Ms. Lulu Eva Rakhmilla
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Ms. Lulu Eva Rakhmilla

Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

Highest Degree
PhD Student in Ichthyology from Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Infectious Disease

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Rakhmilla, L.E., S. Susanah, E. Rohmawaty and S.H. Effendi, 2018. Effectiveness of an educational intervention in providing knowledge about the prevention of Thalassemia: An effort to reduce new thalassemia cases. Asian J. Epidemiol., 11: 59-64.
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  2. Rakhmilla, L.E., R. Larasati, E.K. Sahiratmadja, E. Rohmawaty, S. Susanah and S.H. Effendi, 2018. Assessing knowledge about Thalassemia among reproductive age population after video media education. J. Biomed. Clin. Sci., 2: 30-32.
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  3. Rakhmilla, L.E., L.I.A. Hamied, A.M. Maskoen, E. Rohmawaty, S. Susanah and S.H. Effendi, 2018. Phenotypic spectrum of thalassaemia major in West Java Province: Implications for the future health burden. Asian J. Med. Biomed., Vol. 11. .
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  4. Effendi, S.H., L.E. Rakhmilla, S. Iskandar, S. Susanah and E. Rohmawaty, 2018. Risk factors for psychopathology experienced by caregiver of thalassemia children. Asian J. Med. Biomed., Vol. 2. .
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  5. Rakhmilla, L.E., A.R. Rudibianti, V. Biben and N.A. Rosyada, 2017. Peer education: The effect on menstrual knowledge in early reproductive age women in West Java Rural area. Int. J. ChemTech Res., 10: 76-83.
  6. Hamizah, L., S. Susanah and L.E. Rakhmilla, 2017. Clinical manifestations of children with thalassemia major: Clinical course one year later. Asian J. Biol. Med. Sci., 3: 1-10.
  7. Rakhmilla, L.E., L.I. Fah, Y. Sofiatin, A. Widjadjakusuma and N.A. Rosyada, 2016. Knowledge, attitude and practice about vaginal discharge on school-age girls in Jatinangor senior high school. Open Access Library J., 3: 1-9.
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  8. Jasrin, C.J., W. Mayasari and L.E. Rakhmilla, 2016. Relationship between physical activity and age on flatfoot in children. Althea Med. J., 3: 396-400.
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  9. Rohmah, H., T. Hafsah and L.E. Rakhmilla, 2015. Role of exclusive breastfeeding in preventing diarrhea. Althea Med. J., 2: 78-81.
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  10. Ratnasari, D., D. Setiabudi and L.E. Rakhmilla, 2015. Clinical presentation and laboratory features in pediatric typhoid fever patient susceptibility to first-line antibiotic therapy. Althea Med. J., 2: 584-590.
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  11. Putri, A.P., Y. Sofiatin, R.R. Fadil, H. Sukandar and N.H. Susanto et al., 2015. Correlation between body mass index and age at menarche. Althea Med. J., 2: 521-524.
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  12. Badriyah, I.N., I. Irfani and L.E. Rakhmilla, 2015. Characteristics of childhood steroid-induced glaucoma patients in national eye center, cicendo eye hospital, Bandung, Indonesia from 2007 to 2011. Althea Med. J., 2: 346-351.
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