Dr. Bahtiar  Bin Mohamad
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Dr. Bahtiar Bin Mohamad

Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Marketing from Brunel University, UK

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Area of Interest:

Business Management and Accounting
Corporate Finance
Relationship Marketing
International Business

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Raza, S.H., H. Abu Bakar and B.B. Mohamad, 2018. Relationships between the advertising appeal and behavioral intention: The mediating role of the attitude towards advertising appeal and moderating role of cultural norm. J. Bus. Retail Manage. Res., 12: 185-193.
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  2. Raza, S.H., H. Abu Bakar and B. Mohamad, 2018. Advertising appeals and Malaysian culture norms. J. Asian Pac. Commun., 28: 61-82.
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  3. Mohamad, B., S.A. Dauda and H. Halim, 2018. Youth offline political participation: Trends and role of social media. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malays. J. Commun., 34: 192-207.
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  4. Jani, M.H.G.M., A. Sumrahadi and B. Mohamad, 2018. The role of newspaper and state government in conservation of world heritage site in Malaysia. J. Public Admin. Governance, 8: 212-226.
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  5. Halim, H., H.A. Bakar and B. Mohamad, 2018. Measuring multicultural effectiveness among self-initiated academic expatriates in Malaysia. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malays. J. Commun., 34: 1-17.
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  6. Adamu, A.A., B.B. Mohamad and N.A.B. Abdul Rahman, 2018. Towards measuring internal crisis communication. J. Asian Pac. Commun., 28: 107-128.
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  7. Abu Bakar, H., M. Bahtiar, H. Halim, C. Subramaniam and L.S. Choo, 2018. Shared cultural characteristics similarities in Malaysia's multi-ethnic society. J. Intercult. Commun. Res., 47: 243-267.
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  8. Yusuf, N.A., C.S. Mustaffa and B. Mohamad, 2017. Corporate social responsibility and customer based corporate reputation in the Nigerian insurance sector: The role of transparent communication. IOSR J. Humanit. Social Sci., 22: 55-64.
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  9. Mohamad, B., A.R. Ismail and R. Bidin, 2017. Corporate identity management and employee brand support: Enhancing marketisation in higher education sector. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malays. J. Commun., 33: 178-195.
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  10. Jani, M.H.G.M., A. Sumrahadi and B. Mohamad, 2017. The role of state and newspaper in conservation of historical site: The Case of Penang. Int. J. Law Govt. Commun., 2: 101-113.
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  11. Jani, M.H.G.M., A. Sumrahadi and B. Mohamad, 2017. The involvement of state government, agencies and local authority policies on the conservation of heritage spots in Malaysia. J. Govt. Politics, 8: 327-351.
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  12. Ismail, A.R. and B. Mohamed, 2017. The ethical intention of marketing students: The role of ethical ideologies, Machiavellianism and gender. Int. J. Ethics Educ., 2: 67-75.
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  13. Emenyeonu, O.C. and B. Mohamad, 2017. News authorship and news sources: Impacts on environmental coverage in the Nigerian press. J. Messenger, 9: 110-119.
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  14. Emenyeonu, C.O. and B. Mohamad, 2017. Covering environmental issues beyond climate change in Nigerian press: A content analysis approach. Jurnal Ilmiah LISKI (Lingkar Studi Komunikasi), 3: 1-23.
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  15. Azmi, N.J., R. Rashid, B. Mohamad, M.A. Rahman and Z. Ahmad, 2017. Student athletes' perception of female models in sports advertisements. Asian Social Sci., 13: 120-123.
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  16. Yustanto, H., Djatmika, Sugiyono and B. Mohamad, 2016. Javanese language prosody of Yogyakarta. Adv. Sci. Lett., 22: 4054-4058.
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  17. Warto and B. Mohamad, 2016. The relationship between Jipang and Pajang in the oral tradition: Between history and memory. Adv. Sci. Lett., 22: 4426-4430.
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  18. Sumarlam, Djatmika, B. Mohamad and S. Pamungkas, 2016. The quality of recalling semantic units: A phenomenon of dementia. Adv. Sci. Lett., 22: 4385-4388.
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  19. Ridwan, M., G.L. Dewi and B. Mohamad, 2016. The attitude of Egyptian Arabic speakers towards standard Arabic and Egyptian Arabic. Adv. Sci. Lett., 22: 4374-4377.
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  20. Mohamad, B., J. Zulkepli, A.R. Ismail and H. Abu Bakar, 2016. Intrinsic work values on building ASEAN's future workforce: A comparison of three nations. Int. Rev. Manage. Market., 6: 42-50.
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  21. Mohamad, B., H. Abu Bakar, A.R. Ismail, H. Halim and R. Bidin, 2016. Corporate identity management in Malaysian higher education sector: Developing a conceptual model. Int. Rev. Manage. Market., 6: 175-180.
