Dr. Bekir Hakan Koksal
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Dr. Bekir Hakan Koksal

Associated Professor
Adnan Menderes University, Turkiye

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine from Ankara University, Ankara, Turkiye

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Area of Interest:

Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Veterinary Medicine
Growth Models
Poultry Sciences

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Koksal, B.H., S. Kucukersan, A. Sehu and B. Coskun, 2015. Apparent metabolizable energy of pure and crude glycerol for roosters. Anim. Health Prod. Hyg., 4: 435-438.
  2. Sizmaz, O., G. Yildiz and B.H. Koksal, 2014. Effects of single or combined dietary supplementation of boric acid and plant extract mixture on egg production, egg quality and blood cholesterolemia in laying hens. J. Faculty Vet. Med. Kafkas Univ., 20: 599-604.
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  3. Yildiz, G., B.H. Koksal and O. Sizmaz, 2013. Influence of dietary boric acid and liquid humate inclusion on growth performance, carcass traits and bone characteristics in broiler chickens. Archiv Geflugelkunde, 77: 260-265.
  4. Yildiz, G., B.H. Koksal and O. Sizmaz, 2013. Effects of dietary boric acid addition on growth performance, cholesterolemia, some carcass and tibia characteristics in different rearing periods in broiler chickens. Revue Med. Vet., 164: 219-224.
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  5. Sehu, A., S. Kucukersan, B. Coskun and B.H. Koksal, 2013. Effects of graded levels of crude glycerine addition to diets on growth performance, carcass traits and economic efficiency in broiler chickens. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Kafkas Univ., 19: 569-574.
  6. Sacakli, P., B.H. Koksal, A. Ergun and B. Ozsoy, 2013. Usage of brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a replacement of vitamin and trace mineral premix in broiler diets. Revue Med. Vet., 164: 39-44.
  7. Sacakli, P., A. Ergun, B.H. Koksal, B. Ozsoy and Z. Cantekin, 2013. Effects of inactivated brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cereviciae) on performance, serum antibody titers and cholesterol levels in laying hens. Vet. Zoo., 61: 53-60.
  8. Koksal, B.H., O. Cengiz, O. Sevim, O. Tatli and A.G. Uner et al., 2013. Use of prebiotic supplementation to diet for reducing the negative effects of delayed feed access on growth rate in broiler chickens. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 12: 714-720.
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  9. Sehu, A., S. Kucukersan, B. Coskun, B.H. Koksal and O.B. Citil, 2012. Effects of dietary glycerol addition on growth performance, carcass traits and fatty acid distribution in cloacal fat in broiler chickens. Rev. Med. Vet., 163: 194-200.
  10. Ozcan Cengiz, Bekir Hakan Koksal, Orcun Yagin, Asli Sultan Bakirci, Devrim Beyaz, Sadik Buyukyoruk, Ahmet Gokhan Onol 2012. Influence of Dietary Prebiotic Addition on Digestibility and Intestinal Microflora
    of Young Male Broiler Chickens Exposed to Delayed Feed Access after Hatch Int. J. Poult. Sci., 11: 408-416.
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  11. Koksal, B.H., G. Yildiz and O. Sizmaz, 2012. Effects of boric acid and humate supplementation on some performance and egg quality parameters of laying hens. Braz. J. Poult. Sci., 14: 283-289.
  12. Cengiz, O., B.H. Koksal, O. Tatli, O. Sevim and H. Avci et al., 2012. Influence of dietary organic acid blend supplementation and interaction with delayed feed access after hatch on broiler growth performance and intestinal health. Vet. Med., 57: 515-528.
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  13. Cengiz, O., B.H. Koksal, A.G. Onol, O. Tatli, O. Sevim, H. Avci and S.F. Bilgili, 2012. Influence of dietary enzyme supplementation of barley-based diets on growth performance and footpad dermatitis in broiler chickens exposed to early high-moisture litter. J. Applied Poult. Res., 21: 117-125.
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  14. Bekir Hakan Koksal, Pinar Sacakli, Ahmet Ergun 2012. Effects of Phytase and Vitamin D3 addition to Diets Containing Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) on Performance and Some Egg Traits in Laying Hens Int. J. Poult. Sci., 11: 259-263.
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  15. Yıldiz, G., B.H. Koksal and O. Sizmaz, 2011. Effects of dietary boric acid and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation on performance, carcass traits and some blood parameters of broilers. Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak., 17: 429-434.
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  16. Sacakli, P., S.D. Tuncer, B.H. Koksal, Z. Selcuk and B. Genc, 2011. The effect of xylose treatment on dry matter and crude protein degradability characteristics of soybean meal, full fat soybean and soybean seed. Vet. Zoo., 56: 87-92.
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  17. Sacakli, P., A. Ergun, B.H. Koksal, A.G. Bayraktaroglu and O. Sizmaz, 2011. Effects of diets supplemented with yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) products or/and hops (Humulus iupulus) on growth performance and intestinal morphology in broilers. Rev. Med. Vet., 11: 531-537.
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  18. Kucukersan, M.K., B.H. Koksal and K. Cakin, 2011. Effects of dietary L-carnitine and/or inulin supplementation on growth performance, carcass traits, visceral organs and some blood biochemical parameters in broilers. Rev. Med. Vet., 162: 552-557.
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  19. Koksal, B.H., P. Sacakli, S.D. Tuncer, Z. Selcuk and B. Genc, 2011. Rumen degradation characteristics of glucose-treated canola meal and canola seed. Vet. Zoo., 56: 73-79.
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  20. Koksal, B.H., M.K. Kucukersan and K. Cakin, 2011. Effects of L-carnitine and/or inulin supplementation in energy depressed diets on growth performance, carcass traits, visceral organs and some blood biochemical parameters in broilers. Rev. Med. Vet., 162: 519-525.
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  21. Sacakli, P., S.D. Tuncer, B.H. Koksal, Z. Selcuk and K.E. Bugdayci, 2009. The effect of glucose treatment on ruminal dry matter and crude protein degradability characteristics of soybean meal, full fat soybean and soybean seed. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 116: 64-69.
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