Mr. Sridhar Ramachandran
Teacher and ResearcherA.B.S Vidhya Mandhir Senior Secondary School, India
Highest Degree
M.Phil. in Microbiology from PRIST University, Thanjavur, India
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Mr. Sridhar Ramachandran is currently working at A.B.S Vidhya Mandhir Senior Secondary School (CBSE), Thiruvallur. He received his M.Phil degree in Microbiology from PRIST University, Thanjavur, India. He is PhD student at Tamil Nadu Open University, Saidapet, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. He is also serving as member of editor board and reviewer for journals. Mr. Sridhar received honors includes II rank in B.Sc., University of Madras, received Dr.Munusamy Endowment Prize(2009-10) for obtaining first mark in Optional Subject, fellowship award (2014) from Boss Science Society, and recipient of Har Gobind Khorana Best Young Investigator Award-2014 for Biological Science. His area of specialization includes Biological Science Education, School Education Research, Educational Psychology, Constructivism Teaching Method, Basic Biotechnology, Applied and Clinical Microbiology, Neurocognition in Education, and Cognitive Psychology. He has published 2 books, 3 chapters edited in book, 18 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author. He also attended 5 conferences workshops and seminars. He successfully completed 3 projects. He is founder member of International Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Virologists, national member of Seaweed Research and Utilization Association, life member of Boss Science society, IAENG society of Bioinformatics (Hong Kong), International Society of Infectious Diseases (USA) and Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society, and Hong Kong, China.
Area of Interest:
Selected Publications
- PandiaVadivu, P., R. Sridhar and B.M. Kumar, 2016. Construction and standardization of scientific aptitude test (SAT) for secondary school students: A pilot study. Int. J. Social Sci. Manage., 3: 17-21.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Divyadarshini, A., P. Indu, S. Rajarajan and R. Sridhar, 2016. Screening of potential phytochemicals against protease of varicella zoster virus-an in silico approach. World J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci., 5: 679-693.
Direct Link | - Ramachandran, S., V. Hemamalini and A. Natarajan, 2015. Incidence of seropositivity to HBsAg of healthy carriers and implication for horizontal transmission of hepatitis B virus in a pilot study. Sedinst J. Adv. Agric. Sci. Eng. Res., 5: 1799-1804.
- Ramachandran, S., P. Pandiavadivu and C. Jeyabalan, 2015. Modern method of teaching and learning through neurocognition: An innovative brain based strategy for teachers and learners. Eur. Acad. Res., 3: 2141-2151.
- Ramachandran, S., 2015. Handbook On Herbal Medicine: With Special Reference to Pharmacognostical Studies of Indian Medicinal Plants. Laxmi Book Publication, India.
- Hemamalini, V., V. Kavitha and S. Ramachandran, 2015. In vitro Antibiogram pattern of Staphylococcus aureus from wound infection and Molecular analysis of mecA gene and restriction sites in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J. Adv. Pharm. Technol. Res., 6: 1-6.
- Hemamalini, V., R. Sridhar, S. Rajarajan and A. Divyadarshini, 2015. β-sitosterol, a novel antiviral component from the ripe seeds of Pongamia pinnata (L.) pierre against Human herpesvirus-1. Cont. J. Biol. Sci., 8: 1-15.
- Ramachandran, S., V. Hemamalini and V.S. Srimathy, 2014. Isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila from fish samples and genetic distribution of virulence genes-An explorative seafood safety study. Arch. Pharm. Biol. Sci., 2: 102-107.
- Ramachandran, S., V. Hemamalini and A. Divyadarshini, 2014. Chickenpox and zoster (Human Herpes Virus-3): A clinical review and perspectives on traditional herbal medicines. Continental J. Biomed. Sci., 9: 1-8.
- Ramachandran, S., T. Santhanamari, J. Alruwaili and V. Hemamalini, 2014. Demonstration of preclinical antidermatophytic activity by seed kernel of Pongamia pinnata (Linn.). Int. J. Res. Pharm. Chem., 4: 319-326.
Direct Link | - Ramachandran, S., P. Pandiavadivu, B.M. Kumar and S. Selvam, 2014. A Correlational Study of Study Habit, Socio-Economic Status and Academic Achievement of Some Selected Schools in Chennai. In: Contemporary Researches in education. Asha J.V. and M.K. Naseerali (Ed.). NAS Publisher, Kerala, India., ISBN: 978-81-927973-2-8, pp: 94-97.
- Ramachandran, S., N. Aarthi, V. Hemamalini, P. Pandiavadivu, B.M. Kumar and S. Thiyagarajan, 2014. Identification and molecular characterization of Shigella flexneri ST-02 from urinary tract infected patient by 16S ribosomal RNA gene partial sequence analysis. Indian J. Nat. Sci., 26: 1757-1766.
- Ramachandran, S., N. Aarthi, V. Hemamalini and S. Thiyagarajan, 2014. Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase. 1st Edn., Excellent Publisher, Kancheepurum, Tamilnadu, India.
- Ramachandran, S. and P. Pandiavadivu, 2014. Emerging trends in educational neuroscience approaches to teaching and learning: A narrative review. Excellence Educ. Int. J. Educ. Hum., 3: 6-10.
- Ramachandran, S. and P. Pandiavadivu, 2014. An innovative method of Teaching-learning strategy to enhance the learner's educational process: Paradigm shift from conventional approach to modern approach by neurocognitive based concept mapping. Sedinst J. Adv. Arts Soc. Sci. Educ. Res., 4: 661-669.
- Hemamalini, V., S. Rajarajan, R. Sridhar and SM. Sowmya, 2014. Evaluation of antifungal activity of Pongamia pinnata (L.) pierre seed extracts. Biomedicine, 34: 384-387.
- Sridhar, R., S. Gangadevi, S. Chandrasekar and N.R. Babu, 2013. Causes of primary school children dropouts in the selected districts of Tamilnadu. Indian Streams Res. J., 3: 3-9.
CrossRef | Direct Link | - Chandrasekar, S., S. Thiyagarajan, R. Sridhar and B. Ambethkar, 2013. Diversity of endophytic mycobiota colonizing the aerial tissues of Thuja plicata (Donn ex. D. Don.). Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Applied Sci., 2: 176-183.
Direct Link | - Chandrasekar, S. and R. Sridhar, 2013. An investigation into the attitudes of teachers towards school environment in different schools around Chennai district. Golden Res. Thoughts, GISI Impact Factor, 2: 1-5.
- Sridhar, R., S. Thiyagarajan, V. Hemamalini, S. Rajarajan, S. Chandrasekar and G.J. Karuppiah, 2012. Anticandidal potential of whole extract and phytoconstituents of seeds of Pongamia pinnata (Linn.)-An explorative study. Indian J. Applied Microbiol., 15: 1-9.
- Sridhar, R., S. Thiyagarajan and M. Tamilvendan, 2010. Extended spectrum &beta-Lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumonia and Escherichia coli isolated from UTI patients: Prevalence, antibiogram science, ESBL analysis and molecular typing. Biomedicine, 30: 495-504.