Prof. Dr. Taghi Ghoorchi

Animal and Poultry Nutrition, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

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Dr. Taghi Ghoorchi is currently working as Professor Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Golestan Province, Iran. He obtained his Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. He has published 37 research articles in journals as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Animal Husbandry
Ruminant Nutrition
Animal Nutriton
Animal Feeding
Animal Physiology of Nutrition

Selected Publications

  1. Ghoorchi, T., F. Ghanbari and T. Ebrahimi, 2013. An investigation on the effects of some additives on aerobic stability, chemical composition and microbes of corn silage. Iran. J. Anim. Sci. Res., 4: 335-344.

  2. Mahdi, S., T.N. Normohamad, T.Y. Asadollah, H. Saeed and G. Taghi, 2012. Effect of corn silage particle size level of soybean oil on ruminal mat composition, distribution and consistency in Zel sheep. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 11: 15580-15589.
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  3. Kamalian, E., T. Ghoorchi, M. Khorvash, S. Kargar, G. Ghorbani, S. Zerehdaran and M. Bromand, 2012. Effects of wheat factory sewage on performance, nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics of finishing male calves. Iran. J. Anim. Sci., 43: 369-377.

  4. Ghoorchi,T., P. Lund, M. Larsen, T. Hvelplund, J. Hansen-Moller and M.R. Weisbjerg, 2012. Assessment of the mobile bag method for estimation of In vivo starch digestibility. Animal, 7: 265-271.

  5. Ghanbari, F., T. Ghoorchi, P. Shawrang, H. Mansouri and N.M. Torbati-Nejad, 2012. Comparison of electron beam and gamma ray irradiatios effects on ruminal crude protein and amino acid degradation kinetics, and In vitro digestibility of cottonseed meal. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 81: 672-678.

  6. Abedeini. A.H., T. Ghoorchi and S. Zerehdaran, 2012. The effect of replacing different levels of barley with citrus pulp in Taleshi male lambs. Anim. Product. Res., 2: 41-51.

  7. Paviz, M.M., T. Ghoorchi and F. Ghanbari, 2011. Effects of molasses and bacterial inoculant on chemical composition and aerobic stability of sorghum silage. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 6: 385-390.
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  8. Zafarghandi, M.S., T. Ghoorchi and A.M. Azari, 2010. Determination of effects of chemical treatment of two barley cultivars on ruminal dry matter and starch disappearance and CNCPS carbohydrate fraction characteristics. Iran. J. Anim. Sci., 41: 21-32.

  9. Ghoorchi, T. and S. Arbabi, 2010. Study of protein characteristic of five feeds by CNCPS model. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 5: 584-591.
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  10. Torbatinejad, N., S. Galeshi and T. Ghoorchi, 2009. Evaluation by chemical and in vitro gas production techniques of foxtail millet grown in Northern Iran. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8: 2662-2667.
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  11. Toghdory, A., A. Naserian, S. Hassani, T. Ghoorchi and Y.J. Ahangari, 2009. Effects of rumen protected and unprotected choline on energy-related biochemical metabolites of lactating dairy cows. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 8: 2181-2185.
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  12. Moslemipour, F., N.M. Torbatinejad, H. Khazali, S. Hassani and T. Ghoorchi, 2009. Effects of hypoinsulinemia on leptin secretion, blood and urine metabolites, feeding pattern and internal organ indices in sheep. Physiol. Pharmacol., 13: 37-47.
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  13. Moslemipour, F., N.M. Torbatinejad, H. Khazali, S. Hassani and T. Ghoorchi, 2009. Effect of performance hypoinulinemia on feed intake, growth parameters, meat composition and blood metabolites in Zel sheep. J. Agric. Sci. Natur. Resour., 16: 164-173.

  14. Moslemipour, F., N.M. Torbatinejad, H. Khazali, S. Hassani and T. Ghoorchi, 2009. Effect of performance hypoinulinemia on appetite, performance, carcass composition, blood metabolites and leptin concentration in lambs. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 22: 827-835.
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  15. Hosseindoust, A.R., T. Ghoorchi, Zerehdaran and N. Miralami, 2009. Effects of propylene glycol and ca-LCFA on blood parameters and dairy cows production. J. Sci. Agric. Nat. Resour., 16: 407-415.

  16. Ghoorchi, T., B. Ghorbani, S. Hassani and A.R. Hiseindoost, 2009. The effect of different additives on quality of barley forage silage. EJANG, 2: 81-95.

  17. Gharabash, A.M., T. Ghoorchi, S. Hassani. N.M. Torbatinejad and M. Hormozei, 2009. Comparison of effects of ewe milk, milk replacer and three starter diets on microbial protein synthesis, rumen fermentation, blood and urinary metabolites in Dalagh breed suckling lambs. J. Sci. Agric. Natur. Resour., 16: 118-125.

  18. Gharabash, A.M., T. Ghoorchi, S. Hassani, N.M. Torbatinejad and M. Hormozei, 2009. Effects of milk replacer and different starter diets on growth, feed intake and rumen development in suckling lambs. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 13: 461-471.

