Dr. Vijay P. Singh
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Dr. Vijay P. Singh

Texas A & M University, USA

Highest Degree
D.Sc. in Environmental and Water Resource Engineering from University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

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Prof. Vijay P. Singh was born in Agra, India in 1946. He earned his Bachelor’s of Science degree from Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University in 1967, in the field of Engineering. He then went to Canada for his Master’s, receiving that degree in Engineering as well, from the University of Guelph in Ontario. From there, he went to the University of Colorado for his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, which he obtained in 1974. Since earning his Doctorate degree, Prof. Singh has held Teaching positions in some of the most well-known Universities in the US. He was an Associate Research Professor of Civil Engineering at George Washington University from 1977-78, an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Mississippi University from 1978-81, and an Adjunct Professor as well as the Coordinator of the Environmental and Water Resources Systems Engineering Program at Louisiana State University from 1999-2006 and 2001-2006, respectively. He also served as Visiting Professor in different University such as University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India and Hydraulics and Hydrology, University of Technology, Graz, Austria. He successfully supervised 18 PhD, 28 M.S. thesis and 77 PhD as external supervisor. He also served as a consultant on 25 projects/assignments. He has published 24 books, 2 solutions manuals, edited 55 books, 80 book chapters, review 28 books, 776 research articles in journals, 304 conference proceedings, and 70 technical publications and reports contributed as author/co-author. He was received 70 awards and 6 memberships in national/international academies. He is member of 17 societies or associations. He is member of editorial board in 29 journals, and 5 books. He also delivered 79 keynote lectures, 26 lectures at short courses, and 288 lectures in invited seminars. His main area of research interest focuses on Hydrodynamics of Watershed Runoff, Hydrodynamics of Surface Irrigation (Flow over Porous Beds), Erosion and Sediment Transport in Upland Watersheds, Point- and Nonpoint-Source Water Quality Modeling, Environmental Management, Hydrology of Ungaged Watersheds, Streamflow Forecasting, Areal Rainfall, Dam Break Analysis, Parameter Estimation, Stochastic Analysis, Entropy-Based Modeling, Network Design, Landfill Hydrology, Saltwater Intrusion, Groundwater Modeling, Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change, Watershed Modeling, Ecosystems Management, and Social Engineering.

Area of Interest:

Environmental Sciences
Environmental Quality
Water Reseources
Groundwater Hydrology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zounemat-Kermani, M., Y. Seo, S. Kim, M.A. Ghorbani and S. Samadianfard et al., 2019. Can decomposition approaches always enhance soft computing models? Predicting the dissolved oxygen concentration in the St. Johns River, Florida. Applied Sci., Vol. 9. 10.3390/app9122534.
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  2. Zhu, Y., Y. Liu, W. Wang, V.P. Singh, X. Ma and Z. Yu, 2019. Three dimensional characterization of meteorological and hydrological droughts and their probabilitic links. J. Hydrol., Vol. 578. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124016.
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  3. Zhu, X., Q. Zhang, P. Sun, V.P. Singh, P. Shi and C. Song, 2019. Impact of urbanization on hourly precipitation in Beijing, China: Spatiotemporal patterns and causes. Global Planet. Change, 172: 307-324.
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  4. Zhou, Q., L. Chen, V.P. Singh and J. Zhou, 2019. Rainfall-runoff simulation in Karst dominated areas based on a coupled conceptual hydrological model. J. Hydrol., 573: 524-533.
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  5. Zhang, Q., K. Fan, V.P. Singh, C. Song, C.Y. Xu and P. Sun, 2019. Is Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau “drying”? Historical estimations and future trends of surface soil moisture. Sci. Total Environ., 658: 374-384.
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  6. Zhang, L., S. Traore, Y. Cui, Y. Luo and G. Zhu et al., 2019. Assessment of spatiotemporal variability of reference evapotranspiration and controlling climate factors over decades in China using geospatial techniques. Agric. Water Manage., 213: 499-511.
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  7. Zargar, M., H. Gholami, H. Norouzi, M. Soltani and S. Dehghan et al., 2019. Unpredictability of gradients during preservation phase of the linear constructions. Int. J. Constructive Res. Civil Eng., 5: 1-8.
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  8. Zargar, M., H. Gholami, H. Norouzi, M. Soltani and S. Dehghan et al., 2019. The influence of rock anisotropy on the plan of constructions. Int. J. Constructive Res. Civil Eng., 5: 24-30.
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  9. Yao, T., Y. Xue, D. Chen, F. Chen and L. Thompson et al., 2019. Recent third pole's rapid warming accompanies cryospheric melt and water cycle intensification and interactions between monsoon and environment: Multidisciplinary approach with observations, modeling and analysis. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 100: 123-444.
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  10. Xu, Y., X. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Hao, V.P. Singh and F. Hao, 2019. Propagation from meteorological drought to hydrological drought under theimpact of human activities: A case study in northern China. J. Hydrol., Vol. 579. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124147.
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  11. Xie, P., H. Gu, Y.F. Sang, Z. Wu and V.P. Singh, 2019. Comparison of different methods for detecting change points in hydroclimatic time series. J. Hydrol., Vol. 577. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123973.
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  12. Xavier, Jr. S.F.A., J. da Silva Jale, T. Stosic, C.A.C. dos Santos and V.P. Singh, 2019. An application of sample entropy to precipitation in ParaØba State, Brazil. Theoret. Applied Climatol., 136: 429-440.
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  13. Wu, X., Z. Hao, F. Hao, V.P. Singh and X. Zhang, 2019. Dry-hot magnitude index: A joint indicator for compound event analysis. Environ. Res. Lett., Vol. 14. 10.1088/1748-9326/ab1ec7.
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  14. Wen, X., Q. Feng, R.C. Deo, M. Wu, Z. Yin, L. Yang and V.P. Singh, 2019. Two-phase extreme learning machines integrated with the complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise algorithm for multi-scale runoff prediction problems. J. Hydrol., 570: 167-184.
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  15. Tu, X., Y. Du, V.P. Singh, X. Chen and Y. Zhao et al., 2019. Bivariate design of hydrological droughts and their alterations under a changing environment. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 24, No. 6. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001788.
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  16. Sohoulande, C.D., K. Stone and V.P. Singh, 2019. Quantifying the probabilistic divergences related to time-space scales for inferences in water resource management. Agric. Water Manage., 217: 282-291.
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  17. Sihag, P., V.P. Singh, A. Angelaki, V. Kumar, A.S. Vand and E. Golia, 2019. Modelling of infiltration using artificial intelligence techniques in semi-arid Iran. Hydrol. Sci. J., (In Press). 10.1080/02626667.2019.1659965.
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  18. Shen, Z., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh, P. Sun, C. Song and H. Yu, 2019. Agricultural drought monitoring across Inner Mongolia, China: Model development, spatiotemporal patterns and impacts. J. Hydrol., 571: 793-804.
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  19. Seyedzadeh, A., A. Panahi, E. Maroufpoor and V.P. Singh, 2019. Development of an analytical method for estimating Manning's coefficient of roughness for border irrigation. Irrig. Sci., 37: 523-531.
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  20. Sardooi, E.R., A. Azareh, B. Choubin, S. Barkhori, V.P. Singh and S. Shamshirband, 2019. Applying the remotely sensed data to identify homogeneous regions of watersheds using a pixel-based classification approach. Applied Geography, Vol.111. 10.1016/j.apgeog.2019.102071.
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  21. Salehi, S., M. Dehghani, S.M. Mortazavi and V.P. Singh, 2019. Trend analysis and change point detection of seasonal and annual precipitation in Iran. Int. J. Climatol., (In Press). 10.1002/joc.6211.
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  22. Ruiz-Alvarez, O., V.P. Singh, J. Enciso-Medina, R.E. Ontiveros-Capurata and C.A.C. dos Santo, 2019. Observed trends in daily precipitation extreme indices in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Meteorol. Applic., (In Press). 10.1002/met.1838.
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  23. Ruiz-Alvarez, O., V.P. Singh, J. Enciso-Medina, C. Munster and R. Kaiser et al., 2019. Spatio-temporal trends in monthly pan evaporation in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Theoret. Applied Climatol., 136: 775-789.
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  24. Riahi-Madvar, H., M. Dehghani, A. Seifi and V.P. Singh, 2019. Pareto optimal multigene genetic programming for prediction of longitudinal dispersion coefficient. Water Resour. Manage., 33: 905-921.
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  25. Qin, Z., T. Peng, V.P. Singh and M. Chen, 2019. Spatio-temporal variations of precipitation extremes in Hanjiang River Basin, China, during 1960-2015. Theor. Applied Climatol., (In Press). 10.1007/s00704-019-02932-7.
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  26. Piscoya, V.C., V.P. Singh, J.R.B. Cantalice, S.M.S. Guerra and M.C. Filho et al., 2019. Riparian Buffer Strip Width Design in Semiarid Watershed Brazilian. In: Advances and Trends in Agricultural Sciences, Al-Naggar, A.M.M. (Ed.). Vol. 1, Chapter 9, Book Publisher International, London, UK., ISBN: 978-81-934224-3-4.
  27. Pirnazar, M., N. Haghighi, D. Azhand, K. Ostad-Ali-Askari, S. Eslamian, N.R. Dalezios and V.P. Singh, 2019. Land use change detection and prediction using Markov-CA and publishing on the web with platform map server, case study: Qom metropolis, Iran. J. Geography Cartography, Vol. 2, No. 1. 10.24294/jgc.v2i1.453.
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  28. Pereira, B.D.A., Y.J.A.B. da Silva, C.W.A. do Nascimento, Y.J.A.B. da Silva and R.C. Nascimento et al., 2019. Watershed-scale assessment of rare earth elements in soils derived from sedimentary rocks. Environ. Monitor. Asses., Vol. 191 10.1007/s10661-019-7658-y.
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  29. Ostad-Ali-Askari, K., S. Eslamian, V.P. Singh, N.R. Dalezios, M. Ghane, H. Gholami, S. Dehghan and M. Haeri-Hamedani, 2019. Decreasing the number of coliforms of wastewater treatment plants using sand filtration together with four-seed powder. Int. J. Res. Stud. Agric. Sci., 5: 36-40.
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  30. Ni, L., D. Wang, V.P. Singh, J. Wu and Y. Wang et al., 2019. A hybrid model-based framework for estimating ecological risk. J. Cleaner Prod., 225: 1230-1240.
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  31. MoradiKhaneghahi, M., T. Lee and V.P. Singh, 2019. Stepwise extreme learning machine for statistical downscaling of daily maximum and minimum temperature. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 33: 1035-1056.
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  32. Miraki, S., S.H. Zanganeh, K. Chapi, V.P. Singh, A. Shirzadi, H. Shahabi and B.T. Pham, 2019. Mapping groundwater potential using a novel hybrid intelligence approach. Water Resour. Manage., 33: 281-302.
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  33. Mihailovic, D.T., E. Nikolic-Doric, S. Malinovic-Milicevic, V.P. Singh and A. Mihailovic et al., 2019. The choice of an appropriate information dissimilarity measure for hierarchical clustering of river streamflow time series, based on calculated lyapunov exponent and kolmogorov measures. Entropy, Vol. 21. 10.3390/e21020215.
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  34. Mihailovic, D.T., E. Nikolic-Doric, I. Arsenic, S. Malinovic-Milicevic, V.P. Singh, T. Stosic and B. Stosic, 2019. Analysis of daily streamflow complexity by Kolmogorov measures and Lyapunov exponent. Phys. A: Statist. Mech. Applic., 525: 290-303.
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  35. Meshram, S.G., E. Alvandi, V.P. Singh and C. Meshram, 2019. Comparison of AHP and fuzzy AHP models for prioritization of watersheds. Soft Comput., (In Press). 10.1007/s00500-019-03900-z.
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  36. Manesh, M.B., H. Khosravi, E.H. Alamdarloo, M.S. Alekasir, A. Gholami and V.P. Singh, 2019. Linkage of agricultural drought with meteorological drought in different climates of Iran. Theor. Applied Climatol., (In Press). 10.1007/s00704-019-02878-w.
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  37. Liu, Y., Y. Zhu, L. Ren, V.P. Singh and B. Yong et al., 2019. Understanding the spatiotemporal links between meteorological and hydrological droughts from a three‐dimensional perspective. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 124: 3090-3109.
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  38. Liu, Y., Y. Zhu, L. Ren, B. Yong and V.P. Singh et al., 2019. On the mechanisms of two composite methods for construction of multivariate drought indices. Sci. Total Environ., 647: 981-991.
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  39. Li, Z., H. Zhang, V.P. Singh, R. Yu and S. Zhang, 2019. A simple early warning system for flash floods in an ungauged catchment and application in the Loess Plateau, China. Water, Vol. 11, No. 3. 10.3390/w11030426.
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  40. Li, M., V.P. Singh, Q. Fu, D. Liu, T. Li and Y. Zhou, 2019. Optimization of agricultural water-food-energy nexus in a random environment: An integrated modelling approach. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., (In Press). 10.1007/s00477-019-01672-4.
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  41. Li, M., Q. Fu, V.P. Singh, Y. Ji, D. Liu, C. Zhang and T. Li, 2019. An optimal modelling approach for managing agricultural water-energy-food nexus under uncertainty. Sci. Total Environ., 651: 1416-1434.
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  42. Li, M., Q. Fu, V.P. Singh, D. Liu and T. Li, 2019. Stochastic multi-objective modeling for optimization of water-food-energy nexus of irrigated agriculture. Adv. Water Resour., 127: 209-224.
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  43. Li, M., Q. Fu, P. Guo, V.P. Singh, C. Zhang and G. Yang, 2019. Stochastic multi-objective decision making for sustainable irrigation in a changing environment. J. Cleaner Prod., 223: 928-945.
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  44. Li, M., J. Li, V.P. Singh, Q. Fu, D. Liu and G. Yang, 2019. Efficient allocation of agricultural land and water resources for soil environment protection using a mixed optimization-simulation approach under uncertainty. Geoderma, 350: 56-60.
  45. Li, M., H. Sun, V.P. Singh, Y. Zhou and M. Ma, 2019. Agricultural water resources management using maximum entropy and entropy-weight-based TOPSIS methods. Entropy, Vol. 21, No. 4. 10.3390/e21040364.
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  46. Li, M. and V.P. Singh, 2019. Sustainability of water and energy use for food production based on optimal allocation of agricultural irrigation water. Int. J. Water Resour. Dev., (In Press). 10.1080/07900627.2019.1649129.
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  47. Li, H., D. Wang, V.P. Singh, Y. Wang and J. Wu et al., 2019. Non-stationary frequency analysis of annual extreme rainfall volume and intensity using Archimedean copulas: A case study in Eastern China. J. Hydrol., 571: 114-131.
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  48. Lee, T. and V.P. Singh, 2019. Discrete k-nearest neighbor resampling for simulating multisite precipitation occurrence and model adaption to climate change. Geoscient. Model Dev., 12: 1189-1207.
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  49. Kumbhakar, M., K. Ghoshal and V.P. Singh, 2019. Application of relative entropy theory to streamwise velocity profile in open-channel flow: Effect of prior probability distributions. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 70. 10.1007/s00033-019-1124-0.
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  50. Kumar, R., V.P. Singh, D. Jhajharia and R. Mirabbasi, 2019. Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change. Vol. 1, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., USA., ISBN-13: 9780367345235, Pages: 304.
  51. Kim, S., Y. Seo, M. Rezaie-Balf, O. Kisi, M.A. Ghorbani and V.P. Singh, 2019. Evaluation of daily solar radiation flux using soft computing approaches based on different meteorological information: Peninsula vs continent. Theor. Applied Climatol., 137: 693-712.
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  52. Kiani-Harchegani, M., S.H. Sadeghi, V.P. Singh, H. Asadi and M. Abedi, 2019. Effect of rainfall intensity and slope on sediment particle size distribution during erosion using partial eta squared. Catena, 176: 65-72.
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  53. Khedun, C.P., V.P. Singh and A.R. Byrd, 2019. Joint probability of extreme streamflow and its day of occurrence. J. Hydrol Eng., Vol. 24, No. 8. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001813.
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  54. Javadinejad, S., K. Ostad-Ali-Askari, V.P. Singh and M. Shayannejad, 2019. Reliable, resilient and sustainable water management in different water use sectors. Water Conserv. Sci. Eng., 4: 133-148.
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  55. Jahanshahi, H., M. Shahriari-Kahkeshi, R. Alcaraz, X. Wang, V.P. Singh and V.T. Pham, 2019. Entropy analysis and neural network-based adaptive control of a non-equilibrium four-dimensional chaotic system with hidden attractors. Entropy, Vol. 21. 10.3390/e21020156.
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  56. Hosseinjanzadeh, H., Z.S. Khozani, A. Ardeshir and V.P. Singh, 2019. Experimental investigation into the use of collar for reducing scouring around short abutments. IHS J. Hydraulic Eng., (In Press). 10.1080/09715010.2019.1656558.
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  57. Hao, Z., F. Hao, V.P. Singh and X. Zhang, 2019. Statistical prediction of the severity of compound dry-hot events based on El Nino-Southern Oscillation. J. Hydrol., 572: 243-250.
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  58. Hao, L., X. Su, V.P. Singh, L. Zhang and G. Zhang, 2019. Suitable oasis and cultivated land scales in arid regions based on ecological health. Ecol. Indicators, 102: 33-42.
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  59. Han, C., R. Yu, X. Lu, L. Duan, V.P. Singh and T. Liu, 2019. Interactive effects of hydrological conditions on soil respiration in China's Horqin sandy land: An example of dune-meadow cascade ecosystem. Sci. Total Environ., 651: 3053-3063.
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  60. Gu, X., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh, C. Song, P. Sun and J. Li, 2019. Potential contributions of climate change and urbanization to precipitation trends across China at national, regional and local scales. Int. J. Climatol., 39: 2998-3012.
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  61. Gu, X., Q. Zhang, J. Lie, V.P. Singh and P. Su, 2019. Impact of urbanization on nonstationarity of annual and seasonal precipitation extremes in China. J. Hydrol., 575: 638-655.
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  62. Gu, X., Q. Zhang, J. Li, V.P. Singh, J. Liu, P. Sun and C. Cheng, 2019. Attribution of global soil moisture drying to human activities: A quantitative viewpoint. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46: 2573-2582.
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  63. Gu, X., Q. Zhang, J. Li, V.P. Singh and J. Liu et al., 2019. Intensification and expansion of soil moisture drying in warm season over Eurasia under global warming. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 124: 3765-3782.
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  64. Golian, M., H. Katibeh, V.P. Singh, K. Ostad-Ali-Askari and H.T. Rostami, 2019. Prediction of tunneling impact on flow rates of adjacent extraction water wells. Quart. J. Eng. Geol. Hydrogeol., (In Press). 10.1144/qjegh2019-055.
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  65. Ghoshal, K., M. Kumbhakar and V.P. Singh, 2019. Distribution of sediment concentration in debris flow using Renyi entropy. Phys. A: Statist. Mech. Applic., 521: 267-281.
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  66. Ehteram, M., V.P. Singh, A. Ferdowsi, S.F. Mousavi and S. Farzin et al., 2019. An improved model based on the support vector machine and cuckoo algorithm for simulating reference evapotranspiration. PLoS One, Vol. 14. 10.1371/journal.pone.0217499.
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  67. Dinpashoh, Y., S. Jahanbakhsh-Asl, A.A. Rasouli, M. Foroughi and V.P. Singh, 2019. Impact of climate change on potential evapotranspiration (case study: West and NW of Iran). Theor. Applied Climatol., 136: 185-201.
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  68. Da Silva, Y.J.A.B., J.R.B. Cantalice, V.P. Singh, C.W.A. do Nascimento, B.P. Wilcox and Y.J.A.B. da Silva, 2019. Heavy metal concentrations and ecological risk assessment of the suspended sediments of a multi-contaminated Brazilian watershed. Acta Scient. Agron., Vol. 41. 10.4025/actasciagron.v41i1.42620 .
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  69. Cui, H., B. Sivakumar and V.P. Singh, 2019. Entropy Applications in Environmental and Water Engineering. MDPI Publisher, Basel, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-03897-222-8, Pages: 512.
  70. Choubin, B., M. Borji, A. Mosavi, F. Sajedi-Hosseini, V.P. Singh and S. Shamshirband, 2019. Snow avalanche hazard prediction using machine learning methods. J. Hydrol., Vol. 577. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123929.
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  71. Choubin, B., H. Roshan, F. Sajedi-Hosseini, O. Rahmati, A.M. Melesse and V.P. Singh, 2019. Effects of Large-Scale Climate Signals on Snow Cover in Khersan Watershed, Iran. In: Extreme Hydrology and Climate Variability: Monitoring, Modelling, Adaptation and Mitigation, Melesse, A., W. Abtew and G. Senay (Eds.). Chapter 1, Elsevier, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780128159989, pp: 1-10.
  72. Chavez, J.C., J. Enciso, G. Ganjegunte, N. Rajan, J. Jifon and V.P. Singh, 2019. Growth response and productivity of sorghum for bioenergy production in South Texas. Trans. ASABE, 62: 1207-1218.
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  73. Bui, D.T., A. Shirzadi, K. Chapi, H. Shahabi and B. Pradhan et al., 2019. A hybrid computational intelligence approach to groundwater spring potential mapping. Water, Vol. 11. 10.3390/w11102013.
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  74. Bhatia, N., V.P. Singh and K. Lee, 2019. Variability of extreme precipitation over Texas and its relation with climatic cycles. Theoret. Applied Climatol., 138: 449-467.
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  75. Bharati, V.K., V.P. Singh, A. Sanskrityayn and N. Kumar, 2019. Analytical solution for solute transport fr om a pulse point source along a medium having concave/convex spatial dispersivity within fractal and euclidean framework. J. Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 128. 10.1007/s12040-019-1231-5.
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  76. Beigi, E., F.T.C. Tsai, V.P. Singh and S.C. Kao, 2019. Bayesian hierarchical model uncertainty quantification for future hydroclimate projections in Southern Hills-Gulf region, USA. Water, Vol. 11, No. 2. 10.3390/w11020268.
