Dr. Mohammad Arif Kamal
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Dr. Mohammad Arif Kamal

Associate Professor
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Climate Responsive from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

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Dr Mohammad Arif Kamal is an architect, having around 15 years of Teaching, Research and Professional experience in the field of Architecture, Building Technology and Interior Design. He studied architecture at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from where he received his B. Arch. degree. He received his M. Arch. and Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee where he was awarded a Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) fellowship. He has conducted various architecture and interior design projects besides his teaching duties both on Design Theory, Interior Design as well as Architectural Design Studios. Presently he is working as an Associate Professor in Aligarh Muslim University, India. His area of research includes Environmental Design, Sustainable Architecture, Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Climate Responsive Architecture, Construction System, Traditional Architecture, etc. He has published many Research papers in various International Journals and Conferences and 10 book chapters. He has edited 4 Special Topic Volume Related to Sustainable Building Materials, published by Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. He is member of editorial board team/ associate editors of many international journals and conferences and also member of many national and international associations/professional bodies.

Area of Interest:

Construction Engineering
Built Environment
Architectural Designs
Building Energy Efficiency
Sustainable Construction

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Kamal, A.M., A. Kumar and N. Najamuddin, 2016. Examining the Need and Necessity of Water Harvesting in Greater Noida, India: A Planning Approach. Am. J. Civil Eng. Archit., 4: 2016-2020.
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  2. Kamal, A.M. and F. Bano, 2016. Examining the role of building envelope for energy efficiency in office buildings in india. Archit. Res., 6: 107-115.
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  3. Kamal, A.M., M. Saquib, 2015. Effective learning through integrated automation in architectural education: A Model Framework. Archit. Res., 5: 121-124.
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  4. Kamal, A.M., 2015. Climatic Control and Energy Conservation through Landscape Design. Int. J. Landscape Plann. Archit., 1: 10-17.
  5. Kamal, A.M. and M. Arif, 2015. Design for flexibility: Case of Chandigarh and Hospital Buildings in India. Int. J. Town Plann. Manage., 1: 18-23.
  6. Kamal, A.M. and H. Anwar, 2015. Energy Efficient Sustainable Building Materials: An Overview. In: Sustainable Building Materials and Materials for Energy Efficiency, Mohammad, A.K. (Ed.)., Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, ISBN-13- 978-3-03835-490-1, pp: 38-50.
  7. Brar, T.S., M.A. Kamal and P. Emerson, 2015. Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste Material for Energy Savings in India. In: Materials and Technologies for Green Construction, Kamal, M.A. (Ed.)., Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, ISBN-13: 978-3-03835-329-4, pp: 107-117.
  8. Sarswat, G. and M.A. Kamal, 2014. A critical appraisal of off-land structures: A futuristic perspective. Civil Eng. Archit., 2: 323-329.
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  9. Kamal, A.M., 2014. The morphology of traditional architecture of Jeddah: Climatic design and environmental sustainability. Global Built Environ. Rev., 9: 4-26.
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  10. Kamal, A.M., 2014. Sustainability through Natural Cooling: Bioclimatic Design and Traditional Architecture. Study Civil Eng. Archit., 3: 116-120.
  11. Kamal, A.M. and S. Saraswat, 2014. Emerging Trends in Tall Building Design: Environmental Sustainability through Renewable Energy Technologies. J. Civil Engi. Archit., 2: 116-120.
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  12. Kamal, A.M., 2013. Le Corbusier’s solar shading strategy for the tropical environment: A Sustainable Approach. J. Archit. Res. Studies, 10: 19-26.
