Dr. Kalu Okonwu
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Dr. Kalu Okonwu

Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Plant Physiology and Biotechnology from University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Physiology
Plant Breeding
plant protection
Crop Science

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Okonwu, K., N.A. Egerton, A.E. Ajayi and J.U. Agogbua, 2022. Nutritional composition of some of the most consumed cereals and legumes in Nigeria. Eur. J. Nutr. Food Safe., 14: 53-58.
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  2. Okonwu, K., L.A. Akonye, S.I. Mensah and J.U. Agogbua, 2022. Growth of Telfairia occidentalis leaf grown in NPK 20-10-10 hydroponic solution. Food Nutr. Sci., 13: 479-492.
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  3. Okonwu, K., A.U. Ifenuaguta, C.A. Ogazie and J.U.U. Agogbua, 2022. Legume seed sizes and their consequential growth performance. Res. J. Seed Sci., 15: 1-8.
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  4. Akonye,L.A., K. Okonwu and J.U. Agogbua, 2022. Performance of Telfairia occidentalis leaf grown in urea hydroponic solution. Am. Int. J. Agric. Stud., 6: 12-19.
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  5. Agogbua, J.U., L.A. Akonye, S.I. Mensah and K. Okonwu, 2022. Bioactive compounds and mineral contents of Telfairia occidentalis hooker fil. grown in urea solutions. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage., 26: 595-602.
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  6. Agogbua, J.U., K. Okonwu, L.A. Akonye and S.I. Mensah, 2022. Studies on nutrient and mineral contents of fluted pumpkin grown in NPK solution. Eur. J. Agric. Food Sci., 4: 52-57.
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  7. Agogbua, J.U., K. Okonwu, L.A. Akonye and S.I. Mensah, 2022. Phytochemicals of Telfairia occidentalis leaf grown in urea solutions. Res. J. Phytochem., 16: 65-73.
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  8. Agogbua, J.U., K. Okonwu, L.A. Akonye and S.I. Mensah, 2022. Anti-nutrient composition of fluted pumpkin leaf grown in different NPK solutions. J. Agric. Sci. Pract., 7: 43-51.
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  9. Agogbua, J.U., K. Okonwu, D.A. Archibong and F.A. Ikpowosa, 2022. Comparative nutritional study of four most consumed vegetables in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Am. Int. J. Agric. Stud., 6: 1-7.
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  10. Okonwu, K., I.G. Ugiomoh and N.V. Ekeji, 2021. Effect of shade on the germination, growth, and development of two varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. Sci. Afr., 20: 31-40.
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  11. Mensah, S.I., K. Okonwu and P.O. Ejeagba, 2020. Effects of GA3 and KNO3 on the germination and DNA content of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.).). World J. Agric. Soil Sci., Vol. 4. 10.33552/WJASS.2020.04.000592.
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  12. Kalu, O. and E.M. Agara, 2020. Comparative studies of four varieties of Manihot esculenta crantz. Res. J. Bot., 15: 1-5.
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  13. Okonwu, K. and J.E. Muonekwu, 2019. Potentials of underexploited seed of Trichosanthes cucumerina linn. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage., 23: 791-797.
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  14. Okonwu K., M.I. Onyejanochie and I.G. Ugiomoh, 2019. Performance of cucurbita moschata on soil and soilless media. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 26: 1-8.
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  15. Okonwu, K., L.A. Akonye and S.I. Mensah, 2018. Nutritional composition of Telfairia occidentalis leaf grown in hydroponic and geoponic media. J. Applied Sci. Environ. Manage., 22: 259-265.
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  16. Okonwu, K., L.A. Akonye and S.I. Mensah, 2018. Comparative studies on bioactive components of fluted pumpkin, Telfairia occidentalis Hook F. grown in three selected solid media. J. Exp. Agric. Int., 20: 1-10.
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  17. Okonwuand, K. and C.A. Ariaga, 2017. Effects of seed treatment on removal of physical dormancy in Canna indica L. Int. J. Plant Soil Sci., 14: 1-9.
  18. Okonwu, K., L.A. Akonye and S.I. Mensah, 2017. Phytochemical profile of Telfairia occidentalis leaf grown in soilless and soil media using HPLC. J. Agric. Stud., 5: 179-198.
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  19. Okonwu, K., L.A. Akonye and S.I. Mensah, 2017. Anti-nutrients composition of fluted pumpkin leaf grown in different geoponic media. Pharm. Chem. J., 4: 131-140.
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  20. Okonwu, K., C. Ekeke and S.I. Mensah, 2017. Micromorphological and phytochemical studies on Cleome rutidosperma Linn. J. Adv. Biol. Biotechnol., 11: 1-8.
  21. Okonwu, K. and I.G. Eboh, 2017. Effects of seed treatment on the germination of Crotalaria verrucosa L. J. Applied Life Sci. Int., 10: 1-8.
