Dr. El Mousadik   Abdelhamid
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Dr. El Mousadik Abdelhamid

Professor, Vice President
Ibn Zohr University, Morocco

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Genetic Resources from Ibn Zohr University, Morocco

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Genetic Resources
Aromatic Plant

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. El Hamdaoui, A., F. Msanda, H. Boubaker, D. Leach and I. Bombarda et al., 2018. Essential oil composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of wild and cultivated Lavandula mairei Humbert. Biochem. Systemat. Ecol., 76: 1-7.
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  2. Chakhchar, A., M. Lamaoui, S. Aissam, A. Ferradous and S. Wahbi et al., 2018. Using chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic enzymes and pigment composition to discriminate drought-tolerant ecotypes of Argania spinosa. Plant Biosyst.: Int. J. Deal.. Aspects Plant Biol., 152: 356-367.
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  3. Yatrib, C., B. Belkadi, L. Medraoui, O. Pakhrou and M. Alami et al., 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure of the endangered argan tree (Argania spinosa L. Skeels) in Morocco as revealed by SSR markers: Implication for conservation. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 11: 1304-1314.
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  4. Said El Mrabet, F. Msanda, El Mousadik Abdelhamid and O. Lahcen, 2017. Assessment of the mycorrhizal potential in rhizospheric soils of Chamaecytisus albidus and Ononis natrix in the production of efficient seedlings of Argania spinosa skeels. Plant Biosyst. (In Press). .
  5. Mouhaddab, J., F. Msanda, A. Filali-Maltouf, B. Belkadi and A. Ferradouss et al., 2017. Using microsatellite markers to map genetic diversity and population structure of an endangered Moroccan endemic tree (Argania spinosa L. Skeels) and development of a core collection. Plant Gene, 10: 51-59.
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  6. Hamza, M.A., H. Lakhtar, H. Tazi, A. Moukhli and O. Fossati-Gaschignard et al., 2017. Diversity of nematophagous fungi in Moroccan olive nurseries: Highlighting prey-predator interactions and efficient strains against root-knot nematodes. Biol. Control, 114: 14-23.
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  7. Hamza, M.A., A. Moukhli, Z. Ferji, O. Fossati-Gaschignard and J. Tavoillot et al., 2017. Diversity of plant-parasitic nematode communities associated with olive nurseries in Morocco: Origin and environmental impacts. Applied Soil Ecol., 124: 7-16.
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  8. Hallouti, A., A. Zahidi, R. Bouharroud, A. El Mousadik, A.A.B. Aoumar and H. Boubaker, 2017. Diversity of entomopathogenic fungi in Argane forest soil and their potential to manage Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata). J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 5: 746-754.
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  9. El Boullani, R., K. Lagram, A. El Mousadik and M.A. Serghini, 2017. Effect of explants density and size on the in vitro proliferation and growth of separated shoots of globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus L.). J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 8: 2469-2473.
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  10. Ali, N., J. Tavoillot, G. Besnard, B. Khadari and E. Dmowska et al., 2017. How anthropogenic changes may affect soil-borne parasite diversity? Plant-parasitic nematode communities associated with olive trees in Morocco as a case study. BMC Ecol., Vol. 17. 10.1186/s12898-016-0113-9.
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  11. Pakhrou, O., L. Medraoui, C. Yatrib, M. Alami and S.I. Souda-Kouraichi et al., 2016. Study of genetic diversity and differentiation of argan tree population (Argania spinosa L.) using AFLP markers. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 10: 990-999.
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  12. Mouhaddab, J., N. Ait Aabd, F. Msanda, A. Filali-Maltouf and B. Belkadi et al., 2016. Assessing genetic diversity and constructing a core collection of an endangered Moroccan endemic tree [Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels]. Dans Moroccan J. Biol., 13: 1-12.
  13. Mateille, T., J. Tavoillot, B. Martiny, E. Dmowska and G. Winiszewska et al., 2016. Aridity or low temperatures: What affects the diversity of plant-parasitic nematode communities in the Moroccan argan relic forest? Applied Soil Ecol., 101: 64-71.