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  77. Azad, A., H. Kashi, S. Farzin, V.P. Singh, O. Kisi, H. Karami and H. Sanikhani, 2019. Novel approaches for air temperature prediction: Comparison of four hybrid evolutionary fuzzy models. Meteorol. Applic., (In Press). 10.1002/met.1817.
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  78. Alilou, H., O. Rahmati, V.P. Singh, B. Choubin and B. Pradhan et al., 2019. Evaluation of watershed health using Fuzzy-ANP approach considering geo-environmental and topo-hydrological criteria. J. Environ. Manage., 232: 22-36.
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  79. Afzalimehr, H., P. Riazi, M. Jahadi and V.P. Singh, 2019. Effect of vegetation patches on flow structures and the estimation of friction factor. IHS J. Hydraulic Eng., (In Press). 10.1080/09715010.2019.1660920.
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  80. Zhu, Y., Y. Liu, X. Ma, L. Ren and V. Singh, 2018. Drought analysis in the Yellow River Basin based on a short-scalar Palmer Drought Severity Index. Water, Vol. 10, No. 11. 10.3390/w10111526.
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  81. Zhang, Z., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh and S. Peng, 2018. Ecohydrological effects of water reservoirs with consideration of asynchronous and synchronous concurrences of high- and low-flow regimes. Hydrol. Sci. J., 63: 615-629.
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  82. Zhang, Z., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh and P. Shi, 2018. River flow modelling: Comparison of performance and evaluation of uncertainty using data-driven models and conceptual hydrological model. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 32: 2667-2682.
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  83. Zhang, Z., Q. Zhang and V.P. Singh, 2018. Univariate streamflow forecasting using commonly used data-driven models: Literature review and case study. Hydrol. Sci. J., 63: 1091-1111.
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  85. Zhang, S., X. Su, V.P. Singh, O.O. Ayantobo and J. Xie, 2018. Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition analysis of changes in agricultural water use: A case study of the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, China. Agric. Water Manage., 208: 422-430.
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  92. Zamani, N., M. Javaheri-Tehrani, M. Feizi, K. Ostad-Ali-Askari, S. Eslamian and V.P. Singh, 2018. Qualitative assessment of water resources in isfahan desert basin for irrigation, Isfahan, Iran. Int. J. Civil Eng., 4: 20-23.
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  93. Zadbagher-Seighalani, E., S. Yaghoubzadeh, K. Ostad-Ali-Askari, S. Eslamian, V.P. Singh, N.R. Dalezios and M. Ghane, 2018. Organizing the texture by approach of preserving the historical identity of the city, case study: The historical city, region of Isfahan province, Iran. Ann. Ecol. Environ. Sci., 2: 68-75.
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  154. Marani-Barzani, M., K. Ostad-Ali-Askari, S. Eslamian, S. Dehghan, V.P. Singh and M. Ghane, 2018. Multi-hazard threat and risk imprints a spatial form SWOT analysis. Int. J. Civil Eng., 5: 1-8.
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  161. Khosravi, K., M. Sartaj, F.T.C. Tsai, V.P. Singh and N. Kazakis et al., 2018. A comparison study of DRASTIC methods with various objective methods for groundwater vulnerability assessment. Sci. Total Environ., 642: 1032-1049.
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  162. Karimian, E., R. Modares, S. Soltani, S. Eslamian, K. Ostad-Ali-Askari, V.P. Singh and N.R. Dalezios, 2018. Multivariate and cluster analysis of hydrologic indices: A case study of Karun watershed, khuzestan province, Iran. Int. J. Res. Stud. Sci. Eng. Technol., 5: 4-13.
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  167. Karimi, A., S. Abdollahi, H.R.K. Balajadeh, K. Ostad-Ali-Askari and V.P. Singh, 2018. The Effect of Needle-Leaved Species in Increasing the Risk of Fire by Using Remote Sensing, Case Study: Forests of Golestan, Iran. Am. J. Eng. Applied Sci., 11: 379-386.
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  170. Kamaneh, S.A., H. Ghaderi, S. Dehghan, S. Eslamian, K. Ostad-Ali-Askari and V.P. Singh, 2018. Climatic feedback and geomorphology in urban development planning: A case study of Shiraz Metropolis, Iran. Int. J. Emerg. Eng. Res. Technol., 6: 6-15.
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  172. Jafarzadeh, M.S., K. Ostad-Ali-Askari, S. Eslamian, V.P. Singh, N.R. Dalezios and M.R. Etebarian, 2018. Water management in urban watersheds. Int. J. Emerg. Eng. Res. Technol., 6: 23-36.
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  173. Huang, K., L. Ye, L. Chen, Q. Wang and L. Dai et al., 2018. Risk analysis of flood control reservoir operation considering multiple uncertainties. J. Hydrol., 565: 672-684.
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  366. Stosic, B., V. Sacramento, M.C. Filho, J.R.B. Cantalice and V.P. Singh, 2016. Computational approach to improving the efficiency of river discharge measurement. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 21, No. 12. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001453.
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  367. Sivakumar, B., F.M. Woldemeskel and V.P. Singh, 2016. Network Theory. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 35, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-9.
  368. Singh, V.P., B.L. Maheshwari and B. Thoradeniya, 2016. Options and Strategies for Balanced Development for Liveable Cities: An Epilogue. In: Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities, Maheshwari, B.L., V.P. Singh and B. Thoradeniya (Eds.). Chapter 35, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-28110-0, pp: 589-601.
  369. Singh, V.P., 2016. The Hydrologic Cycle. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 1, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-11.
  370. Singh, V.P., 2016. Entropy Theory. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 31, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-8.
  371. Singh, V.P. and S.K. Jain, 2016. Rainfall-Runoff Modeling. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 59, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-8.
  372. Singh, V.P. and L. Zhang, 2016. Frequency Distributions. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 21, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-11.
  373. Singh, M.K., V.P. Singh and S. Ahamad, 2016. Transform Techniques for Solute Transport in Groundwater. In: Groundwater Assessment, Modeling and Management, Thangarajan, M. and V.P. Singh (Eds.). Chapter 15, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., USA., ISBN-13: 9781498742849, pp: 231-250.
  374. Seo, Y., S. Kim, O. Kisi, V.P. Singh and K. Parasuraman, 2016. River stage forecasting using wavelet packet decomposition and machine learning models. Water Resour. Manage., 30: 4011-4035.
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  375. Sarma, A.K., V.P. Singh,, S.A. Kartha and R.K. Bhattacharya, 2016. Urban Hydrology, Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects. Springer Science, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-3-319-40194-2, Pages: 370.
  376. Sarma, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Brahmaputra River Basin. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 105, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-6.
  377. Sang, Y.F., V.P. Singh, F. Sun, Y. Chen, Y. Liu and M. Yang, 2016. Wavelet-based hydrological time series forecasting. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 21, No. 5. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001347.
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  378. Rodriguez, R.D.G., F.F. Pruski and V.P. Singh, 2016. Estimated per capita water usage associated with different levels of water scarcity risk in arid and semiarid regions. Water Resour. Manage., 30: 1311-1324.
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  379. Rodriguez, R.D.G., F.F. Pruski and V.P. Singh, 2016. Cistern project for domestic water use in semi-arid regions. Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol., 5: 695-702.
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  380. Pandey, A., S.K. Himanshu, S.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2016. Physically based soil erosion and sediment yield models revisited. Catena, 147: 595-620.
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  381. Ojha, C.S.P., K.S. Prasad, V.P. Singh and A.K. Thakur, 2016. Riverbank Filtration. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 147, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-8.
  382. Nikghalb, S., A. Shokoohi, V.P. Singh and R. Yu, 2016. Ecological regime versus minimum environmental flow: Comparison of results for a river in a semi Mediterranean region. Water Resour. Manage., 30: 4969-4984.
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  383. Mohtar, R. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Water Security. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 154, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-155.
  384. Mishra, A.K., V.P. Singh and G. Konapala, 2016. Low Flow and Drought Analysis. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 80, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-10.
  385. Mishra, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Design of Hydrologic Networks. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 10, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-5.
  386. Marini, G., R. Zollo, N. Fontana, M. Giugni and V.P. Singh, 2016. Variability and trends in streamflow in Northeast United States. Procedia Earth Planetary Sci., 16: 156-165.
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  387. Maheshwari, B.L., V.P. Singh and B. Thoradeniya, 2016. Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-3-319-28110-0, Pages: 601.
  388. Maheshwari, B., V.P. Singh and B. Thoradeniya, 2016. Balanced Urban Development: Is It a Myth or Reality? In: Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities, Maheshwari, B., V. Singh and B. Thoradeniya (Eds.). Chapter 1, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN:978-3-319-28110-0, pp: 3-13.
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  389. Ma, M., L. Ren, V.P. Singh, F. Yuan, L. Chen, X. Yang and Y. Liu, 2016. Hydrologic model-based Palmer indices for drought characterization in the Yellow river basin, China. Stochast. Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 30: 1401-1420.
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  390. Long, D., X. Chen, B.R. Scanlon, Y. Wada and Y. Hong et al., 2016. Have GRACE satellites overestimated groundwater depletion in the Northwest India aquifer? Scient. Rep., Vol. 6. 10.1038/srep24398.
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  391. Liu, D., D. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Wu and V.P. Singh et al., 2016. Entropy of hydrological systems under small samples: Uncertainty and variability. J. Hydrol., 532: 163-176.
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  392. Li, M., P. Guo, V.P. Singh and J. Zhao, 2016. Irrigation water allocation using an inexact two-stage quadratic programming with fuzzy input under climate change. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc., 52: 667-684.
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  393. Li, M., P. Guo, V.P. Singh and G. Yang, 2016. An uncertainty-based framework for agricultural water-land resources allocation and risk evaluation. Agric. Water Manage., 177: 10-23.
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  394. Li, M., P. Guo and V.P. Singh, 2016. Biobjective optimization for efficient irrigation under fuzzy uncertainty. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., Vol. 142, No. 8. 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001035.
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  395. Li, M., P. Guo and V.P. Singh, 2016. An efficient irrigation water allocation model under uncertainty. Agric. Syst., 144: 46-57.
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  396. Kwak, J., S. Kim, J. Jung, V.P. Singh, D.R. Lee and H.S. Kim, 2016. Assessment of meteorological drought in Korea under climate change. Adv. Meteorol., Vol. 2016. 10.1155/2016/1879024.
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  397. Kwak, J., S. Kim, G. Kim, V.P. Singh, J. Park and H.S. Kim, 2016. Bivariate drought analysis using streamflow reconstruction with Tree Ring Indices in the Sacramento Basin, California, USA. Water, Vol. 8, No. 4. 10.3390/w8040122.
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  398. Kumbhakar, M., S. Kundu, K. Ghoshal and V.P. Singh, 2016. Entropy-based modeling of velocity lag in sediment-laden open channel turbulent flow. Entropy, Vol. 18, No. 9. 10.3390/e18090318.
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  399. Kim, S., Y. Seo and V.P. Singh, 2016. Estimating global solar irradiance for optimal photovoltaic system. Procedia Eng., 154: 1237-1242.
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  400. Kim, S., O. Kisi, Y. Seo, V.P. Singh and C.J. Lee, 2016. Assessment of rainfall aggregation and disaggregation using data-driven models and wavelet decomposition. Hydrol. Res., 48: 99-116.
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  402. Khedun, C.P. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Water Balance. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 3, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-11.
  403. Khan, J.N., A.K. Jain, V.P. Singh, R. Kumar, R. Sharda and M. Siag, 2016. Simulation of mulch and no-mulch conditions for various soil matric potential thresholds for drip-fertigated guava (Psidium guajava L.) in the semiarid region of Northwest India. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., Vol. 142, No. 10. 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001047.
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  404. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Narmada River Basin. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 107, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-6.
  405. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Ganga River Basin. In: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., Chapter 106, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9780071835107, pp: 1-4.
  406. Hong, M., D. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Zeng, S. Ge, H. Yan and V.P. Singh, 2016. Mid- and long-term runoff predictions by an improved phase-space reconstruction model. Environ. Res., 148: 560-573.
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  407. Hao, Z., Y. Hong, Y. Xia, V.P. Singh, F. Hao and H. Cheng, 2016. Probabilistic drought characterization in the categorical form using ordinal regression. J. Hydrol., 535: 331-339.
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  408. Hao, Z., Y. Hong, Q. Tang, Y. Xia and V.P. Singh et al., 2016. Satellite Remote Sensing Drought Monitoring and Predictions Over the Globe. In: Hydrologic Remote Sensing: Capacity Building for Sustainability and Resilience, Yu, Y.H., Y. Zhang and S.I. Khan (Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., USA., ISBN-13: 9781498726665, pp: 259-296.
  409. Hao, Z., F. Hao, Y. Xia, V.P. Singh, Y. Hong, X. Shen and W. Ouyang, 2016. A statistical method for categorical drought prediction based on NLDAS-2. J. Applied Meteorol. Climatol., 55: 1049-1061.
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  410. Hao, Z., F. Hao, V.P. Singh, Y. Xia, W. Ouyang and X. Shen, 2016. A theoretical drought classification method for the multivariate drought index based on distribution properties of standardized drought indices. Adv. Water Resour., 92: 240-247.
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  411. Hao, Z., F. Hao, V.P. Singh, A.Y. Sun and Y. Xia, 2016. Probabilistic prediction of hydrologic drought using a conditional probability approach based on the meta-Gaussian model. J. Hydrol., 542: 772-780.
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  412. Hao, Z., F. Hao and V.P. Singh, 2016. A general framework for multivariate multi-index drought prediction based on Multivariate Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (MESP). J. Hydrol., 539: 1-10.
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  413. Hao, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Review of dependence modeling in hydrology and water resources. Progr. Phys. Geogr., 40: 549-578.
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  414. Gupta, S.K., U. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2016. Design of minimum cost earthen channels having side slopes riveted with different types of riprap stones and unlined bed by using particle swarm optimization. Irrig. Drainage, 65: 319-333.
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  415. Guo, J., X. Su, V.P. Singh and J. Jin, 2016. Impacts of climate and land use/cover change on streamflow using SWAT and a separation method for the Xiying River Basin in Northwestern China. Water, Vol. 8, No. 5. 10.3390/w8050192.
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  416. Gu, X., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh, X. Chen and L. Liu, 2016. Nonstationarity in the occurrence rate of floods in the Tarim river basin, China and related impacts of climate indices. Global Planet. Change, 142: 1-13.
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  417. Ganji, N.Z., A. Shokoohi and V. Singh, 2016. Evaluating the effect of discharge-probability function uncertainty on the risk of agricultural loss due to flood using Monte Carlo method. J. Iran-Water Resour. Res., 12: 13-23.
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  418. Djebou, D.C.S. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Impact of climate change on the hydrologic cycle and implications for society. Environ. Social Psychol., 1: 36-49.
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  419. Djebou, D.C.S. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Impact of climate change on precipitation patterns: A comparative approach. Int. J. Climatol., 36: 3588-3606.
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  420. Djebou, D.C.S. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Entropy-based index for spatiotemporal analysis of streamflow, precipitation and land-cover. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 21, No. 11. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001429.
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  421. Dimri, A.P., R.J. Thayyen, K. Kibler, A. Stanton, S.K. Jain, D. Tullos and V.P. Singh, 2016. A review of atmospheric and land surface processes with emphasis on flood generation in the Southern Himalayan rivers. Sci. Total Environ., 556: 98-115.
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  422. Da Silva, Y.J.A.B., J.R.B. Cantalice, V.P. Singh, C.M.C.A. Cruz and W.L. da Silva Souza, 2016. Sediment transport under the presence and absence of emergent vegetation in a natural alluvial channel from Brazil. Int. J. Sediment Res., 31: 360-367.
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  423. Cui, H. and V.P. Singh, 2016. Minimum relative entropy theory for streamflow forecasting with frequency as a random variable. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 30: 1545-1563.
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  424. Cimorelli, L., L. Cozzolino, A. D'Aniello, F. Morlando, D. Pianese and V.P. Singh, 2016. A new semi-Lagrangian routing procedure for constituent transport in steady and unsteady flow velocity fields. J. Hydrol., 538: 216-230.
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  425. Ci, H., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh, M. Xiao and L. Liu, 2016. Spatiotemporal properties of growing season indices during 1961-2010 and possible association with agroclimatological regionalization of dominant crops in Xinjiang, China. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 128: 513-524.
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  426. Chen, Y.D., Q. Zhang, M. Xiao, V.P. Singh and S. Zhang, 2016. Probabilistic forecasting of seasonal droughts in the Pearl river basin, China. Stochast. Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 30: 2031-2040.
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  427. Chen, L., V.P. Singh, W. Lu, J. Zhang, J. Zhou and S. Guo, 2016. Streamflow forecast uncertainty evolution and its effect on real-time reservoir operation. J. Hydrol., 540: 712-726.
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  428. Cantalice, J.R.B., V.C. Piscoya, V.P. Singh, Y.J.A.B. da Silva, M.D.F.C. Barros, S.M.S. Guerra and M.C. Filho, 2016. Hydrology and water quality of a underground dam in a semiarid watershed. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 11: 2508-2518.
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  429. Zhou, Y., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh and M. Xio, 2015. General correlation analysis: A new algorithm and application. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Anal., 29: 665-677.
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  430. Zhang, Q., X. Gu, V.P. Singh, C.Y. Xu, D. Kong, M. Xiao and X. Chen, 2015. Homogenization of precipitation and flow regimes across China: Changing properties, causes and implications. J. Hydrol., 530: 462-475.
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  431. Zhang, Q., T. Qi, V.P. Singh, Y.D. Chen and M. Xio, 2015. Regional frequency analysis of droughts in China: A multivariate perspective. Water Resour. Manage., 29: 1767-1787.
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  432. Zhang, Q., T. Qi, J. Li, V.P. Singh and Z. Wang, 2015. Spatiotemporal variations of pan evaporation in China during 1960-2005: Changing patterns and causes. Int. J. Climatol., 35: 903-912.
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  433. Zhang, Q., P. Sun, J. Li, V.P. Singh and J. Liu, 2015. Spatiotemporal properties of droughts and related impacts on agriculture in Xinjiang, China. Int. J. Climatol., 35: 1254-1266.
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  434. Zhang, Q., M. Xiao, V.P. Singh, L. Liu and C.Y. Xu, 2015. Observational evidence of summer precipitation deficit‐temperature coupling in China. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmospheres, 120: 10040-10049.
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  435. Zhang, Q., M. Xiao, V.P. Singh, C.Y. Xu and J. Li, 2015. Variations of annual and seasonal runoff in Guangdong province, south China: Spatiotemporal patterns and possible causes. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 127: 273-288.
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  436. Zhang, Q., M. Xiao and V.P. Singh, 2015. Uncertainty evaluation of copula analysis of hydrological droughts in the East River basin, China. Global Planetary Change, 129: 1-9.
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  437. Zhang, J., L. Chen, V.P. Singh, H. Cao and D. Wang, 2015. Determination of the distribution of flood forecasting error. Nat. Hazards, 75: 1389-1402.
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  438. Wang, K., Q. Zhang, Y.D. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2015. Effects of land-use/cover change on hydrological processes using a GIS/RS-based integrated hydrological model: Case study of the East River, China. Hydrol. Sci. J., 60: 1724-1738.
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  439. Tu, X., V.P. Singh, X. Chen, L. Chen, Q. Zhang and Y. Zhao, 2015. Intra-annual distribution of streamflow and individual impacts of climate change and human activities in the Dongijang river basin, China. Water Resour. Manage., 29: 2677-2695.
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  440. Sivakumar, B., V.P. Singh, R. Berndtsson and S.K. Khan, 2015. Catchment classification framework in hydrology: Challenges and directions. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 20. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000837.
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  441. Sivakumar, B. and V.P. Singh, 2015. Special issue on grand challenges in hydrology. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 20. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000983.
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  442. Singh, V.P., H. Cui and A.R. Byrd, 2015. Sediment graphs based on entropy theory. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 20. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001068.
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  443. Singh, V.P. and J. Oh, 2015. A tsallis entropy-based redundancy measure for water distribution networks. Phys. A: Stat. Mech. Applic., 421: 360-376.
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  444. Singh, V.P. and H. Cui, 2015. Modeling sediment concentration in debris flow by tsallis entropy. Phys. A: Stat. Mech. Applic., 420: 49-58.
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  445. Singh, M.K., V.P. Singh and P. Das, 2015. Mathematical modeling for solute transport in aquifer. J. Hydroinform., 19: 481-499.
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  446. Seo, Y., S. Kim, O. Kisi and V.P. Singh, 2015. Daily water level forecasting using wavelet decomposition and artificial intelligence techniques. J. Hydrol., 520: 224-243.
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  447. Seo, Y., S. Kim and V.P. Singh, 2015. Multistep-ahead flood forecasting using wavelet and data-driven methods. KSCE J. Civil Eng., 19: 401-417.
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  448. Seo, Y., S. Kim and V.P. Singh, 2015. Estimating spatial precipitation using Regression Kriging and Artificial Neural Network Residual Kriging (RKNNRK) hybrid approach. Water Resour. Manage., 29: 2189-2204.
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  449. Sarma, B., A.K. Sarma, C. Mahanta and V.P. Singh, 2015. Optimal ecological management practices for controlling sediment yield and peak discharge from hilly urban areas. J. Hydrol. Eng. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001154.
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  450. Rodriguez, R.D.G., V.P. Singh, F.F. Pruski and A.T. Calegario, 2015. Using entropy theory to improve the definition of homogeneous regions in the semi-arid region of Brazil. Hydrol. Sci. J., 61: 2096-2109.
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  451. Rajsekhar, D., V.P. Singh and A.K. Mishra, 2015. Multivariate drought index: An information theory based approach for integrated drought assessment. J. Hydrol., 526: 164-182.
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  452. Pourhosein, M., H. Afzalimehr, V.P. Singh and A.A. Dehghani, 2015. Evaluation of bed load in a gravel-bed river. Int. J. Hydraulic Eng., 4: 70-79.
