Dr. Ram Chander Sihag
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Dr. Ram Chander Sihag

Former-Dean and Research Scientist
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, India

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Apiculture from Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Haryana, India

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Dr. R.C. Sihag is serving humanity as Independent Researcher. He was earlier Dean, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Dr. Sihag had been on the Faculty of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar in different capacities. He has more than 40 years of distinguished record in teaching / research, and educational management and administration. He was Assistant Scientist, Honey bees (1979-1988), Associate Professor & Research Leader, Beekeeping (1988-1995), Professor of Environmental Biology / Apiculture (1995-2012), Head, at Department of Zoology & Aquaculture (1997-2000), Dean at College of Basic Sciences & Humanities (2001-2006). During these years, Dr. Sihag has made several significant research contributions in the discipline of Apiculture/ Crop Pollination Ecology/ Fish Pathology/ Vermiculture and Environmental Biology. He has published more than 180 research and semi-technical articles in reputed national/ international journals/ books, and authored six books. As far as concerned to his achievements, Dr. Sihag has been widely recognized at national and international levels including, he is the recipient of highly prestigious Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Prize of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (1980-82) for his outstanding work on the biology of megachilid bees; co-recipient of “Group Award-cum-Certificate of Appreciation (1993)” from the United States Department of Agriculture (USA) for the work on conservation and management of some solitary bees for crop production efficiency; “Scroll of Honour (2005)” in the International Conference on Plant Sciences at Amravati (India) for the conservation of pollinators; “Life Time Achievement Award for Conservation of Biodiversity and Environment” from the Environment Society of India, Chandigarh (2007); “E.P.Odum Memorial Award for Conservation of Environment” from the Educational, Cultural and Social Welfare Society of India, Hisar (2008); Ambedkar Fellowship Award (1998) for his distinguished social services. He was elected Fellow of the highly prestigious “Royal Entomological Society, London” in 1997; he has been the Chairperson of Pollination Section of Asian Apicultural Association (Japan) from 1992 to till date. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Entomology; Editor of International Journal of Ecology, and Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment; Regional Editor of 4 International Journals; Associate Editor of 2 International Journals and a member of the editorial board of more than 15 national and International Journals. He has guided 29 postgraduate scholars.

Area of Interest:

Ecology and Environment
Insect Ecology
Animal Ecology

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Sihag, R.C., 2021. The red dwarf honey bee (Apis florea F.) faces the threat of extirpation in northwest India. Ukrainian J. Ecol., Vol. 11. 10.15421/2021_62.
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  2. Saini, R. and R.C. Sihag, 2020. Flowering biology and phenology of aonla (Emblica officinalis gaertn.) in the semi-arid environment of north-west India. Int. J. Agric. Res., 15: 1-8.
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  3. Wadhwa, N. and R.C. Sihag, 2019. Flowering phenology of European plum (Prunus domestica L.) in the semi-arid environment of North-West India. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 12: 17-23.
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  4. Sihag, R.C., 2019. How serious is the threat of diseases and pests to the red dwarf honey bee (Apis florae F.)? J. Applied Sci., 19: 376-383.
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  5. Sihag, R.C., 2019. Crop hosts and pollination potential of the red dwarf honey bee (Apis florae F.) in the semi-arid environment of North West India. J. Applied Sci., 19: 551-556.
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  6. Sihag, R.C., 2018. Some unresolved issues of measuring the efficiency of pollinators: Experimentally testing and assessing the predictive power of different methods. Int. J. Ecol., Vol. 2018. 10.1155/2018/3904973.
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  7. Sihag, R C. and G. Kaur, 2018. Patterns of short-and long-term responses of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony to changes in its internal environment. J. Ecol. Nat. Environ., 10: 108-128.
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  8. Sihag, R.C., 2017. Nesting behavior and nest site preferences of the giant honey bee (Apis dorsata F.) in the semi-arid environment of North West India. J. Apicult. Res., 56: 452-466.
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  9. Wadhwa, N. and R.C. Sihag, 2015. Melittophilous mode of pollination predominates in European plum (Prunus domestica L.) in the semi-arid environment of Northwest India. Asian J. Agric. Res., 9: 189-207.
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  10. Godara, S., R.C. Sihag and R.K. Gupta, 2015. Effect of pond fertilization with vermicompost and some other manures on the pathogenic bacterial populations of treated waters. Res. J. Microbiol., 10: 230-245.
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  11. Godara, S., R.C. Sihag and R.K. Gupta, 2015. Effect of pond fertilization with vermicompost and some other manures on the hydrobiological parameters of treated pond waters. J. Fish. Aqua. Sci., 10: 212-231.
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  12. Godara, S., R.C. Sihag and R.K. Gupta, 2015. Effect of pond fertilization with vermicompost and some other manures on the growth performance of Indian major carps. J. Fish. Aqua. Sci., 10: 199-211.
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  13. Sihag, R.C., 2014. Phenology of migration and decline in colony numbers and crop hosts of giant honeybee (Apis dorsata F.) in semiarid environment of Northwest India. J. Insects, Vol. 2014. 10.1155/2014/639467.