  22. Okonwu, K. and C.A. Ogazie, 2017. Effect of water sources on the radicle elongation of some cash crops from Nigeria. J. Applied Sci. Environ. Manage., 21: 1097-1100.
  23. Okonwu K., C. Ekeke and S. Mensah, 2017. Micromorphological and phytochemical studies on cleome rutidosperma linn. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 11: 1-8.
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  24. Okonwu K. and I. Eboh, 2017. Effects of seed treatment on the germination of crotalaria verrucosa l. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International 10: 1-8.
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  25. Okonwu K. and C. Ariaga, 2017. Effects of seed treatment on removal of physical dormancy in canna indica l. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 14: 1-9.
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  26. Okonwu, K. and C.A. Ariaga, 2016. Nutritional evaluation of various parts of Canna indica L. Annu. Res. Rev. Biol., 11: 1-5.
  27. Okonwu, K. and A.P. Enyinnaya, 2016. Comparative phytochemical studies and proximate analysis of five commonly consumed vegetables of southern Nigeria. Asian J. Biol., 1: 1-7.
  28. Okonwu K. and C. Ariaga, 2016. Nutritional evaluation of various parts of canna indica l. Annual Research & Review in Biology 11: 1-5.
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  29. Okonwu K. and A. Enyinnaya, 2016. Comparative phytochemical studies and proximate analysis of five commonly consumed vegetables of southern nigeria. Asian Journal of Biology 1: 1-7.
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  30. Mensah, I.S. and K. Okonwu, 2016. Effect of Pentaclethra macrophylla biochar on some growth indices of Capsicum annuum L. in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Eur. J. Phys. Agric. Sci., 4: 10-19.
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  31. Okonwu, K. and S.I. Mensah, 2015. Effects of gas flaring on some growth indices of maize. Sci. Afr., 14: 12-18.
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  32. Okonwu, K. and I.G. Ugiomoh, 2015. Tannin contents of some economic plants in Nigeria. J. Plant Sci., 10: 159-166.
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  33. Okonkwu, K., S.I. Mensah and S.M.Sam, 2014. Growth of Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. in crude oil contaminated soil: A possible phytoremediating agent. Asian J. Agric. Res., 8: 66-69.
  34. K. Okonwu, S.I. Mensah, S.M. Sam 2014. Growth of Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. in Crude Oil Contaminated
    Soil: A Possible Phytoremediating Agent Asian J. Agric. Res., 8: 66-69.
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  35. Mensah, S.I., K. Okonwu and M. Yabrade, 2013. Effect of crude oil application on the growth of mangrove seedlings of Rhizophora racemosa G. Meyer. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 6: 138-141.
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  36. Ekeke, C. and K. Okokwu, 2013. Comparative study on fertility status of soils of university of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Res. J. Bot., 8: 24-30.
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  37. Okonwu, K. and S.I. Mensah, 2012. Studies on soil amended with poultry manure and its effects on yield and yield components of pumpkin. Sci. Afr., 11: 84-91.
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  38. Okonwu, K. and S.I. Mensah, 2012. Effects of NPK (15:15:15) fertilizer on some growth indices of pumpkin Asian J. Agric. Res., 6: 137-143.
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  39. Mensah, S.I. and K. Okonwu, 2012. Effects of NPK fertilizer on nutrient uptake of Cucurbita moschata (Duch. ex Lam.) Duch. ex Poir. Sci. Afr., 11: 114-120.
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  40. Okonwu, K. and S.I. Mensah, 2011. Effects of poultry manure on nutrient uptake of Cucurbita moschata (duch. ex lam.) duch. ex poir. Sci. Afr., 10: 16-23.
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  41. Osim, S.E., C.S. Odoemena, M.M. Etukudo, K. Okonwu and P. Eremrena, 2010. Evaluation of proximate composition of fruits of lycopersicon esculentum (roma vf) under stress and staking. Global J. Pure Applied Sci., 16: 277-279.
  42. Okonwu, K., J.O. Amakiri, M.M. Etukudo, S.E. Osim and A.A.J. Mofunanya, 2010. Performance of maize (Zea mays L.) in crude oil treatment. Global J. Pure Applied Sci., 16: 173-176.
  43. Okonwu, K., J.O. Amakiri, M.M. Etukudo, S.E. Osim and A.A.J. Mofunanya, 2010. Performance of maize (Zea mays L.) in crude oil treatment. Global J. Pure Appl. Sci., 16: 173-176.
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  44. Okonwu, K., J.O. Amakiri, M.M. Etukudo, S.E. Osim and A.A.J. Mofunanya, 2010. Growth and development response of Maize (Zea mays) in crude oil pollution treatment. Global J. Environ. Sci., 9: 1-5.
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  45. Okonwu, K. and J.O. Amakiri, 2009. Effect of crude oil on the germination, growth and development of IT84S-2246 variety of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp. Niger. J. Plant Protect., 23: 112-121.