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  453. Miyab, N.M., H. Afzalimehr and V.P. Singh, 2015. Experimental investigation of influence of vegetation on flow turbulence. Int. J. Hydraulic Eng., 4: 54-69.
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  454. Mishra, A.K., A.V. Ines, N.N. Das, C.P. Khedun, V.P. Singh, B. Sivakumar and J.W. Hansen, 2015. Anatomy of a local-scale drought: Application of assimilated remote sensing products, crop model and statistical methods to an agricultural drought study. J. Hydrol., 526: 15-29.
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  455. Li, J., Q. Zhang, Y.D. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2015. Future joint probability behaviors of precipitation extremes across China: Spatiotemporal patterns and implications for flood and drought hazards. Global Planetary Change, 124: 107-122.
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  456. Kwak, J., S. Kim, V.P. Singh, H.S. Kim, D. Kim, S. Hong and K. Lee, 2015. Impact of climate change on hydrological droughts in the upper Namhan river basin, Korea. KSCE J. Civil Eng., 19: 376-384.
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  457. Kim, S., Y. Seo and V.P. Singh, 2015. Assessment of pan evaporation modeling using bootstrap resampling and soft computing methods. J. Comput. Civil Eng. 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000367.
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  458. Keshavarz, A., H. Afzalimehr, V.P. Singh and R. Fattahi, 2015. Impact of unfavorable pressure gradient and vegetation bed on flow. Int. J. Hydraulic Eng., 4: 10-16.
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  459. Jhajharia, D., V.P. Singh, R. Kumar and R.R. Choudhary, 2015. Searching evidence for the existence of evaporation paradox in arid environments of northwest India. Global NEST J., 17: 3-11.
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  460. Ilunga, M. and V.P. Singh, 2015. Measuring spatial variability of land use in urbanized quaternary sub-catchements using entropy. Water SA, 41: 1-12.
  461. Ilunga, M. and V.P. Singh, 2015. Measuring spatial variability of land use associated with hydrological impact in urbanised quaternary catchments using entropy. Water SA, 41: 41-53.
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  462. Hong, M., R. Zhang, D. Wang, M. Feng, Z. Wang and V.P. Singh, 2015. Reconstruction of a dynamical-statistical forecasting model of the ENSO index based on the improved self-memorization principle. Deep Sea Res. Part I: Oceanogr. Res. Pap., 101: 14-26.
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  463. Djebou, D.C.S., V.P. Singh and O.W. Frauenfeld, 2015. Vegetation response to precipitation across the aridity gradient of the southwestern United States. J. Arid Environ., 115: 35-43.
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  464. Djebou, D.C.S. and V.P. Singh, 2015. Retrieving vegetation growth patterns from soil moisture, precipitation and temperature using maximum entropy. Ecol. Modell., 309: 10-21.
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  465. Cui, H. and V.P. Singh, 2015. Configurational entropy theory for streamflow forecasting. J. Hydrol., 521: 1-17.
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  466. Cimoli, L., L. Cozzolino, R.D. Morte, D. Pianese and V.P. Singh, 2015. A new frequency domain analytical solution of a cascade of diffusive channels for flood routing. Water Resour. Res., 51: 2393-2411.
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  467. Chen, L., Y. Zhang, J. Zhou, V.P. Singh, S. Guo and J. Zhang, 2015. Real-time correction method combined with combination flood forecasting technique for improving the accurcy of flood forecasting. J. Hydrol., 521: 157-169.
  468. Chen, L., V.P. Singh, S. Guo, J. Zhou and J. Zhang, 2015. Copula-based method for multisite monthly and daily streamflow simulation. J. Hydrol., 528: 369-384.
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  469. Cantalice, J.R.B., R.O. Melo, Y.J.A.B. Silva, M.C. Filho and A.M. Araujo et al., 2015. Hydraulic roughness due to submerged, emergent and flexible natural vegetation in a semiarid alluvial channel. J. Arid Environ., 114: 1-7.
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  470. Baiamonte, G. and V.P. Singh, 2015. Analytical solution of kinematic wave time of concentration for overland flow under Green-Ampt infiltration. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 21, No. 3. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001266.
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  471. Askari, Z., H. Afzalimehr, V.P. Singh and R. Fattahi, 2015. Prediction of flow velocity near inclined surfaces with varying roughness. Int. J. Hydraulic Eng., 4: 1-9.
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  472. Zhou, Y., Q. Zhang and V.P. Singh, 2014. Fractal-based evaluation of the effect of water reservoirs on hydrological processes: The dams in the Yangtze River as a case study. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 28: 263-279.
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  473. Zhang, Q., Y. Zhou and V.P. Singh, 2014. Detrending methods for fluctuation analysis in hydrology: Amendments and comparisons of methodologies. Hydrol. Process., 28: 753-763.
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  474. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh, K. Li and J. Li, 2014. Trend, periodicity and abrupt change in streamflow of the East river, the Pearl river basin. Hydrol. Process., 28: 305-314.
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  475. Zhang, Q., M. Xiao, J. Li, V.P. Singh and Z. Wang, 2014. Topography-based spatial patterns of precipitation extremes in the Poyang Lake basin, China: Changing properties and causes. J. Hydrol., 512: 229-239.
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  476. Zhang, Q., M. Xiao, C.L. Liu and V.P. Singh, 2014. Reservoir-induced hydrological alterations and environmental flow variation in the East River, the Pearl River basin, China. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 28: 2119-2131.
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  477. Zhang, Q., J. Peng, V.P. Singh, J. Li and Y.D. Chen, 2014. Spatio-temporal variations of precipitation in arid and semiarid regions of China: The Yellow River basin as a case study. Global Planetary Change, 114: 38-49.
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  478. Zhang, Q., J. Peng, C.Y. Xu and V.P. Singh, 2014. Spatiotemporal variations of precipitation regimes across Yangtze river basin, China. Theor. Applied Climatol., 115: 703-712.
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  479. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Trivariate flood frequency analysis using discharge time series with possible different lengths: Cuyahoga river case study. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 19. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001003.
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  480. Yang, F.G., Y. Liang, V.P. Singh, W.S. Wang and X.Q. Zhou et al., 2014. Debris flow hazard assessment using set pair analysis models: Take Beichuan county as an example. J. Mountain Sci., 11: 1015-1022.
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  481. Xiao, M., Q. Zhang and V.P. Singh, 2014. Influences of ENSO, NAO, IOD and PDO on seasonal precipitation regimes in the Yangtze river basin, China. Int. J. Climatol. 10.1002/joc.4228.
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  482. Wang, D., V.P. Singh, X. Shang, H. Ding and J. Wu et al., 2014. Sample entropy‐based adaptive wavelet de‐noising approach for meteorologic and hydrologic time series. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 119: 8726-8740.
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  483. Tong, X., D. Wang, V.P. Singh, J.C. Wu, X. Chen and Y.F. Chen, 2014. Impact of data length on the uncertainty of hydrological copula modeling. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 19. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001039.
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  484. Su, X., J. Li and V.P. Singh, 2014. Optimal allocation of agricultural water resources based on virtual water subdivision in Shiyang river basin. Water Resour. Manage., 28: 2243-2257.
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  485. Singh, V.P., H. Cui and A.R. Byrd, 2014. Tsallis entropy-based flow duration curve. Trans. ASABE, 57: 837-849.
  486. Singh, V.P., H. Cui and A.R. Byrd, 2014. Derivation of rating curve by the tsallis entropy. J. Hydrol., 513: 342-352.
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  487. Singh, V.P., C.P. Khedun and A.K. Mishra, 2014. Water, environment, energy and population growth: Implications for water sustainability under climate change. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 667-673.
  488. Singh, V.P., A.K. Mishra and H. Chowdhary, 2014. Climate Change and its Impact on Water Resources Engineering. In: Modern Water Resources Engineering: Handbook of Environmental Engineering Series, Volume 15, Wang, L.K. and C.T. Yang (Eds.). Humana Press, New York, pp: 525-570.
  489. Singh, V.P., A. Byrd and H. Cui, 2014. Flow duration curve using entropy theory. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 1340-1348.
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  490. Singh, V.P. and H. Cui, 2014. Suspended sediment concentration distribution using tsallis entropy. Phys. A: Stat. Mech. Applic., 414: 31-42.
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  491. Singh, M., S. Ahamad and V. Singh, 2014. One-dimensional uniform and time varying solute dispersion along transient groundwater flow in a semi-infinite aquifer. Acta Geophysica, 62: 872-892.
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  492. Shiri, J., P. Marti and V.P. Singh, 2014. Evaluation of gene expression programming approaches for estimating daily evaporation through spatial and temporal data scanning. Hydrol. Process., 28: 1215-1225.
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  493. Seo, Y., S. Kim and V.P. Singh, 2014. Assessment of uncertainty in the spatial distribution of rainfall using geostochastic simulation. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 978-992.
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  494. Reddy, M.J. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Multivariate modeling of droughts using copulas and meta-heuristic methods. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 28: 475-489.
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  495. Rajasekhar, D., V.P. Singh and A.K. Mishra, 2014. Hydrologic drought atlas for Texas. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 19. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001074.
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  496. Pourhosein, M., H. Afzalimehr, V.P. Singh and J. Sui, 2014. Evaluation of bed load in a Gravel Bed river. Int. J. Eng. Innov. Technol., 3: 1-7.
  497. Poorhosein, M., H. Afzalimehr, J. Sui, V.P. Singh and S. Azareh, 2014. Empirical bed load transport equations. Int. J. Hydraulic Eng., 3: 93-101.
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  498. Pandey, P.K., P.H. Kass, M.L. Soupir, S. Biswas and V.P. Singh, 2014. Contamination of water resources by pathogenic bacteria. AMB Express, Vol. 4. 10.1186/s13568-014-0051-x.
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  499. Oreizi, Z., H. Afzalimehr, V.P. Singh and S.S. Okhravi, 2014. Investigation of particle-size distribution and friction factor for a Gravel-Bed river: Marbar. J. River Eng., 2: 1-6.
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  500. Nourani, V., M.H. Aminfar, M.T. Alami, E. Sharghi and V.P. Singh, 2014. Unsteady 2-D seepage simulation using physical analog, case of Sattarkhan embankment dam. J. Hydrol., 519: 177-189.
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  501. Motamedi, A., H. Afzalimehr, V.P. Singh and L. Dufresne, 2014. An experimental study on the influence of dune dimensions on flow separation. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 78-86.
  502. Miyab, N.M., H. Afzalimehr, V.P. Singh and B. Ghorbani, 2014. On flow resistance due to vegetation in a gravel-bed river. Int. J. Hydraulic Eng., 3: 85-92.
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  503. Ma, M., L. Ren, V.P. Singh, X. Yang, F. Yuan and S. Jiang, 2014. New variants of the palmer drought scheme capable of integrated utility. J. Hydrol., 519: 1108-1119.
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  504. Lin, K., F. Lv, L. Chen, V.P. Singh, Q. Zhang and X. Chen, 2014. Xinanjiang model combined with Curve number to simulate the effect of land use change on environmental flow. J. Hydrol., 519: 3142-3152.
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  505. Li, C. and V.P. Singh, 2014. A multimodel regression-sampling algorithm for generating rich monthly streamflow scenarios. Water Resour. Res., 50: 5958-5979.
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  506. Kwak, J., H. Noh, S. Kim, V.P. Singh and S.J. Hong et al., 2014. Future climate data from RCP 4.5 and occurrence of malaria in Korea. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 11: 10587-10605.
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  507. Kwak, J., D. Kim, S. Kim, V.P. Singh and H. Kim, 2014. Hydrological drought analysis in Namhan river basin. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 19. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000889.
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  508. Kim, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Assessment of environmental flow requirements by entropy-based multi-criteria decision. Water Resour. Manage., 28: 459-474.
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  509. Kim, S., V.P. Singh, Y. Seo and H.S. Kim, 2014. Modeling nonlinear monthly evapotranspiration using soft computing and data reconstruction techniques. Water Resour. Manage., 28: 185-206.
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  510. Kim, S., V.P. Singh, C.J. Lee and Y. Seo, 2014. Modeling the physical dynamics of daily dew point temperature using soft computing techniques. KSCE J. Civil Eng. 10.1007/s12205-014-1197-4.
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  511. Kim, S., V.P. Singh and Y. Seo, 2014. Evaluation of pan evaporation modeling with two different neural networks and weather station data. Theor. Applied Climatol., 117: 1-13.
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  512. Kim, S., J. Shiri, V.P. Singh, O. Kisi and G. Landeras, 2014. Predicting daily pan evaporation by soft computing models with limited climatic data. Hydrol. Sci. J. 10.1080/02626667.2014.945937.
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  513. Kim, S. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Modeling daily soil temperature using data-driven models and spatial distribution. Theor. Applied Climatol., 118: 465-479.
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  514. Khedun, C.P., A.K. Mishra, V.P. Singh and J.R. Giardino, 2014. A copula-based precipitation forecasting model: Investigating the interdecadal modulation of ENSO's impacts on monthly precipitation. Water Resour. Res., 50: 580-600.
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  515. Khedun, C.P. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Climate change, water and health: A review of regional challenges. Water Qual. Exposure Health, 6: 7-17.
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  516. Jhajharia, D., Y. Dinpashoh, E. Kahya, R.R. Choudhary and V.P. Singh, 2014. Trends in temperature over Godavari river basin in southern Peninsular India. Int. J. Climatol., 34: 1369-1384.
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  517. Jhajharia, D., R. Kumar, P.P. Dabral, V.P. Singh, R.R. Choudhary and Y. Dinpashoh, 2014. Reference evapotranspiration under changing climate over the Thar Desert in India. Meteorol. Applic. 10.1002/met.1471.
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  518. Hong, M., R. Zhang, D. Wang, X. Chen, J. Shi and V. Singh, 2014. Retrieval the statistical-dynamical model of western Pacific subtropical high ridge line index and key members of Asian summer monsoon system. Dynamics Atmos. Oceans, 68: 1-19.
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  519. Gupta, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Discussion of storm centering approach for flood predictions from large watersheds. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 270-271.
  520. Gupta, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Discussion of detention storage over 2D laboratory watersheds at concentration time. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 659-661.
  521. Djebou, D.C.S., V.P. Singh and O.W. Frauenfeld, 2014. Analysis of watershed topography effects on summer precipitation variability in the southwestern United States. J. Hydrol., 511: 838-849.
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  522. Cui, H. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Suspended sediment concentration in open channels using tsallis entropy. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 966-977.
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  523. Cui, H. and V.P. Singh, 2014. Computation of suspended sediment discharge in open channels using tsallis entropy. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 18-25.
  524. Corato, G., F. Melone, T. Moramarco and V.P. Singh, 2014. Uncertainty analysis of flow velocity estimation by a simplified entropy model. Hydrol. Process., 28: 581-590.
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  525. Chen, Y.D., Q. Zhang, M. Xiao, V.P. Singh, Y. Leung and L. Jiang, 2014. Precipitation extremes in the Yangtze river basin, China: Regional frequency and spatial-temporal patterns. Theor. Applied Climatol., 116: 447-461.
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  526. Chen, L., L. Ye, V.P. Singh, J. Zhou and S. Guo, 2014. Determination of input for artificial neural networks for flood forecasting using the copula entropy method. J. Hydrol. Eng., Vol. 19. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000932.
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  527. Azareh, S., H. Afzalimeher, M. Pourhosein and V.P. Singh, 2014. Contribution of form friction to total friction. Int. J. Hydraulic Eng., 3: 77-84.
  528. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh, C.Y. Xu and X. Chen, 2013. Abrupt behaviours of streamflow and sediment load variations of the Yangtze river basin, China. Hydrol. Process., 27: 444-452.
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  529. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh and J. Li, 2013. Eco-hydrological requirements in arid and semi-arid regions: The Yellow river in China as a case study. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 689-697.
  530. Zhang, Q., M. Xiao, V.P. Singh and X. Chen, 2013. Copula-based risk evaluation of hydrological droughts in the east river basin, China. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 27: 1397-1406.
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  531. Zhang, Q., M. Xiao, V.P. Singh and X. Chen, 2013. Copula-based risk evaluation of droughts across the Pearl River basin, China. Theor. Applied Climatol., 111: 119-131.
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  532. Zhang, Q., K. Li, V.P. Singh, X. Chen and J. Li, 2013. Changes in stage-flow relation of the East river, the Pearl river basin: Causes and implications. Hydrol. Res., 44: 737-746.
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  533. Zhang, Q., J. Li, V.P. Singh, C.Y. Xu and J. Deng, 2013. Influence of ENSO on precipitation in the East river basin, south China. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 118: 2207-2219.
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  534. Zhang, Q., J. Li, V.P. Singh and M. Xiao, 2013. Spatio-temporal relations between temperature and precipitation regimes: Implications for temperature-induced changes in the hydrological cycle. Global Planetary Change, 111: 57-76.
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  535. Zhang, Q., J. Li, V.P. Singh and C.Y. Xu, 2013. Copula‐based spatio‐temporal patterns of precipitation extremes in China. Int. J. Climatol., 33: 1140-1152.
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  536. Zhang, J., Z.X. Guo, S.Y. Cao and V.P. Singh, 2013. Scale model for the confluent area of debris flow and main river: A case study of the Wenjia Gully. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13: 3083-3093.
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  537. Xiao, M., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh and X. Chen, 2013. Regionalization-based spatiotemporal variations of precipitation regimes across China. Theor. Applied Climatol., 114: 203-212.
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  538. Thakur, A.K., C.S.P. Ojha, V.P. Singh, B.R. Gurjar and C. Sandhu, 2013. Removal of pathogens by River Bank filtration at Haridwar, India. Hydrol. Process., 27: 1535-1542.
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  539. Singh, V.P., G. Marini and N. Fontana, 2013. Derivation of 2D power-law velocity distribution using entropy theory. Entropy, 13: 1221-1231.
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  540. Singh, V.P., 2013. SCS-CN method revisited using entropy theory. Trans. ASABE, 56: 1805-1820.
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  541. Sarma, B., A.K. Sarma and V.P. Singh, 2013. Optimal Ecological Management Practices (EMPS) for minimizing the impact of climate change and watershed degradation due to urbanization. Water Resour. Manage., 27: 4069-4082.
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  542. Rezaeianzadeh, M., A. Stein, H. Tabari, H. Abghari, N. Jalalkamali, E.Z. Hosseinipour and V.P. Singh, 2013. Assessment of a conceptual hydrological model and artificial neural networks for daily outflows forecasting. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 10: 1181-1192.
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  543. Rajsekhar, D., A.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2013. Regionalization of drought characteristics using an entropy approach. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 870-887.
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  544. Perea, H., J. Enciso, V.P. Singh, D.P. Dutta and B.J. Lesikar, 2013. Statistical analysis of non-pressure compensating drip emitters. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 139: 986-994.
  545. Pandey, P.K., P. van der Zaag, M.L. Soupir and V.P. Singh, 2013. A new model for simulating supplemental irrigation and the hydro-economic potential of a rainwater harvesting system in humid subtropical climates. Water Resour. Manage., 27: 3145-3164.
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  546. Pandey, A., R. Prasad, V.P. Singh, S.K. Jha and K.K. Shukla, 2013. Crop parameters estimation by fuzzy inference system using X-band scatterometer data. Adv. Space Res., 51: 905-911.
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  547. Ojha, C.S.P., A.K. Thakur and V.P. Singh, 2013. Modelling of river bank filtration: Experience from RBF site in India. J. Ground Water Res., 2: 46-54.
  548. Ojha, C.S.P., A.K. Thakur and V.P. Singh, 2013. Modeling of river bank filtration: Recent experience from some RBF sites in India. J. Ground Water Res., 2: 46-54.
  549. Nafarzadegan, A.R., H. Ahani, V.P. Singh and M. Kherad, 2013. Parametric and non-parametric trend of reference evapotranspiration and its key influencing climatic variables (Case study: Southern Iran). ECOPERSIA, 1: 123-144.
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  550. Moramarco, T., G. Corato, F. Melone and V.P. Singh, 2013. An entropy-based method for determining the flow depth distribution in natural channels. J. Hydrol., 497: 176-188.
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  551. Moorhead, J.E., P.H. Gowda, V.P. Singh, D.O. Porter, T.H. Marek, T.A. Howell and B.A. Stewart, 2013. Crop-specific standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index for the texas high plains. Applied Eng. Agric., 29: 905-916.
  552. Montenegro, A.A.A., J.R.C.B. Abrantes, J.L.M.P. de Lima, V.P. Singh and T.E.M. Santos, 2013. Impact of mulching on soil and water dynamics under intermittent simulated rainfall. CATENA, 109: 139-149.
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  553. Mondal, N.C., V.P. Singh and S. Ahmed, 2013. Delineating shallow saline groundwater zones from Southern India using geophysical indicators. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 185: 4869-4886.
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  554. Long, D. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Assessing the impact of end-member selection on the accuracy of satellite-based spatial variability models for actual evapotranspiration estimation. Water Resour. Res., 49: 2601-2618.
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  555. Long, D. and V.P. Singh, 2013. An entropy-based multispectral image classification algorithm. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51: 5225-5238.
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  556. Li, J., Q. Zhang, Y.D. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2013. GCMs-based spatiotemporal evolution of climate extremes during the 21st century in China. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118: 11,017-11,035.
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  557. Li, C., V.P. Singh and A.K. Mishra, 2013. Monthly river flow simulation with a joint conditional density estimation network. Water Resour. Res., 49: 3229-3242.
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  558. Li, C., V.P. Singh and A.K. Mishra, 2013. A bivariate mixed distribution with a heavy-tailed component and its application to single-site daily rainfall simulation. Water Resour. Res., 49: 767-789.
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  559. Kim, S., J. Shiri, O. Kisi and V.P. Singh, 2013. Estimating daily pan evaporation using different data-driven methods and lag-time patterns. Water Resour. Manage., 27: 2267-2286.
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  560. Kim, S. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Flood forecasting using neural computing techniques and conceptual class segregation. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc., 49: 1421-1435.
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  561. Khedun, C.P., H. Chowdhary, A.K. Mishra, J.R. Giardino and V.P. Singh, 2013. Water deficit duration and severity analysis based on runoff derived from noah land surface model. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 817-833.