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  14. Sihag, R.C. and M. Gupta, 2013. Testing the effects of some pollen substitute diets on colony build up and economics of beekeeping with Apis mellifera L. J. Entomol., 10: 120-135.
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  15. Sharma, P., R.C. Sihag and S.K. Gahlawat, 2013. Relative efficacy of two probiotics in controlling the epizootic ulcerative syndrome disease in mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala Ham.). J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 8: 305-322.
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  16. Sharma, P., R.C. Sihag and P. Minakshi, 2013. Role of Probiotics in Controlling the Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome Disease in Mrigal (Cirrihinus mrigala Ham.). In: Microbial, Plant and Animal Research, Gaur, R.K., K.P. Sharma and R.S. Chundawat (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA., ISBN-13: 9781626185937, pp: 141-148.
  17. Sharma, P., R.C. Sihag and A. Bhradwaj, 2013. Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria and fungi isolated from skin ulcers of Cirrhinus mrigala. Indian J. Anim. Res., 47: 283-291.
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  18. Sharma, P. and R.C. Sihag, 2013. Pathogenicity test of bacterial and fungal fish pathogens in Cirrihinus mrigala infected with EUS disease. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 16: 1204-1207.
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  19. Jakhar, V., R.C. Sihag and S.K. Gahlawat, 2013. Survey and characterization of diseases in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) in Haryana. Indian J. Anim. Res., 47: 479-485.
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  20. Jakhar, V., R.C. Sihag and S.K. Gahlawat, 2013. Effect of probiotics on growth and survival of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man). Res. Crops, 14: 1264-1268.
  21. Wadhwa, N. and R.C. Sihag, 2012. Psychophilous mode of pollination predominates in sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina). J. Entomol., 9: 187-207.
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  22. Sihag, R.C., 2012. Bee diversity for floral diversity. J. Nature Sci. Sustain. Technol., 6: 271-276.
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  23. Sihag, R.C. and P. Sharma, 2012. Probiotics: The new ecofriendly alternative measures of disease control for sustainable aquaculture. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 7: 72-103.
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  24. Ohlyan, S., R.C. Sihag and N.K. Yadava, 2012. Time budget of the guppy under different ecophysiological conditions. J. Nature Sci. Sustain. Technol., 6: 255-264.
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  25. Ohlyan, S., R.C. Sihag and N.K. Yadava, 2012. Courtship behaviour and mate choice in guppies: Tactics and strategies. J. Nature Sci. Sustain. Technol., 6: 151-167.
  26. Dahiya, T.P., R. Kant, G. Singh and R.C. Sihag, 2012. Elimination of pathogenic bacterium, Aeromonas hydrophila by the use of probiotics. J. Fish. Sci., 6: 209-214.
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  27. Dahiya, T., S.K. Gahlawat and R.C. Sihag, 2012. Elimination of pathogenic bacterium (Micrococcus sp.) by the use of probiotics. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 12: 185-187.
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  28. Dahiya, T., R.C. Sihag and S.K. Gahlawat, 2012. Effect of probiotics on the haematological parameters of Indian magur (Clarius batrachus L.). J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 7: 279-290.
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  29. Sihag, R.C. and N. Wadhwa, 2011. Floral and reproductive biology of Sarpagandha Rauvolfia serpentine (Gentianales: Apocynaceae) in semi-arid environment of India. J. Threatened Taxa, 3: 1432-1436.
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  30. Sihag, R.C. and M. Gupta, 2011. Development of an artificial pollen substitute/supplement diet to help tide the colonies of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) over the dearth season. J. Apic. Sci., 55: 15-29.
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  31. Ohlyan, S., R.C. Sihag and N.K. Yadava, 2011. Efficacy of different aquarium designs fabricated for the breeding of the guppy. J. Nature Sci. Sustain. Technol., 5: 243-253.
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  32. Saini, V.K., R.C. Sihag, R.C. Sharma and S.K. Gahlawat, 2010. Relative efficacy of two species of earthworms in biodegradation of organic wastes under semi-arid subtropical conditions of North-West India. World Rev. Sci. Technol. Sustainable Dev., 7: 259-270.
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  33. Jakhar, V., S.K. Gahlawat and R.C. Sihag, 2010. Review article on bacterial diseases in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Ecotech, 2: 39-45.
  34. Jakhar, V., S.K. Gahlawat and R.C. Sihag, 2010. Methodology for the isolation and identification of bacterial pathogens. Ecosphere, 1: 57-69.
  35. Jakhar, V., S.K. Gahlawat and R.C. Sihag, 2010. Isolation and characterization of coccus shaped bacteria causing tailrot disease in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in Haryana, India. Ecotech, 2: 49-53.
  36. Jakhar, V., S.K. Gahlawat and R.C. Sihag, 2010. A new report of bacterial necrosis disease in freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man)) in Haryana. Ecosphere, 1: 27-30.
