries). Anim. Reprod. Sci., 104: 238-247.
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  9. Rajaravindra, K.S., A. Mitra, A.K. Sharma, S.M. Deb and A. Sharma, 2006. Molecular characterization of the interferon-tau gene of the mithun (Bos frontalis). Zool. Sci., 23: 607-611.
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