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  562. Jhajharia, D., S. Chattopadhyay, R.R. Choudhary, V. Dev, V.P. Singh and S. Lal, 2013. Impact of climate change on malaria over a desert site in Rajasthan, India. Int. J. Climatol., 33: 312-322.
  563. Hao, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Entropy-based method for bivariate drought analysis. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 780-786.
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  564. Hao, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Entropy‐based method for extreme rainfall analysis in Texas. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 118: 263-273.
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  565. Gupta, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Discussion of separation zone in flow past a spur dyke on rigid bed meandering channel. J. Hydraulic Eng., 139: 1112-1114.
  566. Gupta, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Discussion of montana flume flow corrections under submerged flow. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 139: 595-597.
  567. Gupta, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Discussion of experimental studies on flow over Labyrith weir. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 139: 1048-1051.
  568. Cui, H. and V.P. Singh, 2013. Two-dimensional velocity distribution in open channels using the tsallis entropy. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 331-339.
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  569. Cui, H. and V.P. Singh, 2013. One-dimensional velocity distribution in open channels using tsallis entropy. J. Hydrol. Eng., 19: 290-298.
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  570. Chen, Y.D., Q. Zhang, M. Xiao and V.P. Singh, 2013. Evaluation of risk of hydrological droughts by the trivariate plackett copula in the east river basin (China). Nat. Hazards, 68: 529-547.
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  571. Chen, L., V.P. Singh, S. Guo, B. Fang and P. Liu, 2013. A new method for identification of flood seasonality using directionaal statistics. Hydrol. Sci. J., 58: 28-40.
  572. Chen, L., V.P. Singh, S. Guo, A.K. Mishra and J. Guo, 2013. Drought analysis using copulas. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 797-808.
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  573. Cantalice, J.R.B., M.C. Filho, B.D. Stosic, V.C. Piscoya, S.M. Guerra and V.P. Singh, 2013. Relationship between bedload and suspended sediment in the sand-bed Exu River, in the semi-arid region of Brazil. Hydrol. Sci. J., 58: 1789-1802.
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  574. Zhang, Z., C.Y. Xu, M.E.H. El-Tahir, J. Cao and V.P. Singh, 2012. Spatial and temporal variation of precipitation in Sudan and their possible causes during 1948-2005. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 26: 429-441.
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  575. Zhang, Q., Y. Zhou, V.P. Singh and X. Chen, 2012. The influence of dam and lakes on the Yangtze River streamflow: Long‐range correlation and complexity analyses. Hydrol. Process., 26: 436-444.
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  576. Zhang, Q., Y. Zhou, V.P. Singh and J. Li, 2012. Scaling and clustering effects of extreme precipitation distributions. J. Hydrol., 454-455: 187-194.
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  577. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh, M. Xiao and J. Li, 2012. Regionalization and spatial changing properties of droughts across the pearl river basin, China. J. Hydrol., 472-473: 355-366.
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  578. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh, J. Peng, Y.D. Chen and J. Li, 2012. Spatial-temporal changes of precipitation structure across the Pearl River basin, China. J. Hydrol., 440-441: 113-122.
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  579. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh, J. Li, F. Jiang and Y. Bai, 2012. Spatio-temporal variations of precipitation extremes in Xinjiang, China. J. Hydrol., 434-435: 7-18.
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  580. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh and X. Chen, 2012. Influence of three gorges dam on streamflow and sediment load of the middle Yangtze river, China. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Anal., 26: 596-600.
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  581. Zhang, Q., P. Sun, V.P. Singh and X. Chen, 2012. Spatial-temporal precipitation changes (1956-2000) and their implications for agriculture in China. Global Planetary Change, 82-83: 86-95.
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  582. Zhang, Q., J. Li, V.P. Singh, C.Y. Xu and Y. Bai, 2012. Changing structure of the precipitation process during 1960-2005 in the Xinjiang, China. Theor. Applied Climatol., 110: 229-244.
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  583. Zhang, Q., J. Li, V.P. Singh and Y. Bai, 2012. SPI-based evaluation of drought events in Xinjiang, China. Nat. Hazards, 64: 481-492.
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  584. Zhang, Q., J. Li and V.P. Singh, 2012. Application of Archimedean copulas in the analysis of the precipitation extremes: Effects of precipitation changes. Theor. Applied Climatol., 107: 255-264.
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  585. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Bivariate rainfall and runoff analysis using entropy and copula theories. Entropy, 14: 1784-1812.
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  586. Yang, T., C.Y. Xu, Q. Zhang, Z. Yu, A. Baron, X. Wang and V.P. Singh, 2012. DEM-based numerical modelling of runoff and soil erosion processes in the hilly-gully loess regions. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 26: 581-598.
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  587. Uddameri, V. and V.P. Singh, 2012. The Competition between Environmental, Urban and Rural Groundwater Demands and the Impacts on Agriculture in Edwards Aquifer Area, Texas. In: Soil Water and Agronomic Productivity, Lall, R. and B.A. Stewart (Eds.). Chapter 5, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, ISBN: 9781439850794, pp: 117-129.
  588. Tu, X., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh, X. Chen, C. Liu and S.B. Wang, 2012. Space-time changes in hydrological processes in response to human activities and climatic change in the South China. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 26: 823-834.
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  589. Thakur, A.K., V.P. Singh and C.S.P. Ojha, 2012. Evaluation of a probabilistic approach to simulation of alkalinity and electrical conductivity at a river bank filtration site. Hydrol. Process., 26: 3362-3368.
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  590. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Transport capacity models for unsteady and non-equilibrium sediment transport in alluvial channels. Comput. Electron. Agric., 86: 26-33.
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  591. Sivakumar, B. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Hydrologic system complexity and nonlinear dynamic concepts for a catchment classification framework. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16: 4119-4131.
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  592. Singh, V.P., L. Zhang and A. Rahimi, 2012. Probability distribution of rainfall-runoff using entropy theory. Trans. ASABE, 55: 1733-1744.
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  593. Singh, V.P., 2012. Derivation of furrow geometry using entropy theory. Trans. ASABE, 55: 987-993.
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  594. Singh, V.P. and D.K. Frevert, 2012. Mathematical Modeling of Watershed Hydrology. In: Mathematical Models of Large Watershed Hydrology, Singh, V.P. and D. K. Frevert (Eds.). Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, pp: 1-22.
  595. Singh, M.K., V.P. Singh, P. Kumari and P. Das, 2012. Analytical and numerical approaches to horizontal non-reactive solute dispersion in a semi-infinite aquifer. J. Ground Water Res., 1: 42-51.
  596. Singh, M.K., S. Ahamad and V.P. Singh, 2012. No-reactive solute dispersion in aquifers subjected to temporally dependent source concentration. Int. J. Geol. Earth Environ. Sci., 2: 235-244.
  597. Rezaeian-Zadeh, M., S. Zand-Parsa, H. Abghari, M. Zolghadr and V.P. Singh, 2012. Hourly air temperature driven using multi-layer perceptron and radial basis function networks in arid and semi-arid regions. Theor. Applied Climatol., 109: 519-528.
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  598. Rai, R.K. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Global Water Balance and Food Security. In: Soil Water and Agronomic Productivity, Lall, R. and B.A. Stewart (Eds.). Chapter 1, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, ISBN: 9781439850794, pp: 3-41.
  599. Prasad, R., A. Pandey, K.P. Singh, V.P. Singh, R.K. Mishra and D. Singh, 2012. Retrieval of spinach crop parameters by microwave remote sensing with back propagation artificial neural networks: A comparison of different transfer functions. Adv. Space Res., 50: 363-370.
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  600. Patil, S. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Dispersion in submerged vegetated flow with coherent vortices. J. Hydrol. Eng., 17: 1-9.
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  601. Ozger, M., A.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2012. Long lead time drought forecasting using a wavelet and fuzzy logic combination model: A case study in Texas. J. Hydrometeorol., 13: 284-297.
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  602. Mondal, N.C., V.P. Singh and S. Ahmed, 2012. Entropy-based approach for assessing natural recharge in unconfined aquifers from Southern India. Water Resour. Manage., 26: 2715-2732.
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  603. Mondal, N.C. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Evaluation of groundwater monitoring network of Kodaganar River basin from Southern India using entropy. Environ. Earth Sci., 66: 1183-1193.
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  604. Mondal, N.C. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Chloride migration in groundwater for a tannery belt in southern India. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 184: 2857-2879.
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  605. Mishra, A.K., A.V.M. Ines, V.P. Singh and J.W. Hansen, 2012. Extraction of information content from stochastic disaggregation and bias corrected downscaled precipitation variables for crop simulation. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 27: 449-457.
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  606. Mishra, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Simulating hydrological drought properties at different spatial units in the United States based on wavelet-Bayesian regression approach. Earth Interact., 16: 1-23.
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  607. Martino, G.D., N. Fontana, G. Marini and V.P. Singh, 2012. Variability and trend in seasonal precipitation in the continental United States. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 630-640.
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  608. Maheshwari, B.L., B.L. Simmons and V.P. Singh, 2012. Integrated water resources management: Understanding its complexity in peri-urban landscapes. J. Hydrol. Eng., 17: 229-236.
  609. Long, D. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Deriving theoretical boundaries to address scale dependencies of triangle models for evapotranspiration estimation. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 117. 10.1029/2011JD017079.
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  610. Long, D. and V.P. Singh, 2012. A two-source trapezoid model for evapotranspiration (TTME) from satellite imagery. Remote Sens. Environ., 121: 370-388.
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  611. Long, D. and V.P. Singh, 2012. A modified surface energy balance algorithm for land (M-SEBAL) based on a trapezoidal framework. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 48. 10.1029/2011WR010607.
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  612. Li, C., V.P. Singh and A.K. Mishra, 2012. Simulation of the entire range of daily precipitation using a hybrid probability distribution. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 48. 10.1029/2011WR011446.
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  613. Li, C., V.P. Singh and A.K. Mishra, 2012. Entropy theory-based criterion for hydrometric network evaluation and design: Maximum information minimum redundancy. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 48. 10.1029/2011WR011251.
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  614. Khedun, C.P., A.K. Mishra, J.D. Bolten, H.K. Beaudoing, R.A. Kaiser, J.R. Giardino and V.P. Singh, 2012. Understanding changes in water availability in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte basin under the influence of large-scale circulation indices using the Noah land surface model. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 117. 10.1029/2011JD016590.
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  615. Jhajharia, D., Y. Dinpashoh, E. Kahya, V.P. Singh and A. Fakheri-Fard, 2012. Trends in reference evapotranspiration in the humid region of northeast India. Hydrol. Process., 26: 421-435.
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  616. Imre, E., J. Lorincz, J. Szendefy, P.Q. Trang, L. Nagy, V.P. Singh and S. Fityus, 2012. Case studies and benchmark examples for the use of grading entropy in geotechnics. Entropy, 14: 1079-1102.
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  617. Hao, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Entropy‐copula method for single‐site monthly streamflow simulation. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 48. 10.1029/2011WR011419.
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  618. Gupta, S.K., V.P. Singh and V.B. Mishra, 2012. Discussion of temporal development of scour holes around submerged stream deflectors by K. Rodrigue-Gervais and M.F. Lapointe. J. Hydraulic Eng., 138: 308-310.
  619. Gupta, S.K., V.P. Singh and V.B. Mishra, 2012. Discussion of design and testing of a flow measurement system for an urban sewage drain. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 138: 558-563.
  620. Gupta, S.K., V.P. Singh and U. Mishra, 2012. Discussion of scour due to crossing jets at fixed vertical angle by S. Pagliara and M. Palermo. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 138: 386-390.
  621. Gupta, S.K., V.P. Singh and S.K. Shukla, 2012. Discussion of iterative formulas and estimation formulas for computing normal depth of horseshoe cross-section tunnel. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 138: 786-787.
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  624. Gupta, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2012. Discussion of enhanced predictions for peak outflow from breached embankment dams. J. Hydrol. Eng., 17: 463-466.
  625. Gao, G., C.Y. Xu, D. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2012. Spatial and temporal characteristics of actual evapotranspiration over Haihe River basin in China. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 26: 655-669.
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  626. El Tahir, M.E.H., W. Wang, C.Y. Xu, Z. Youjing and V.P. Singh, 2012. Comparison of methods for estimation of regional actual evapotranspiration in data scarce regions: Blue Nile region, Eastern Sudan. J. Hydrol. Eng., 17: 578-589.
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  627. Dogan, S., A. Berktay and V.P. Singh, 2012. Comparison of multi-monthly rainfall-based drought severity indices, with application to semi-arid Konya closed basin, Turkey. J. Hydrol., 470-471: 255-268.
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  628. Da Silva, V.P.R., R.S.R. Almeida, V.P. Singh, G.F.B. das Chagas, V.A. Dantas and A.C.L. da Costa, 2012. Aboveground biomass dynamics in the Amazonian rainforest under influence of reduction in rainfall. For. Res., Vol. 1. .
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  629. Da Silva, V.P.R., R.S.R. Almeida, V.A. Dantas, A.C.L. da Costa, V.P. Singh and G.F.B. das Chagas, 2012. Sensible and latent heat storage fluxes within the canopy air-space in the Amazon rainforest. For. Res., Vol. 1. .
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  630. Da Silva, V.P.R., C.J.R. Borges, C.H.A. Farias, V.P. Singh, W.G. Albuquerque and B.B. da Silva, 2012. Water requirements and single and dual crop coefficients of sugarcane grown in a tropical region, Brazil. Agric. Sci., 3: 274-286.
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  631. Cui, H. and V.P. Singh, 2012. On the cumulative distribution function for entropy-based hydrologic modeling. Trans. ASABE, 55: 429-438.
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  632. Chen, L., V.P. Singh, S. Guo, Z. Hao and T. Li, 2012. Flood coincidence risk analysis using multivariate copula functions. J. Hydrol. Eng., 17: 742-755.
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  633. Chen, L., V.P. Singh and S. Guo, 2012. Measure of correlation between river flows using the copula-entropy method. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18: 1591-1606.
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  634. Aggarwal, S.K., A. Goel and V.P. Singh, 2012. A stage and discharge forecasting by SVM and techniques. Water Resour. Manage., 26: 3705-3724.
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  635. Afzalimehr, H., M. Abdolhosseini and V.P. Singh, 2012. Closure to hydraulic geometry relations for stable channel design, by H. Afzalimehr, M. Abdolhosseini and V.P. Singh. J. Hydraulic Eng., 17: 357-358.
  636. Zhang, Q., Y. Zhou, V.P. Singh and Y.D. Chen, 2011. Comparison of detrending methods for fluctuation analysis in hydrology. J. Hydrol., 400: 121-132.
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  637. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh, P. Sun, X. Chen, Z. Zhang and J. Li, 2011. Precipitation and streamflow changes in China: Changing patterns, causes and implications. J. Hydrol., 410: 204-216.
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  638. Zhang, Q., V.P. Singh, J. Li and X. Chen, 2011. Analysis of the periods of maximum consecutive wet days in China. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 116. 10.1029/2011JD016088.
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  639. Zhang, J., H. Wang and V.P. Singh, 2011. Information Entropy of a Rainfall Network in China. In: Modelling Risk Management for Resources and Development, Wu, D.D. and Y. Zhu (Eds.). Chapter 2, Springer, Berlin, ISBN: 9783642183874, pp: 11-20.
  640. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Simulating transient sediment waves in aggraded alluvial channels using double decomposition methods. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 362-370.
  641. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Predicting mean and bankfull discharge from channel cross-sectional area by expert and regression methods. Water Resour. Manage., 25: 1253-1267.
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  642. Strupczewski, W.G., K. Kochanek, I. Markiewicz, E. Bogdanowicz and V.P. Singh, 2011. On the tails of distributions of annual peak flow. Hydrol. Res., 42: 171-192.
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  643. Singh, V.P., 2011. Hydrologic synthesis using entropy theory: Review. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 421-433.
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  644. Singh, V.P., 2011. Derivation of the Singh-Yu infiltration equation using entropy theory. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 187-191.
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  645. Singh, V.P., 2011. Derivation of power law and logarithmic velocity distributions using the Shannon entropy. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 478-483.
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  646. Singh, V.P., 2011. An IUH equation based on entropy theory. Trans. ASABE, 54: 131-140.
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  647. Singh, V.P., 2011. A shannon entropy-based general derivation of infiltration equations. Trans. ASABE, 54: 123-129.
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  648. Singh, V.P. and L. Hao, 2011. Entropy theory for distribution of one-dimensional velocity in open channels. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 725-735.
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  649. Singh, M.K., S. Ahamad and V.P. Singh, 2011. Analytical solution for one-dimensional solute dispersion with time-dependent source concentration along uniform groundwater flow in a homogeneous porous formation. J. Eng. Mech., 138: 1045-1056.
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  650. Patil, S. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Dispersion model for varying vertical shear in vegetated channels. J. Hydraulic Eng., 137: 1293-1297.
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  651. Pandey, P.K., M.L. Soupir, V.P. Singh, S.N. Panda and V. Pandey, 2011. Modeling rainwater storage in distributed reservoir systems in humid subtropical and tropical Savannah regions. Water Resour. Manage., 25: 3091-3111.
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  652. Ozger, M., A.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2011. Scaling characteristics of precipitation data over Texas. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 1009-1016.
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  653. Ozger, M., A.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2011. Estimating palmer drought severity index using a wavelet fuzzy logic model based on meteorological variables. Int. J. Climatol., 31: 2021-2032.
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  654. Mukhopadhyay, B. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Hydrologic Modeling at Mesoscopic Scales Using Global Datasets on Topography, Cartography, Climate, Land Cover and Soil Types to Derive Stream Water Availability Models of River Basins. In: Soil Hydrology, Land Use and Agriculture, Shukla, M.K. (Ed.). CABI Publishers, UK., ISBN: 9781845938772, pp: 24-74.
  655. Moramarco, T., C. Saltalippi and V.P. Singh, 2011. Velocity profiles assessment in natural channels during high floods. Hydrol. Res., 42: 162-170.
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  656. Mondal, N.C., V.P. Singh, S. Singh and V.S. Singh, 2011. Hydrochemical characteristic of coastal aquifer from Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 175: 531-550.
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  657. Mondal, N.C., V.P. Singh and S. Sankaran, 2011. Demarcation of prospective groundwater recharge zones in hard rock area from Southern India. Scient. Res. Essays, 6: 3539-3552.
  658. Mondal, N.C., V.K. Saxena, V.S. Singh and V.P. Singh, 2011. Assessment of seawater impact using major hydrochemical ions: A case study from Sadras, Tamilnadu, India. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 177: 315-335.
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  659. Mondal, N.C. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Hydrochemical analysis of salinization for a tannery belt in southern India. J. Hydrol., 405: 235-247.
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  660. Mondal, N.C. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Groundwater flow model for a tannery belt in southern India. J. Water Resour. Protect., 3: 85-97.
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  661. Mishra, A.K., V.P. Singh and M. Ozger, 2011. Seasonal streamflow extremes in Texas river basins: Uncertainty, trends and teleconnections. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 116. 10.1029/2010JD014597.
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  662. Mishra, A.K., M. Ozger and V.P. Singh, 2011. Wet and dry spell analysis of Global climate model-generated precipitation using power laws and wavelet transforms. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 25: 517-535.
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  663. Mishra, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Drought modeling-a review. J. Hydrol., 403: 157-175.
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  664. Marini, G., G. de Martino, N. Fontana, M. Fiorentino and V.P. Singh, 2011. Entropy approach for 2D velocity distribution in open-channel flow. J. Hydraulic Res., 49: 784-790.
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  665. Long, D., V.P. Singh and Z.L. Li, 2011. How sensitive is SEBAL to changes in input variables, domain size and satellite sensor? J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 116. 10.1029/2011JD016542.
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  666. Liu, C.L., Q. Zhang, V.P. Singh and Y. Cui, 2011. Copula-based evaluations of drought variations in Guangdong, South China. Nat. Hazards, 59: 1533-1546.
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  667. Kyoung, M.S., H.S. Kim, B. Sivakumar, V.P. Singh and K.S. Ahn, 2011. Dynamic characteristics of monthly rainfall in the Korean peninsula under climate change. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Anal., 25: 613-625.
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  668. Kyoung, M., J. Kwak, D. Kim, H. Kim and V.P. Singh, 2011. Drought Analysis Based on SPI and SAD Curve for the Korean Peninsula Considering Climate Change. In: Climate Change-Geophysical Foundations and Ecological Effects, Blanco, J. and H. Kheradmand (Eds.). Chapter 10, InTech Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-307-419-1, pp: 194-214.
  669. Jiang, S., L. Ren, B. Yong, V.P. Singh, X. Yang and F. Yuan, 2011. Quantifying the effects of climate variability and human activities on runoff from the Laohahe basin in northern China using three different methods. Hydrol. Process., 25: 2492-2505.
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  670. Jhajharia, D. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Trends in temperature, diurnal temperature range and sunshine duration in Northeast India. Int. J. Climatol., 31: 1353-1367.
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  671. Hassanzadeh, Y., A. Abdi, S. Talatahari and V.P. Singh, 2011. Meta-heuristic algorithms for hydrologic frequency analysis. Water Resour. Manage., 25: 1855-1879.
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  672. Hao, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Single‐site monthly streamflow simulation using entropy theory. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 47. 10.1029/2010WR010208.
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  673. Hao, L. and V.P. Singh, 2011. Entropy theory for two-dimensional velocity distribution. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 303-315.
  674. Dinpashoh, Y., D. Jhajharia, A. Fakheri-Fard, V.P. Singh and E. Kahya, 2011. Trends in reference crop evapotranspiration over Iran. J. Hydrol., 399: 422-433.
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  675. Dehsorkhi, E.N., H. Afzalmehr and V.P. Singh, 2011. Effect of bed forms and vegetated banks on velocity distributions and turbulent flow structure. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 495-507.
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  676. De Lima, J.L.M.P., P.A. Dinis, C.S. Souza, M.I.P. de Lima and P.P. Cunha et al., 2011. Patterns of grain-size temporal variation of sediment transported by overland flow associated with moving storms: Interpreting soil flume experiments. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11: 2605-2615.
