Dr. Sandeep K. Rajput
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Dr. Sandeep K. Rajput

Michigan State University, USA

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Banaras Hindu University, India

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Area of Interest:

Biomedical Sciences
Reproduction Technologies
Cell Biochemistry
Cell Biology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Zhang, K., S.K. Rajput, S. Wang, J.K. Folger, J.G. Knott and G.W. Smith, 2016. CHD1 regulates deposition of histone variant H3.3 during bovine early embryonic development. Biol. Reprod., 10.1095/​biolreprod.116.138693.
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  2. Dholpuria, S., M. Kumar, S. Kumar, P. Sarwalia and S. Rajput et al., 2016. Differential expression of newly identified long intergenic non-coding rnas in buffalo oocytes indicating their possible role in maturation and embryonic development. J. Cell. Biochem., 10.1002/jcb.25828.
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  3. Zhang, K., S.K. Rajput, K.B. Lee, D. Wang and J. Huang et al., 2015. Evidence supporting a role for SMAD2/3 in bovine early embryonic development: potential implications for embryotropic actions of follistatin. Biol. Reprod., 10.1095/​biolreprod.115.130278.
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  4. Verma, A., S. Rajput, S. Kumar, S. De, A.K. Chakravarty, R. Kumar and T.K. Datta, 2015. Differential histone modification status of spermatozoa in relation to fertility of buffalo bulls. J. Cell. Biochem., 116: 743-753.
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  5. Datta, T.K., S.K. Rajput, G. Wee, K. Lee, J.K. Folger and G.W. Smith, 2015. Requirement of the transcription factor USF1 in bovine oocyte and early embryonic development. Reprod., 149: 203-212.
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  6. Ashry, M., K. Lee, M. Mondal, T.K. Datta and J.K. Folger et al., 2015. Expression of TGFβ superfamily components and other markers of oocyte quality in oocytes selected by brilliant cresyl blue staining: Relevance to early embryonic development. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 82: 251-264.
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  7. Verma, A., S.K. Rajput, S. De, R. Kumar, A.K. Chakravarty and T.K. Datta, 2014. Genome-wide profiling of sperm DNA methylation in relation to buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bull fertility. Theriogenol., 82: 752-759.
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  8. Lee, K.B., J.K. Folger, S.K. Rajput and G.W. Smith, 2014. Temporal regulation of mRNAs for select bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), BMP receptors and their associated SMAD proteins during bovine early embryonic development: effects of exogenous BMP2 on embryo developmental progression. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol., 10.1186/1477-7827-12-67.
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  9. Jena, S.C., S. Kumar, S.K. Rajput, B. Roy and A. Verma et al., 2014. Differential methylation status of IGF2-H19 locus does not affect the fertility of crossbred bulls but some of the CTCF binding sites could be potentially important. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 81: 350-362.
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  10. Gupta, P.S., J.K. Folger, S.K. Rajput, L. Lv, J. Yao, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith, 2014. Regulation and regulatory role of WNT signaling in potentiating FSH action during bovine dominant follicle selection. Plos One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0100201.
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  11. Singh, S., S.K. Rajput, M. Singh, P.K. Misra and G. Mohan et al., 2013. P53 gene: Mutation and immunohistochemical analysis in patients with invasive ductal carcinoma of breast. Am. J. Biochem. Biotechnol., 9: 395-403.
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  12. Rajput, S.K., P. Kumar, B. Roy, A. Verma, H.P. Pandey, D. Singh, S. De and T.K. Datta, 2013. Identification of some unknown transcripts from SSH cDNA library of buffalo follicular oocytes. Anim., 7: 446-454.
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  13. Rajput, S.K., K. Lee, G. Zhenhua, L. Di, J.K. Folger and G.W. Smith, 2013. Embryotropic actions of follistatin: Paracrine and autocrine mediators of oocyte competence and embryo developmental progression. Reprod. Fertil. Dev., 26: 37-47.
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  14. Kumar, P., S. Rajput, A. Verma, S. De and T.K. Datta, 2013. Expression pattern of glucose metabolism genes in relation to development rate of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) oocytes and in vitro-produced embryos. Theriogenol., 80: 914-922.
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  15. Verma, A., P. Kumar, S.K. Rajput, B. Roy, S. De and T.K. Datta, 2012. Embryonic genome activation events in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) preimplantation embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 79: 321-328.
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  16. Roy, B., S.K. Rajput, S. Raghav, P. Kumar and A. Verma et al., 2012. Characterization of oocyte-expressed GDF9 gene in buffalo and mapping of its TSS and putative regulatory elements. Zygote, 21: 115-124.
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  17. Roy, B., S.K. Rajput, S. Raghav, P. Kumar and A. Verma et al., 2012. A reporter promoter assay confirms the role of a distal promoter NOBOX Binding Element in influencing promoter activity of GDF9 gene in buffalo oocytes. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 135: 18-24.
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  18. Rajput, S.K., V.P. Dave, A. Rajput, H.P. Pandey, T.K. Datta and R.K. Singh, 2012. , A Column based rapid method for the simultaneous isolation of DNA, RNA, miRNA and proteins. Cell Biol. Int., 36: 779-783.
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  19. Rajput, S.K., S. Kumar, V.P. Dave, A. Rajput, H.P. Pandey and T.K. Datta, 2012. An improved method of bisulfite treatment and purification to study precise DNA methylation from as little as 10pg DNA. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 168: 797-804.
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  20. Kumar, V., M. Mishra, S.K. Rajput, S. Bajpai and R.K. Singh, 2012. Detection and diagnostic applicability of human urinary kininogen in kala-azar patients. Parasitol. Res., 111: 1851-1855.
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  21. Kumar, P., A. Verma, B. Roy, S.K. Rajput and S. Ojha et al., 2012. Effect of varying glucose concentrations during in vitro maturation and embryo culture on efficiency of in vitro embryo production in buffalo. Reprod. Domest. Anim., 47: 269-273.
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  22. Sharma, R., H. Stuckas, R. Bhaskar, S.K. Rajput, I. Khan, S.P. Goyal and R. Tiedemann, 2008. mtDNA indicates profound population structure in Indian tiger (Panthera tigris tigris). Conserv. Genet., 10: 909-914.
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