Dr. Mueen Uddin

Associate Professor
University of Doha for Science and Technology, Doha, Qatar

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Computer Information Systems from Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia

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Mueen Uddin, a distinguished Senior Member of IEEE and a Professional Member of ACM and AIS, possesses a rich and accomplished experience of more than 15 years in Research, Teaching, and Development. In recognition of his outstanding scholarly contribution, (Stanford University and Elsevier) listed him in the Top 2% of Research Scientists for the years 2022 and 2024).

Area of Interest:

Computer Sciences
Cyber Security
Block Chain
Energy Efficient Networks
Network Security

Selected Publications

  1. Memon J., M. Sami, R.A. Khan and M. Uddin, 2020. Handwritten optical character recognition (ocr): a comprehensive systematic literature review (slr). IEEE Access 8: 142642-142668.
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  2. Ibrar Yaqoob, Khaled Salah, Mueen Uddin, Raja Jayaraman, Mohammed Omar and Muhammad Imran, 2020. Blockchain for digital twins: recent advances and future research challenges. IEEE Network 8: 1-9.
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  3. Abbas, N., T. Saba, A. Rehman, Z. Mehmood, H. Kolivand, M. Uddin and A. Anjum, 2019. Plasmodium life cycle stage classification based quantification of malaria parasitaemia in thin blood smears. Microsc. Res. Techn., 82: 283-295.
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  4. Shumaila, J., S.A. Khurram, J. Wajahat and Mueen Uddin, 2018. A modified artificial neural network based prediction technique for tropospheric radio refractivity. Plos One, Vol. 13. 10.1371/journal.pone.0192069.
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  5. Mueen, U., G. Zohreh, B.A. Kashif, T. Nazish and F.Q.N. Muhammad, 2018. PEMC: Green metrics to calculate power efficiency and CO2 emissions in data centers. Wireless Commun. Mobile Comput. (In Press). .

  6. Mueen Uddin, 2018. Reusable learning objects: A technique for rapid fabrication of e-learning materials. Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Applic. (In Press). .

  7. Mueen Uddin, 2018. Maximizing cloud data center performance and reducing energy consumption: A case study implementation of server virtualization in Pakistan. Environ. Prog. Sust. Energy (In Press). .

  8. Iwendi, C., M. Uddin, J.A. Ansere, P. Nkurunziza, J.H. Anajemba and A.K. Bashir, 2018. On detection of sybil attack in large-scale VANETs using spider-monkey technique. IEEE Access, 6: 47258-47267.
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  9. Tareq, M., R. Alsaqour, M. Abdelhaq and M. Uddin, 2017. Mobile ad hoc network energy cost algorithm based on artificial bee colony. Wireless Commun. Mobile Comput., Vol. 2017. 10.1155/2017/4519357.
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  10. Taha, A., R. Alsaqour, M. Uddin, M. Abdelhaq and T. Saba, 2017. Energy efficient multipath routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network using the fitness function. IEEE. Access, 5: 10369-10381.
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  11. Mueen, U., O. Safiya and T. Saba, 2017. Green ICT framework to reduce carbon footprints in universities. Adv. Energy Res., 5: 1-11.

  12. Mueen, U., 2017. Knowledge management: Tool for enhancing HRM practices and organizational innovation. Int. J. Human. Soc. Sci., 9: 31-40.

  13. Adamu, A., C. Haruna, Z. Akram, U. Mueen and T. Herawan, 2017. Dynamics of watermark position in audio watermarked files using neural networks. Applied Math. Inform. Sci., 11: 703-715.

  14. Uddin, M. and R. Chand, 2016. A customer methodology for developing green cellular phone: A case study of university Malaysia pahang students. J. Ecosyst. Ecogr., 05: 2157-7625.
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  15. Haruna, C., A. Adamu, U. Mueen and Z. Akram, 2016. Utilizing key climate element variability for prediction of future climate change using support vector machine model. Int. J. Global Warm., 9: 129-151.

  16. Uddin, M., Y. Darabidarabkhani, A. Shah and J. Memon, 2015. Evaluating power efficient algorithms for efficiency and carbon emissions in cloud data centers: A review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 51: 1553-1563.
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  17. Uddin, M., R. Alsaqour, A. Shah, J. Memon and M.Z.A. Rozan, 2015. Mobile agent based multi-layer security framework for cloud data centers. Indian J. Sci. Technol., Vol. 8. 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i12/52923.
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  18. Uddin, M., J. Memon, M.Z. Abd Rozan, R. Alsaqour and A. Rehman, 2015. Virtualized load management algorithm to reduce CO2 emissions in data center industry. Int. J. Global Warm., 7: 3-20.