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  14. Lagram, K., M.B. El Caid, S. El Aaouam, M. Lachheb, A. El Mousadik and M.A. Serghini, 2016. In vitro shoot regeneration and development of microcorms of Moroccan Saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Atlas J. Plant Biol., .
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  15. Lagram, K., M. Ben El Caid, L.H. Atyane, L. Salaka, R. El Boullani, A. El Mousadik and M.A. Serghini, 2016. In vitro shoots and micro-corms formation through indirect organogenesis of Moroccan saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Acta Horticult., 1184: 97-108.
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  16. Khadija, A., H. Fatima, M. Rachida, L. Hassan and A. Khaddouj et al., 2016. Identification and physicochemical characterization of bacterial surface isolated from catering services in health establishment. Russian Open Med. J., Vol. 5. .
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  17. Jamila, M., I.F. Alaoui, A. Zahidi and A. El Mousadik, 2016. Breeding system and dissemination of pollen in the argan tree (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels). Dans Am. J. Innovat. Res. Applied Sci., .
  18. Mouhaddab, J., A.I.T. Naima, H. Achtak, F. Msanda and A. Zahidi et al., 2015. Patterns of genetic diversity and structure at fine scale of an endangered Moroccan endemic tree. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43: 528-535.
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  19. Lamaoui, M., S. Aissam, S. Wahbi, A. Chakhchar and A. Ferradous et al., 2015. Anti-oxidant activity in Argania spinosa callus selected under water stress conditions. J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., 90: 127-134.
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  20. Hamza, M.A., Z. Ferji, N. Ali, J. Tavoillot and E. Chapuis et al., 2015. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with olive tree in Southern Morocco. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 17: 719-726.
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  21. El Mrabet, S., L. Ouahmane, A. El Mousadik and F. Msanda, 2015. Growth and nutrition of Argania spinosa L. skeels cultivated in Rhizosphere soil of Euphorbia beaumierana under greenhouse conditions. Int. J. Res. Stud. Biosci., 3: 138-151.
  22. El Maati, Y., F. Msanda, A. El Mousadik, A. El Hamdaoui, S. El Mrabet and L. Ouahmane, 2015. Contribution to the characterization of mycorrhizae in the Southwest of Morocco and their effect on growth parameters of Argania spinosa. Am. J. Innovat. Res. Applied Sci., 1: 235-243.
  23. El Asbahani, A., A. Jilale, S.N. Voisin, E.H. Ait Addi and H. Casabianca et al., 2015. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of nine essential oils obtained by steam distillation of plants from the Souss-Massa region (Morocco). J. Essential Oil Res., 27: 34-44.
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  24. Defaa, C., S. Elantry, S. Lahlimi El Alami, A. Achour, A. El Mousadik and F. Msanda, 2015. Effects of tree shelters on the survival and growth of Argania spinosa seedlings in Mediterranean arid environment. Int. J. Ecol., 10.1155/2015/124075.
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  25. Chakhchar, A., S. Wahbi, M. Lamaoui, A. Ferradous and A. El Mousadik et al., 2015. Physiological and biochemical traits of drought tolerance in Argania spinosa. J. Plant Interact., 10: 252-261.
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  26. Chakhchar, A., M. Lamaoui, S. Wahbi, A. Ferradous and A. El Mousadik et al., 2015. Leaf water status, osmoregulation and secondary metabolism as a model for depicting drought tolerance in Argania spinosa. Acta Physiol. Plantarum, Vol. 37. 10.1007/s11738-015-1833-8.
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  27. Chakhchar, A., M. Lamaoui, A. Ferradous, S. Wahbi and A. El Mousadik et al., 2015. Differential drought tolerance of four contrasting Argania spinosa ecotypes assessed by enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant. Int. J. Recent Sci. Res., 6: 3002-3009.
  28. Benlahbil, S., A. Zahidi, F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2015. Variability in flowering and fruiting periods in three natural populations of Argania spinosa (L.) skeels. Int. J. Agric. For., 5: 249-266.