  37. Dahiya, T.P., R. Kant and R.C. Sihag, 2010. Use of probiotics as an alternative method of disease control in aquaculture. Biosphere, 2: 52-57.
  38. Mishra, S. and R.C. Sihag, 2009. Efficacy of some chemicals as repellents against two honey bee species, (Apis mellifera L. and Apis florea F. in field trials. J. Apic. Sci., 53: 33-66.
  39. Kant, R., T. Dahiya and R.C. Sihag, 2009. Genetic diversity among fish pathogens using 16S-rRNA primer. Biosphere, 1: 60-64.
  40. Dahiya, T.P., R. Kant and R.C. Sihag, 2009. Pathogenicity of bacterial isolates from catfish (Clarias batrachus), the Indian magur. Biosphere, 1: 42-46.
  41. Dahiya, T.P. and R.C. Sihag, 2009. Incidence of vibriosis in the Indian magur (Clarias batrachus L.) in saline water ponds of Haryana-A new report from India. The Ecotech., 1: 116-121.
  42. Chaudhary, N., R.C. Sihag and M.C. Pandey, 2009. Relative abundance, diversity and dominance concentration of two honeybee species on three concurrently flowering crops onion (Allium cepa L.), carrot (Daucus carota L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.). Pestology, 7: 9-13.
  43. Sihag, R.C., 2008. A new model on honeybee repellency for their safety against pesticides. Korean J. Apic., 23: 167-170.
  44. Saini, V.K., R.C. Sihag, R.C. Sharma, S.K. Gahlawat and R.K. Gupta, 2008. Relative efficacy of two methods of vermicomposting for bio-degradation of organic wastes. Int. J. Environ. Waste Manage., 2: 102-110.
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  45. Saini, V.K., R.C. Sihag, R.C. Sharma, S.K. Gahlawat and R.K. Gupta, 2008. Biodegradation of water hyacinth, sugarcane bagasse and rice husk through vermicomposting. Int. J. Environ. Waste Manage., 2: 601-609.
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  46. Sihag, R.C., 2007. Agro-Environment and Honey Bees. In: Environmental Pollution and Global Health, Saharan, R.P. and P.K. Sarin (Eds.)., Publ. Mutagenic Society of India, India .
  47. Sharma, P., S.K. Gahlawat, R.C. Sihag and M. Chauhan, 2007. Induction of Mx gene expression in the Indian major carp, rohu (Labeo rohita Linnaeus). Indian J. Fish., 54: 321-326.
  48. Gahlawat, S.K., R.K. Gupta, R.C. Sihag, and R.C. Gupta, 2006. Studies on the Daily Activities of Rhesus Monkeys, Macaca mulatta (Zimmerman) in Saraswati and Veer Sonti Forests of Haryana. In: Perspectives in Animal Ecology and Reproduction, Gupta, V.K. and A.K. Verma (Eds.)., Vol. 3, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp: 265.
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  49. Gahlawat, S.K., R.K. Gupta, R.C. Sihag and N.K. Yadav, 2006. Latest Scenario of Fish Diseases in India. In: Perspectives in Ecology and Reproduction, Gupta, V.K. and A.K. Verma (Eds.). Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp: 135-143.
  50. Gahlawat, S.K., R.K. Gupta, N.K. Yadava, K.L. Jain, R.C. Sihag and V.P. Sabhlok, 2006. Manual of Experimental Ichthyology. Daya Publishing House, Delhi, pages: 290.
  51. Gahlawat, S.K., B. Chhabra, 2006. A Review on the Honey: A by-Product of Bees (Insecta: Hymenoptera)-Nutritional and Medicinal Aspects. In: Perspectives in Ecology and Reproduction, Gupta, V.K. and A.K. Verma (Eds.). Daya Publishing House, Delhi, India, pp: 102-126.
  52. Gahlawat, S.K., R.K. Gupta, R.C. Sihag and R.C. Gupta, 2005. Qualitative Behavioral Observations on Rhesus Monkeys, Macaca mulatta (Zimmerman). In: Perspectives in Animal Ecology and Reproduction, Gupta, B.K., A.K. Verma and J.P. Sharma (Eds.)., Vol. 3, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, pp: 299-303.
  53. Sihag, R.C., S. Kumar and S.K. Gahlawat, 2004. Acute oral toxicity of different insecticides to two honeybee species (Apis mellifera L. and Apis dorsata F. Korean J. Apic., 19: 125-132.
  54. Sihag, R.C. S.K. Gahlawat, M.K. Dhillon and J. S. Yadav, 2004. Pollination in oilseed crop, taramira (Eruca sativa Mill.): Effects of crop management practices, plant population and number of honeybee colonies on various yield parameters. Asian Bee. J., 6: 52-65.
  55. Sihag, R.C. and N. Chaudhary, 2003. Role of bee pollinators in increasing seed/fruit yield of vegetable crops. Korean J. Apic., 18: 61-66.
  56. Narwania, S.K., S.K. Gahlawat, Ombir and R.C. Sihag, 2003. Diversity, Abundance, foraging rates and pollinating efficiency of insects visiting wanga (Cucumis melo ssp. Melo) blossoms at Hisar. Korean J. Apicult., 18: 29-36.