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  677. Chowdhary, H., L.A. Escobar and V.P. Singh, 2011. Identification of suitable copulas for bivariate frequency analysis of flood peak and flood volume data. Hydrol. Res., 42: 193-216.
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  678. Barbetta, S., T. Moramarco, M. Franchini, F. Melone, L. Brocca and V.P. Singh, 2011. Case study: Improving real-time stage forecasting muskingum model by ıncorporating the rating curve model. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 540-557.
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  679. Zadeh, M.R., S. Amin, D. Khalili and V.P. Singh, 2010. Daily outflow prediction by multi layer perceptron with logistic sigmoid and tangent sigmoid activation functions. Water Resour. Manage., 24: 2673-2688.
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  680. Yun, R., V.P. Singh and Z. Dong, 2010. Long-term stochastic reservoir operation using a noisy genetic algorithm. Water Resour. Manage., 24: 3159-3172.
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  681. Yoo, D.H. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Explicit design of commercial pipes with secondary losses. J. Hydro-Environ. Res., 4: 37-45.
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  682. Yildrim, G. and V.P. Singh, 2010. A mathcad procedure for commercial pipeline hydraulic design considering local energy losses. Adv. Eng. Software, 41: 489-496.
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  683. Yang, T., C.Y. Xu, X. Chen, V.P. Singh, Q.X. Shao, Z.C. Hao and X. Tao, 2010. Assessing the impact of human activities on hydrological and sediment changes (1953-2000) in nine major catchments of the Loess Plateau, China. River Res. Applic., 26: 322-340.
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  684. Song, S. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Meta-elliptical copulas for drought frequency analysis of periodic hydrologic data. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Anal., 24: 425-444.
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  685. Song, S. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Frequency analysis of droughts using the plackett copula and parameter estimation by genetic algorithm. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Anal., 24: 425-444.
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  686. Singh, V.P., 2010. Tsallis entropy theory for derivation of infiltration equations. Trans. ASABE, 53: 447-463.
  687. Singh, V.P., 2010. Entropy theory for movement of moisture in soils. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 46. 10.1029/2009WR008288.
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  688. Singh, V.P., 2010. Entropy theory for hydrologic modeling. J. Beijing Normal Univ. J. Res., 46: 229-240.
  689. Singh, V.P., 2010. Entropy theory for earth science modeling. Indian Geol. Congress J., 2: 5-40.
  690. Singh, V.P., 2010. Entropy theory for derivation of infiltration equations. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 46. 10.1029/2009WR008193.
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  691. Singh, V.P., 2010. Derivation of rating curves using entropy theory. Trans. ASABE, 53: 1811-1821.
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  692. Singh, M.K., P. Singh and V.P. Singh, 2010. Analytical solution for two-dimensional solute in finite aquifer with time dependent source concentration. J. Eng. Mech., 136: 1309-1315.
  693. Singh, M.K., P. Singh and V.P. Singh, 2010. Analytical solution for solute transport along and against time dependent source concentration in homogeneous finite aquifers. Adv. Theor. Applied Mech., 3: 99-119.
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  694. Singh, K.K., M. Pal and V.P. Singh, 2010. Estimation of mean annual flood in Indian catchments using backpropagation neural network and M5 model tree. Water Resour. Manage., 24: 2007-2019.
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  695. Rai, R.K., S. Sarkar, A. Upadhyay and V.P. Singh, 2010. Efficacy of Nakagami-m distribution function for deriving unit hydrograph. Water Resour. Manage., 24: 563-575.
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  696. Rai, R.K., A. Upadhyay and V.P. Singh, 2010. Effect of variable roughness on runoff. J. Hydrol., 382: 115-127.
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  697. Patil, S., V.P. Singh and J. Imberger, 2010. Horizontal dispersion in gyres-internal wave flow field in a rotating circular lake. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 597-611.
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  698. Patil, S., V.P. Singh and A.K. Rastogi, 2010. Linear instability theory for frequency assessment of coherent vortices in submerged and aside rigid canopies. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 1023-1029.
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  699. Patil, S. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Characteristics of Monami wave in submerged vegetated flow. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 171-181.
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  700. Patil, S. and V.P. Singh, 2010. A close-form model for dispersion in shallow waves over varying shear current. Adv. Theor. Applied Mech., 3: 1-29.
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  701. Ozger, M., A.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2010. Scaling characteristics of precipitation data in conjunction with wavelet analysis. J. Hydrol., 395: 279-288.
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  702. Motamedi, A., H. Afzalmehr and V.P. Singh, 2010. Evaluation of a novel approach to determine the critoical Shields stress. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 892-900.
  703. Motamedi, A., H. Afzalmehr and V.P. Singh, 2010. Estimation of friction factor in open channels. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 249-254.
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  704. Moramarco, T. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Formulation of the entropy parameter based on hydraulic and geometric characteristics of river cross sections. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 852-858.
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  705. Mondal, N.C., V.S. Singh, S.C. Puranik and V.P. Singh, 2010. Trace element concentration in groundwater of Pesarlanka Island, Krishna Delta, India. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 163: 215-227.
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  706. Mondal, N.C., S. Sankaran and V.P. Singh, 2010. Estimating natural recharge in granitic terrain: An entropy approach. Adv. Geosci., 23: 197-209.
  707. Mondal, N.C., A.V. Rao and V.P. Singh, 2010. Efficacy of electrical resistivity and induced polarization methods for revealing fluoride contaminated groundwater in granite terrain. Environ. Monitor. Assess., 168: 103-114.
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  708. Mondal, N.C. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Need of groundwater management in tannery belt: A scenario about Dindigul town, Tamil Nadu. J. Geol. Soc. India, 76: 303-309.
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  709. Mondal, N.C. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Entropy-based approach for estimation of natural recharge in Kodaganar River basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Curr. Sci., 99: 1560-1569.
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  710. Mondal, N.C. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Determining the interaction between groundwater and saline water through groundwater major ions chemistry. J. Hydrol., 388: 100-111.
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  711. Mishra, S.K., V.P. Singh and S.K. Jain, 2010. Impact of global warming and climate change on social development. J. Comparative Social Welfare, 26: 239-260.
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  712. Mishra, A.K., M. Ozger and V.P. Singh, 2010. Association between uncertainties in meteorological variables and water-resources planning for the state of Texas. J. Hydrol. Eng., 16: 984-999.
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  713. Mishra, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Changes in extreme precipitation in Texas. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115. 10.1029/2009JD013398.
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  714. Mishra, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2010. A review of drought concepts. J. Hydrol., 391: 202-216.
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  715. Mishra, A., R. Singh and V.P. Singh, 2010. Evaluation of non-point source N and P loads in a small mixed land use land cover watershed. J. Water Resour. Protect., 2: 362-372.
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  716. Long, D., Y. Gao and V.P. Singh, 2010. Estimation of daily average net radiation from MODIS data and DEM over the Baiyangdian watershed in North China for clear sky days. J. Hydrol., 388: 217-233.
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  717. Long, D. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Integration of the GG model with SEBAL to produce time series of evapotranspiration of high spatial resolution at watershed scales. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115. 10.1029/2010JD014092.
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  718. Li, L., J. Xia, C.Y. Xu and V.P. Singh, 2010. Evaluation of the subjective factors of the GLUE method and comparison with the formal bayesian method in uncertainty assessment of hydrological models. J. Hydrol., 390: 210-221.
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  719. Kim, D.G., J.W. Kwak, S.J. Kim, H.S. Kim, T.J. Ahn and V.P. Singh, 2010. Wetland construction: Flood control and water balance analysis. Environ. Eng. Res., 15: 197-205.
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  720. Jin, X., C.Y. Xu, Q. Zhang and V.P. Singh, 2010. Parameter and modeling uncertainty simulated by GLUE and a formal Bayesian method for a conceptual hydrological model. J. Hydrol., 383: 147-155.
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  721. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Water crisis. J. Comparative Social Welfare, 26: 215-237.
  722. Ghorbani, M.A., H. Ruskeep, V.P. Singh and B. Sivakumar, 2010. Flood frequency analysis using Mathematica. Turk. J. Eng. Environ. Sci., 34: 171-188.
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  723. Fan, P. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Transient wave method for internal tide generation. Dynamics Atmos. Oceans, 49: 188-205.
  724. Da Silva, V.D.P.R., R.A. Silva, E.P. Cavalcanti, C.C. Braga, P.V. de Azevedo, V.P. Singh and E.R.R. Pereira, 2010. Trends in solar radiation in NCEP/NCAR database and measurements in northeastern Brazil. Solar Energy, 84: 1852-1862.
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  725. Chu, J.T., J. Xia, C.Y. Xu and V.P. Singh, 2010. Statistical downscaling of daily mean temperature, pan evaporation and precipitation for climate change scenarios in Haihe river, China. Theor. Applied Climatol., 99: 149-161.
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  726. Chowdhary, H. and V.P. Singh, 2010. Reducing uncertainty in estimates of frequency distribution parameters using composite likelihood approach and copula-based bivariate distributions. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 46. 10.1029/2009WR008490.
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  727. Afzalmehr, H., V.P. Singh and E.F. Najafabadi, 2010. Determination of form friction factor. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 237-243.
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  728. Afzalimehr, H., M. Abdolhosseini and V.P. Singh, 2010. Hydraulic geometry relations for stable channel design. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 859-864.
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  729. Afzalimehr, H., E.F. Najfabadi and V.P. Singh, 2010. Effect of vegetation on banks on distributions of velocity and Reynolds stress under accelerating flow. J. Hydrol. Eng., 15: 708-713.
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  730. Zhang, Q., C.Y. Xu, V.P. Singh and T. Yang, 2009. Multiscale variability of sediment load and streamflow of the lower Yangtze river basin: Possible causes and implications. J. Hydrol., 368: 96-104.
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  731. Wang, D., V.P. Singh, Y.S. Zhu and J.C. Wu, 2009. Stochastic observation error and uncertainty in water quality evaluation. Adv. Water Resour., 32: 1526-1534.
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  732. Uddameri, V. and V.P. Singh, 2009. The U.S. Experience on Water Supply and Sanitation: The Interaction between Public Policy and Management. In: Water and Sanitation Services: Public Policy and Management, Castro, J.E. and L. Heller (Eds.). Chapter 16, Earthscan, UK., ISBN-13: 978-1844076567, pp: 261-274.
  733. Tyagi, J.V., S.K. Mishra, R. Singh and V.P. Singh, 2009. Reply to comments on SCS-CN based time distributed sediment yield model by Tyagi, et al. J. Hydrol., 367: 295-296.
  734. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2009. ANN and fuzzy logic models for simulating event-based rainfall-runoff-closure. J. Hydraulic Eng., 132: 1400-1401.
  735. Strupczewski, W.G., K. Kochanek, W. Feluch, E. Bogdanowicz and V.P. Singh, 2009. On seasonal approach to nonstationary flood frequency analysis. Phys. Chem. Earth Parts A/B/C, 34: 612-618.
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  736. Singh, V.P. and L. Zhang, 2009. IDF curves using the Frank Archimedean copula-closure. J. Hydrol. Eng., 14: 108-109.
  737. Singh, M.K., V.P. Singh, P. Singh and D. Shukla, 2009. Analytical solution for conservative solute transport in one-dimensional homogeneous porous formations with time-dependent velocity. J. Eng. Mech., 135: 1015-1021.
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  738. Singh, M.K., P. Singh and V.P. Singh, 2009. Solute transport model for one-dimensional homogeneous porous formations with time dependent point-source concentration. Adv. Theor. Applied Mech., 2: 143-157.
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  739. Shao, Q., L. Zhang, Y.D. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2009. A new method for modelling flow duration curves and predicting streamflow regimes under altered land-use conditions. Hydrol. Sci. J., 54: 606-622.
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  740. Rai, R.K., S. Sarkar and V.P. Singh, 2009. Evaluation of the adequacy of statistical distribution functions for deriving unit hydrograph. Water Resour. Manage., 23: 899-930.
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  741. Rai, R.K., A. Upadhyay, S. Sarkar, A.M. Upadhyay and V.P. Singh, 2009. GIUH based transfer function for Gomti river basin of India. J. Spatial Hydrol., 9: 24-50.
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  742. Patil, S., V.P. Singh and A.K. Rastogi, 2009. On the dispersion of pollutants in initial unsteady phase. Adv. Theor. Applied Mech., 2: 179-204.
  743. Patil, S. and V.P. Singh, 2009. Hydrodynamics of wave and current vegetation interaction. J. Hydrol. Eng., 14: 1320-1333.
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  744. Ozger, M., A.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2009. Low frequency drought variability associated with climate indices. J. Hydrol., 364: 152-162.
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  745. Nourani, V., V.P. Singh and H. Delafrouz, 2009. Three geomorphological rainfall-runoff models based on the linear reservoir concept. CATENA, 76: 206-214.
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  746. Mogheir, Y., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2009. Entropy and multi-objective based approach for groundwater quality monitoring network assessment and redesign. Water Resour. Manage., 23: 1603-1620.
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  747. Mishra, A.K., V.P. Singh, V.R. Desai, 2009. Drought characterization: A probabilistic approach. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 23: 41-55.
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  748. Mishra, A.K., M. Ozger and V.P. Singh, 2009. Trend and persistence of precipitation under climate change scenarios for Kansabati basin, India. Hydrol. Process., 23: 2345-2357.
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  749. Mishra, A.K., M. Ozger and V.P. Singh, 2009. An entropy-based investigation into the variability of precipitation. J. Hydrol., 370: 139-154.
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  750. Mishra, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2009. Analysis of drought severity-area-frequency curves using a general circulation model and scenario uncertainty. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114. 10.1029/2008JD010986.
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  751. Liu, X., L. Ren, F. Yuan, V.P. Singh, X. Fang, Z. Yu and W. Zhang, 2009. Quantifying the effect of land use and land cover changes on green water and blue water in northern part of China. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 13: 735-749.
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  752. Liu, Q.Q., A. Shu and V.P. Singh, 2009. Analysis of the vertical profile of concentration in sediment-laden flows-closure. J. Eng. Mech., 133: 744-745.
  753. Isik, S. and V.P. Singh, 2009. Closure to hydrologic regionalization of watersheds in Turkey. J. Hydrol. Eng., 14: 769-770.
  754. Huang, Y.H., V.P. Singh and T.L. Smith, 2009. Mining water from oil and gas production. Louisiana Civil Eng., 17: 11-14.
  755. Hao, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2009. Entropy-based parameter estimation for extended three-parameter burr III distribution for low-flow frequency analysis. Trans. ASABE, 52: 1193-1202.
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  756. Hao, Z. and V.P. Singh, 2009. Entropy-based parameter estimation for extended burr XII distribution. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Anal., 23: 1113-1122.
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  757. De Lima, J.L.M.P., P. Tavares, V.P. Singh and M.I.P. de Lima, 2009. Investigating the nonlinear response of soil loss to storm direction using a circular soil flume. Geoderma, 152: 9-15.
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  758. De Lima, J.L.M.P., C.C.S. Souza and V.P. Singh, 2009. Granulometric characterization of sediments transported by surface runoff generated by moving storms. Nonlinear Process. Geophys., 15: 999-1011.
  759. Chowdhary, H. and V.P. Singh, 2009. On watershed management. J. Crop Improv., 23: 158-173.
  760. Brocca, L., F. Melone, T. Moramarco and V.P. Singh, 2009. Assimilation of observed soil moisture data in storm rainfall-runoff modeling. J. Hydrol. Eng., 14: 153-165.
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  761. Bobba, A.G. and V.P. Singh, 2009. An eco-watershed management approach to inter-connect rivers in India. Hydrol. J., 32: 96-124.
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  762. Afzalimehr, H., V.P. Singh and M. Abdolhosseini, 2009. Effect of nonuniformity of flow on hydraulic geometry relations. J. Hydrol. Eng., 14: 1028-1034.
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  763. Afzalimehr, H. and V.P. Singh, 2009. Influence of meandering on the estimation of velocity and shear velocity in cobble-bed channels. J. Hydrol. Eng., 14: 1126-1135.
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  764. Zhang, L., V.P. Singh and J.F. Cruise, 2008. SAC-SMA Model Incorporating Kalman Filter. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 385-414.
  765. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Gumbel-Hougaard copula for trivariate rainfall frequency analysis-closure. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 994-994.
  766. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Bivariate flood frequency analysis using the copula method-closure. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 287-287.
  767. Yun, R. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Multiple duration limited water level and dynamic limited water level for flood control, with implications on water supply. J. Hydrol., 354: 160-170.
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  768. Xu, C.Y., V.P. Singh, Y.D. Chen and D. Chen, 2008. Evaporation and Evapotranspiration. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 229-276.
  769. Tyagi, J.V., S.K. Mishra, R. Singh and V.P. Singh, 2008. SCS-CN based time-distributed sediment yield model. J. Hydrol., 352: 388-403.
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  770. Strupczweski, W.G., I. Markiewicz, K. Kochanek and V.P. Singh, 2008. Short Walk into Two-Shape-Parameter Flood Frequency Distributions. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 669-716.
  771. Singh, V.P., 2008. Water, environment, engineering, religion and society 1. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 118-123.
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  772. Singh, V.P. and S.K. Jain, 2008. Brahmaputra Basin. In: Encyclopedia of Water Science, Trimble, W. (Ed.). Mercel and Dekker, New York.
  773. Singh, V.P. and L. Zhang, 2008. At-a-station hydraulic geometry relations, 2: Calibration and testing. Hydrol. Process., 22: 216-228.
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  774. Singh, V.P. and L. Zhang, 2008. At-a-station hydraulic geometry relations, 1: Theoretical development. Hydrol. Process., 22: 189-215.
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  775. Singh, V.P. and G. Tayfur, 2008. Kinematic wave theory for transient bed sediment waves in Alluvial rivers. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 297-304.
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  776. Singh, V.P. and C.S.P. Ojha, 2008. Characteristic velocity of stream bed movement. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 96-100.
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  777. Singh, V.P. and A.R. Rao, 2008. A Short Biography. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 3-58.
  778. Singh, K.K., M. Pal, C.S.P. Ojha and V.P. Singh, 2008. Estimation of removal efficiency for settling basins using neural networks and support vector machines. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 146-155.
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  779. Singh, K.K., C.S.P. Ojha and V.P. Singh, 2008. Mean annual flood from catchment and rainfall characteristics. Water Energy Res. Digest, 18: 36-38.
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  780. Patil, S., V.P. Singh and A.K. Rastogi, 2008. Analysis of Monami Waves in Aquatic Vegetation. In: Advances in Geosciences, Park N. (Ed.). World Scientific Company, USA., pp: 161-170.
  781. Patil, S. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Hydrodynamic Transport in Flow with Vegetation Subject to Waves and Currents. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 1051-1080.
  782. Patil, S. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Effect of vertically logarithmic steady currents on shallow surface waves. Phys. Oceanogr., 18: 133-153.
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  783. Ozkan, S., D.D. Adrian, G.L. Sills and V.P. Singh, 2008. Transient head development due to flood induced seepage under levees. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 134: 781-789.
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  784. Ojha, C.S.P., V.P. Singh and D.D. Adrian, 2008. Assessment of the role of slit as a safety valve in failure of levees. Int. J. Sediment Res., 23: 361-375.
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  785. Nourani, V., V.P. Singh, M.T. Alami and H. Delafroz, 2008. Geomorphological runoff routing modeling based on linear reservoirs cascade. J. Applied Sci., 8: 1660-1667.
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  786. Nourani, V., A.A. Moghaddam, A.O. Nadiri and V.P. Singh, 2008. Forecasting spatiotemporal water levels of tabriz aquifer. Trends Applied Sci. Res., 3: 319-329.
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  787. Moramarco, T., C. Pandolfo and V.P. Singh, 2008. Accuracy of kinematic wave approximation for flood routing. II. Unsteady analysis. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 1089-1096.
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  788. Moramarco, T., C. Pandolfo and V.P. Singh, 2008. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for flood routing. I: Steady analysis. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 1078-1088.
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  789. Moramarco, T. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Streamflow Measurements and Discharge Assessment During High Flood events. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 899-942.
  790. Mishra,S.K., P.S. Babu and V.P. Singh, 2008. SCS-CN Method. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 277-330.
  791. Mishra, S.K., R.P. Pandey, M.K. Jain and V.P. Singh, 2008. A rain duration and modified AMC-dependent SCS-CN procedure for long duration rainfall-runoff events. Water Resour. Manage., 22: 861-876.
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  792. Mishra, A.K., V.P. Singh and V.R. Desai, 2008. Bivariate Drought Characterization. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 793-810.
  793. Mishra, A.K. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Development of Drought SAF Curves. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp. 811-834.
  794. Mishra, A. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Effects of Land Use Land Cover on Hydrology and Aquatic Ecosystems. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 479-502.
  795. Kothyari, U.C. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Soil Erosionand Sediment Yield Modeling. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 983-1010.
  796. Kochanek, K., W.G. Strupczewski, V.P. Singh and S. Weglarczyk, 2008. The PWM large quantile estimates of heavy tailed distributions from samples deprived of their largest element. Hydrol. Sci. J., 53: 367-386.
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  797. Jha, R., V.P. Singh and V. Vatsa, 2008. Analysis of urban development of Haridwar, India, using entropy approach. KSCE J. Civil Eng., 12: 281-288.
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  798. Jha, R., K.D. Sharma and V.P. Singh, 2008. Critical appraisal of methods for the assessment of environmental flows and their application in two river systems of India. KSCE J. Civil Eng., 12: 213-219.
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  799. Jha, R. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Evaluation of riverwater quality by entropy. J. Civil Eng., 12: 61-69.
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  800. Jha, R. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Analytical water quality model for biochemical oxygen demand simulation in river Gomti of Ganga Basin, India. KSCE J. Civil Eng., 12: 141-147.
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  801. Jain, S.K., V.P. Singh and P.K. Bhunya, 2008. Development of optimal and physically realizable unit hydrograph-closure. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 528-528.
