Dr. Hng Paik San
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Dr. Hng Paik San

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Wood Science and Technology from University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

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Dr. Hng Paik San is currently working as Associate Professor at Institute of Tropical Forestry & Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. He obtained his Ph.D. in Wood Science and Technology from same University. His main area of interest related to Biomass and Biofuel, Biopolymer and Derivatives, Green Technology on Biomass. His area of expertise includes Biomass, Biofuel, Green Technology, Wood Science, Wood Technology, Wood Products, Biomass Derivatives, Wood Composites, Agriculture waste Biomass, Bioenergy from Biomass, Torrefaction, Bioethanol, empty Fruit Bunches , Bio-Products, Green Energy from Biomass, Biopolymer from Biomass, Renewable Products from Biomass, Renewable Energy from Biomass, Fermentation, and Hydrolysis. He has published 5 research articles in journals 1 book/ monograph, and 2 chapters in book, and 4 proceeding.

Area of Interest:

Wood Science and Technology
Wood Enhancement
Wood Chemicals
Wood Composite

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Wong, L.J., P.S. H`ng, S.Y. Wong, S.H. Lee and W.C. Lum et al., 2014. Termite Digestomes as a Potential Source of Symbiotic Microbiota for Lignocelluloses Degradation: A Review Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 956-963.
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  2. Szymona, K., P. Borysiuk, P.S. H`ng; C. KitLing and M. Mamin`ski, 2014. Valorization of waste oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) biomass through furfurylation. Mater. Design, 53: 425-429.
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  3. Lum, W.C., S.H. Lee and P.S. H'ng 2014. Effects of formaldehyde catcher on some properties of particleboard with different ratio of surface to core layer. Asian J. Applied Sci., 7: 22-29.
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  4. Lee, S.H., P.S. H'ng, W.C. Lum, A. Zaidon and E.S. Bakar et al., 2014. Mechanical and physical properties of oil palm trunk core particleboard bonded with different UF resins. J. Oil Palm Res., 26: 163-169.
  5. Chin, K.L., P.S. H'ng and M.T. Paridah, 2014. Unlocking the Destructive Powers of Wood-Eating Termites: From Pest to Biopolymer Derivatives Extractor. In: Biomass and Bioenergy: Application, Hakeem, K.R, M. Jawaid and U. Rashid (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, German, ISBN: 978-3-319-07577-8, pp: 307-321.
  6. Tay, P.W., P.S. H'ng, K.L. Chin, L.J. Wong and A.C. Luqman, 2013. Effects of steeping variables and substrate mesh size on starch yield extracted from oil palm trunk. Ind. Crops Prod., 44: 240-245.
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  7. Peng, S.H., W.M. Wan-Azha, W.Z. Wong, W.Z. Go, E.W. Chai, K.L. Chin and P.S. H'ng, 2013. Effect of using agro-fertilizers and N-fixing azotobacter enhanced biofertilizers on the growth and yield of corn. J. Applied Sci., 13: 508-512.
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  8. Norul Izani, M.A., M.T. Paridah, U.M.K. Anwar, M.Y.M. Nor and P.S. H`ng, 2013. Effects of fiber treatment on morphology, tensile and thermogravimetric analysis of oil palm empty fruit bunches fibers. Composites Part B, 45: 1251-1257.
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  9. Lee, S.H., P.S. H'ng, T.L. Peng and W.C. Lum, 2013. Response of Coptotermes curvignathus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) to formaldehyde catcher-treated particleboard. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 16: 1415-1418.
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  10. H`ng, P.S., L.Y. Chai, K.L. Chin, P.W. Tay and H.K. Eng, 2013. Urea formaldehyde impregnated oil palm trunk as the core layer for three-layered board. Mater. Design, 50: 457-462.
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  11. Chin, K.L., P.S. H`ng, W.Z. Go, W.Z. Wong and T.W. Lim et al., 2013. Optimization of torrefaction conditions for high energy density solid biofuel from oil palm biomass and fast growing species available in Malaysia. Ind. Crops Prod., 49: 768-774.