  19. Uddin, M., A. Shah, R.C. Hindu, R. Alsaqour, A. Abubakar and T. Saba, 2015. Knowledge management framework using green it to implement sustainable entrepreneur ecosystem. Applied Math. Inform. Sci., 9: 2703-2714.
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  20. Memon, J., M.Z.A. Rozan, M. Uddin, K. Ismail and D. Daud, 2015. Mentoring an entrepreneur: Guide for a mentor. Sage Open, Vol. 5. 10.1177/2158244015569666.
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  21. Kolivand, H., M.S. Sunar, A. Rehman and M. Uddin, 2015. Shadow mapping algorithms: Applications and limitations. Applied Math. Inform. Sci., 9: 1307-1315.

  22. Alsaqour, R., M. Abdelhaq, R. Saeed, M. Uddin, O. Alsukour, M. Al-Hubaishi and T. Alahdal, 2015. Dynamic packet beaconing for GPSR mobile ad hoc position-based routing protocol using fuzzy logic. J. Network Comput. Applic., 47: 32-46.
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  23. Uddin, M., R. Alsaqour, A. Shah and T. Saba, 2014. Power usage effectiveness metrics to measure efficiency and performance of data centers. Appl. Math. Inform. Sci., 8: 2207-2216.
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  24. Uddin, M., A. Shah and J. Memon, 2014. Implementation of server consolidation in tier level data centers to build energy efficient data centers. J. Power Technol., 92: 1-10.

  25. Uddin, M., A. Shah and J. Memon, 2014. Energy efficiency and environmental considerations for green data centers. Int. J. Green Econ., 8: 144-157.

  26. Uddin, M., A. Shah and A. Rehman, 2014. Metrics for Computing Performance of Data Center for Instigating Energy Efficient Data Centers. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 73: 11-15.
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  27. SymamiSaid, N., R. Alsaqour, H.S.M. Abdelhaq, O. Alsaqour and M. Uddin, 2014. Review on web performance. J. Eng. Applied Sci., 9: 18-23.

  28. Rehman, A., T. Saba and M. Uddin, 2014. Annotated comparisons of proposed processing techniques for script recognition. Neural Comput. Applic., 25: 1337-1347.

  29. Okai, S., M. Uddin, A. Arshad and A. Shah, 2014. Cloud computing adoption model for Universities to increase ICT proficiency. SAGE Open, 4: 1-10.

  30. Norouzi, A., M.S.M. Rahim, A. Altameem, T. Saba and A.E. Rad et al ., 2014. Medical image segmentation methods, algorithms and applications. IETE Tech. Rev., 31: 199-213.
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  31. Muhsin, Z.F., A. Rehman, A. Altameem, T. Saba and M. Uddin, 2014. Improved quadtree image segmentation approach to region information. Imaging Sci. J., 62: 56-62.
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  32. Memon, J., A.R.M. Zaidi, M. Uddin, A. Abubakar and H. Chiroma et al ., 2014. Randomized text encryption: A new dimension in cryptography. Int. Rev. Comput. Softwares, 9: 365-373.

  33. Azahari, A., R. Alsaqour, M. Uddin and M. Al Hubaishi, 2014. Review of error detection of data link layer in computer network. ARPN J. Engin. Applied Sci., 9: 1-4.

  34. Alsaqour, R., M. Abdelhaq, R. Saeed, M. Al-Hubaishi and O. Alsaqour et al ., 2014. Effect of mobility parameters on the inaccuracy of the position information of position-based MANET routing. Int. J. Wireless Mob. Comput., 7: 68-77.
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  35. Abdelhaq, M., R. Alsaqour, M. Al-Hubaishi, T. Alahdal and M. Uddin, 2014. The impact of resource consumption attack on mobile Ad-hoc network routing. Int. J. Network Secur., 16: 477-482.
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  36. Uddin, M., R. Alsaqour and M. Abdelhaq, 2013. Intrusion detection system to detect DDoS attack in gnutella hybrid P2P network. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 6: 71-83.
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  37. Uddin, M., A.A. Rehman, N. Uddin, J. Memon and R. Alsaqour et al ., 2013. Signature-based multi-layer distributed intrusion detection system using mobile agents. Int. J. Network Secur., 15: 97-105.
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  38. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman and A. Shah, 2013. Criteria to select energy efficiency metrics to measure performance of data centre. Int. J. Energy Technol. Policy, 8: 224-237.
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  39. Uddin, M., A. Shah, R. Alsaqour and J. Memon, 2013. Measuring efficiency of tier level data centers to implement green energy efficient data centers. Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15: 200-207.
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  40. Shafiyah, R. Alsaqour, Shaker, M. Uddin and O. Alsaqour, 2013. Review on electronic commerce. Middle East J. Sci. Res., 18: 1357-1365.

  41. Mueen, U., S. Alsdullah and A. Raed, 2013. Implementation of virtualization in data centers to increase proficiency and performance. J. Theor. Applied Inform. Technol., 53: 283-290.

