Dr. Masoume Amirkhani

Postdoctoral Associate and Research Scholar
Cornell University, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Seed Technology and Seed Biotechnology from Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Seed Technology
Ornamental Plants
Seed Biotechnology
Seed Ecology

Selected Publications

  1. Avelar, S.A.G., M. Amirkhani and A.G. Taylor, 2016. Upgrading seed quality. Rev. Seed News, 20: 8-12.

  2. Amirkhani, M., A.N. Netravali, W. Huang and A.G. Taylor, 2016. Investigation of soy protein-based biostimulant seed coating for broccoli seedling and plant growth enhancement. HortSci., 51: 1121-1126.
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  3. Bagherirad, E., N. Ahmad, M. Amirkhani, M. Abdullah, M. Mesdaghi and A. Kabudi, 2014. Seasonal habitat use of Persian gazelles (Gazella Subgutturosa Subgutturosa) based on vegetation parameters at Golestan national park, Iran. Arid Land Res. Manage., 28: 464-484.
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  4. Bagherirad, E., N. Ahmad, M. Abdullah, M. Amirkhani and B. Erfanian, 2013. Using pellet group counts to estimate the population size of the Persian gazelle in the steppe area of Golestan national park, Iran. Malaysian Appl. Biol., 42: 51-57.
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  5. Bagherirad, E., M. Amirkhani, M. Mesdaghi and N. Ahmad, 2012. A comparative study of the effects of gazelle and livestock grazing on the plant community characteristics on the steppe habitat of Golestan national park, Iran. Int. Res., 1: 35-46.

  6. Amirkhani, M., M. Lambardi, M. Mesdaghi, K. Mashayekhi and E.A. Ozudogru, 2010. In vitro morphogenesis and plant regeneration from seed and leaf explants of four Agropyron species. Propag. Ornamental Plants, 10: 99-106.
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  7. Amirkhani, M., K. Mashayekhi and M. Mesdaghi, 2010. Determination of suitable methods to produce callus and somatic embryogenesis for Agropyron cristatum on murashige and skoog medium. J. Plant Prod., 17: 61-76.

  8. Bagheri, E., M. Mesdaghi and M. Amirkhani, 2008. Comparison of vegetation composition under exclosure, gazelle and sheep grazing in Golestan national park and vicinities. Pajouhesh-Va-Sazandegi, 21: 83-93.
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  9. Heshmati, G.A., M. Amirkhani, Q. Heydari and S.A. Hosseini, 2007. Qualitative assessment of ecosystems potential at Gomishan area of Golestan province by using landscape function indices. Rangeland, 1: 103-115.
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  10. Heshmati, G.A., A.A. Karimian, P. Karami and M. Amirkhani, 2007. Qualitative assessment of hilly range ecosystems potential at Inche-Boron arear of Golestan province, Iran. J.Agri. Sci. Natur. Resour, 14: 174-182.
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  11. Bagherirad, B., G. Dianati-Tilki, M. Mesdaghi and M. Amirkhani, 2007. An investigation on forage quality of three grasses (Aeluropus lagopoides, A. Litoralis and Puccinellia distans) at saline and alkaline habitats of incheh-borun in Golestan province. Iranian J. Pajouhesh Sazandegi, 76: 157-163.

  12. Amikhani, M., G. Dianati-Tilaki and M. Mesdaghi, 2007. An investigation on forage quality of Agropyron cristatum and Thinopyrum intermadium in different phonological stages at Golestan National park. Iranian J. Pajouhesh Sazandegi, 20: 61-65.
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  13. Amir, K.M., M. Mesdaghi and T.G. Dianati, 2006. An investigation on ecological characteristics of agropyron cristatum in Golestan national park. Pajouhesh-Va-Sazandegi, 19: 81-88.
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