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  22. Ismail, A.R., C. Johnson, B. Mohamed, J. Zulkepli, M.A. Bhatti and L. Hii, 2016. A comparative study of work values between US and Malaysia marketing students. Int. J. Bus. Admin., 7: 22-35.
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  23. Halim, H., H. Abu Bakar and B. Mohamad, 2016. Differentiating relationships in the workplace: A cultural perspective. Int. Rev. Manage. Market., 6: 141-144.
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  24. Djatmika, W.A. Hari, D.I. Kusuma and B. Mohamad, 2016. Lexical choices as the representation of convenience shifting from mother tongue to second language. Adv. Sci. Lett., 22: 4397-4400.
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  25. Busen, S.M.S., C.S. Mustaffa and M. Bahtiar, 2016. Impacts of online banner advertisement on consumers' purchase intention: A theoretical framework. Asia Pac. J. Educ. Arts Sci., 3: 75-82.
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  26. Busen, S.M.S., C.S. Mustaffa and M. Bahtiar, 2016. Impacts of attitude towards online banner advertisement on brand awareness: Insight from persuasive hierarchy model. Mediterr. J. Social Sci., 7: 81-87.
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  27. Bakar, H.A., H. Halim, C.S. Mustaffa and B. Mohamad, 2016. Relationships differentiation: Cross-ethnic comparisons in the Malaysian workplace. J. Intercult. Commun. Res., 45: 71-90.
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  28. Adamu, A.A., B. Mohamad and N.A. Abdul Rahman, 2016. Antecedents of internal crisis communication and its consequences on employee performance. Int. Rev. Manage. Market., 6: 33-41.
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  29. Rahman, N.A.A., B. Mohamad and N.A.A. Rahman, 2014. Factors influencing the quality of e-services on Hospital Information System (HIS) in Malaysia. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 155: 507-512.
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  30. Mustaffa, C.S., B. Mohamad and H. Halim, 2014. Preface: Communication, empowerment and governance: The 21st century enigma. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 155: 1-3.
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  31. Mohamad, B., H. Abu Bakar, H. Halim and A.R. Ismail, 2014. Corporate Communication Management (CCM) and organisational performance: A review of the current literature, conceptual model and research propositions. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 155: 115-122.
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  32. Halim, H., H. Abu Bakar and B. Mohamad, 2014. Expatriate adjustment: Validating multicultural personality trait among self-initiated academic expatriates. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 155: 123-129.
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  33. Dzakiria, H. and B. Mohamad, 2014. Communicating effectively the lifelong blue print and its demands to improve Open Distance Learning (ODL) ergonomics. Procedia-Social Behav. Sci., 155: 539-546.
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  34. Mustaffa, C.S., H. Abu Bakar and B. Mohamad, 2010. The supervisory communication-commitment to workgroup model: Example on a Malaysia organization. J. US-China Public Admin., 7: 3-23.
  35. Rahman, N.A.H.A., S. Muda and B. Mohamad, 2009. Media and social responsibility from social work perspective: Malaysian context. J. Welfare Correction, 16: 145-161.
  36. Abu Bakar, H., C.S. Mustaffa and B. Mohamad, 2009. LMX quality, supervisory communication and team-oriented commitment: A multilevel analysis approach. Corporate Commun.: Int. J., 14: 11-33.
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  37. Mohamad, B. and H. Abu Bakar, 2008. Determinants and consequences of corporate communication management: Review of the current literature and a conceptual model. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, 3: 8-18.
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  38. Mohamad, B., H. Abu Bakar and N.A. Abdul Rahman, 2007. The role of corporate identity in the Malaysian higher education sector. Jurnal Komunikasi Massa, 1: 42-59.
  39. Mohamad, B., H. Abu Bakar and N.A. Abdul Rahman, 2007. Relationship between corporate identity and corporate reputation: A case of a Malaysian higher education sector. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, 2: 81-89.
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  40. Abu Bakar, H., B. Mohamad and C.S. Mustafa, 2007. Superior-subordinate communication dimensions and working relationship: Gender preferences in a Malaysian organization. J. Intercult. Commun. Res., 36: 51-69.
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  41. Abu Bakar, A., C.S. Mustaffa and B. Mohamad, 2007. Leader-member exchange and cooperative communication between group members: Replication of Lee (1997, 2001) study on Malaysia respondents. Hum. Commun., 10: 259-274.
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  42. Abu Bakar, H., B. Mohamad and I. Herman, 2004. Leader-member exchange and superior-subordinate communication behavior: A case of a Malaysian organization. Malays. Manage. J., 8: 83-93.
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  43. Abu Bakar, H. and B. Mohamad, 2004. Relationship between supervisor-subordinate communication and working relationship. Utara Manage. J., 1: 17-26.
  44. Mohamad, B., S.N.M. Tazin and M.B. Hadza, 2003. Crisis communication manual: A case study on Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial, 6: 153-168.