Dr. Birendra  Mishra
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Dr. Birendra Mishra

University of California, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Accounting from University of Texas, Texas, USA

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Birendra (Barry) K. Mishra, is Professor of Accounting and Information Management at UC Riverside. He obtained his Ph.D. in Accounting from University of Texas at Austin. Barry`s research interests are in the areas of accounting and control, public poliy, supply chain management, risk management and information systems. He uses a variety of methodologies including game theory, agency theory, empirical methods and his major articles have been published in Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Management Science, Marketing Science, Information System Research and IEEE Journal of System man and cybernetics. Barry teaches in managerial accounting and financial accountig areas.

Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Investment Analysis

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Mishra, B.K., A. Prasad, D. Srinivasan and M. ElHafsi, 2017. Pricing and capacity planning for product-line expansion and reduction. Int. J. Prod. Res., 55: 5502-5519.
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  2. Chandra, A., N.M. Menon and B.K. Mishra, 2017. Budget adjustments and spending patterns: A transaction-cycle view. J. Inform. Syst., 32: 19-43.
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  3. Mishra, B. and S. Raghunathan, 2012. Information Sharing in Supply Chain with Horrizontal Competition:The Case of Discount Based Incentive Scheme. Theor. Econ. Lett., 2: 373-378.
  4. Mishra, B.K., S. Raghunathan and X. Yue, 2009. Demand Forecast Sharing in Supply Chains. Prod. Oper. Manage., 18: 152-166.
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  5. Mishra, B.K., S. Raghunathan and X. Yue, 2007. Information sharing in supply chains: Incentive for information distortion. IIE Trans., 39: 863-877.
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  6. Majumdar, S.K., B.K. Mishra and H. Chang, 2007. Technology investment strategy in the presence of competitor entry: Broadband deployment in the US telecommunications industry. Technol. Soc., 29: 422-430.
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  7. Chandra, A., N. Menon and B.K. Mishra, 2007. Budgeting for Information Technology. Int. J. Acc. Inf. Syst., 8: 264-282.
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  8. Mishra, B.K. and A. Prasad, 2006. Minimizing Retail Shrinkage due to Employee Theft. Int. J. Retail Distrib. Manage., 34: 817-831.
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  9. Chang, H., J. Chen, W. Liao and B.K. Mishra, 2006. CEO's/ CFO's Swearing by the Numbers: Does it Impact the Share Prices of the Firm? Acc. Rev., 8: 1-27.
  10. Arora, H., B. K. Mishra and T.S. Raghu, 2006. Autonomic- computing approach to secure knowledge management: A game theoretic analysis. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 36: 487-497.
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  11. Raghunathan, S., A. Prasad, B.K. Mishra and H. Chang, 2005. Open Source versus Closed Source: Software Quality in Monopoly and Competitive Markets. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 35: 903-918.
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  12. Mishra, B.K., A. Prasad and T.S. Raghu, 2005. Strategic Analysis of Corporate Software Piracy Prevention & Detection. J. Organ. Comput. and Electron. Commerce 15: 223-252.
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  13. Mishra, B.K. and A. Prasad, 2005. Delegating Pricing Decisions in Competitive Markets with Symmetric and Asymmetric Information. Marketing Sci., 24: 490-497.
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  14. Cavusoglu, H., B.K. Mishra, and S. Raghunathan, 2005. The Value of the Intrusion Detection System in Information Technology (IT) Security Architecture. Inf. Syst. Res., 16: 1-19.
  15. Mishra, B.K. and S. Raghunathan, 2004. Retailer versus Vendor Managed Inventory and Brand Competition. Manage. Sci., 50: 445-457.
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  16. Mishra, B.K. and A. Prasad, 2004. Centralized Pricing versus Delegating Pricing to the Sales Force under Information Asymmetry. Marketing Sci., 23: 21-27.
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  17. Cavusoglu, H.B.K. Mishra and S. Raghunathan, 2004. A model for evaluating IT security investments. Communi. ACM, 47: 87-92.
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  18. Cavusoglu, H., B.K. Mishra and S. Raghunathan, 2004. The Effect of Internet Security Breach Announcements on Market Value of Breached Firms and Internet Security Developers Int. J. of Electron. Commerce, 9: 69-104.
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  19. Iyer, G., M. Iyer and B.K. Mishra, 2003. An empirical assessment of the impact of non-audit service fee disclosure requirements on audit fee and non-audit service fee in the United Kingdom. Adv. Acc., 2: 127-140.
  20. Asthana, S. and B.K. Mishra, 2003. Incremental Information Content of SFAS 106. Rev. Acc. Finance, 2: 37-51.
  21. Banker, R., I. Hwang and B.K. Mishra, 2002. Product Costing and Pricing under Long Term Capacity Commitment. J. Manage. Acc. Res., 14: 79-97.
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  22. Asthana, S., S. Balsam and B.K. Mishra, 2002. Changes in the Dissemination of Information and its Impact on Differential Predisclosure. J. Corporate Commun., 4: 1-44.
  23. Mishra, B.K. and I. Vaysman, 2001. Cost-System Choice and Incentives: Traditional vs. Activity Based Costing. J. Acc. Res., 39: 619-641.
  24. Asthana, S and B.K. Mishra, 2001. Differential Information Hypothesis, Firm Size and Information Transfer. J. Bus. Res., 53: 187-214.
  25. Mishra, B.K., D.P. Newman and C.H. Stinson, 1997. Environmental regulations and incentives for compliance audits. J. Account. Public Policy, 16: 187-214.
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  26. Mishra, B.K. and M.M. Sharma, 1988. Estimation of pore size distribution from network model. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. J., 34: 684-687.