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  57. Chaudhary, N. and R.C. Sihag, 2003. Diversity, foraging behaviour and foraging efficiency of different pollinators visiting onion (Allium cepa L.) blossoms. Korean J. Apicult., 18: 103-108.
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  58. Gahlawat, S.K., S.K. Narwania, R.C. Sihag and Ombir, 2002. Studies on the diversity, abundance, activity duration and foraging behaviour of insect pollinators of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) at Hisar. Korean J. Apicult., 17: 69-76.
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  59. Gahlawat, S.K., S.K. Narwania, Ombir and R.C. Sihag, 2002. Pollination studies on Pracitrullus fistulosus at Hisar, India. Ecoprint, 9: 1-6.
  60. Sihag, R.C., 2001. Why should bee-keeping be utilized as an input in agriculture? Curr. Sci., 81: 1514-1516.
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  61. Sihag, R.C. and S. Verma, 2001. Acute contact and stomach toxicity of endosulfan and carbaryl insecticides to the little honeybee, Apis florea F. Asian Bee J., 3: 13-19.
  62. Priti, R.C. Mishra and R.C. Sihag, 2001. Role of insect pollination in seed production of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Seed Res., 29: 231-234.
  63. Sihag, R.C., 2000. Management of Bees for Pollination of Crops. In: Asian Bees and Beekeeping: Progress of Research and Development, Matsuka, M. (Ed.). Oxford and IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, ISBN-13: 9781578080847, pp: 163-165.
  64. Sihag, R.C., 2000. Management of Apis mellifera in Semi-Arid Sub-Tropical Climates of India. In: Asian Bees and Beekeeping: Progress of Research and Development, Matsuka, M. (Ed.). Oxford and IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, ISBN-13: 9781578080847, pp: 99-101.
  65. Sihag, R.C., 2000. Eco-Biology of the Little Honeybee (Apis florea F.) in Semi Arid-Sub-Tropical Climates of India. In: Asian Bees and Beekeeping: Progress of Research and Development, Matsuka, M. (Ed.). Oxford and IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, ISBN-13: 9781578080847, pp: 46-49.
  66. Sihag, R.C., 2000. Eco-Biology of the Giant Honeybee (Apis dorsata F.) in Semi-Arid-Sub-Tropical Climates of India. In: Asian Bees and Beekeeping: Progress of Research and Development, Matsuka, M. (Ed.). Oxford and IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, ISBN-13: 9781578080847, pp: 50-52.
  67. Priti and R.C. Sihag, 2000. Diversity, visitation frequency, foraging behaviour and pollinating efficiency of different insect pollinators visiting fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L.) blossoms. Asian Bee J., 2: 57-64.
  68. Priti and R.C. Sihag, 2000. Diversity, Visitation Frequency, Foraging Behaviour and Pollinating Efficiency of Insect Pollinators Visiting Turnip Blossoms. In: Asian Bees and Beekeeping: Progress of Research and Development, Matsuka, M., L.R. Verma, S. Wongsiri, K.K. Shrestha and U. Partap (Eds.). Oxford and IBH Publ. Co. Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, India, ISBN-13: 9781578080847, pp: 190-192.
  69. Kumari, B., S. Gahlawat, A. Rathi, R.C. Sihag and T.S. Kathpal, 2000. Dissipation of systemic organophorus insecticides in mustard (Brassica juncea) flowers. J. Apic Res., 39: 179-180.
  70. Sihag, R.C., S. Kumar and S.K. Gahlawat, 1999. Acute contact toxicity of five organophosphate insecticides to two honeybee species, (Apis mellifera L.) and Apis dorsata F. Korean J. Apic., 14: 1-4.
  71. Sihag, R.C. and S. Khatkar, 1999. Synchronization of foraging activity of honeybees and flowering/anthesis in oilseed crops. Ann. Agri-Bio. Res., 4: 263-269.
  72. Sihag, R.C. and S. Khatkar, 1999. Foraging pattern of three honeybee species on eight cultivars of oilseed crops. 1. Diurnal foraging. Int. J. Trop. Agri., 17: 245-252.
  73. Sihag, R.C. and S. Khatkar, 1999. Effect of different environmental factors on the foraging activity of three honeybee species visiting eight cultivars of oilseed crops. Ann. Agri-Bio. Res., 4: 257-261.
  74. Sihag, R.C. and S. Khatkar, 1999. Diurnal and weekly patterns of nectar sugar concentration in the flowers of eight cultivars of oilseed crops. Ann. Agri-Bio. Res., 4: 251-256.
  75. Sihag, R.C. and S. Khatkar, 1999. Foraging pattern of three honeybee species on eight cultivars of oilseed crops.2. Foraging during the entire blooming period of the crops Int. J. Trop. Agric., 17: 253-261.