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  29. Benlahbil, S., A. Zahidi, F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2015. Duration of blossoming, longevity of argan flower and assessment of pollen fertility by staining. Int. J. Agric. For., 5: 291-304.
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  30. Aabd, N.A., F. Msanda and A. El Mousadik, 2015. Genetic diversity of the endangered argan tree (Argania spinosa L.)(sapotaceae) revealed by ISSR analysis. Basic Res. J. Agric. Sci. Rev., 4: 176-186.
  31. Zahidi, A., F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2014. Variability in the productivity of fruits and oil in three natural populations of Argania spinosa L. Skeels: Combined effects of environment and genotype. Int. Int. J. Pure Applied Biosci., 2: 86-105.
  32. El Mrabet, S., L. Ouahmane, A. El Mousadik, F. Msanda and Y. Abbas, 2014. The effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and bio-compost addition for enhancing reforestation with Argania spinosa in Morocco. Open J. For., 4: 14-23.
  33. Asbahani, A.E., E.H. Addi, K. Miladi, A. Bitar and H. Casabianca et al., 2014. Preparation of medical cotton textile activated by thymus leptobotrys essential oil colloidal particles: Evaluation of antifungal properties. J. Colloid Sci. Biotechnol., 3: 253-261.
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  34. Aabd, N.A., F. Msanda and A. El Mousadik, 2014. Evaluation of variability in argan oil content through different environments and preselection of elite genotypes. Euphytica, 195: 157-167.
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  35. Zahidi, A., F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2013. Variability in leaf size and shape in three natural populations of Argania spinosa (L.) skeels. Int. J. Curr. Res. Acad. Rev., 1: 13-25.
  36. Zahidi, A., F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2013. Morphological diversity of leaf characters in three natural populations of Argania spinosa L. skeels. J. Exp. Biol. Agric. Sci., 1: 297-316.
  37. Zahidi, A., F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2013. Growth variability in Argania spinosa seedlings subjected to different levels of drought stress. J. Horticult. For., 5: 204-217.
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  38. Zahidi, A., F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2013. Growth and branching variability of Argania spinosa (L.) skeels in arid environments and implication for selection. Int. J. Biol. Pharm. Allied Sci., 2: 1998-2027.
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  39. Zahidi, A., F. Bani-Aameur and A. El Mousadik, 2013. Genetic variability and heritability estimates for leaves traits in (Agrania spinosa (L.) skeels) seedlings at nursery stage. Int. J. Biol. Pharm. Allied Sci., 2: 1858-1876.
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  40. El Finti, A., R. El Boullani, M. Fallah, M.S. Fouad and A. El Mousadik, 2013. Assessment of some agro-technological parameters of cactus pear fruit (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.) in Morocco cultivars. J. Med. Plants Res., 4: 2574-2583.
  41. El Finti, A., R. El Boullani, A.I.T. Naima, F. Msanda, M.A. Serghini and A. El Mousadik, 2013. In vitro propagation of three moroccan prickly pear cactus opuntia and plant establishment in soil. Notulae Sci. Biol., 5: 39-44.
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  42. El Finti, A., R. El Boullani, A. Serghini Mohammed, F. Msanda and A. El Mousadik, 2013. Morpho-chemical characterization of cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) ecotypes in Morocco. Int. J. Plant Biol., Vol. 4. .
  43. El Finti, A., M. Belayadi, R. El Boullani, F. Msanda, M.A. Serghini and El Mousadik, 2013. Genetic structure of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus Indica) in Moroccan collection. Atlas J. Plant Biol., 1: 24-28.
  44. El Boullani, R., A. Elmoslih, A. El Finti, A. El Mousadik and M.A. Serghini, 2013. Effect of decapitation and size of explants on in vitro multiplication rate of globe artichoke. Acta Hort., 983: 325-329.
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  45. Mustapha, A., A. El Mousadik, F. Msanda, H. Boubaker, B. Saadi and K. Cherifi, 2012. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the Tata Province, Morocco. J. Med. Plants Res., 1: 99-123.