  802. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Stage-Discharge and Sediment Rating Curves. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 869-898.
  803. Isik, S. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Hydrologic regionalization of watersheds in Turkey. J. Hydrol. Eng., 13: 824-834.
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  804. Howari, F.M., M.M. Sherif, V.P. Singh and A.A. Azam, 2008. Climate Change: Causes, Evidence and Impacts on Groundwater Resources. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.), Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 451-478.
  805. Fan, P., J.C. Li, Q.Q. Liu and V.P. Singh, 2008. Case study: Influence of morphological changes on flooding in Jingjiang river. J. Hydraulic Eng., 134: 1757-1766.
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  806. Fan, P. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Mathematical Modeling for Flow Routing in Open Channels. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 943-982.
  807. Fan, P. and V.P. Singh, 2008. Limiting states of internal wave rays. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 113. 10.1029/2007JC004596.
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  808. Bobba, A.G., P.A. Chambers, V.P. Singh and B.G. Krishnappan, 2008. Surface-subsurface water interactions in the flood plain. Hydrol. J., 31: 107-119.
  809. Agarwal, A., S.K. Mishra, R.P. Pandey and V.P. Singh, 2008. Training of Artificial Neural Network Models. In: Hydrology and Hydraulics, Singh, V.P. (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, pp: 145-188.
  810. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2007. Trivariate flood frequency analysis using the Gumbel-Hougaard copula. J. Hydrol. Eng., 12: 431-439.
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  811. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2007. Gumbel-hougaard copula for trivariate rainfall frequency analysis. J. Hydrol. Eng., 12: 409-419.
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  812. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2007. Bivariate rainfall frequency distributions using Archimedean Copulas. J. Hydrol., 332: 93-109.
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  813. Wang, D., V.P. Singh and Y. Zhu, 2007. Hybrid fuzzy and optimal modeling for water quality evaluation. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 43. 10.1029/2006WR005490.
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  814. Tayfur, G., T. Moramarco and V.P. Singh, 2007. Predicting and forecasting flow discharge at sites receiving significant lateral inflow. Hydrol. Process., 21: 1838-1859.
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  815. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2007. Kinematic wave model for transient bed profiles in alluvial channels under nonequilibrium conditions. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 43. 10.1029/2006WR005681.
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  816. Strupczewski, W.G., K. Kochanek, S. Weglarczyk and V.P. Singh, 2007. On robustness of large quantile estimates to largest elements of the observation series. Hydrol. Process., 21: 1328-1344.
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  817. Strupczewski, W.G., K. Kochanek and V.P. Singh, 2007. On the informative value of the largest sample element of Log-Gumbel distribution. Acta Geophysica, 55: 652-678.
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  818. Singh, V.P. and L. Zhang, 2007. IDF curves using the Frank Archimedean copula. J. Hydrol. Eng., 12: 651-662.
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  819. Rai, R.K., M.K. Jain, S.K. Mishra, C.S.P. Ojha and V.P. Singh, 2007. Another look at Z-transform technique for deriving unit impulse response function. Water Resour. Manage., 21: 1829-1848.
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  820. Nourani, V., P. Monadjemi and V.P. Singh, 2007. Liquid analog model for laboratory simulation of rainfall-runoff process. J. Hydrol. Eng., 12: 246-255.
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  821. Mishra, A.K., V.R. Desai and V.P. Singh, 2007. Drought forecasting using a hybrid stochastic and neural network model. J. Hydrol. Eng., 12: 626-638.
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  822. Mishra, A., S. Kar and V.P. Singh, 2007. Prioritizing structural management by quantifying the effect of land use and land cover on watershed runoff and sediment yield. Water Resour. Manage., 21: 1899-1913.
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  823. Mishra, A., S. Kar and V.P. Singh, 2007. Determination of runoff and sediment yield from a small watershed in sub-humid subtropics using the HSPF model. Hydrol. Process., 21: 3035-3045.
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  824. Liu, Q.Q., L. Chen, J.C. Li and V.P. Singh, 2007. A non-equilibrium sediment transport model for rill erosion. Hydrol. Process., 21: 1074-1084.
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  825. Liu, Q.Q., A.P. Shu and V.P. Singh, 2007. Analysis of the vertical profile of concentration in sediment-laden flows. J. Eng. Mech., 133: 601-607.
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  826. Jiang, T., Y.D. Chen, C.Y. Xu, X. Chen, X. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2007. Comparison of hydrological impacts of climate change simulated by six hydrological models in the Dongjiang Basin, South China. J. Hydrol., 336: 316-333.
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  827. Du, J., S. Xie, Y. Xu, C.Y. Xu and V.P. Singh, 2007. Development and testing of a simple physically-based distributed rainfall-runoff model for storm runoff simulation in humid forested basins. J. Hydrol., 336: 334-346.
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  828. Chen, H., S. Guo, C.Y. Xu and V.P. Singh, 2007. Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability and their relevance in water resource management in the Hanjiang basin. J. Hydrol., 344: 171-184.
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  829. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2006. Bivariate flood frequency analysis using the copula method. J. Hydrol. Eng., 11: 150-164.
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  830. Xu, C.Y., L. Tunemar, Y.D. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2006. Evaluation of seasonal and spatial variations of lumped water balance model sensitivity to precipitation data errors. J. Hydrol., 324: 80-93.
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  831. Xu, C.Y., L. Gong, T. Jiang, D. Chen and V.P. Singh, 2006. Analysis of spatial distribution and temporal trend of reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in Changjiang (Yangtze River) catchment. J. Hydrol., 327: 81-93.
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  832. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2006. Kinematic wave model of bed profiles in alluvial channels. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 42. 10.1029/2005WR004089.
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  833. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2006. ANN and fuzzy logic models for simulating event-based rainfall-runoff. J. Hydraulic Eng., 132: 1321-1329.
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  834. Strupczweski, W.G., H.T. Mitosek, K. Kochanek, V.P. Singh and S. Weglarczyk, 2006. Probability of correct selection from lognormal and convective diffusion models based on the likelihood ratio. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 20: 152-163.
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  835. Strupczewski, W.G., V.P. Singh, S. Weglarczyk, K. Kochanek and H.T. Mitosek, 2006. Complementary aspects of linear flood routing modelling and flood frequency analysis. Hydrol. Process., 20: 3535-3554.
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  836. Singh, V.P., D.K. Frevert, J.D. Rieker, V. Leverson, S. Meyer and S. Meyer, 2006. The hydrologic modeling inventory-a cooperative research effort. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 132: 98-103.
  837. Singh, V.P., 2006. Mathematical Modeling of Flow in Watersheds and Rivers. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems: Mathematical Models, Filar, J.A. and J.B. Krawczyk, UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford.
  838. Nunes, J.P., J.L.M.P. de Lima, V.P. Singh, M.I.P. de Lima and G.N. Vieira, 2006. Numerical modeling of surface runoff and erosion due to moving rainstorms at the drainage basin scale. J. Hydrol., 330: 709-720.
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  839. Moramarco, T., S. Barbetta, F. Melone and V.P. Singh, 2006. A real-time stage Muskingum forecasting model for a site without rating curve. Hydrol. Sci. J., 51: 66-82.
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  840. Mogheir, Y., V.P. Singh and J.L.M.P. de Lima, 2006. Spatial assessment and redesign of groundwater quality network using the entropy theory. Hydrogeol. J., 14: 700-712.
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  841. Mitosek, H.T., W.G. Strupczweski and V.P. Singh, 2006. Three procedures for selection of annual flood peak distribution. J. Hydrol., 323: 57-73.
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  842. Mishra, S.K., J.V. Tyagi, V.P. Singh and R. Singh, 2006. SCS-CN-based modeling of sediment yield. J. Hydrol., 324: 301-322.
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  843. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2006. A relook at NEH-4 curve number data and antecedent moisture condition criteria. Hydrol. Process., 20: 2755-2768.
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  844. Markiewicz, I., W.G. Strupczewski, K. Kochanek and V.P. Singh, 2006. Relationships between three dispersion measures used in flood frequency analysis. Stochastic Environ. Risk Anal., 20: 391-406.
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  845. Markiewicz, I., W.G. Strupczewski, K. Kochanek and V.P. Singh, 2006. Discussion of Non-stationary pooled flood frequency analysis by J.M. Cunderlik and D.H. Burn. J. Hydrol., 330: 382-385.
  846. Liu, Q.Q., H. Xiang and V.P. Singh, 2006. A simulation model for unified interrill erosion and rill erosion on hillslopes. Hydrol. Process., 20: 469-486.
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  847. Jain, S.K., V.P. Singh and P.K. Bhunya, 2006. Development of optimal and physically realizable unit hydrograph. J. Hydrol. Eng., 11: 612-616.
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  848. Jain, M.K., S.K. Mishra, P.S. Babu, K. Venugopal and V.P. Singh, 2006. Enhanced runoff curve number model incorporating storm duration and a nonlinear Ia-S relation. J. Hydrol. Eng., 11: 631-635.
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  849. Jain, M.K., S.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh, 2006. Evaluation of AMC-dependent SCS-CN-based models using watershed characteristics. Water Resour. Manage., 20: 531-552.
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  850. Howari, F.M., M.M. Sherif, V.P. Singh and M.S. Al-Asam, 2006. Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques in Identification, Assessment and Development of Groundwater Resources. In: Groundwater Resource Evaluation, Augmentation, Contamination, Restoration and Modeling and Management, Thangarajan, M. (Ed.). Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp: 1-25.
  851. Deng, Z.Q., L. Bengtsson and V.P. Singh, 2006. Scaling dispersion model for passive scalars in natural streams. Environ. Fluid Mech., 6: 451-475.
  852. Deng, Z.Q., J.L.M.P. de Lima, M.I.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2006. A fractional dispersion model for overland solute transport. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 42. 10.1029/2005WR004146.
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  853. Zhang, L. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Frequency analysis of flood damage. J. Hydrol. Eng., 10: 100-109.
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  854. Yoo, D.H. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Two methods for the computation of commercial pipe friction factors. J. Hydraulic Eng., 131: 694-704.
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  855. Xu, C.Y. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Evaluation of three complementary relationship evapotranspiration models by water balance approach to estimate actual regional evapotranspiration in different climatic regions. J. Hydrol., 308: 105-121.
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  856. Weglarczyk, S., W.G. Strupczewski and V.P. Singh, 2005. Three-parameter discontinuous distributions for hydrological samples with zero values. Hydrol. Process., 19: 2899-2914.
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  857. Tayfur, G., D. Swiatek, A. Wita and V.P. Singh, 2005. Case study: Finite element method and artificial neural network models for flow through Jeziorsko earthfill dam in Poland. J. Hydraulic Eng., 131: 431-440.
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  858. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Predicting longitudinal dispersion coefficient in natural streams by artificial neural network. J. Hydraulic Eng., 131: 991-1000.
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  859. Strupczweski, W.G., H.T. Mitosek, K. Kochanek, V.P. Singh and S. Weglarczyk, 2005. Probability of correct selection from lognormal and convective diffusion models based on likelihood ratio. Stochastic Environ. Risk Anal., 19: 280-291.
  860. Strupczewski, W.G., K. Kochanek, V.P. Singh and S. Weglarczyk, 2005. Are parsimonious FF models more reliable than true ones? I. Accuracy of Quantiles and Moments Estimation (AQME)-method of assessment. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 53: 419-436.
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  861. Strupczewski, W.G., K. Kochanek, S. Weglarczyk and V.P. Singh, 2005. On the robustness of large quantile estimates of log-gumbel and log-logistic distributions to largest element of the observation series: Monte carlo results vs. first order approximation. Stochastic Environ. Res. Risk Assess., 19: 280-291.
  862. Singh, V.P., S.X. Wang and L. Zhang, 2005. Frequency analysis of nonidentically distributed hydrologic flood data. J. Hydrol., 307: 175-195.
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  863. Singh, V.P., S.K. Jain and M.M. Sherif, 2005. Errors of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for time-independent flows with infiltration and momentum exchange included. Hydrol. Process., 19: 1771-1790.
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  864. Singh, V.P., 2005. Unit Hydrograph. In: Encyclopedia of Water: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp: 355-360.
  865. Singh, V.P., 2005. Kinematic Wave and Diffusion Wave Theories. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 246-253.
  866. Singh, V.P., 2005. Kinematic Wave Flow Routing. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 253-259.
  867. Singh, V.P., 2005. Kinematic Shock. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp: 239-242.
  868. Singh, V.P., 2005. Entropy Theory for Hydrologic Modeling. In: Water Encyclopedia: Oceanography; Meteorology; Physics and Chemistry; Water Law; and Water History, Art, and Culture, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 217-223.
  869. Singh, V.P., 2005. Effects of storm direction and duration on infiltrating planar flow with partial coverage. Hydrol. Process., 19: 969-992.
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  870. Singh, V.P., 2005. Analytical formulae for deconstructing diversity discourse. New Global Dev., 21: 89-93.
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  871. Rai, S. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Artificial Recharge of Unconfined Aquifer. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp: 11-17.
  872. Moramarco, T., S. Barbetta, F. Melone and V.P. Singh, 2005. Relating local stage and remote discharge with significant lateral inflow. J. Hydrol. Eng., 10: 58-69.
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  873. Moramarco, T., F. Melone and V.P. Singh, 2005. Assessment of flooding in urbanized ungauged basins: A case study in the Upper Tiber area, Italy. Hydrol. Process., 19: 1909-1924.
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  874. Mogheir, Y., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2005. Assessment of informativeness of groundwater monitoring in developing regions (Gaza strip case study). Water Resour. Manage., 19: 737-757.
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  875. Mishra, S.K., M.K. Jain, V.P. Singh and R.H. Hawkins, 2005. Investigation of the SCS-CN-based general Mishra-Singh model. J. Indian Water Resour. Soc., 28: 1-24.
  876. Mishra, S.K., M.K. Jain, R.P. Pandey and V.P. Singh, 2005. Catchment area-based evaluation of the AMC-dependent SCS-CN-based rainfall-runoff models. Hydrol. Process., 19: 2701-2718.
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  877. Mishra, S.K., M.K. Jain, P.K. Bhunya and V.P. Singh, 2005. Field applicability of the SCS-CN-based Mishra-Singh general model and its variants. Water Resour. Manage., 19: 37-62.
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  878. Mishra, S.K., J. Tyagi, V.P. Singh, R. Singh and A.K. Rastogi, 2005. A study of the variants of the Singh-Yu infiltration model. Water Energy Int., 62: 11-27.
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  879. Maruyama, T., T. Kawachi and V.P. Singh, 2005. Entropy-based assessment and clustering of potential water resources availability. J. Hydrol., 309: 104-113.
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  880. Liu, Q.Q., V.P. Singh and H. Xiang, 2005. Plot erosion model using gray relational analysis method. J. Hydrol. Eng., 10: 288-294.
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  881. Liu, Q.Q., L. Chen, J.C. Li and V.P. Singh, 2005. Roll waves in overland flow. J. Hydrol. Eng., 10: 110-117.
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  882. Lee, Y.H. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Tank model for sediment yield. Water Resour. Manage., 19: 349-362.
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  883. Kochanek, K., W.G. Strupczweski, V.P. Singh and S. Weglarczyk, 2005. Are parsimonious FF models more reliable than true ones? II. Comparative assessment of the performance of simple models versus the parent distributions. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 53: 437-457.
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  884. Jha, R., V.P. Singh, C.S.P. Ojha and K.K. Bhatia, 2005. Surface Water Pollution. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp: 444-451.
  885. Jha, R., K.D. Sharma and V.P. Singh, 2005. Hydrological Processes and Measured Pollutant Loads. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp: 222-229.
  886. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Isohyetal Method. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp: 290-292.
  887. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Hydrologic Cycle. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp: 275-283.
  888. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Baseflow.. In: Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water, Lehr, J.H., J. Keeley, J. Lehr and T.B. Kingery (Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey,.
  889. Jain, M.K. and V.P. Singh, 2005. DEM-based modelling of surface runoff using diffusion wave equation. J. Hydrol., 302: 107-126.
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  890. Deng, Z.Q., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2005. Transport rate-based model for overland flow and solute transport: Parameter estimation and process simulation. J. Hydrol., 315: 220-235.
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  891. Deng, Z.Q., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2005. Fractional kinetic model for first flush of stormwater pollutants. J. Environ. Eng., 131: 232-241.
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  892. De Lima, J.L.M.P., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2005. The importance of the direction, speed, intensity and length of moving storms on water erosion. Catena, 36: 164-176.
  893. Bobba, A.G. and V.P. Singh, 2005. Water Pollution and its Numerical Modeling in Coastal Watersheds. In: Advances in Water Science Methodologies, Aswathanarayana, U. (Ed.). A.A. Balkema Publishers, New York, pp: 201-219.
  894. Yoo, D.H. and V.P. Singh, 2004. Explicit design of commercial pipes with no secondary losses. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng., 130: 437-440.
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  895. Xu, C.Y. and V.P. Singh, 2004. Review on regional water resources assessment models under stationary and changing climate. Water Resour. Manage., 18: 591-612.
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  896. Tayfur, G. and V.P. Singh, 2004. Numerical model for sediment transport over non-linear non-homogeneous surfaces. J. Hydrol. Eng., 9: 35-41.
  897. Singh, V.P., 2004. Interdisciplinary discussions of hydrology and river linking take place in India. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 85: 187-187.
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  898. Singh, V.P., 2004. Hydrology.. In: The Engineering Handbook, Dorf, R.C. (Ed.). 2nd Edn., CRC Press, USA., pp: 96-1, 96-18.
  899. Singh, V.P. and M. Ahmad, 2004. A comparative evaluation of the estimators of the three-parameter generalized pareto distribution. Stat. Comput. Simul., 74: 91-106.
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  900. Moramarco, T., C. Saltalippi and V.P. Singh, 2004. Estimating the cross-sectional mean velocity in natural channels using Chiu's velocity distribution. J. Hydrol. Eng., 9: 42-50.
  901. Mogheir, Y., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2004. Characterizing the spatial variability of groundwater quality using the entropy theory: II. Case study from Gaza Strip. Hydrological Process., 18: 2579-2590.
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  902. Mogheir, Y., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2004. Characterizing the spatial variability of groundwater quality using the entropy theory: I. Synthetic data. Hydrological Process., 18: 2165-2179.
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  903. Mishra, S.K., M.K. Jain and V.P. Singh, 2004. Evaluation of the SCS-CN-based model incorporating antecedent moisture. Water Resour. Manage., 18: 567-589.
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  904. Mishra, S.K., J.J. Sansalone, D.W. Glenn and V.P. Singh, 2004. PCN based metal partitioning in urban snowmelt, rainfall/runoff and river flow systems. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc., 40: 1315-1337.
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  905. Mishra, S.K., J.J. Sansalone and V.P. Singh, 2004. Partitioning analog for metal elements in urban rainfall-runoff overland flow using the soil conservation service curve number concept. J. Environ. Eng., 130: 145-154.
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  906. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2004. Validity and extension of the SCS-CN method for computing infiltration and rainfall-excess rates. Hydrol. Process., 18: 3323-3345.
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  907. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2004. Long-term hydrological simulation based on the Soil conservation service curve number. Hydrol. Process., 18: 1291-1313.
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  908. Liu, Q.Q., L. Chen, J.C. Li and V.P. Singh, 2004. Two-dimensional kinematic wave model of overland-flow. J. Hydrol., 291: 28-41.
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  909. Liu, Q.Q. and V.P. Singh, 2004. On the fluid-solid interaction in particle-laden flows. J. Eng. Mech., 130: 1476-1485.
  910. Liu, Q.Q. and V.P. Singh, 2004. Effect of micro-topography, slope length and gradient vegetative cover on overland flow through simulation. J. Hydrol. Eng., 9: 375-382.
  911. Jain, S.K., V.P. Singh and M.T. van Genuchten, 2004. Analysis of soil water retention data using artificial neural networks. J. Hydrol. Eng., 9: 415-420.
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  912. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2004. What have lightning paths in sky in common with channel networks on earth? EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 85: 249, 253-254.
  913. Deng, Z.Q., V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 2004. Numerical solution of fractional advection-dispersion equation. J. Hydraulic Eng., 130: 422-431.
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  914. Datta, B. and V.P. Singh, 2004. Hydrology... In: The Brahmaputra Basin Water Resources, Singh, V.P., N. Sharma and C.S.P. Ojha (Ed.). Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, pp: 139-195.
  915. Bondyrev, I.V., Z.K. Tatashidz, V.P. Singh, E.D. Tsereteli and A. Yilmaz, 2004. Impediments to the sustainable development of the Caucasus-Pontdes region. New Global Dev., 20: 33-48.
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  916. Wang, G.T., S. Chen, J. Boll and V.P. Singh, 2003. Nonlinear convection-diffusion equation with mixing-cell method for channel flood routing. J. Hydrol. Eng., 8: 259-265.
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  917. Tsai, C.N., D.D. Adrian and V.P. Singh, 2003. Closure to finite fourier probability distribution and applications by C.N. Tsai, D.D. Adrian and V.P. Singh. J. Hydrol. Eng., 8: 232-232.
  918. Tayfur, G., S. Ozdemir and V.P. Singh, 2003. Fuzzy logic algorithm for runoff-induced sediment tansport from bare soil surfaces. Adv. Water Res., 26: 1249-1256.
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  919. Strupczweski, W.G., S. Weglarczyk and V.P. Singh, 2003. Impulse response of the kinematic diffusion model as a probability distribution of hydrologic samples with zero values. J. Hydrol., 270: 328-351.
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  920. Strupczewski, W., V.P. Singh, S. Weglarczyk and H.T. Mitosek, 2003. Physics of flood frequency analysis, II. Linear diffusion model versus lognormal model. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 51: 85-106.
  921. Singh, V.P., C.T. Yang and Z.Q. Deng, 2003. Downstream hydraulic geometry relations: 2. Calibration and testing. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 39. 10.1029/2003WR002498.
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  922. Singh, V.P., C.T. Yang and Z.Q. Deng, 2003. Downstream hydraulic geometry relations: 1. Theoretical development. Water Resour. Res., Vol. 39. 10.1029/2003WR002484.
