Prof. Dr. Ir.  Mirnawati
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Prof. Dr. Ir. Mirnawati

Andalas University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Animal Science from Andalas University, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Agricultural Wastes
Animal Nutrition
Poultry Science

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Mirnawati, G. Ciptaan and Ferawati, 2017. The effect of mannanolytic fungi and humic acid dosage to improve the nutrient content and quality of fermented palm kernel cake. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 10: 56-61.
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  2. Mirnawati, A. Djulardi and G. Ciptaan, 2017. Role of humic acid in improving the nutrient content and quality of fermented palm oil sludge Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 538-543.
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  3. Rizal, Y., Nuraini, Mirnawati, M.E. Mahata, R. Darman and D. Kurniawan, 2015. Production performance of gold Arab laying-hens fed diet containing Neurospora crassa fermented palm kernel cake. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 14: 628-632.
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  4. Rizal, Y., Nuraini, Mirnawati and M.E. Mahata, 2013. Comparisons of nutrition contents and values of palm kernel cake fermentated by using different fungi. Pak. J. Nutr., 12: 943-948.
  5. Mirnawati, Y. Rizal and Y. Marlida, 2013. Effect of humic acid addition via drinking water on the performance of broiler fed diet contanining fermented and non fermented palm kernel cake. J. Archiva Zootechnica, 16: 41-53.
  6. Mirnawati, A. Djulardi and Y. Marlida, 2013. Improving the quality of palm kernel cake through fermentationby eupenicilium javanicum as poultry ration. Pak. J. Nutr., 12: 1085-1088.
  7. Mirnawati, I. Putu Kompiang and S.A. Latif, 2012. Effect of substrat composition and inoculum dosage to improve quality of palm kernel cake fermented by Aspergillus niger. Pak. J. Nutr., 11: 434-438.
  8. Mirnawati, Y. Rizal, Y. Marlida and I.P. Kompiang, 2011. Evaluation of palm kernel cake fermented by Aspergillus niger as substitute for soybean meal protein in the diet of broiler. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 10: 537-541.
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  9. Mirnawati, Y. Rizal, Y. Marlida and I.P. Kompiang, 2010. The role of humic acid in palm kernel cake fermented by Aspergillus niger for poultry ration. Pak. J. Nutr., 9: 182-185.
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