Dr. Ebenezer   Amawulu
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Dr. Ebenezer Amawulu

Associate professor
Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Environmental Parasitology from University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Vector Biology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Ebenezer, A., O.A. Tubonimi and S. Bassey, 2019. Relationship between malaria parasitaemia and nutritional status of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in the Niger Delta university teaching hospital, Okolobiri, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. J. Med. Res. Health Sci., 2: 631-636.
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  2. Ebenezer, A. and S. Woyinzuosindor, 2019. Effect of housing patterns on the indoor resting density of mosquitoes vector in the rural communities of Sagbama local government area, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 7: 1507-1510.
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  3. Ebenezer, A., E.C. Nwadiuto and O.B. Blessing, 2018. Spatial distribution of fresh water snail intermediate host in Yenagoa Metropolis, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. J. Parasitol. Vector Biol., 10: 73-78.
  4. Ebenezer, A. and P. Eekpa, 2018. Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum among new intakes in the Isaac Jasper Boro college of Education, Sagbama, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Am. J. Biomed. Life Sci., 6: 33-36.
  5. Amawulu, E., A. Sampson and A.I. Henry, 2018. Fruits consumption pattern and its implication on parasite transmission in Yenagoa Metropolis, Nigeria. J. Trop. Dis., Vol. 7. 10.4172/2329-891X.1000302.
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  6. Amawulu, E. and K.E. Prosper, 2018. Mental health status of students attending tertiary institutions in Bayelsa state, Nigeria. J. Public Health Epidemiol., 10: 363-369.
  7. Amawulu, E. and A.G. Consider, 2018. The microhabitat ecology of Culex quinquefasciatus (SAY) and Anopheles gambiae in some parts of Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Ecol. Evol. Biol., 3: 16-19.
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  8. Amawulu, E., 2017. The circadian and seasonal biting patterns of Anopheles gambiae SL in Bayelsa state, Nigeria. J. Parasitol. Vector Biol., 9: 111-115.
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  9. Ebenezer, A., D.P. Stephen and E.B. Enaregha, 2016. Patterns of Plasmodium falciparum malaria among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in the communities along the epie creek, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Ann. Biol. Res., 7: 1-5.
  10. Ebenezer, A., A.E.M. Noutcha and S.N. Okiwelu, 2016. Relationship of annual entomological inoculation rates to malaria transmission indices, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. J. Vector Borne Dis., 53: 46-53.
  11. Ebenezer, A. and C. Jonathan, 2016. Compliance to intermittent preventive treatment and malaria incidence rates among pregnant women in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Arch. Applied Sci. Res., 8: 27-30.
  12. Ebenezer, A., M.A.E. Noutcha and S.N. Okiwelu, 2015. Does variation in malaria vector collection methods significantly affect entomologic inoculation rates? Public Health Res., 5: 24-27.
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  13. Ebenezer, A., M.A.E. Noutcha and S.N. Okiwelu, 2014. The advance of Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) into rural eco-vegetational zones in Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Adv. Life Sci., 4: 119-122.
  14. Ebenezer, A., A.E.M. Noutcha, P.I. Agi, S.N. Okiwelu and T. Commander, 2014. Spatial distribution of the sibling species of A nopheles gambiae sensu lato (Diptera: Culicidae) and malaria prevalence in Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Parasit. Vect., Vol. 7. 10.1186/1756-3305-7-32.
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  15. Ebenezer, A., H.I.B Ben and E.B. Eneragha, 2013. Spatial distribution and indoor resting density of mosquito species in the lowland rainforest of Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Int. J. Trop. Med., 8: 87-89.
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  16. Ebenezer, A., S.N. Okiwelu, P.I. Agi, M.A.E. Noutcha, T.S. Awolola and A.O. Oduola, 2012. Species composition of the Anopheles gambiae complex across eco-vegetational zones in Bayelsa state, Niger Delta region, Nigeria. J. Vect. Borne Dis., 49: 164-167.
  17. Ebenezer, A. and Y. Eremasi, 2012. Determination of heavy metals in water sediments and tilapia zilli from kolo-creek, Ogbia local government area, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Scient. Afr., 11: 44-52.
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  18. Ebenezer, A. and W. Burubai, 2012. Effects of urbanization and agricultural expansion on the upsurge of wild rats (Rattus rattus) in Yenagoa metropolis of Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Res. J. Applied Sci. Eng. Technol., 4: 273-276.
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  19. Ebenezer, A., E.C. Amadi and P. Agi, 2010. Studies of the microflora, antigenemia and clinical signs of Bancroftian filariasisin Epic Greek Communities, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Int. Res. J. Micro., 2: 370 -374.
  20. Amadi, E.C., A. Ebenizer and O. Azuonwu, 2010. The influence of community ecology and behaviour on the bionomics of intestinal helminthiasis in parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria. Niger. J. Parasitol., 31: 79-83.
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  21. Amadi, E., A. Ebenezer and P. Daworiye, 2010. Comparison of rapid malaria test and laboratory microscopy investigation for community-based active surveillance of asymptomatic falciparum malaria in Yenagoa, Niger Delta, Nigeria. J. Applied Sci. Environ. Manage., 14: 71-72.
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  22. Amadi, E.C. and A. Ebenezer, 2009. Studies on the pattern of Plasmodium falciparum infections in two communities of Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Niger. J. Parasitol., 30: 86-89.
  23. Agi, P.I. and A. Ebenezer, 2009. Observations on filarial infection in Amassoma community in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. J. Applied Sci. Environ. Manage., 13: 15-19.
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  24. Ebenezer, A. and E.C. Amadi, 2008. Prevalence of haemoparasitic infection in humans and insect vectors in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Niger. J. Parasitol., 29: 131-135.
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  25. Amadi, E.C. and A. Ebenezer, 2008. Studies on the knowledge, attitude and perception of lymphatic Filariasis in selected communities of Ogoni land, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Niger. Delta Biol., 8: 42-45.