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  12. Chin, K.L., P.S. H`ng, E.W. Chai, B.T. Tey and M.J. Chin et al., 2013. Fuel characteristics of solid biofuel derived from oil palm biomass and fast growing timber species in Malaysia. BioEnergy Res., 6: 75-82.
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  13. Chin, K.L. and P.S. H'ng, 2013. A Real Story of Bioethanol from Biomass: Malaysia Perspective. In: Biomass Now-Sustainable Growth and Use, Matovic, M.D. (Ed.). InTech Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, pp: 329-346.
  14. Chai, E.W., P.S. H'ng, S.H. Peng, W.M. Wan-Azha, K.L. Chin, M.J. Chow and W.Z. Wong, 2013. Compost feedstock characteristics and ratio modelling for organic waste materials co-composting in Malaysia. Environ. Technol., 34: 2859-2866.
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  15. H'ng, P.S., P.M. Tahir and Z. Ahmad, 2012. Laminated Veneer Lumber from Malaysian Tropical Timber: Manufacturing and Design. UTM Press, Malaysia, ISBN: 9789673634033, Pages: 116.
  16. H'ng, P.S., A.N. Lee, C.M. Hang, S.H. Lee, A. Khalina and M.T. Paridah, 2011. Biological durability of injection moulded wood plastic composite boards. J. Applied Sci., 11: 384-388.
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  17. Chin, K.L., P.S. H'ng, L.J. Wong, B.T. Tey and M.T. Paridah, 2011. Production of glucose from oil palm trunk and sawdust of rubberwood and mixed hardwood. Applied Energy, 88: 4222-4228.
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  18. Chai, L.Y., P.S. H'ng, C.G. Lim, K.L. Chin, M.Z. Jusoh and E.S. Bakar, 2011. Production of oil palm trunk core board with wood veneer lamination. J. Oil Palm Res., 23: 1166-1171.
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  19. Wong, L.J., P.S. H'ng and K.L. Chin, 2010. Fermentation efficiency of bioethanol using oil palm trunk hydrolysate. Int. For. Rev., 12: 271-271.
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  20. Lum, W.C., S.H. Lee, Y.W. Loh and P.S. H'ng, 2010. Effect of wax concentration on formaldehyde emission of F** Type 8 particleboard. Int. For. Rev., 12: 285-285.
  21. Loh, Y.W., P.S. H'ng, S.H. Lee, W.C. Lum and M. Bakar, 2010. Effect of formaldehyde catcher on formaldehyde emission of particleboard. Int. For. Rev., 12: 282-282.
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  22. Loh, Y.W., P.S. H'ng, S.H. Lee, W.C. Lum and C.K. Tan, 2010. Properties of particleboard produced from admixture of rubberwood and mahang species. Asian J. Applied Sci., 3: 310-316.
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  23. Lee, S.H., P.S. H'ng, A.N. Lee, A.S. Sajap, B.T. Tey and U. Salmiah, 2010. Production of pyroligneous acid from lignocellulosic biomass and their effectiveness against biological attacks. J. Applied Sci., 10: 2440-2446.
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  24. Lee, S.H., P.S. H'ng, A.N. Lee and B.T. Tey, 2010. Effect of pyrolysis temperature on the production of pyroligneous acid from oil palm trunk sawdust. Int. For. Rev., 12: 271-271.
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  25. H'ng, P.S., M.T. Paridah and K.L. Chin, 2010. Bending properties of laminated veneer lumber produced from keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.) reinforced with low density wood species. Asian J. Scientific Res., 3: 118-125.
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  26. H'ng, P.S., L.Y. Chai, K.L. Chin and M. Maminski, 2010. Oil palm wood (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) as an underutilized resource of raw materials. Ann. Warsaw Univ. Life Sci.-GGW For. Wood Technol., 71: 235-239.
  27. Chin, K.L., P.S. H'ng, L.J. Wong, B.T. Tey and M.T. Paridah, 2010. Optimization study of ethanolic fermentation from oil palm trunk, rubberwood and mixed hardwood hydrolysates using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioresour. Technol., 101: 3287-3291.
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  28. H'ng, P.S., C.K. Ling, T.B. Ti and M.T. Paridah, 2009. Oil palm waste for the production of bio-ethanol. Proceedings of the 4th International Bioenergy Conference, August 31-September 4, 2009, Jyvaskyla, Finland -.
