Dr. Reza Zarghami

Scientist (Associate Professor)
Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran, Iran

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from Budenkultur University, Austria

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Somatic Embryogenesis
Plant Tissue Culture
Plant Physiology

Selected Publications

  1. Roshanfekrrad, M., R. Zarghami, H. Hassani, H. Zakizadeh and A. Salari, 2017. Effect of AgNO3 and BAP on root as a novel explant in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera cv. Medjool) somatic embryogenesis. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 20: 20-27.
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  2. Zarghami, R. and A. Salari, 2015. Effect of different hormonal treatments on proliferation and rooting of three Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 18: 260-266.
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  3. Sepehri, B., R. Zarghami, A. Salari and N. Nemati, 2015. Effect if three levels of mycorrhiza and four levels of planting bed on total wet and dry weight of shoots and the number of lateral lateral branches of white Periwinkle. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 10: 4306-4316.

  4. Rad, M.R., R. Zarghami, H. Hassani and H. Zakizadeh, 2015. Comparison of vegetative buds formation in two date palm cultivars, Medjool and Mazafati through direct organogenesis. Int. J. Farming Allied Sci., 4: 549-553.
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  5. Jazinizadeh, E., R. Zarghami, A. Majd, A.R. Iranbakhsh and G. Tajaddod, 2015. In vitro production of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cv. ‘Barhee’ plantlets through direct organogenesis. Biol. Forum–Int. J., 7: 566-572.
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  6. Sepehri, B., R. Zarghami, N. Nemati and H.M. Tohidi, 2014. Investigation of the effect of three levels of mycorrhiza and four levels of planting bed on total alkaloids, Vinblastine, Vincristine of periwinkle. Int. J. AgriSci., 4: 374-382.

  7. Abdolvand, B., R. Zarghami, H. Hasani, M. Mardi and H.Z. Zade, 2014. Effect of 2,4-D and 2ip hormones on embryogenesis callus production and the effect of sucrose and concentrations of MS salts on somatic embryogenesis of date palm (cv. Medjool). Int. J. Farming Allied Sci., 3: 1188-1193.
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  8. Tarigholeslami, M., R. Zarghami, M.M.A. Boujar and A.A. Koliai, 2013. Fatty acid, seed phosphorous and grain yield of Maize as influenced by different irrigation and nitrogen fertilizers. Bulgarian J. Agric. Sci., 3: 479-484.

  9. Sabeti, M., R. Zarghami and M.E. Zadeh, 2013. Effects of explants and growth regulators on callogenesis and somatic embryogenesis of Agria potato cultivar. Int. J. AgriSci., 3: 213-221.

  10. Ozhan, N., R. Zarghami and M. Hajibabaei, 2013. Effect of gibberlic acid and poly amines on reduction of salinity effects, on germination and early growth of Arg cultivar. Int. J. Agric. Crop Sci., 5: 1114-1119.

  11. Ojhan, N., R. Zarghami and M. Hajibabaei, 2013. Effect of salinity and gibberlic acid on morphological an physiological charachterizations of three cultivars of spring wheat. Int. J. Agric. Crop Sci., 3: 437-440.

  12. Ojhan, N., R. Zarghami and Hajibabaei, 2013. Effect of salinity on growth of tree cultivars of spring wheat in hydroponic condition. Tech. J. Eng. Applied Sci., 3: 437-440.

  13. Mirabdulbaghi, M. and R. Zarghami, 2013. Response of Missouri and Yazdi peach seedling rootstocks to soil application of nitrogen in a nursery of Karaj, Iran. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 8: 5806-5813.
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  14. Taheri N., R. Zarghami and M. Oveysi, 2012. Effect of irrigation stress and changes of source and destination on seed oil and oleic acid of soybean. Int. J. Agron. Plant Prod., 18: 788-795.

  15. Mohammadi, A.H., R. Zarghami, A. Kashani, S.H. Zade, E.G. Saman and S. Nikpouri, 2012. Evaluation of deficit irrigation management, nitrogen levels and seed priming simultaneously, on some properties if sunflower. Indian J. Sci. Technol., 5: 1921-1923.

  16. Ahouran, M., R. Hosseini and R. Zarghami, 2012. Corms az a source of explants for the successful clonal propagation of Corcus cancellatus. J. Crop Sci. Biotechnol., 15: 47-51.