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  923. Singh, V.P., 2003. Toward a theory of bureaucracy for social development and its relation to thermodynamics. New Global Dev., 19: 75-94.
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  924. Singh, V.P., 2003. The Entropy Theory as a Decision Making Tool in Environmental and Water Resources. In: Entropy Measures, maximum Entropy and Emerging Applications, Karmeshu, (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Bonn, Germany, pp: 261-297.
  925. Singh, V.P., 2003. On the theories of hydraulic geometry. Int. J. Sediment Res., 18: 196-218.
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  926. Singh, V.P. and Z.Q. Deng, 2003. Entropy-based parameter estimation for kappa distribution. J. Hydrol. Eng., 8: 81-92.
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  927. Singh, V.P. and M. Ahmad, 2003. A comparative evaluation of the estimators of the 2-parameter generalized pareto distribution. Water Eng. Res., 4: 155-173.
  928. Ojha, C.S.P., V.P. Singh and D.D. Adrian, 2003. Determination of critical head in soil piping. J. Hydraulic Eng., 129: 511-518.
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  929. Mogheir, Y., J.L.M.P. de Lima and V.P. Singh, 2003. Assessment of spatial structure of groundwater quality variables based on the entropy theory. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 7: 707-721.
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  930. Mishra, S.K., M.K. Jain, R.P. Pandey and V.P. Singh, 2003. Evaluation of the AMC-dependent SCS-CN-based models using large data of small watersheds. Water Energy Int., 60: 13-23.
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  931. Mishra, S.K., J.V. Tyagi and V.P. Singh, 2003. Comparison of infiltration models. Hydrol. Process., 17: 2629-2652.
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  932. Mishra, S.K., J.J. Sansalone and V.P. Singh, 2003. Hysteresis-based analysis of overland metal transport. Hydrol. Processes, 17: 1579-1606.
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  933. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2003. SCS-CN method. Part II: Analytical treatment. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 51: 107-123.
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  934. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2003. Role of dimensionless numbers in wave analysis. Hydrol. Processes, 17: 651-669.
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  935. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2003. Derivation of the SCS-CN parameter S from linearized Fokker-Planck equation. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 51: 179-202.
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  936. De Lima, J.L.M.P., V.P. Singh and M.I.P. de Lima, 2003. The influence of storm movement on water erosion: Storm direction and velocity effects. Catena, 52: 39-52.
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  937. De Lima, J.L.M.P. and V.P. Singh, 2003. Laboratory experiments on the influence of storm movement on overland flow. Phys. Chem. Earth Parts A/B/C, 28: 277-282.
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  938. Bobba, A.G. and V.P. Singh, 2003. Simulation of soil moisture variability due to climate change in Northeast Pond river Watershed, Newfoundland, Canada. Water Eng. Res., 4: 31-42.
  939. Yilmaz, L., V.P. Singh, S.K. Mishra, D.D. Adrian and J.J. Sansalone, 2002. Investigation of the meander planform development in a laboratory channel. Water Eng. Res., 3: 177-193.
  940. Yilmaz, L., V.P. Singh, S.K. Mishra, D.D. Adrian and J.J. Sansalone, 2002. Experimental study on bed shear stress and sediment transport in a meandering laboratory channel. Int. J. Sedimentation Res., 17: 1-19.
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  941. Xu, C.Y. and V.P. Singh, 2002. Cross comparison of empirical equations for calculating potential evapotranspiration with data from Switzerland. Water Resour. Manage., 16: 197-219.
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  942. Weglarczyk, S., W.G. Strupczewski and V.P. Singh, 2002. A note on the applicability of log-Gumbel and log-logistic probability distributions in hydrological analyses: II. Assumed pdf. Hydrol. Sci. J., 47: 123-137.
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  943. Thiam, E.I. and V.P. Singh, 2002. Space-time-frequency analysis of rainfall, runoff and temperature in the casamance river basin, Southern Senegal, West Africa. Water SA, 28: 259-270.
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  944. Strupczweski, W., S. Weglarczyk and V.P. Singh, 2002. Model error in flood frequency estimation. Acta Gephysica Polonica, 50: 279-319.
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  945. Strupczewski, W.G., V.P. Singh and S. Weglarczyk, 2002. Asymptotic bias of estimation methods caused by the assumption of false probability distribution. J. Hydrol., 258: 122-148.
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  946. Strupczewski, W., S. Węglarczyk and V. Singh, 2002. Physics of flood frequency analysis. Part I. Linear convective diffusion wave model. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 50: 433-455.
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  947. Singh, V.P., 2002. Statistical Analyses Design. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Sydow, A. (Eds.). EOLSS Publishers Co., Ltd., Oxford, UK.
  948. Singh, V.P., 2002. Kinematic wave solutions for pollutant transport over an infiltrating plane with finite period mixing and mixing zone. Hydrol. Proc., 16: 2441-2477.
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  949. Singh, V.P., 2002. Kinematic wave solutions for pollutant transport by runoff over an impervious plane, with instantaneous or finite period mixing. Hydrol. Proc., 16: 1831-1863.
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  950. Singh, V.P., 2002. Is hydrology kinematic?. Hydrol. Proc., 16: 667-716.
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  951. Singh, V.P., 2002. Effect of the duration and direction of storm movement on planar flow with full and partial areal coverage. Hydrol. Processes, 16: 3437-3466.
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  952. Singh, V.P., 2002. Effect of the duration and direction of storm movement on infiltrating planar flow with full areal coverage. Hydrol. Proc., 16: 1479-1511.
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  953. Singh, V.P., 2002. A physical theory of frequency analysis in environmental and water resources. NTU Civil Eng. Res., 17: 108-109.
  954. Singh, V.P. and W.G. Strupczweski, 2002. On the status of flood frequency analysis. Hydrol. Processes, 16: 3737-3740.
  955. Singh, V.P. and S.K. Jain, 2002. Watershed management: New approaches and paradigms. Ann. of Arid Zone, 41: 233-262.
  956. Singh, V.P. and D.K. Frevert, 2002. Mathematical Modeling of Watershed Hydrology. In: Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology and Applications, Singh, V.P. and D.K. Frevert (Eds.). Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, pp: 1-3.
  957. Singh, V.P. and D.A. Woolhiser, 2002. Mathematical modeling of watershed hydrology. J. Hydrol. Eng. ASCE, 7: 270-292.
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  958. Sherif, M.M. and V.P. Singh, 2002. Effect of groundwater pumping on seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers. Agric. Sci., 7: 61-67.
  959. Rowinski, P.M., W.G. Strupczewski and V.P. Singh, 2002. A note on the applicability of log-Gumbel and log-logistic probability distributions in hydrological analyses: I. Known pdf. Hydrol. Sci. j., 47: 107-122.
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  960. Ojha, C.S.P. and V.P. Singh, 2002. Models of Water Balance in a Small Watershed. In: Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology and Applications, Singh, V.P. and D.K. Frevert (Eds.). Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, pp: 483-510.
  961. Ojha, C.S.P. and V.P. Singh, 2002. ANN Modeling in Watershed Hydrology. In: Mathematical Models of Large Watershed Hydrology, Singh, V.P. and D.K. Frevert (Eds.). Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, pp: 67-88.
  962. Moramarco, T. and V.P. Singh, 2002. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave for spatial-varying rainfall excess over a plane. Hydrol. Processes, 16: 3419-3435.
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  963. Mogheir, Y. and V.P. Singh, 2002. Application of information theory to groundwater quality monitoring networks. Water Resour. Manage., 16: 37-49.
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  964. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2002. SCS-CN Based Hydrologic Simulation Package. In: Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology and Applications, Singh, V.P. and D.K. Frevert (Eds.). Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, pp: 391-464.
  965. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2002. An SCS-CN based time distributed runoff model. Water Energy Int. J., 59: 34-51.
  966. Mishra, S. and V. Singh, 2002. SCS-CN method. Part 1: Derivation of SCS-CN-based models. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 50: 457-477.
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  967. Melone, F., C. Corradini and V.P. Singh, 2002. Lag prediction in ungauged basin: An investigation through actual data of the upper tiber river valley. Hydrol. Proc., 16: 1085-1094.
  968. Harmancioglu, N.B., and V.P. Singh, 2002. Data Accuracy and Validation. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Sydow, A. (Ed.). EOLSS Publishers Co., Ltd., Oxford, UK.
  969. Deng, Z.Q., V.P. Singh, L. Bengtsson and D.D. Adrian, 2002. Longitudinal dispersion coefficient in single-channel streams. J. Hydraulic Eng., 128: 901-916.
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  970. Deng, Z.Q. and V.P. Singh, 2002. Optimum channel pattern for environmentally sound training and management of alluvial rivers. Ecol. Model., 154: 61-74.
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  971. De Lima, J.L.M.P., P.J.J.F. Torfs and V.P. Singh, 2002. A mathematical model for evaluating the effect of wind on downward-spraying rainfall simulators. Catena, 46: 221-241.
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  972. De Lima, J.L.M.P. and V.P. Singh, 2002. The influence of the pattern of moving rainstorms on overland flow. Adv. Water Resour., 25: 817-828.
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  973. Adrian, D.D., V.P. Singh and Z.Q. Deng, 2002. Diffusion-based semi-infinite fourier probability distribution. J. Hydrol. Eng., 7: 154-167.
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  974. Xu, C.Y. and V.P. Singh, 2001. Evaluation and generalization of temperature based methods for calculating evaporation. Hydrol. Proc., 15: 305-319.
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  975. Tsai, C.N., D.D. Adrian and V.P. Singh, 2001. Finite fourier probability distribution and applications. J. Hydrol. Eng., 6: 460-471.
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  976. Strupczewski, W.G., V.P. Singh and W. Feluch, 2001. Non-stationary approach to at-site flood frequency modelling I. Maximum likelihood estimation. J. Hydrol., 248: 123-142.
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  977. Strupczewski, W.G., V.P. Singh and S. Weglarczyk, 2001. Impulse response of a linear diffusion analogy model as a flood frequency probability density function. Hydrol. Sci. J., 46: 761-780.
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  978. Strupczewski, W.G., V.P. Singh and H.T. Mitosek, 2001. Non-stationary approach to at-site flood frequency modelling. III. Flood analysis of Polish rivers. J. Hydrol., 248: 152-167.
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  979. Singh, V.P., 2001. Kinematic wave modelling in water resources: A historical perspective. Hydrol. Proc., 15: 671-706.
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  980. Ojha, C.S.P., V.P. Singh and D.D. Adrian, 2001. Influence of porosity on piping models of levee failure. J. Geotech. Geoen. Eng., 127: 1071-1074.
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  981. Moramarco, T. and V.P. Singh, 2001. Simple method for relating local stage and remote discharge. J. Hydrol. Eng., 6: 78-81.
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  982. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2001. On the Seddon speed formula. Hydrol. Sci. J., 46: 333-347.
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  983. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 2001. Hysteresis based flood wave analysis using the concept of strain. Hydrol. Proc., 15: 1635-1651.
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  984. Kawachi, T., T. Maruyama and V.P. Singh, 2001. Rainfall entropy for delineation of water resources zones in Japan. J. Hydrol., 246: 36-44.
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  985. Deng, Z.Q., V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 2001. Longitudinal dispersion coefficient in straight rivers. J. Hydraulic Eng., 127: 919-927.
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  986. Xu, C.Y. and V.P. Singh, 2000. Evaluation and generalization of radiation‐based methods for calculating evaporation. Hydrol. Process., 14: 339-349.
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  987. Westerstrom, G. and V.P. Singh, 2000. An investigation of snowmelt runoff on experimental plots in Lulea, Sweden. Hydrol. Process., 14: 1869-1885.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-4 title='An investigation of snowmelt runoff on experimental plots in Lulea, Sweden.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  988. Singh, V.P., 2000. The entropy theory as a tool for modeling and decision-making in environmental and water resources. Water SA, 26: 1-11.
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  989. Singh, V.P., 2000. Model sophistication in relation to scales in snowmelt runoff modeling. Nordic Hydrol., 3: 267-286.
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  990. Ozkul, S., N.B. Harmancioglu and V.P. Singh, 2000. Entropy-based assessment of water quality monitoring networks. J. Hydrol. Eng., 5: 90-100.
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  991. Moramarco, T. and V.P. Singh, 2000. A practical method for analysis of river waves and for kinematic wave routing in natural channel networks. Hydrol. Process., 14: 51-62.
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  992. Bobba, A.G., V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 2000. Application of environmental models to different hydrological systems. Ecol. Modell., 125: 15-49.
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  993. Bobba, A., 2000. Numerical simulation of saltwater intrusion into laccadive island aquifers due to climate change. Indian J. Geophys., 55: 589-612.
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  994. Singh, V.P., 1999. On social development and its quantification. J. New Global Dev., 15: 62-73.
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  995. Singh, V.P. and M. Prasana, 1999. Generalized flux law, with an application. Hydrol. Process., 13: 73-87.
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  996. Sherif, M.M., V.P. Singh and A.M. Amer, 1999. A finite element solution for aquifer-ocean interaction. J. Inst. Eng. Civil Eng. Div., 71: 193-196.
  997. Sherif, M.M. and V.P. Singh, 1999. Effect of climate change on sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers. Hydrol. Process., 13: 1277-1287.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-W title='Effect of climate change on sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  998. Park, J., I.S. Kang and V.P. Singh, 1999. Comparison of simple runoff models used in Korea for small watersheds. Hydrol. Process, 13: 1527-1540.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-A title='Comparison of simple runoff models used in Korea for small watersheds.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  999. Olsson, J., Singh, V.P. and K. Jinno, 1999. Variation of temporal statistical and scaling properties with spatial scale in daily rainfall. J. Geophys. Res., 104: 19-31.
  1000. Mishra, S.K., S.R. Kumar and V.P. Singh, 1999. Calibration and validation of a general infiltration model. Hydrol. Proc., 13: 1691-1718.
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  1001. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 1999. Hysteresis-based flood wave analysis. J. Hydrol., Eng., 4: 358-365.
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  1002. Mishra, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 1999. Another look at SCS-CN method. J. Hydrol. Eng., 4: 257-264.
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  1003. Lee, Y.H. and V.P. Singh, 1999. Tank model using Kalman filter. J. Hydrol. Eng., 4: 344-349.
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  1004. Lee, Y.H. and V.P. Singh, 1999. Prediction of sediment yield by coupling Kalman filter with instantaneous unit sediment graph. Hydrol., Process., 13: 2861-2875.
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  1005. Kothyari, U.C. and V.P. Singh, 1999. A multiple-input single-utput model for flow forecasting. J. Hydrol., 220: 12-26.
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  1006. Deng, Z.Q. and V.P. Singh, 1999. Mechanism and conditions for change in channel pattern. J. Hydraul. Res., 37: 465-478.
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  1007. Bobba, A.G., D.S. Jeffries and V.P. Singh, 1999. Sensitivity of hydrological variables in the Northeast pond river watershed, Newfoundland, Canada, due to atmospheric change. Water Resour. Manage., 13: 171-188.
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  1008. Berod, D.D., V. P. Singh and A. Musy, 1999. A geomorphologic kinematic‐wave (GKW) model for estimation of floods from small alpine watersheds. Hydrol. Process., 13: 1391-1416.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-B title='A geomorphologic kinematic‐wave (GKW) model for estimation of floods from small alpine watersheds.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1009. Bendz, D. and V.P. Singh, 1999. Solute transport under steady and transient conditions in biodegraded municipal solid waste. Water Resour. Res., 35: 2333-2345.
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  1010. Xu, C.Y. and V.P. Singh, 1998. Dependence of evaporation on meteorological variables at different time‐scales and intercomparison of estimation methods. Hydrol. Process., 12: 429-442.
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  1011. Xu, C.Y. and V.P. Singh, 1998. A review on monthly water balance models for water resources investigations. Water Resour. Manage., 12: 20-50.
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  1012. Wang, G.T., V.P. Singh and S. Chen, 1998. Mixing cell method for solving the solute transport equation with spatially variable coefficients. Hydrol. Process., 12: 781-795.
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  1013. Thiam, E.H.I. and V.P. Singh, 1998. Spatial and temporal variability of salinity in casamance river basin, Southern Senegal, west Africa. Hydrol. Process., 12: 1095-1110.
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  1014. Singh, V.P., N.V. Penkova, V.S. Zaletaev, N.M. Novikova and V.A. Khaydarova, 1998. Identification of the hydrological parameters within ecosystems of dry regions. Arid Ecosyst., 4: 58-73.
  1015. Singh, V.P., J.Z. Li and G.T. Wang, 1998. Flood peak attenuation and forecast. J. Hydrol. Eng., 3: 20-25.
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  1016. Singh, V.P., 1998. Entropy as a decision tool in environmental and water resources. Hydrol. J., 21: 1-12.
  1017. Singh, V.P., 1998. Effect of the direction of storm movement on planar flow. Hydrol. Process., 12: 147-170.
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  1018. Singh, V.P., 1998. An engineering approach to analysis and synthesis of social systems. J. Int. Comp. Social Welfare, 14: 76-89.
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  1019. Singh, V.P. and V. Aravamuthan, 1998. Accuracy of the kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for time‐independent flows with infiltration included. Hydrol. Process., 12: 1951-1979.
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  1020. Melone, F., C. Corradini and V.P. Singh, 1998. Simulation of the direct runoff hydrograph at basin outlet. Hydrol. Process., 12: 769-779.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-K title='Simulation of the direct runoff hydrograph at basin outlet.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1021. Lee, Y.H. and V.P. Singh, 1998. Application of the kalman filter to the nash model. Hydrol. Process., 12: 755-767.
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  1022. Kang, I.S., J.I. Park and V.P. Singh, 1998. Effect of urbanization on runoff characteristics of the on‐Cheon Stream watershed in Pusan, Korea. Hydrol. Process., 12: 351-363.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-O title='Effect of urbanization on runoff characteristics of the on‐Cheon Stream watershed in Pusan, Korea.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1023. Germann, P., L. DiPietro and V.P. Singh, 1998. Local momentum dispersion during flow in structured soils Assessed from TDR moisture readings. Geoderma, 80: 153-168.
  1024. Bendz, D., V.P. Singh, H. Rosqvist and L. Bengtsson, 1998. Kinematic wave model for water movement in municipal solid waste. Water Resour. Res., 34: 2963-2970.
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  1025. Singh, V.P., L. Bengtsson and G. Westerstrom, 1997. kinematic-wave modeling of vertical movement of snowmelt water through a snowpack. Hydrol. Process., 11: 149-168.
  1026. Singh, V.P., L. Bengtsson and G. Westerstrom, 1997. Kinematic wave modelling of saturated basal flow in a snowpack. Hydrol. Process., 11: 177-187.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-L title='Kinematic wave modelling of saturated basal flow in a snowpack.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1027. Singh, V.P., 1997. The use of entropy in hydrology and water resources. Hydrol. Process., 11: 587-626.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-P title='The use of entropy in hydrology and water resources.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1028. Singh, V.P., 1997. Effect of spatial and temporal variability in rainfall and watershed characteristics on stream flow hydrograph. Hydrol. Process., 11: 1649-1669.
  1029. Singh, V.P. and V. Aravamuthan, 1997. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for time‐independent flow with momentum exchange included. Hydrol. Process., 11: 511-532.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-Z title='Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for time‐independent flow with momentum exchange included.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1030. Singh, V.P. and H. Guo, 1997. Parameter estimation for 2-parameter generalized pareto distribution by POME. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraulics, 11: 211-227.
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  1031. Singh, V.P. and C.Y. Xu, 1997. Sensitivity of mass transfer‐based evaporation equations to errors in daily and monthly input data. Hydrol. Process., 11: 1465-1473.
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  1032. Singh, V.P. and C.Y. Xu, 1997. Evaluation and generalization of 13 mass‐transfer equations for determining free water evaporation. Hydrol. Process., 11: 311-323.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-Y title='Evaluation and generalization of 13 mass‐transfer equations for determining free water evaporation.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1033. Kothyari, U.C., V.P. Singh and V. Aravamuthan, 1997. An investigation of changes in rainfall and temperature regimes of the Ganga Basin in India. Water Resour. Manage., 11: 17-34.
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  1034. Bobba, A.G., V.P. Singh, D.S. Jeffries and L. Bengtsson, 1997. Application of a watershed runoff model to North‐east Pond River, Newfoundland: To study water balance and hydrological characteristics owing to atmospheric change. Hydrol. Process., 11: 1573-1593.
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  1035. Bobba, A.G., Singh, V.P. and L. Bengtsson, 1997. Sustainable development of water resources in India. Environ. Manage., 21: 367-393.
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  1036. Singh, V.P., 1996. Errors of kinematic‐wave and diffusion‐wave approximations for space‐independent flows on infiltrating surfaces. Hydrol. Process., 10: 955-969.
  1037. Singh, V.P., 1996. Accuracy of hydrodynamic approximations in hydrology: Unsteady, uniform flow. Hydrol. J., 19: 1-30.
  1038. Singh, V.P. and V. Aravamuthan, 1996. Errors of kinematic-wave and diffusion-wave approximations for steady-state overland flows. Catena, 27: 209-227.
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  1039. Singh, V.P. and V. Aravamuthan, 1996. Accuracy of hydrodynamic approximations in hydrology: Nonuniform, steady flow. Hydrol. J., 19: 1-46.
  1040. Singh, V.P. and C.A. Quiroga, 1996. Effect of highway alignment on flooding-a case study. J. Environ. Hydrol., 4: 1-17.
  1041. Park, J.I. and V.P. Singh, 1996. Temporal and spatial characteristics of rainfall in the Nam River dam basin of Korea. Hydrol. Process., 10: 1155-1171.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-U title='Temporal and spatial characteristics of rainfall in the Nam River dam basin of Korea.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1042. Kothyari, U.C. and V.P. Singh, 1996. Rainfall and temperature trends in India. Hydrol. Process., 10: 357-372.