  29. H'ng, P.S., B.N. Khor, N. Tadashi, A.S.N. Aini and M.T. Paridah, 2009. Anatomical structures and fiber morphology of new kenaf varieties. Asian J. Scient. Res., 2: 161-166.
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  30. Heng, L.S., P.S. H'ng and A.S. Sajap, 2008. Effectiveness of Pyroligneous acids pyrolised from lignocellulosic materials against mold, fungi and termites. Proceedings of the National Conference on Forest Products, October 29-31, 2008, Kuala Lumpur -.
  31. H'ng, P.S., L.A. Nee and H.C. Meng, 2008. Physical and bending properties of injection moulded wood plastic composites boards. J. Eng. Applied Sci., 3: 13-19.
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  32. H'ng, P.S., K.L. Chin, B.T. Tey and M.T. Paridah, 2008. Effect of sulfuric acid concentration and hydrolysis time on the glucose yield hydrolysed from lignocellulosic materials in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 3rd International Ecowood Conference on Environmentally-Compatible Forest Products, September 10-12, 2008, Porto, Portugal, pp: 183-186.
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  33. H'ng, P.S. and K.L. Chin, 2008. Solid hardwood flooring resistance to termites (Coptertermes curvignathus) under laboratory condition. Malaysian For., 71: 131-137.
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  34. Bakar, E.S., M.H. Sahry and P.S. Hng, 2008. Anatomical Characteristic and Utilization of Oil Palm Wood. In: The Formation of Wood in Tropical Forest Tree: A Challenge from the Perspective of Functional Wood Anatomy, Nobuchi, T. and M.H. Sahry (Eds.). Penerbit Universiti Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia.
  35. San, H.P., M.T. Paridah, A. Zakiah, 2007. Tensile strength characteristics of laminated veneer lumber in full scale tension test. Malaysian For., 70: 103-109.
  36. H'ng, P.S., M.T. Paridah and C.W. Gan, 2007. Flexural properties of laminated veneer lumber produced from oil palms veneers. Pertanika, 30: 65-70.
  37. H'ng, P.S., 2007. Properties of wood sawdust/polypropelyne composites. Proceedings of the IUFRO all Div 5 Taipei Conference, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan -.
  38. H'ng, P.S., L.A. Nee and T.C. Kee, 2006. Properties of particleboard produced from admixture of Rubberwood and Mahang species. Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Bio-Based Composites Symposium: Advances Challenges in Bio Composites, October 19-23, 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp: 379-389.
  39. Shari, M.H., P.S. H'ng and P.M. Tahir, 2005. Relationship of flatwise bending properties and failure modes of laminated veneer lumber manufactured from tropical hardwood species. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wood Science and Technologies, November 27-30, 2005, Pacific Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, pp: 231-232.
  40. Sahri, M.H., P.S. H'ng and E.S. Bakar, 2005. Quality of plantation timbers in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference, December 1-5, 2005, Kyoto, Japan, pp: 94-95.
  41. H'ng, P.S. and P.M. Tahir, 2005. Edgewise bending properties of laminated veneer lumber manufactured from low density woods mixed with keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.) Veneers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Engineering: Technological Innovation and Exploitation, December 7-9, 2005, Putrajaya, Malaysia -.
  42. Tahir, P.M., P.S. H'ng, Z. Ahmad and A. Ibrahim, 2002. Compressive strength behavior of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) made from selected tropical timbers. Proceedings of the 2nd World Engineering Congress, July 22-25, 2002, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp: 391-394.
  43. Tahir, P.M., H.P. San, Z. Ahmad and A. Ibrahim, 2002. Bending shear properties of Laminated Veneer Lumber produced from tropical hardwood species and relation to the Gluebond shear. Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Timber Engineering, August 12-15, 2002, Malaysia -.
  44. H'ng, P.S., P.M. Tahir, W. EeDing and Z. Ahmad, 2002. Failure modes of flatwise bending of laminated veneer lumber produced from tropical hardwood species. Proceddings of the 7th World Conference on Timber Engineering, August 12-15, 2002, Malaysia, pp: 87-94.