  76. Sihag, R.C. and M. Singh, 1999. Why should the pollinators be conserved? Curr. Sci., 77: 626-627.
  77. Sihag, R.C. and M. Singh, 1999. Why conserve pollinators (Guest editorial)? Bee World, 80: 113-114.
  78. Sihag, R.C, S. Kumar and S.K. Gahlawat, 1999. Acute contact toxicity of three synthetic parathyroid insecticides to two honeybee species, (Apis mellifera L. and Apis dorsata F. Korean J. Apic., 14: 67-70.
  79. Gupta, M., R.C. Sihag and P.R. Yadav, 1999. How to make beekeeping profitable. Haryana Kheti, 2: 9-24.
  80. Gupta, M. and R.C. Sihag, 1999. Pollination benefits from honeybees. Haryana Farm., 29: 16-16.
  81. Gupta, M. and R.C. Sihag, 1999. Management of honeybees in winter. Haryana Kheti, 32: 11-11.
  82. Gupta, M. and R.C. Sihag, 1999. Beekeeping and its scope in Haryana. Haryana Farming, 29: 1-36.
  83. Sihag, R.C., S. Kumar and S.K. Gahlawat, 1998. Acute contact toxicity of endosulfan and carbonyl insecticides to two honeybee species, (Apis mellifera L.) and Apis dorsata F. Korean J. Apic., 13: 55-60.
  84. Sihag, R.C., 1998. Wild Apis and Non-Apis Bees: Their Behaviour, Management and Utilization. In: Perspectives in Indian Apiculture, Mishra, R.C. (Ed.). Agro-Botanic, Bikaner, India, pp: 248-264.
  85. Sihag, R.C. and N. Malik, 1998. Benefits of pollination of crops by honeybees. Vigyan Garima Sindhu, 24: 178-179.
  86. Priti and R.C. Sihag, 1998. Diversity, visitation frequency, foraging behaviour and pollinating efficiency of insect pollinators visiting carrot, (Daucus carota L. var. HC-I) blossoms. Indian Bee. J., 60: 1-8.
  87. Sihag,R.C., 1997. Determining the Efficiency of Pollinator. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 171-186..
  88. Sihag, R.C., 1997. Utilization of Non-Apis bees as pollinators of crops. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 152-169..
  89. Sihag, R.C., 1997. Utilization of Honeybees as Pollinators of Crops. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 143-152..
  90. Sihag, R.C., 1997. Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles. Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, Pages: 215..
  91. Sihag, R.C., 1997. Determining the Required Number of Pollinators for Crop Pollination. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 187-199..
  92. Sihag, R.C. and S. Shivrana, 1997. Foraging Behaviour and Strategies of the Flower Visitors. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 53-73.
  93. Sihag, R.C. and Priti, 1997. Environmental Factors and Pollination. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 99-131..
  94. Sihag, R.C. and G. Kaur, 1997. Pollination Mechanisms and Syndromes. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 19-37..
  95. Sihag, R.C, 1997. Pollinator-Pesticides Interaction. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 133-142..
  96. Priti and R.C. Sihag, 1997. Diversity, visitation, frequency, foraging behaviour and pollinating efficiency of insect pollinators visiting cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis cv. Hazipur Local) blossoms. Indian Bee J., 59: 230-237.
  97. Anju, R., K. Beena, S.K. Gahlawat, R.C. Sihag and T.S. Kathpal, 1997. Multiresidue analysis of market honey samples for pesticidal contamination. Pesticide Res. J., 9: 226-230.
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  98. Abrol, D.P. and R.C. Sihag, 1997. Pollination Energetic. In: Pollination Biology: Basic and Applied Principles, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 75-98..
  99. Gulati, R., B.R. Gulati and R.C. Sihag, 1996. Antibacterial activity of propolis and honey against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Indian Bee. J., 58: 128-130.
  100. Gulati, R. and R.C. Sihag, 1996. Medicinal value of honey-a review. Indian Bee. J., 58: 139-143.
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  102. Sihag, R.C., 1995.. Pesticidal Toxicity to Honeybees and Residues in Honey. Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar, Pages: 64..
  103. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Use of Pesticides and Bee Pollination for Crop Yield: Why and How? In: The Asiatic Hive Bee: Apiculture, Biology and Role in Sustainable Development in Tropical and Subtropical Asia, Kevan, P.G. (Ed.). Enviroquest Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario, ISBN-13: 9780968012307, pp: 199-206.
  104. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Pollination, Pollinators and Pollination Modes: Ecological and Economic Importance. In: Pollination of Cultivated Plants in Tropics, Roubik, D.W. (Ed.). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy, ISBN-13: 9789251036594, pp: 157-160.
  105. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Pollination of Asian Crops. In: Pollination Biology: Environmental Factors and Pollination, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, India, PP: 90-124.
  106. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Pollination Biology: Pollination, Plant Reproduction and Crop Seed Production. Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, Pages: 210..
  107. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Pollination Biology: Environmental Factors and Pollination. Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, Pages: 195..
  108. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Management of Sub-Tropical Solitary Bees for Pollination. In: Pollination of Cultivated Plants in Tropics, Roubik, D.W. (Ed.). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy, ISBN-13: 9789251036594, pp: 157-160.