    CrossRef  |  3.0.CO;2-Y title='Rainfall and temperature trends in India.' target='_blank'>Direct Link  |  
  1043. Cruise, J.F. and V.P. Singh, 1996. A stochastic model for reservoir flood operation. Civ. Eng. Syst., 13: 141-155.
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  1044. Chengchun, K.E. and V.P. Singh, 1996. Chinese experience on plastic membrane-concrete thin slab lining for canals. Irrig. Drain. Syst., 10: 77-94.
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  1045. Bobba, A.G., V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 1996. Application of first-order and Monte Carlo analysis in watershed water quality models. Water Resour. Manage., 10: 219-240.
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  1046. Bobba, A.G., V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 1996. A microcomputer model of contaminant transport in an aquatic system. Environ. Monit. Assess., 42: 265-283.
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  1047. Bobba, A.G., R.A. Bourbonniere, V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 1996. Numerical simulation model of fatty acids in lake sediments. Water Air Soil Poll., 89: 77-90.
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  1048. Bobba, A.G., B. Ventresca, V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 1996. Computer program (SHOCK) to predict acid shocks in watersheds using stochastic analysis. Comput. Geosci., 22: 399-408.
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  1049. Yu, F.X. and V.P. Singh, 1995. Improved finite-element method for solute transport. J. Hydraulic Eng., 121: 145-158.
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  1050. Wang, S.X. and V.P. Singh, 1995. Frequency estimation for hydrological samples with zero values. J. Water Resour. Planning Manage., 121: 98-108.
  1051. Singh, V.P.and V. Aravamuthan, 1995. Errors of kinematic-wave and diffusion-wave approximations for time-independent flows. Water Resour. Manage., 9: 175-202.
  1052. Singh, V.P., 1995. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for space‐independent flows on infiltrating surfaces with lateral inflow neglected in the momentum equation. Hydrol. Process., 9: 783-796.
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  1053. Singh, V.P., 1995. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for space-independent flows on infiltrating surfaces. Hydrol. Process., 9: 1-18.
  1054. Singh, V.P. and V. Aravamuthan, 1995. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for time‐independent flows. Hydrol. Process., 9: 755-782.
  1055. Singh, V.P. and J. Li, 1995. Reply to discussion by V.M. ponce of identification of reservoir flood wave models. J. Hydraulic Res., 33: 425-425.
  1056. Singh, V.P. and J. Li, 1995. Reply to discussion by C. mendoza of identification of reservoir flood-wave models. J. Hydraulic Res., 33: 422-423.
  1057. Singh, V.P. and H. Guo, 1995. Parameter estimation for 3-parameter generalized pareto distribution by the principle of maximum entropy (POME). Hydrol, Sci., J., 40: 165-181.
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  1058. Singh, V.P. and H. Guo, 1995. Parameter estimation for 2-parameter pareto distribution by pome. Water Resour. Manage., 9: 81-93.
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  1059. Singh, V.P. and H. Guo, 1995. Parameter estimation for 2-parameter log-logistic distribution (LLD2) by maximum entropy. Civil Eng. Syst., 12: 343-357.
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  1060. Corradini, C., F. Melone and V.P. Singh, 1995. Some remarks on the use of GIUH in the hydrological practice. Hydrol. Res., 26: 297-312.
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  1061. Chen, S.J. and V.P. Singh, 1995. Flood forecasting models based on watershed storage. Hydrology, 80: 1-12.
  1062. Bobba, A.G., V.P. Singh and L. Bengtsson, 1995. Application of uncertainty analysis to groundwater pollution modeling. Environ. Geol., 26: 89-96.
  1063. Berod, D.D., V.P. Singh, D. Devred and A. Musy, 1995. A geomorphologic non-linear cascade (GNC) model for estimation of floods from small alpine watersheds. J. Hydrol., 166: 147-170.
  1064. Yu, F.X., B. Naghavi, V.P. Singh and G.T. Wang, 1994. MMO: An improved estimator for log-pearson type-3 distribution. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraulics, 8: 219-231.
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  1065. Yu, F.X. and V.P. Singh, 1994. Modeling 3D ground‐water flow by modified finite‐element method J. Irrig. Drain. Eng., ASCE, 120: 892-909.
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  1066. Wang, S.X. and V.P. Singh, 1994. Sampling variance of a T-year flood estimated by curve-fitting. Stochastic Hydrol.Hydraulics, 8: 233-258.
  1067. Singh, V.P., V. Aravamuthan and E.S. Joseph, 1994. Errors of kinematic-wave and diffusion-wave approximations for time-independent flows in infiltrating channels. Irrig. Sci., 15: 137-146.
  1068. Singh, V.P., 1994. Editorial on advances in surface irrigation. Irrig. Sci., 15: 55-56.
  1069. Singh, V.P., 1994. Derivation of errors of kinematic-wave and diffusion-wave approximations for space-independent flows. Water Resources Manage., 8: 57-82.
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  1070. Singh, V.P., 1994. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for space-independent flows with lateral inflow neglected in the momentum equation. Hydrol. Process., 8: 311-326.
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  1071. Singh, V.P., 1994. Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for space independent flows. Hydrol. Process., 8: 45-62.
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  1072. Singh, V.P. and E.S. Joseph, 1994. Kinematic-wave model for soil-moisture movement with plant-root extraction. Irrigation Sci., 14: 189-198.
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  1073. Sherif, M.M., A.E. Hassan and V.P. Singh, 1994. Simulation of leachate migration in leaky aquifers. Water Resour. Manage., 8: 265-284.
  1074. Reddy, J.M. and V.P. Singh, 1994. Modeling and error analysis of kinematic-wave equations of furrow irrigation. Irrig. Sci., 15: 113-121.
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  1075. Guang-Te, W. and V.P. Singh, 1994. An autocorrelation function method for estimation of parameters of autoregressive models. Water Resour. Manage., 8: 33-55.
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  1076. Yu, F.X., W.Q. Li, V.P. Singh and B. Naghavi, 1993. Estimating LP3 parameters using a combination of the method of moments and least squares. J. Environ. Hydrol., 1: 9-19.
  1077. Yu, F.X. and V.P. Singh, 1993. An efficient and derivative-free algorithm for finding the minimum of a 1-D user-defined function. Adv. Eng. Software, 16: 161-169.
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  1078. Singh, V.P., H. Guo and F.X. Yu, 1993. Parameter estimation for 3-parameter log-logistic distribution (LLD3) by Pome. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraulics, 7: 163-177.
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  1079. Singh, V.P., 1993. Quantifying the accuracy of hydrodynamic approximations for determination of flood discharges. J. IWRS, 13: 172-185.
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  1080. Singh, V.P. and J. Li, 1993. Identification of reservoir flood-wave models. J. Hydraul. Res., 31: 811-824.
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  1081. Naghavi, B., V.P. Singh and F.X. Yu, 1993. Development of 24-hour rainfall frequency maps for Louisiana. J. Irrig. Drain. Eng., 119: 1066-1080.
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  1082. Naghavi, B., F.X. Yu and V.P. Singh, 1993. Comparatwe evaluation of frequency distributions for louisiana extreme rainfall 1. JAWRA J. Ame. Water Resour. Assoc., 29: 211-219.
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  1083. Li, J.Z. and V.P. Singh, 1993. Celerity analysis of reservoir flood wave propagation. Int. J. Hydroelectric Energy, 11: 152-164.
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  1084. Krstanovic, P.F. and V.P. Singh, 1993. A real-time flood forecasting model based on maximum-entropy spectral analysis: II. application. Water Resour. Manage., 7: 131-151.
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  1085. Krstanovic, P.F. and V.P. Singh, 1993. A real-time flood forecasting model based on maximum-entropy spectral analysis: I. development. Water Resour. Manage., 7: 109-129.
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  1086. Kothyari, U.C., V. Aravamuthan and V.P. Singh, 1993. Monthly runoff generation using the linear perturbation model. J. Hydrol., 144: 371-379.
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  1087. Fiorentino, M., P. Claps and V.P. Singh, 1993. An entropy‐based morphological analysis of river basin networks. Water Resour. Res., 29: 1215-1224.
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  1088. Chen, S.J. and V.P. Singh, 1993. Improved SCS models for computing runoff volume. Hydrology, 14: 14-18.
  1089. Chen, S.J. and V.P. Singh, 1993. Convolution and kernel functions for lumped systems of linear time-invariant and time-variant reservoirs and channels. Hydrology, 14: 1-14.
  1090. Chen, S.J. and V.P. Singh 1993. A geomorphic time-invariant unit hydrograph model. Hydrology, 16: 15-29.
  1091. Wang, G.T., V.P. Singh and F.X. Yu, 1992. A rainfall-runoff model for small watersheds. J. Hydrol., 138: 97-117.
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  1092. Krstanovic, P.F. and V.P. Singh, 1992. Evaluation of rainfall networks using entropy: II. Application. Water Resour. Manage., 6: 295-314.
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  1093. Krstanovic, P.F. and V.P. Singh, 1992. Evaluation of rainfall networks using entropy: I. theoretical development. Water Resour. Manage., 6: 279-293.
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  1094. Harmancioglu, N.B., N. Alpaslan and V.P. Singh, 1992. Assessment of hydrometric data collection practices in mountainous areas. J. Nviron. Hydrol., 1: 3-8.
  1095. Guang-Te, W. and V.P. Singh, 1992. Muskingum method with variable parameters for flood routing in channels. J. Hydrol., 134: 57-76.
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  1096. Cruise, J.F., V.P. Singh and M.E. Molfino, 1992. Some aspects of the log-linear relationship between runoff peaks and volumes. Hydrology, 15: 1-12.
  1097. Barbe, D.E., J.F. Cruise and V.P. Singh, 1992. Probabilistic approach to local bridge pier scour. Transp. Res. Rec., .
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  1098. Alpaslan, N., N.B. Harmancioglu and V.P. Singh, 1992. Cisterns as a water supply alternative for sparse establishments. Hydrology, 15: 1-13.
  1099. Wang, G.T., V.P. Singh, C. Guo and K. Huang, 1991. Discrete linear models for runoff and sediment discharge from the Loess Plateau of China. J. Hydrol., 127: 153-171.
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  1100. Singh, V.P., S.N. Prasad and K.T. Valsaraj, 1991. A mathematical model for sediment and chemical transport in agricultural watersheds. Hydrology, 14: 83-108.
  1101. Singh, K. and V.P. Singh, 1991. Derivation of bivariate probability density functions with exponential marginals. Stochast. Hydrol. Hydraul., 5: 55-68.
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  1102. Krstanovic, P.F. and V.P. Singh, 1991. A. univariate model for long-term streamflow forecasting: I. development. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraulics, 5: 173-188.
  1103. Krstanovic, P.F. and V.P. Singh, 1991. A univariate model for long-term streamflow forecasting. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraul., 5: 189-205.
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  1104. Barbe, D.E., J.F. Cruise and V.P. Singh, 1991. Derivation of a velocity distribution using the principle of maximum entropy. J. Hydraul. Eng., 117: 1389-1396.
  1105. Yu, F.X., D.D. Adrian and V.P. Singh, 1990. Modeling river water quality by the superposition method. J. Environ. Syst., 20: 359-374.
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  1106. Singh, V.P., P.D. Scarlatos and S.N. Prasad, 1990. An improved Lewis-Milne equation for the advance phase of border irrigation. Irrig. Sci., 11: 1-6.
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  1107. Singh, V.P., J.F. Cruise and M. Ma, 1990. A comparative evaluation of the estimators of the three-parameter lognormal distribution by monte carlo simulation. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 10: 71-85.
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  1108. Singh, V.P., J.F. Cruise and M. Ma, 1990. A comparative evaluation of the estimators of the Weibull distribution by monte carlo simulation. J. Stat. Comput. Simulat., 36: 229-241.
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  1109. Singh, V.P., 1990. Editorial to risk and reliability analysis in water resources. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraul., 4: 253-254.
  1110. Singh, V.P. and F.X. Yu, 1990. Derivation of infiltration equation using systems approach. J. Irrigation Drainage Eng., 116: 837-857.
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  1111. Sherif, M.M., V.P. Singh and A.M. Amer, 1990. A sensitivity analysis of ‘2D-FED’, a model for seawater encroachment in leaky coastal aquifers. J. Hydrol., 118: 343-356.
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  1112. Mohsen, M.S., V.P. Singh and A.M. Amer, 1990. A note on saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. Water Resour. Manage., 4: 123-134.
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  1113. Fang, X.Y. and V.P. Singh, 1990. Analytical model for furrow irrigation. ASCE. J. Irrig. Drain. Div., 116: 154-171.
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  1114. Arora, K. and V.P. Singh, 1990. A comparative evaluation of the estimators of the log pearson type (LP) 3 distribution-a reply. J. Hydrol., 117 : 375-376.
  1115. Yu, F.X. and V.P. Singh, 1989. Analytical model for border irrigation. J. Irrig. Drain. Eng., 115: 982-999.
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  1116. Singh, V.P., 1989. Water power. World Book Encylopedia, 2l: 319-340.
  1117. Singh, V.P., 1989. Hydrologic modeling using entropy. J. Inst. Eng. Civil Eng. Div., 70: 55-60.
  1118. Singh, V.P., 1989. Dimensionless analytical solutions-reply. J. Hydraulic Res., 27: 452-454.
  1119. Singh, V.P. and X.Y. Fang, 1989. An analytical closed border irrigation model I.theory. Agric. Water Manage., 15: 223-241.
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  1120. Jain, S.K. and V.P. Singh, 1989. A numerical kinematic wave model for border irrigation. Irrig. Sci., 10: 253-263.
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  1121. Corradini, C., F. Melone and V.P. Singh, 1989. A simple approximation of the hydrograph downstream of a flooded area. Hydrol. Res., 20: 179-190.
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  1122. Chen, S.J. and V.P. Singh, 1989. A nonlinear cascade for basin runoff. J. Inst. Eng. Civil Eng. Div., 69: 292-297.
  1123. Arora, K. and V.P. Singh, 1989. A comparative evaluation of the estimators of the log Pearson type (LP) 3 distribution. J. Hydrol., 105: 19-37.
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  1124. Singh, V.P., P.D. Scarlatos, J.G. Collins and M.R. Jourdan, 1988. Breach erosion of earthfill dams (BEED) model. Nat. Hazards, 1: 161-180.
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  1125. Singh, V.P., D.D. Reible and L.J. Thibodeaux, 1988. Mathematical modeling of fine sediment transport. Hydrology, 11: l-13.
  1126. Singh, V.P. and Y.C. He, 1988. A Muskingum Model for Furrow Irrigation. J. Irrig. Drain. Eng. ASCE, ll4: 89-103.
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  1127. Singh, V.P. and P.D. Scarlatos, 1988. Muskingum model for border irrigation. J. Irrig. Drain., 114: 266-280.
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  1128. Singh, V.P. and P.D. Scarlatos, 1988. Analysis of gradual earth-dam failure. J. Hydraulic Eng., 114: 21-42.
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  1129. Singh, V.P. and K. Singh, 1988. Parameter estimation for log-pearson type III distribution by POME. J. Hydraulic Eng., 114: 112-122.
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  1130. Singh, V.P. and F.X. Yu, 1988. An analytical closed border irrigation model: 2. experimental verification. Agric. Water Manage., l5: 243-252.
  1131. Singh, V.P. and F.X. Yu, 1988. A model for simulating closed border irrigation. J. Instit. Eng. Agric. Eng. Divis., 69: 34-41.
  1132. Singh, V.P. and F.X. Yu, 1988. A farm irrigation system (FIS) model. Water Resour. Manage., 2: 173-181.
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  1133. Singh, V.P and C.A. Quiroga, 1988. Dimensionless analytical solutions for dam-breach erosion. J. Hydraulic Res., 26: 179-197.
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  1134. Sherif, M.M., V.P. Singh and A.M. Amer, 1988. A two-dimensional finite element model for dispersion (2D-FED) in coastal aquifers. J. Hydrol., 103: 11-36.
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  1135. Rogers, W.F. and V.P. Singh, 1988. Evaluating flood retarding structures-a reply. Adv. Water Resour., ll: 48-49.
  1136. Rogers, W.F. and V.P. Singh, 1988. Drainage basin peak discharge rating curve. Hydrol. Process., 2: 245-253.
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  1137. Cruise, J.F. and V.P. Singh, 1988. Design of sewage lagoons using stochastic streamflow sequences. J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 114: 353-364.
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  1138. Bhaskar, N.R. and V.P. Singh, 1988. Planning flood control projects in urban areas. Water Resour. Manage., 2: 123-140.
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  1139. Arora, K. and V.P. Singh, 1988. On the method of maximum likelihood estimation for log-pearson type 3 distribution. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraul., 2: l56-l60.
  1140. Arora, K. and V.P. Singh, 1988. A note on the mixed moment estimation for the log-pearson type 3 distribution. J. Instit. Eng. Civil Eng. Div., 69: 298-301.
  1141. Yu, F. and V. Singh, 1987. Dynamic equations for steady spatial flow with multiple inlets and outlets. J. Inst. Eng. India. Civil Eng. Div., 67: 183-190.
  1142. Singh, V.P., Y.C. He and F.X. Yu, 1987. l-D, 2-D and 3-D Infiltration for Irrigation. J. Irrig. Drain. Eng. ASCE., ll3: 266-278.
  1143. Singh, V.P., 1987. On derivation of the extreme value (EV) type III distribution for low flows using entropy. Hydrol, Sci. J., 32: 521-533.
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  1144. Singh, V.P. and R.S. Ram, 1987. A note on parameter sensitivity of a quasi-steady state integral (QSSI) model for border irrigation. Agric. Eng. Div. J. Inst. Eng., 67: l02-l04.
  1145. Singh, V.P. and P.F. Krstanovic, 1987. A stochastic model for sediment yield using the principle of maximum entropy. Water Resour. Res., 23: 781-793.
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  1146. Singh, V.P. and P.D. Scarlatos, 1987. Analysis of nonlinear Muskingum flood routing. J. Hydraulic Eng., 113: 61-79.
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  1147. Singh, V.P. and K. Singh, 1987. Parameter estimation for tpln distribution for flood frequency analysis 1. Jawra J. Ame. Water Resour. Assoc., 23: 1185-1189.
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  1148. Singh, V.P. and F.X. Yu, 1987. A mathematical model for border irrigation: III. Evaluation of models. Irrig. Sci., 8: l9l-2l3.
  1149. Singh, V.P. and F.X. Yu, 1987. A mathematical model for border irrigation: II. Vertical and horizontal recession phases. Irrig. Sci., 8: l75-195.
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  1150. Singh, V.P. and F.X. Yu, 1987. A mathematical model for border irrigation I. Advance and storage phases. Irrig. Sci., 8: 151-174.
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  1151. Singh, V.P. and C.A. Quiroga, 1987. A dam-breach erosion model: I. Formulation. Water resour. Manage., 1: 177-197.
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  1152. Singh, V.P. 1987. On application of the Weibull distribution in hydrology. Water Resour. Manage., 1: 33-43.
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  1153. Singh, V.P. 1987. Derivation of the pearson type (PT) III distribution by using the principle of maximum entropy (POME)-reply. J. Hydrol., 90: 355-357.
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  1154. Scarlatos, P.D. and V.P. Singh, 1987. Long-wave transmission through porous breakwaters. Coastal Eng., 11: 141-157.
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  1155. Scarlatos, P.D. and V.P. Singh, 1987. Estimating harmonic parameters for damped co-oscillating tides. J. Aterway, Port, Coastal Ocean Eng., 113: 156-170.
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  1156. Quiroga, C.A. and V.P. Singh, 1987. A dam-breach erosion model: II. Application. Water Resour. Manage., 1: 199-221.
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  1157. Jam, D. and V.P. Singh, 1987. Estimating parameters of ev1 distribution for flood frequency analysis 1. JAWRA J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc., 23: 59-71.
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  1158. Fiorentino, M., K. Arora and V.P. Singh, 1987. The two-component extreme value distribution for flood frequency analysis: Derivation of a new estimation method. Stochastic Hydrol. Hydraulics, 1: 199-208.
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  1159. Corradini, C., F. Melone and V.P. Singh, 1987. On the structure of a semi-distributed adaptive model for flood forecasting. Hydrol. Sci. J., 32: 227-242.
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  1160. Arora, K. and V.P. Singh, 1987. On statistical intercomparison of EV1 estimators by Monte Carlo simulation. Adv. Water Resour., 10: 87-107.
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  1161. Singh, V.P., Rajagopal, A. K. and K. Singh, 1986. Derivation of some frequency distributions using the principle of maximum entropy (POME). Adv. Water Resour., 9: 91-106.
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  1162. Singh, V.P., 1986. On the log-gumbel (LG) distribution. Hydrology, 8: 34-42.
  1163. Singh, V.P. and S.N. Prasad, 1986. Streamflow modeling. Hydrology 9: l-l8.
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  1165. Singh, V.P. and H. Aminian, 1986. An empirical relation between volume and peak of direct runoff 1. JAWRA J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc., 22: 725-730.
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  1166. Singh, V.P. and A.K. Rajagopal, 1986. A new method of parameter estimation for hydrologic frequency analysis. Hydrol. Sci. Technol., 2: 33-40.
  1167. Rogers, W.F. and V.P. Singh, 1986. Some geomorphic relationships and hydrograph analysis 1. JAWRA J. Ame. Water Resour. Assoc., 22: 777-784.
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  1168. Rogers, W.F. and V.P. Singh, 1986. Evaluating flood retarding structures. Adv. Water Resour., 9: 236-244.
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  1169. Ram, R.S., V.P. Singh and S.N. Prasad, 1986. A quasi-steady state integral model for closed-end border irrigation. Agric. water Manage., 11: 39-57.
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  1170. Ram, R.S., V.P. Singh and S.N. Prasad, 1986. A quasi-steady state integral model for border irrigation. Irrig. Sci., 7: 113-141.
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  1171. Jam, D. and V.P. Singh, 1986. A Comparison of transformation methods for flood frequency analysis 1. Jawra J. Am. Water Resour. Associ., 22: 903-910.
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  1172. Chen, S.J. and V.P. Singh, 1986. Derivation of a new variable instantaneous unit hydrograph. J. Hydrol., 88: 25-42.
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