  42. Memon, J., M.Z.A. Rozan, M. Uddin, A. Shah and Dzurllkanian, 2013. Selecting a mentor: Guide for a protege. World Appl. Sci. J., 24: 732-738.
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  43. Memon, J., M. Uddin, M.Z.A. Rozan, 2013. Green postal service framework to reduce CO2 emissions in postal service industry. Int. J. Global Warming, 5: 255-269.
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  44. Iftikhar, M., N. Al Zaben, W.M. Al-Salih, I.A. Shoukat and M. Uddin et al., 2013. On the provisioning of QoS mapping in cellular and IP networks using a translation (Function) matrix. Inf. Int. Interdisciplinary J., 16: 3033-3068.

  45. Amalina, N., R. Alsaqour, M. Uddin, O. Alsaqour and M. Al-Hubaishi, 2013. Enhanced network security system using firewalls. J. Eng. Appl. Sci., 8: 999-1004.
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  46. Ali, H.O., M.Z.A. Rozan, A. Abubakar, A.M. Zeki and A.M. Sharif et al ., 2013. Assessing issues of change impact analysis process for a software projects. World Appl. Sci. J., 28: 1366-1374.
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  47. AfiqahAzahari, R. Alsaqour, M. Al-Hubaishi and M. Uddin, 2013. Review of error detection of data link layer in computer network. Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 18: 968-973.
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  48. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman, S. Kazi and R. Alsaqour, 2012. Classification of data center to maximize energy utilization and save total cost of ownership. Int. Rev. Comput. Softwares, 7: 2106-2115.

  49. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman, R. Alsaqour and A. Jawad, 2012. Energy efficiency and performance measuring metrics for measuring performance of data center. Arch. Des Sci., 65: 49-67.

  50. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman, M. Talha, M. Iftikhar and A. Zomaya, 2012. Improving performance of mobile Ad hoc networks using efficient Tactical on Demand Distance Vector (TAODV) routing algorithm. Int. J. Innovat. Comput. Inform. Control, 8: 4375-4389.

  51. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman, M. Talha, A. Shah, J.A. Khader and J. Memon, 2012. Green IT framework for energy efficient data centers using virtualization. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 7: 2052-2065.

  52. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman, J. Memon and N. Uddin, 2012. Algorithm to detect intrusions using multi layer signature based model. J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8: 4457-4466.
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  53. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman, A. Shah and J. Memon, 2012. Virtualization implementation approach for data centers to maximize performance. Asian J. Sci. Res., 5: 45-57.
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  54. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman and R. Alsaqour, 2012. Server virtualization: Building energy efficient and high performance data centers to save total cost of ownership. Int. Rev. Model. Simul., 5: 2618-2626.
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  55. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2012. Validation of green IT framework for implementing energy efficient green data centres: A case study. Int. J. Green Econ., 6: 357-374.
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  56. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2012. Energy efficiency and low carbon enabler green IT framework for data centers considering green metrics. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 16: 4078-4094.
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  57. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman and N.Z.A. Rahim, 2011. Algorithm to detect distributed denial of service (DDoS) in gnutella hybrid P2P network mapped to artificial immune system. Online J. Bioinf., 12: 115-137.

  58. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman and J. Memon, 2011. Carbon sustainability framework to reduce CO2 emissions in data centres. Int. J. Green Econ., 5: 353-369.
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  59. Uddin, M., A.A. Rahman and A. Shah, 2011. Green IT based energy efficiency model for data centers to reduce energy consumptions. Int. J. Curr. Res. Rev., 3: 5-18.

  60. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2011. Virtualization implementation model for cost effective and efficient data centers. Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl., 2: 69-74.
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  61. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2011. Techniques to implement in green data centres to achieve energy efficiency and reduce global warming effects. Int. J. Global Warming, 3: 372-389.
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  62. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2011. Reliability of mobile Ad hoc networks through performance analysis of TCP variants over AODV. J. Applied Sci. Res., 7: 437-446.

  63. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2011. Performance analysis of TCP variants over MANET: Improving reliability of mobile Ad hoc networks. Int. J. Curr. Res. Rev., 3: 34-45.

  64. Uddin, M., K. Khowaja and A.A. Rahman, 2010. Dynamic multi layer signature based intrusion detection system using mobile agents. Int. J. Network Secur. Appl., 2: 129-141.
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  65. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2010. Pre-requisites for implementing energy efficient and cost effective data centers using virtualization. J. Comput., 2: 95-101.

  66. Uddin, M. and A.A. Rahman, 2010. Implementation of server virtualization in data centers to maximize efficiency and reduce the cost of ownership. Int. J. Comput. Inf. Syst., 1: 59-65.

  67. Uddin, M. and A. Abdul Rahman, 2010. Server consolidation: An approach to make data centers energy efficient and green. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res., 1: 1-7.
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