  109. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Management and Utilization of Two Honey Bees in the Tropics. In: Pollination of Cultivated Plants in Tropics, Roubik, D.W. (Ed.). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy, ISBN-13: 9789251036594, pp: 154-157.
  110. Sihag, R.C., 1995. Differential Attractiveness of Two Cruciferous Vegetable Crops to Honeybees. In: Pollination Biology: Environmental Factors and Pollination, R.C. Sihag (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 41-47.
  111. Sihag, R.C. and R.C. Mishra, 1995. Crop Pollination and Apis cerana. In: The Asiatic Hive Bee: Apiculture, Biology and Role in Sustainable Development in Tropical and Sub-tropical Asia, Kevan, P.G. (Ed.)., Enviroquest Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario, pp: 135-142..
  112. Sihag, R.C. and G. Kaur, 1995. Floral Biology, Melittophily and Pollination Ecology of Sunflower. In: Pollination Biology: Pollination, Plant Reproduction and Crop Seed Production, Sihag, R.C. (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 69-89.
  113. Sihag, R.C. and A. Rathi, 1995. Field Toxicity of Two Insecticides to the Bee Pollinators of Pigeon Pea. In: Pollination Biology: Environmental Factors and Pollination, R.C. Sihag (Ed.)., Rajendra Scientific Publishers, Hisar, pp: 137-145..
  114. Sihag, R.C., 1994. Pollination of Asian crops. J. Entomol. Zool., 8: 158-160.
  115. Sihag, R.C. and A. Rathi, 1994. Diversity, abundance, foraging behaviour and pollinating efficiency of different bees visiting pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp.) blossoms. Indian Bee J., 56: 187-201.
  116. Kaur, G. and R.C. Sihag, 1994. Bee flora of India-a review Indian Bee. J., 56: 105-126.
  117. Kaur, G. and R.C. Sihag, 1994. Effect of weather factors on the colony foraging of honeybee ((Apis mellifera L.). Indian Bee. J., 56: 158-162.
  118. Arya, D.R., R.C. Sihag and P.R. Yadav, 1994. Role of insect pollinators in seed yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Indian Bee. J., 56: 179-182.
  119. Arya, D.R., R.C. Sihag and P.R. Yadav, 1994. Diversity, abundance and foraging activity of insect pollinators of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at Hisar. Indian Bee J., 56: 172-178.
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  120. Sihag, R.C., 1993. The green bee-eater, Merops orientalis orientalis latham.III.efficiency of some control measures. Korean J. Apic., 8: 14-17.
  121. Sihag, R.C., 1993. The green bee-eater, Merops orientalis orientalis Latham. 2. Quantitative losses caused to the colonies of honey bee, (Apis mellifera L. in haryana. Korean J. Apic., 8: 10-13.
  122. Sihag, R.C., 1993. The green bee-eater, Merops orientalis orientalis Latham. 1. Seasonal activity, population density, feeding capacity and bee capture efficiency in the apiary of honey bee, (Apis mellifera L. in Haryana (India). Korean J. Apic., 8: 5-9.
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  123. Sihag, R.C., 1993. Population Dynamics of Andrenid Pollinators at Sub-Tropical Hisar (India). In: Pollination in Tropics, Veeresh, G.K., R.U. Shankar and K. Ganeshaiah (Eds.)., International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Indian Chapter, Bangalore, pp: 270-273.
  124. Sihag, R.C., 1993. Pollination Problems in Two Oilseed Crops, Toria (Brassica campestris L.) and Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Southwest Haryana. In: Pollination in Tropics, Veeresh, G.K., R.U. Shankar and K. Ganeshaiah (Eds.)., International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Indian Chapter, Bangalore, India pp: 258-261.
  125. Sihag, R.C., 1993. Management of Some Sub-Tropical Megachilid Bees for Pollination of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp). In: Pollination in Tropics, Veeresh, G.K., R.U. Shankar and K. Ganeshaiah (Eds.)., International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Indian Chapter, Bangalore, India, pp: 229-232.
  126. Sihag, R.C., 1993. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa fenestrata F.8. Life cycle, seasonal mortality, parasitization and sex ratio patterns. J. Apic. Res., 32: 109-114.
  127. Sihag, R.C., 1993. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa fenestrata F.7. Nesting preferences and response to nest translocation. J. Apic. Res., 32: 102-108.
  128. Sihag, R.C., 1993. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa fenestrata F.6 Crop hosts and pollination potential. J. Apic. Res., 32: 94-101.
  129. Rathi, A. and R.C. Sihag, 1993. Foraging Modes and Foraging Rates of Different Bee Pollinators of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp). In: Pollination in Tropics, Veeresh, G.K., R.U. Shankar and K. Ganeshaiah (Eds.)., International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Indian Chapter, Bangalore, pp: 93-95.
  130. Rathi, A. and R.C. Sihag, 1993. Effect of the Bee, Chalicodoma lanata F. on Pollination and Seed Yield of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp). In: Pollination in Tropics Veeresh, G.K., R.U. Shankar and K. Ganeshaiah (Eds.)., International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Indian Chapter, Bangalore, pp: 175-177.