  19. Gharabash, A.M., T. Ghoorchi, S. Hassani, N.M. Torbatinejad and M. Hormozei, 2009. Comparison of voluntary intake, digestibility of nutrients of the ewe milk and a commercial milk replacer and their effects on performance in Dalagh breed suckling lambs. J. Vet. Res., 64: 163-167.
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  20. Gharabash, A., T. Ghoorchi, S. Hassani, N. Torbatinejad and H. Mansori, 2009. Effects of ewe milk, milk replacer and three starter diets on microbial protein synthesis, rumen fermentation, blood and urinary metabolites in Dalagh breed suckling lambs. J. Sci. Agric. Nat. Resour., 13: 461-470.
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  21. Arbabi, S. and T. Ghoorchi, 2009. The effect of different levels of molasses as silage additives on fermentation quality of fox millet(Setaria italic)silage. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 16: 99-108.

  22. Toghdary, A.A.H., T. Ghoorchi, Y.J. Ahangari, A.A. Naserian and S. Hassani, 2008. Nuttritional effects of choline on productive performance and some blood metabolites of lactating Holstein dairy cow. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 16: 103-109.
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  23. Kevanloo, S.M., T. Ghoorchi, S. Hassani and Y. Jafari, 2008. The effect of different levels of monensin on finishing performance and blood metabolites in Moghani lambs. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 15: 109-118.
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  24. Jamshidy, R., T. Ghoorchi, N.M. Torbatinejad and S. Hasani, 2008. Effect of replacing cotton seed meal with canola meal and Ca-LCFA on nutritional digestibility and blood metabolites of holstein dairy cows. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 15: 54-61.
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  25. Ghorbani, B., T. Ghoorchi, H. Amanlou and S. Zerehdaran, 2008. Effects of monensin and increasing crude protein in early lactation on performance of dairy cows. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 11: 1669-1675.
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  26. Arbabi, S., T.Ghoorchi and Naserian, 2008. The effect of dried citrus pulp,dried beet sugar pulp and wheat straw as silsge additives on byÙ€products of orange silage. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 2: 35-42.

  27. Arbabi, S., T. Ghoorchi and S. Hasani, 2008. The effect of delayed ensiling and application of an propionic acid-based additives on the nutrition value of corn silage. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 2: 26-34.
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  28. Arbabi, S., T. Ghoorchi and A.A. Naserian, 2008. The effect of dried citrus pulp, dried beet sugar pulp and wheat straw as silage additives on by-products of orange silage. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 2: 35-42.
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  29. Rezaee, P.V., T. Ghoorchi, S. Hasani and G.R. Ghorbani, 2006. Study of protein characteristics of canola meal by CNCPS model and its effects on the levels of thyroid hormones in Atabay finishing lambs. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 13: 7-13.
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  30. Khaksefidi, A. and T. Ghoorchi, 2006. Effect of probiotic on performance and immunocompetence in broiler chicks. J. Poult. Sci., 43: 296-300.
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  31. Jamshidy, R.A., N.T. Nejad, T. Ghoorchi and S. Hasani, 2006. The effects of Ca-LCFA and replacing cottonseed meal with Canola meal on the milk production and composition in Holstein dairy cows. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 13: 72-80.
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  32. Ghoorchi, T., A.M. Gharabash and N.M. Torbatinejad, 2006. Effects of calcium salt of long chain fatty acid on performance and blood metabolites of atabay lambs. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv. 1: 70-75.
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  33. Ghanbari, F., Y.J. Ahangari, T. Ghoorchi and S. Hasani, 2006. An investigation on the effects of gossypol on some hematological parameters in Atabay rams. J. Agric. Sci. Islamic Azad Uni., 12: 623-633.

  34. Ghoorchi, T. and H.S. Torghabeh, 2005. Investigating the compensatory growth in Atabay (Daalgh) finishing lambs. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 12: 135-143.

  35. Ghanbari, F., Y.J. Ahangari, T. Ghoorchi and S. Hasani, 2005. An investigation on the effects of gossypol in cottonseed meal on scrotal circumference and spermatozoa quality in Atabay rams. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 12: 168-175.
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  36. Ghoorchi, T., S. Rahimi, M. Rezaeian and R. Ghorbani, 2003. Degradation of dry matter and fiber of five feeds by rumen anaerobic fungi of sheep. J. Sci. Agric. Nat. Resour., 7: 141-150.
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  37. Ghoorchi, T., S. Rahimi, M. Rezaeian and R. Ghorbani, 2002. Production of xylanase enzyme on the feeds by rumen anaerobic fungi. J. Agric. Sci. Nat. Resour., 9: 179-191.

  38. Ghoorchi, T., M. Rezaeian, S. Rahimi and R. Ghorbani, 2001. Degradation of dry matter and fibric materials of cereals straw by rumen anaerobic fungi of sheep. J. Vetr.College., 56: 1-6.