  17. Mohammadi, A.H., A. Kashani, R. Zarghami, S.H. Zade, M.J. Shakouri and S.A. Kapourchal, 2011. The simulantaneus effect of deficit irrigation, nitrogen levels and seed priming on hybrid Sunfower. J. Basic Applied Sci. Res., 1: 3407-3411.

  18. Koliaei, A.A., G.A. Akbari, O. Armandpisheh, M.R. Labbafi and R. Zarghami, 2011. Effects of phosphate chemical fertilizers and biologic fertilizers in various moisture regimes on some morphological characteristics and seeds performance in maize S.C. 704. Asian J. Agric. Sci., 3: 223-234.
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  19. Davod, T., Z. Reza, V.A. Ali and C. Mehrdad, 2011. Effects of nanosilver and nitroxin bio-fertilizer on yield and yield components of potato minitubers. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 13: 986-990.
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  20. Shirinzadeh, A., R. Zarghami, A.V. Azghandi, M.R. Shiri and M. Mirabdulbaghi, 2010. Evaluation of drought tolerance in mid and late mature corn hybrids using stress tolerance indices. Asian J. Plant Sci., 9: 67-73.
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  21. Oveysi, M., M.J. Mirhadi, H. Madani, G. Nourmohammadi, R. Zarghami and A. Madani, 2010. The impact of source restriction on yield formation of corn (Zea mays L.) due to water deficiency. Plant Soil Environ., 56: 476-481.
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  22. Mirabdulbaghi, M., R. Zarghami and A.V. Azghandi, 2010. Cold hardiness of different apple rootstock clones. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 12: 155-156.

  23. Madani, A., A. Shirani-Rad, A. Pazoki, G. Nourmohammadi, R. Zarghami and A. Mokhtassi-Bidgoli, 2010. The impact of source or sink limitations on yield formation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) due to post-anthesis water and nitrogen deficiencies. Plant Soil Environ., 56: 218-227.
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  24. Madani, A., A. Shirani-Rad, A. Pazoki, G. Nourmohammadi and R. Zarghami, 2010. Wheat grain filling and dry matter partitioning responses to source: Sink modifications under post-anthesis water and nitrogen deficiencies. Acta Sci. Agron., 32: 145-151.

  25. Nicknejad, Y., R. Zarghami, M. Nasiri, H. Pirdashti, D.B. Tari and H. Fallah, 2009. Investigation of physiological indices of different rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in relation to source and sink limitation. Asian J. Plant Sci., 8: 385-389.
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  26. Zarghami, R., P. Pirseyedi, S. Hasrak and B.P. Sardrood, 2008. Evaluation of genetic stability in cryopreserved Solanum tuberosum. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 7: 2798-2802.
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  27. Mirabdulbaghi, M. and R. Zarghmi, 2008. Prognosis of nutrient status and vegetative vigor in peach trees by floral analysis. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 10: 459-462.

  28. Darvishi, E., R. Zarghami, C.A. Mishani and M. Omidi, 2007. Effects of different hormone treatments on non-embryogenic and embryogenic callus induction and timeterm enzyme treatments on number and viability of isolated protoplasts in saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Acta Hort., 739: 279-284.

  29. Chaloushi, B., R. Zarghami, C. Abd-Mishani, M. Omidi, Y.M. Agayev and B.P. Sardood, 2007. Effects of different hormonal treatments on the callus production and plantlet regeneration in saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 10: 1625-1631.
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  30. Eshraghi, P., R. Zarghami and H. Ofoghi, 2006. RAPD analysis of micropropagated plantlets in date palm. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 9: 111-114.
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  31. Darvishi, E., R. Zarghami, C.A. Mishani, M. Omidi and A. Sarkhosh, 2006. Investigation of the best time of enzyme treatment in order to isolate the protoplast from embryogenic callus to saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Biotechnology, 5: 284-286.

  32. Eshraghi, P., R. Zarghami and M. Mirabdulbaghi, 2005. Somatic embryogenesis in two Iranian date palm cultivars. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 4: 1309-1312.
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  33. Eshraghi, P., R. Zarghami and H. Ofoghi, 2005. Genetic stability of micropropagated plantlets in date palm. J. Sci. Islamic Republic Iran, 16: 311-315.
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  34. Soya, G., A.M. Soya and R. Zarghami, 1988. Screening of faba beans varieties for drought resistence. Phyton, 30: 318-318.