  131. Rathi, A. and R.C. Sihag, 1993. Differential Attractiveness of Brassica campestris L. and Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp to Two Honey Bee Species. In: Pollination in Tropics, Veeresh, G.K., R.U. Shankar and K. Ganeshaiah (Eds.)., International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Indian Chapter, Bangalore, pp: 113-115.
  132. Sihag, R.C., 1992. Utilization of waste stems of sarcandas and castor as nesting tunnels for culturing/keeping wild bee pollinators of some crops. Bioresour. Technol., 42: 159-162.
  133. Sihag, R.C., 1992. The yellow banded brown wasp, Vespa orientalis 2. Population density, bee capture efficiency and predation rate on honey bee ((Apis mellifera L.). Korean J. Apic., 7: 35-38.
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  134. Sihag, R.C., 1992. The yellow banded brown wasp, Vespa orientalis 1. A predator and colony robber of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in Haryana (India). Korean J. Apic., 7: 32-34.
  135. Sihag, R.C., 1991. Some economic estimates of use of pesticides and bee pollination for crop yield. Korean J. Apic., 6: 89-94.
  136. Sihag, R.C., 1991. New interactions of ectoparasitic mites in the colonies of honey bee (Apis mellifera) L. Korean J. Apic., 6: 27-30.
  137. Sihag, R.C., 1991. Methods of domiciling and bee keeping with alfalfa pollinating sub-tropical megachilid bees. Korean J. Apic., 6: 81-88.
  138. Sihag, R.C., 1991. Ecology of European honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in semi-arid sub-tropical climates. 2. Seasonal incidence of diseases, pests, predators and enemies. Korean J. Apic., 6: 16-26.
  139. Sihag, R.C., 1991. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa fenestrata F.4. Parasites, predators and nest destroyers. Indian Bee J., 53: 30-33.
  140. Sihag, R.C., 1991. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee Xylocopa fenestrata F.5. Nest recognition and response to nest displacement. Indian Bee J., 53: 81-91.
  141. Sihag, R.C., 1991. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee Xylocopa fenestrata F.3. Provisioning and foraging activity patterns. Indian Bee J., 53: 23-29.
  142. Sihag, R.C. and M. Singh, 1991. The honey bee mite, Tropilaelaps clareae delfinado and baker. 2. Symptoms of infestation in the colonies of honey bee ((Apis mellifera L.). Indian Bee J., 53: 68-72.
  143. Sihag, R.C. and M. Singh, 1991. The honey bee mite, Tropilaelaps clareae Delfinado and Baker. 1. A mite with distinct ectoparasitic characters and mode of life. Indian Bee J., 53: 56-67.
  144. Gupta, M. and R.C. Sihag, 1991. Bee repellents: Ecology and mode of action. Indian Bee. J., 53: 1-8.
  145. Sihag, R.C., 1990. Megachilid fauna of Haryana re-described. Indian Bee. J., 52: 60-61.
  146. Sihag, R.C., 1990. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee. Xylocopa fenestrata F.2 Host plant association. Indian Bee. J., 52: 38-40.
  147. Sihag, R.C., 1990. Behaviour and ecology of the sub-tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa fenestrata F.1. Adaptive response to high temperatures. Indian Bee. J., 52: 36-37.
  148. Sihag, R.C., 1990. Seasonal management of honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies in Haryana. Indian Bee J., 52: 51-56.
  149. Sihag, R.C., 1990. Ecology of European honeybee Apis mellifera L. in semi-arid subtropical climates. 1. Association with melliferous flora and over seasoning of the colonies. Korean J. Apicult., 5: 31-43.
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  150. Sihag, R.C. and S. Kumar, 1990. Determining the dose-concentration relationship for bee toxicity experiments. Korean J. Apic., 5: 32-34.
  151. Sihag, R.C. and G. Puri, 1989. Wild pollinators of Haryana. Jeewanti, 5-6: 47-50.
  152. Jain, K.L. R.C. Sihag, B.N. Putatunda and G. Puri, 1989. Management and Conservation of Some Megachilid Bees for Improved Crop Production Efficiciency. Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar, Pages: 87..
  153. Sihag, R.C., 1988. Incidence of Varroa, Euvarroa and Tropilaelaps mites in the colonies of honey bee, (Apis mellifera L. in Haryana. Amer. Bee J., 128: 212-213.
  154. Sihag, R.C., 1988. Effect of pesticides and bee pollination on seed yield of some crops in India. J. Apicult. Res., 27: 49-54.
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  155. Sihag, R.C., 1988. Characterization of the pollinators of cultivated cruciferous and leguminous crops of sub-tropical, Hisar, India. Bee World, 69: 153-158.
  156. Abrol, D.P., R.P. Kapil and R.C. Sihag, 1988. Physiological adaptations of sub-tropical bees in relation to energy intakes. Res. Dev. Rep., 5: 68-70.