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  13. Kamal, A.M., 2013. Evaluation of evaporative cooling techniques for energy efficiency in buildings. Study Civil Eng. Archit., 2: 61-65.
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  14. Kamal, A.M., 2013. An Assessment of Climatic Design Strategy for Low Energy Residential Buildings in Hot and Arid Climate. Asian J. Civil Eng., 14: 747-754.
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  15. Kamal, A.M. and T.S. Brar, 2013. Low Energy Residential Building Design for Hot Arid Climate: A Green Approach. In: Green Building Technologies and Materials II, Zhili, C., L. Guo and J. Wu (Eds.)., Advanced Material Research Periodical, Vol. 689, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp: 114-118.
  16. Kamal, A.M., 2012. Passive Downdraft Evaporative Cooling (PDEC): An Overview. Archit. Des., .
  17. Kamal, A.M., 2012. An Overview of Passive Cooling Techniques in Buildings: Design Concepts and Architectural Interventions. J. Acta Tech. Napocensis, 55: 84-94.
  18. Kamal, A.M., 2012. A study of Traditional Built Form of Jeddah with reference to its climatic design. London Art. Archit. Period., 10: 2-8.
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  19. Kamal, M.A., 2011. Reinventing traditional system for sustainable built environment: an overview of Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) technique for energy conservation. J. Res. Archit. Plan., 11: 56-62.
  20. Kamal, A.M., 2011. Thermal Mass and its role in climatic control and energy efficiency in buildings. SPANDREL J. SPA Bhopal, .
  21. Kamal, A.M., 2011. The Study of Thermal Mass as a Passive Design Technique for Building Comfort and Energy Efficiency. J. Civil Eng. Archit., 5: 84-88.
  22. Kamal, A.M., 2011. Soleil: Le Corbusier’s solar shading strategy for the tropical Environment. In: Contemporary Architecture: Beyond Corbusierism, Bahga, S., S. Bahga and A. Chaudhary (Eds.)., MacMillian Publications, India, ISBN: 978-9350-59002-7, pp: 299-305.
  23. Kamal, A.M., 2011. Shading: A simple technique for passive cooling and energy conservation in buildings. Archit. Time, Space People, 11: 18-23.
  24. Kamal, A.M., 2011. Shading of buildings - a solar control strategy for natural cooling and energy conservation. Archit. Des., .
  25. Kamal, A.M. and M. Cetin, 2011. The Emergence and Evolution of Arabesque as Multicultural Stylistic Fusion in Islamic Art: The Case of Turkish Architecture. Islamic Archit., 1: 159-166.
  26. Kamal, A.M. and M. Cetin, 2011. Arabesque: A vital element of ornamentation in Islamic Architecture. Context Built, Living Nat., 8: 87-90.
  27. Kamal, A.M., 2010. A study on the thermal performance of traditional courtyard houses in summer. Int. J. Des. Built, 3: 1-9.
  28. Kamal A.M., 2010. A study on shading of buildings as a preventive measure for passive cooling and energy conservation in buildings. Int. J. Civil Environ. Eng., 10: 19-22.
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  29. Kamal, M.A., Najamuddin and Pushplata, 2009. Climate control strategies in traditional built form of Lucknow-Case studies. Archit. + Des. (A+D), 24: 70-78.
  30. Kamal, A.M. and S.J. Rizvi, 2008. The recycling of waste PET Bottles as a low cost alternative composite material. Int. J. Des. Manuf. Technol., .
  31. Kamal, A.M. and N. Pushplata, 2008. Climate Responsive Landscape Design. J. Indian Inst. Archit., 73: 23-25.
  32. Kamal, A. and N. Pushplata, 2008. An appraisal of Traditional Architecture of Lucknow with Reference to its Natural Environment Control System. J. Indian Inst. Archit., 73: 7-11.
  33. Kamal, M.A., Najamuddin and Pushplata, 2007. Climatic Responsiveness in Traditional Built Form of Lucknow. In: New Architecture and Urbanism-Development of Indian Traditions, Prasad, D. (Ed.)., International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism (INTBAU), India, ISBN-13: 978-1443818698, pp: 201-209.
  34. Kamal, M.A., Najamuddin and Pushplata, 2006. Energy efficiency in traditional built form-case studies. J. Indian Build. Congress, 13: 222-228.
  35. Kamal, A.M. and N. Pushplata, 2006. Climatic Responsiveness in Traditional Built Form: Lucknow- A Case Study. J. Indian Inst. Archit., 71: 20-23.