  157. Mishra, R.C. and R.C. Sihag, 1987. Apicultural Research in India. An AICRP (Honeybees) Publication, Hisar, Pages: 120..
  158. Sihag, R.C., 1986. Why does the alfalfa pollinating sub-tropical bee, Megachile flavipes make false nesting? Zool. Anz., 217: 228-233.
  159. Sihag, R.C., 1986. Reproduction in alfalfa pollinating subtropical megachilid bees-4. Vitellogenesis and oosorption, and factors inducing these processes. Zool. Anz., 216: 231-249.
  160. Sihag, R.C., 1986. Reproduction in alfalfa pollinating subtropical megachilid bees-3. Mating receptivity as influenced by eco-physiological factors. Zool. Anz., 216: 218-230.
  161. Sihag, R.C., 1986. Reproduction in alfalfa pollinating subtropical megachilid bees-2. Reproductive isolating mechanisms. Zool. Anz., 216: 204-217.
  162. Sihag, R.C., 1986. Reproduction in alfalfa pollinating subtropical megachilid bees-1. Functional anatomy and histology of the organs of reproduction. Zool. Anz., 216: 191-203.
  163. Sihag, R.C., 1986. Reproduction in alfalfa pollinating sub-tropical megachilid bees-6. Formation of corpus luteum and oosorption body. Zool. Anz., 217: 103-115.
  164. Sihag, R.C., 1986. Insect pollination increases seed production in cruciferous and umbelliferous crops. J. Apicult. Res., 25: 121-126.
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  165. Sihag, R.C. and R.P. Kapil, 1986. Seasonal Emergence Model of Megachilid Bees. In: Pollination Biology: An Analysis, Kapil, R.P. (Ed.)., Inter-India Publication, New Delhi, India, pp: 131-45.
  166. Sihag, R.C. and D.P. Abrol, 1986. Correlation and path coefficient analysis of environmental factors influencing flight activity of Apis florea F. J. Apic. Res., 25: 202-208.
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  167. Sihag, R.C., 1985. Vittellogenin of alfalfa pollinating bee, Megachile flavipes. Curr. Sci., 54: 92-94.
  168. Sihag, R.C., 1985. Floral Biology, Melittophily and Pollination Ecology of Cultivated Umbelliferous Crops. In: Recent Advances in Pollen Research, Varghese, T.M. (Ed.)., Allied Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp: 269-277.
  169. Sihag, R.C., 1985. Floral Biology, Melittophily and Pollination Ecology of Cultivated Onion Crop. In: Recent Advances in Pollen Research, Varghese, T.M. (Ed.)., Allied Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp: 278-284.
  170. Sihag, R.C., 1985. Floral Biology, Melittophily and Pollination Ecology of Cultivated Cruciferous Crops. In: Recent Advances in Pollen Research, Varghese, T.M. (Ed.)., Allied Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp: 241-268.
  171. Sihag, R.C., 1985. Can alfalfa pollinating sub-tropical megachilid bees overcome Coelioxys parasitization? Curr. Sci., 54: 1250-1251.
  172. Kapil, R.P. and R.C. Sihag, 1985. Storage and incubation in the management of alfalfa pollinating bee, Megachile flavipes Spinola. J. Apic. Res., 24: 195-198.
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  173. Sihag, R.C., 1984. The role of temperature in the evolution of bee plant mutualism. Indian Bee J., 46: 28-32.
  174. Sihag, R.C., 1984. Influence of environmental factors on the pollination activity of bees. Environ. Ecol., 2: 149-152.
  175. Sihag, R.C., 1984. Differential brood emergence of subtropical magachilid bees. Curr. Sci., 53: 551-552.
  176. Sihag, R.C., 1983. Prospects of beekeeping in Haryana. Indian Bee. J., 43: 8-11.
  177. Sihag, R.C., 1983. Life cycle pattern, seasonal mortality, problem of parasitization and sex ratio pattern in alfalfa pollinating megachilid bees. Zeit. Angew. Ent. 96: 368-379.
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  178. Sihag, R.C., 1983. Honeybees forage on grape (Vitis vinifera L.) during dearth period. Indian Bee. J., 45: 111-112.
  179. Sihag, R.C., 1983. Adaptive strategy of bees to overcome environmental hazards. Environ. Ecol., 1: 151-152.
  180. Kapil, R.P and R.C. Sihag, 1983. Wax-moth and its control. Indian Bee J., 45: 47-48.
  181. Sihag, R.C., 1982. Problem of wax-moth (Galleria mellonella L.) infestation on giant honeybee (Apis dorsata Fab.) colonies in Haryana. Indian Bee. J., 44: 107-109.
  182. Sihag, R.C., 1982. Environmental regulation of pollination process in cultivated crops. Indian Bee. J., 44: 42-45.
  183. Sihag, R.C., 1982. Effect of competition with Parkinsonia aculeate L. on pollination and seed production in Medicago sativa L. Indian Bee. J., 44: 89-90.
  184. Kapil, R.P. and R.C. Sihag, 1981. Environmental interaction with endocrine functions in relation to social activities of bees. Indian Bee. J., 43: 64-65.